Pyramid Power by Patrick Flanagan

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a aT a MAA THE MILLENNIUM SCIENCE Ta RAEN US AUG USA ay from the mysticism of ancient Egypt to the hard science of the madera world. Or Patrick Flanagan's unique interpretations of ancient wisdom are brought alive in this classic work. In these pages readers will discover many new ideas and rediscover nowledge once held and then lost in the dust of time. This book explores + Pyramid energy and measuring technologies - The hidden mathematics of the Pyramid ~ Pyramid effects on plants. water and animals, - Hincosmic energy is explored as are the healthful effects of Pyramid energies. BAe OIL NUT MEUM MN ne Sa ~ Tools, exercises and ideas for self exploration are disclosed, When originally released im 1973 this book sold over a million and a half TAM Meee ae ese AUD Asa IE Pea now embedded inta our consciousness, Pyramid Power: The Millennium Science takes the mystery out ofthe this unique structure while raising new questions about is true PE SAE UMC Ae il Tih aT | | | BN O=90488 ill 9 "780964881266" 495 1 Pein SAM ym Para es Pyramid Power THE MILLENNIUM SCIENCE By: Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan Barthpubse Press Ine. 0. Box 201393 Anchorage, Alaska 998 Printed inthe United States of America Issn ose Genwi 0197.6 Paik Romain apis 97 cn Honan AV Rigs are, No pu of his woe be pe ct mane! in 2 ain by ay ars. ecco nachna mine poco ead (sos by ay ink same ve rls eee yo ‘geal ported by De Copy to luting he uae Giver As nage vied by NASA, Nogton, DE: a te Bish Mae, Len. UK Cover Ae Lae: Heir og arthpolse Pres P.O. Box 201393 Anchocage, Alaska $9520 inst Paper Bound Printing ‘rinted In the United States of America ‘Anchorage Alaska ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ‘The eushor woo ike vo tak DIMENSIONS of Los Angeles, Caiforia, fr providing much ‘of ie mated for Chaper 8 of i book. Fach setence tn tis bookie 2 complete th wth ef, fps therefore prised sn a format kaw as Vented Prose. Inscription above the doorway atthe Temple of Delphi: “MAN KNOW THYSELF AND YOU WILL KNOW ‘THE GODS AND THEIR ENERGIES.” "PALE OF CONTENTS Acgnmasonnint usr ot Fm taper Pe ay ae ng Bows Ca Qeiternee ike Fore (ts Li ges Rape Pople Byes Fone Phyto Aevmocs tnecenn, Tak NewopHoe ‘Ros poaapy mn Dron Sn Get — ‘Skin Wologe Dillon ei Meets Fld Armd Bo Este Magee Fine Epis Seca Cid Nef Cav ora 8 SSRERERUEN UNMET TEHenceoe CONTENTS Chepee Pose 5 Mermscies one Goose Pri rT Seuel Car Galen Smee nn Seen Pyros Mesures nS rei sea PRE nee 8 awe Bla _ fe esp ing Gps TT a Kivi Mewusenane Can tea Wace Teint nn Shore Teme Eile oe Tae f Foals cen (ter Contgustine me a Pyhal Ene Pie en a Peydvose Tol oe a 7 Messin: Bowes enn 3 Preside! Devoe ~ oe lrowene Saki vege anu 9 Pyne Deer a 4 Teva or Beet Pon Yor an IM Thelma Ege Sahoo Voir aod Fess ia 8 Swecpton af Fran nn “is Re en Troe a Frere 1 aL Ww ul vu xa xvi xv ait xt ust oF Funes hone Aspens Poi Sheer ee las idan Setog oes Ey Mewopone aso Reovapes me dome Pcs Segophoe manor GSR longest rea Etienne Vang id of Ears Coto ete Rall Bets and th Glen Git mm Peegu ord Si goon ‘A Ginatetn af the Con Ga . ASGISIY Cd Stone Sal By Agent of te Gow Pre nee eh Gore! Rie Oia TESA Aer ic Dem oe Kin Pat of ef Boe Pod Alar yeas Treanen (CSR Dearede Arent fr Plc cae for Dire Coos Meson ene Pye Pyne Gt or Bi se Byers Toile een Porepyeie Duets 2 BRSaRRLRLER ESS sese@eue Peve Page SOLVE Misys Mase XX Pi Bownares Pao XXVitl Lan Tues