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Câu 1:

Bullying online- a hotly debated issue all over the globe, which is described as "cyberbullying"-
is a type of bullying or harassment through social platforms. To be more specific, cyberbullying
is used when an individual is threatened, harassed, humiliated, or tortured mentally via messages,
websites, social media or electronic devices.
Nowadays, technology and the Internet being used inappropriately will become useful tools for
bad purposes, as well as encouraging bullies to carry out worse behaviours. There are several
purposes of violent behaviours. A lot of study has shown that bullies are likely to assume that
bullying is only a joke, a way to relieve stress, showing off power, or because of being jealous of
the victims, or they are imitating others.
A study of Kidshealth conducted in 2012 has shown the adverse impact of cyberbullying on
young people's health and mental, including children, is noticeable. Victims usually have to
suffer from the negation of a group of people in a long period of time, resulting in the feeling of
loneliness, isolation from society, the decrease in self-respect and depression. The consequences
of online bullying consist of emotional disturbance, which gives rise to the feeling of insecure...
leading to committing suicide.
As a matter of fact, until now, there are no specific or precise solutions. The majority of advice
claims that during the adolescence age, it is extremely important for parents to supervise and take
care of their children in order to prevent cyberbullying. UNICEF has asked for support from the
government, teachers, parents, and everyone to put a stop to violence and make sure that students
are secure, even on the Internet.

Câu 2:
Many young people said that after becoming a well-known Youtuber, it is inevitable to be
bullied and offended unreasonably by part of the online community.
Cee Jay, a young Nigerian Youtuber, who is now living and working in Ha Noi, said that he had
been on social media for several years. At first, Cee Jay went to the gym for training. After he
had been offered for the instructions, he started to make videos and posted them on Youtube.
Step by step, when he had more followers, Cee Jay produced more videos. However, apart from
positive things, many anti fans keep persecuting him with comments. If Cee Jay did not answer,
his anti-fans will immediately create fake accounts to attack and insult him even more. Many
people have no idea of who he is, but still insult him because of his black skin. Besides, most of
the comments on Youtube are anonymous, so the fact that Cee Jay being disparaged, offended
occurs regularly. Cee Jay estimates that there has been approximately 10,000 comments insulting
him on his Youtube channel recently.
According to Cee Jay, cyberbullying has changed him a lot. As he is a strong man, he is willing
to fight against these negative words. His superior measure is to block or delete negative
comments and he will only acquire positive feedback and contributions. Moreover, he would
skip all the bad and toxic comments. Any reactions would result in "reverse bullying".

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