Dee» RIK Pacts ea XXX. Vote Becton sal Pras NOM Vater tag Guealty onn a ROOK Fote Aang om Dis Vasek moran 198 XMM Eikey Geel lo Prt aud Daion non 188 Greate i2 Vanes Netat en BF Tijdepe Ao ry Geert Fla as SGrovty Guan, Hao Sen won 18 OOK Lier Cation Fre Hee ary so 18 SXRTN, Magee Tel cane XL Mopeds Fd Arad Lp orn SLL Mages Canteg DL tees Taw Tele DVL Flew Arard Pirie Mage XLV Spungen Fae REV. Sopra Por oo Pana Drs. Patrick and Gael Crystal Flanagan. Foreword By De. Nick Regieh, MD (TM) yr Poer she nes tok ain De Pack Fag. sso fe ben tin enn ir afta he et ‘pr andes nh eh nce ao are ine Fs! ince te oobi af ie bok Is (978 nee De ‘Sisto he dap cn nde eh ee D asa's ‘gnats evemmmand 97 mays a book ayo Cong ene’ ieoneped coz elec ages ip svaken pe ro ‘Fete pte Tan tai hate eget he ey 197 Sone ca stgehingehe ne ee over tie. Whe ole upline tne: owe theca i jan bt i en Fanuc sure oy ot wo Mya, What tow cw tt Ot ‘Fc eat ea ty rai 2 Js pes vai i Te ‘Teint aoe ol oss oe any ae ‘a vem moder nase tang eli ems eine es wobaonn, De Paras tah cepa wi ba weds SN ‘Fae cna a apa anak he ti of Ta Ten dl of ion hat tof rans ef fe pol sot faa ine ant Delite be sive vba ts bon be me sh TENSE SS Sato renga 2" es eronnietg tats ance ot pte ‘Sea ene eng sce whe ee on SAR SAT Weiner shane owe mate be aes? See mya oe aia eed pnp owner eb ‘De Paaga te! frm Bp reise, ‘stain hese eevee 13. Darmg ce ripe Melshoes cexon sae nf De Galera Pasian There {bak fw abe fal tcf fe entan Alger teen wh can ‘Sep 4010 yey To Panga reas so cers ww eos SIR rowed tom ee wera! wal of eircom cain Tn Spats do heist ie "crm Trane nei Ee ie of wrclges wis wt ke advanced ft coms sears = {docs coee i Bs on wer bo vita arse yas 28 tany ot te cao dsl es ope eign! wi He Be of ‘lectane von. nn pps Sete Tove rife ment ar ‘lav medng ener by sey Soar. We ‘atest miter pend wool Gong eres pitta chi ari a ed wd ‘Supe: nd Pon Hons ey pref ng ad onesng ss fang era 6.197 Chapter 1 AREA OF INVESTIGATION “The posesien of Knowledge, unless scoompasiod by ‘a manieteion and expresion in Action, is Uke the Someding of presiows metale—a vain aud foolish thing Kaowing, ike Weaith, is intended for ese ‘The LAW OF USE IS UNIVERSAL, and he who Solas tt sulin by reawon of his confi wish nator Terwea™ “rhe sy of He energy nod ie forces has gone on far thovsands of yes. ‘The idea of he existence of such energy bas plagued scicait, piloephers, and relisious leaders for ceases. 1s che puspote of this saper to bring up to date past feoneepts ofthese energies snd te shed new light om seit Iqealibes not of ry ova investgatena “Tue prt laveignion ofthese energies may ont sey be meni the ata of PoraThyscy a5 a6 Chitty ducers aco the Boretie opie 0d sey phananess When the expsimants to be deibed are pesforned {omande nes by thomanas of pple and lbs freeing its eg aod sve are hn tay then bee Sone a pe subi: of Phys. ‘Teismy own opinien that ictigation of these emerges 1 Peeanp Powes i of paranosntinomiance te mans wdemanitag of himself and his place as a spiritual entity in the ‘on reaches of the cosmos, ieee ea in the eet “he ring tego of Pas and . - st and Wie hat fy he Spit he Ppa el ig aot a tng mars sarc of isla laos his brothers, win 1m ts a ist wave fs peice wh i fou, Se mst sep fer undentancing ofe sea he co tng sounding le Th hina have a beter es epding of placein the Une Chapter 2 HISTORY In the Far tas, the idea of Lile Boergy bas bean Ienown Sor tau of yeas Gelemne ‘The odes evn tr fr ths cuergy it CATLAMA “This tm Hs beloved tp ave been oziguied by the ovient Esypsns, and ix bebevcd to go hack 192000 years GALLLAMA ir the very foundavica of exsenge, with trary dren breath you take on ew Hi "Thebmic quate of GAALEAMA arene: flly now, Te ip the bass of a esters of YOGA Known 26 Case cexsian a€ Egyptian YOOA, the base welnique for ie reac it isto perform cevtain Breathing exer Prose ‘The next releence to LIFE ENERGY is contains in ancient Sant, ti ter si! Being se teeny in tod em Hinds Yoga iealleg PRANA iy the Senserit term meaning “ABSOLUTE EN- "The Hindus terms Prana athe univer if print eng fre, aa that al eno oF fre is dered Sor bat pipe or 4 paivar maesation oft pnp 3 Prawn Power The Hadas tee that te sey ie we ‘charged with Prana. 7 Seats Jos the aon ne bate bed ated ie esta std pt a es ht the ser cn, hh nc ye “willing, acting, etc, sete Brey hath ey a yao he ly ey moti laa wr ips fan sae a ludave oree tichsbatocd oi aticied ove All the Voge bresing pate are onthe of Prana imo the body, and ite distrtbution ‘ha the ‘various channels in which it flows, 0 the ‘Theis charnas are cle! Chaka, snd are ‘tobe coincideat with the endocrie glands, sees 1 Ble that the mont of Prova taken body affects the or veining the bad alles te AURA o catty Sell eeu he “The VOGIS bev they ea charg asec ad nga maria with Pri by mimes neat Oe A teigu deciad in te It tence tat of ebesgng ate ih Deana by brcthang cyte Foidngs ga of water ia te let band en ee ste Eres of a hn wx nae ely ove the ate ei you We sc water off of your fingertips inie the glass, dene “he weal mace of te Pram Beng pate in water must also be held, spss “ Water ths cher in spo ve ana wel pens egg deltas mre 4 Hisrowr Kundalini ‘Wheat the Hindos believe the aie we breathe tbe ‘le by Prana, of ie entrey fa the air, ey abo believe the body 19 coiaina rere poresfl fora of enczey called Kundalini. “Kundatint i the individual body repreentasve of fhe geen cen power whieh creates and sustains the we "The Yoris belive Konda to bea seeping serpent at thebare of thespine. “The residing place of Rundi is know ashe Made ara Chakra, cis vised at a serpent with three apd one half nl, represent atene enesey 10 be Seed, which oo urs whan the sesping eenpent x awakned by pranayama resting exercise® [As the sleepy serpent orakened and stars its cent ‘upward, a feciany of beat is developed at the base ofthe sping a the Kavest chakra becomes vied or active. ‘This feeling of heat then pats sptenrd as the Konds- fii eons and viii the sk upper chakras termina Ing in the thousand petal Iota, the Brahamararéa (Chaka at the tp of the esd, which is connected with the pineal gla When the pineal gland becomes awakened and vive fied, it eomtseners to pefora ita nermal fonction 48 ied eye fr telepathic von. ing drawings ofthe chakras and the concep of Kane alin’ sire lowing fcors the base ehakes to the tepmest ‘ong areietrted in Figure 5 Pennie Posen Herne Tomo ‘The Tibetas aAepts and maar of the wonssteres of northern Fadia eall the univers) hfe energy TOMOS ‘Tibetan adepts ae able (2 withstand sobfeesing tems peratorescompeiely naked at eleendes of 1,000 feet or Tore surrounded Uy sto “The word TUMO sigilios hese, waa and fc. eis et used the Tibetan languaze to expres ord nay heat or warrth “the adept se able wo gencrats heat of such ftensiy that they mele the snow fer stances up to Sventy feet frond them, ‘The channels taoagh which Tame flows are called ‘say or a wich means vein, tery end nerve "These wing eorespand tothe mais of the Hindus used oeonvey Kuntalin tothe varios chabes ‘These so call arteries are not supposed to be te anesiee contahing Need et exceedingly thin nerves that dshbute curren pyehie every. Enlightened sryston comer the 1 sjstem as devoid cof any physics eeality, bur tobe part of an energy body ‘whieh sutroanés the phys. "The Tome initiate must perfor a series of ten cx cies while naked and wet st altudss above 10,000 feet in frezing weathee noun 1 le crop of he Kunin ‘woolen elibieg and never sporeach a fre to warm sean ttesen Once perfecial, the inate romst reacunce aM fur or ‘eg le te of Api we gan dob ad, asa 6 1 Parson Power ‘The hase exerci ate a felons: 1, The central artery... UMA... siagined, and ubjecively seen. a thin as che tiniest thre of hay, Yet flad with the ascending Tame and erased by the ‘cetent of air praduce oy the breath 2 The artery ap Incest im ize and becomes as laege a8 the ie finger. 3.16 continues to inctease sed appears to he the sine of sn am. 4. The artery ils the whole tly, or eather the body ‘nas become the titel, 4 Kad of he fed with tang five and an, 5. The bodily form ceass 1 be peretvod, Enlarged bownd all messue, the arery engulle the whole word sand the inkiae feos himelé fo be s tormbeatea Lame ‘nung the Roving waves ofa acean af ve, ‘Thisstte ashen abputan our, 6. The stormy wind abats, the Fiery waves snk lower and se tes agitated, the blsing cect uastovn an i abuosbet inthe Body. 47. The artery, hich I redeced tothe sie of sm army, fs scen sain with te excel nit 8, The artery decreases to dhe sine of the Tie finger 98. Tebecumes as hin aa hae Jo. Te caicey asappears: the fire ceases weeny to he Peteivod, as wel ax all fons, all represaations whate Ac this sage, he iiise’s id sinks imo @ canee of exmpuies. 8 Heaton ‘The vole eens once perfected, can be practiced whenever ene tea, “he Tibetan al apnk other cee eed ses or They ees th nergy produced evry ne a htt ‘eae, o ay pls) sn tke pee The preceten of pci phmaomena depen won the atengeh of tat egy and te Cem in ch tsp The Leas esi they om charge inate obec svi hs nergy, ad tat eons nar two people IN ote thins which cre covet rh Tet ‘TCE is heme of ie ene sto by the saint Clbee “Tobi ete wat eneray which fr coh a Ing og The gracioe f Chine acupuncture Ie baed co de feof ts my thr te orl mena! the bay Figure 10 san osm of some of hernias of samen “Thee mein sererpond mire of les with the tae rnenoned ener in the set oo Tem, “The mergiams cf secponenire may be dete in 8 unter af wae bythe we of meer istraent! These metinds ani insunens wil bo coribed ja dove dal inate scons paper 8 iouRe 1 9 Bazar cru ilo nay Be rd Ne ee ar tare 10 tap icra we bya Heron Tei is alse called CHTS which oviginlly meant breath Wang Chong who lived from 27 AD, to 95 AD. signed it ae prime energy” whick motivates the Lae ofnawe, He axid that tis energy clelates throughout the tie bay ad segulates the circulation of the bloc, ‘gestion, aad she aureprotection of the erganism, Another Chisese word for this nergy is Qicr Ki" Qj br wsually akon down. ni two categories by the (Chinese, the mse and the fecal 2h is the Vang and the Yin, Ae ie the study of ese flaws dhougheut the entire body con hich scupimctace ie bsed. "The thoory is that certain seas become deficient of energy, oF Beeome bleked or eongeted In other word they Become unbalmaesd “The proces of acopunctae i the revalaneing of these coerpier by means of massage, neds, lotic impulse late ther mearsaf precise timslation, Sonne of thee oehiques wil be covered i ater chapters, ana, ana Mano, Mone Loe ‘The ancient Hunas of Ha ite energy ‘Mana, er body waves; Mons Mana, or thinking waves; snd Mara’Los, tke spntual or psychic energy, ‘Mana La ix the most highly evoked, and is the one ‘with the mem power olf al things. a ve thnce macs forthe Besa Poses ‘Mans Leis symbolized as the su, or provider ofall if, The Rahat ilo tht weave tes made vo a dhe eget cas gt funetion. nese us rise of Thee bs ae ctl a es Theo bal ae cach angel by te de 1. Mona .. The body waves of low veltage vit loc: teal foes, Te ean cary chai autanioes ith ane an Few frm person to pesson. sa take the fora of ragnetima and cau be Sead Jy wood and ia ther substances A lange ditharge of this low voltage vital forer, cocimanded by the “Wil” ean exert» paralaing effect or 4 mest effect reniking i encataacases slerp acd the rior eatlepie tate, " 2. Mana Mana... The brain waves or vital fone of the reas higher voltage, wed by the eemalous mind all Sis thinking sed “lng” atte, sed a will it can be mesic or hypnots, proved that a thought form Sy inetoned fo the tle ef the sujews 8. Son Lat «The igh sage of vit oes ahought to be wed bythe spoomahs br is eka pores Tri conte to be th oH pose of alt “psychic energies, me “te erm We alent sates and piles ogee ough tine ye weszm Word et fea ae 2 Histone Quintenence ‘Quinesence isthe name given life energy or psychic eergy by the gteatzchorset philesepher Paracel. Paracel was bor Phlippos Aureniss Theophtaas ‘Bmbasass Pararesus von Haenhcim, Ho ie bow own a Paracebus Paracelng, brows as the "Swss Hermes” eas bora in 1490 inthe Cann of Sey Hie ie one of the futbore of modem modilng’* Paracelns comer this energy t0 Hl the whole uni ore aod to be the mayacts fight force which ithe bas’ of al things. 1c is belived that Paraneun sacceeded it the impos: ible, that of sinsmating other lsuer etal ino gold 04 or Ose Fores Tn dhe cary 15th eneary, dhe erent chemist, Baron Kash ‘yon Reichenbaes ecovered what he eailed the Or a Otic Light Fore.* Reihenbach, sn oustanding authority om eeteortes, the diagoveres af porafn, the inventar of ereaste and pltncol was in af tbe great scent of Europe. Redehesbach became terested in people he eal ie ram oarometers ‘Thee prople were very semsive to weather coxions, and enild dover the cxaet of eleical tome and other Aisturbances wel ie adres He disewefed dat those individuals were able to dete magne Fics aed eve able to "see" dese fede around aga and vation eet! shape 13 Exnanio Posen (One end of & magnet ao sld to be eald, and blue ia lor; the North seeking poe ‘The otier end a sid to be red in eal, ad ot ‘The sersitives said that they could see ee els of the Frama body ancl Gessibed these in gra deta, The sestives were able ce detect sithout error the poles of magnct and emptals repeats asi erly the oper seme, ‘They were able to describe the way the enegies ia al ings alee enc other. Rejchonbach wed 2 great neonber of people in his ‘experiments and was Very caefl to make rare name of hiss jects evr each ater, AL the resales correlated eral fram one sentee to the exe. Reichenbach wrote several books on the subject. Or the Mature of Oo Light cic Light exhibits tie same laws and plieneamen a8 creinary vse Hight. ‘Odie Light mary appear in eamection with sl ebfers bac mote xpeclaly when these abjacts ace ander dhe ine finenes of fine forces such a elect, Det, light, and rmagoetin, ‘Wien Reichensach placed metal lates inthe amiigh with a wire sunning from the plate into a dark oom, senstvesanw Ode flares appear anche end ef the wire sn the darkened rosm. The payehies could tel nearly ‘when an asshtant unknown te then would remove the plates from sunlight, 1" Histo Magnetined water wat devoted sichout error from water whieh bad ant bem treated with magnetic feds, ihugh ma inemments wire available to Reichenbach fo measuse Odie Light, Reicheabich satd the best means to enrure an esiet “oxpernental scentie approach to hit invesignions [Reichenlsch isthe fist ea western selene to Inver tigate thee enemies “The fist recorded artempt Tinow of build an iosrur sent to measure thoes energies 3 device iustrated In Figure MI ‘This devon has also Bown called Stheneretr. 1s ically a very fine balanced eae suspended by a finesil hreadave a clfrated ‘The entice amit St then suspended ina glass shield preferably wade of quar Is elated thatthe device will espand innards to the sliual emul of the gas and Go Ue prczinity of the Toman bod. ‘We shalh ae lr that = star deuce hes been wsed Dy the Rusians in eis research. A device of my own creation will also be deer. Mirogenie Ray In the Inte 120s, De: Aleander Garich, a Rasian siesta, announced tothe world an astounding discovery. ‘That all iving cells produce an vile radiation He called this new docovery azozenie ration 5 Peng Powe INE Ste THREAD, SMe STAND FIGURE it aly fom of perked eed» Siena 6 Hicroee Gunich claimed there adiatons were sinilar in aatare to ultmavole rays. In 1990, Profesce Guido Cremonsse succeded in vho- tographing these rare. He publised bis photographs in lapeper cattle | Rage! dele vitafotogrfat. GGurvich elated that small roots of feehly ext vege (ables canted itogenic rays a5 eng as the nucew set Aesecyed. Guivieh chove the root of a fredly sprovted oni a5 the Neder" aid mounted he roe ia a tube Ske = Gilogieal cannon.” fe geiated the root dip at another onion rot the “re- ven” alo in tube bot with am area exposed on ist de [Afver thee ours, Gurvch eounted the number a cll, in the exposed area of the aeceiver and the number of caeon te ideace exposed, “There were twenty-five percent more cals ia the area cespooed othe Uelogical shooter. He red placing sheet of quar between the sender and the receiver and obtsined the tance ress Hie tied yeast ar a vecevar and obtained a thcty per cont inereae in grow. In humans, Guvich discovered that muscle tive, the ‘commen of the tye, blood, and nerves were all shootes: (Sf what be, cals tltogenie rays, Selene at a French boopital fourd that when sick ‘people held a elu of yeast in the hand the radizsens 7 Prnasin Powe rece changed a hed the yeast whereas 2 marmal per to inressed yeas grant Gouvich formulated she thoy of a bioloseal forse field but his scovery was lat in time until reeeny “His eonly work we shall ltr ace a very lnportant d= ‘avery leading 10 the teary of Biclogial pst oF Biot plana asthe Iusiansiinyr eal his energy Biaplasme Th 1929, x Sower electrician, Son Davidovich Ke Tan dicivered 2 phenomenon which & now eslled Kian Phetaeraphs He dicovered that the huinan bys indeed all King Uings com be rade to radiate enoey which could be Photographsd ty extemal stimulation of the boxy by means of hig equeney high volage alerting event ‘The mys appear © follow exrain dei lines of fasee fond vary aecerding to mod, heal, aad exosional aor ‘The Rusiang called chis Feld of energy Biopasmic x= cera ort af eld plsanixsgnoanding all vg things = A cypical Kinias setup ie chown. in Figure TV, “The Kili photograplay apparatus i boealyo high froweney owcilter avpuhae fem O60 «cee to AesInpA0 eyes per second, ‘Tie device preuces voltages am 20.000 to 100,000 vats peak o peak By means of vavieus clatodes, a whole ew world of eoloe ad fan comes inte views B Hiroe roHIVoLT SiN Fioune 1 Keon ptenghy 2p. 19 Preswin Powe Molézeloed lames, flares, spars, neil and tines "im motion like a milion Roman candle ll stance A feshly cut leaf showed a wBole panorama of intense cacrgy: alter several hous the leaf sppented as thoxgh itsrastming off is ght, ‘Tie Kintian syste: som became ce of the ost me portant tool te Rosina in he nvesiadan of ie ener Severat Kiran photographs will by shown fae exe perintental secon of hi report _Bhecagh Kiri photography, Snir scents disor. ced che shape and part characterises of the energy Feldssurcountng al iving tines ‘Tey wore ahte 0 ae the Hsing moving double energy body f he things the ara in is ving gery. “Tae Soviets desorbed the field aa an elementary plasma like cengellation mace of iouaed excited etre, pro= tons, and other partes, “The energy boty appeared to be 2 whole ified organ jaa ie eel, Ie acted as « unt, and the Ruslane clans fe isthe bs of allbilegea elds Sesice scientists clan shat ospgan from the alr com- tsine toe eneray whichis tamsoaed inte the biog lame ody, ‘This bears auiling resanblance 1 che descriptions of erty tres the ait in the breathing ceria in the frien al pana theotie. » estar “The Soviet ny thet deep breathing vechorgestheemne blopfaunie body and help to oquaize dstarbed energy pater Soviet scentits discover this it the eeasce breathing egatively charged fonved alr as very elective in ier ‘ng tensa and ted. ‘They discovered tha diferent colors of ght affect the pattem of dishargeo dhe bioplmsic bod “The satis reenrehir agre on the following eeeae- textes of vita ety 1 could be sefls:ted,eeraeted, planed and combing wth ether energies. 1 could exeare effets simak 19 magnets, elect, im at wae in af Done Je way sn thet this of energy from humans eau be ‘eondoete by paps, wood, woos, ad many substances ‘hata let rsulseers. Pyramid Power a the late (00's, » Brenda by the rare of Bos was visting the Great Pyramid of Giceh while on & deliay, While Bovis wat in the King’s Checabor he noticed @ gerbage can ile to dhe top with small dead anioals le found smal ent, cogs, vee td ether rodents com pletely tatnnilisd with n trace of deeay or puselaeton When Bovis skid the keeper of the pyramid about the dead animals, he weplied that small aimks and a Prnan Power rodents wander into the pyenmid from tie to ine and sgetlost in eva sraeune. Wan dey can not find thefe way our agen the smal animals evensaly ware to death “The pyramid keepers find the amall Sodics and place then in a gerhage cam for keeping unt theca ill up, at whic point they go bury the eastens ard want with ‘This press has been geing on in the pyramid for Atheasands af yeas Bovinoticed that cere was no oor of dccay, Hee pieked up une of the sall atin the can and it was completely anamniied wily no sign of putelacion, Bovis examined several of che small aniuals and dite ‘covesed dat all of chem were comply preserved, ‘The problem of the sified animals texan to other Bovis, As oun a he was back from bis tip be decided to pperfores an experiment wth the shape of the prea, He bull 2 nee loot bage plywood pyruid a placed 4 freshly dead cat in the tection comespending ty he King’s chamber, In few daye Bovis bad a periotly mumnenifed eat ‘with no sien of decay. le then began 4 series of paintsking experiments in ‘Bovis placed vious perishable ond ems in the pyramid and placed cantrols om the ose of the stuctae, 2 Hise Many of the items were things that apoll very easty such as brsin sue, liver, eggs, and amburger neat, Ta all eases he eporte no spoilage en items placed in the pyramid All his cemtzls haa eo be thre out boca of ery Boris publihed his findings, but wat not taken sex coy by the merit of is readers. A few people did tske bin sesouey in che United Seaton aad behied theca courain. In Taly, «milk company pacinges alle wl i py anid shaped comtalner, ‘The company clit fe rls wil keep indefinitely wich vo efegeraton.” Karel Deal, 4 Cseeheslvalian radio engineer, read Bovis report and desided to espeviman: withthe pszamid hope # detenrine what he could about cis range nersy. Diba duplicated Bove experiments and wert off on bisowm into unctarted sei. |A.inajor pecBlem ia te conimunist counties ia the availablity of oud race blade te. Ruslan elder omly get one zzoe blade a month and Ftdoceact last mere han ane cr two shaves, Where there isa ned, there away. Dsbal worden if this mysterious energy might have amcelect on ramrblades, 2 Pease Powe As» younger man he had been inthe anny and recalled ‘sie his frend wool play ot eachother ‘They would seal coch others blades at night and place them on the wiadoiv st ia the mot lights that che polarized ray from the moon would fal on the Ble. By moming the Blader wel be Gull wih no. physical ‘siden they had been tampered with, Debal wondered what the gyrimid power would do tothe blade ‘He shaved wih a Mle sever ses anc then ples the blade inside a salle inca bane pyramid mage of carbo. Aer & tne, he tested the binge and disevered thaé iteansbarp agaia, He cumioued 1 place the blade under zhe pyramid be- cweeen shoves and. discovered fc eould shave 200 ses wit aaingls Bade! Seen all is fends were sharpening dele bodes under 8 pyramid. Word soon spread aud Soviet sliiere started building thelr onm pyrars azar blade Shapers, Az the initenc offends, Diba applied fora patent om his pyenmid sare bade shaapener After much quibllag, he rxcived Czechs patent ume ‘ber SISOE ented! “Choops Pyramid Razor Blade Sharpene.” Data isd no Hes what happened tothe blade inthe rans ue be hac s theory tat the expt srueute % Histo of the blade was derma by the proces of shaving land that the pyramid ener hal theelfreeuf ruven, is sete a8 Imig af the lads was vt physeaty cance Poychatsoaie nergy Geech seientian have Been hard at wrk imeszating pyramid power and aces forms of “sped power.” A Coech enyincer, Roert Paving has ese up with numberof interesting deview he calls “paychotnie ge ‘These devices reemble madem art sclpmurings made of mea sod, and pape” At east one Armarcam sincst has vied Polite ane amined ie generator aod eould detect no feawd™ eis claimed thatthe vaso generators eam ovate me haies! movetent, ply wate, and aeract magactc ‘and non nagmete particles even uder water! “The Cesk hae baer ery us sh abont the dees aed have seveaed nothing that ean be evan gop ely 1k would apprar thatthe pyeunid shape ica clue to she dec 1 was informed of x sanding onder that ws effect saoring World War IP wall Arevean plots sataned in Bere AML pilots weve oid aot to fly over che Great Pyramid Tevene te nssuments went haywire if they di 2% Panam Power LL intorvicwed ane plot who ei, and he sd i instro- sents topped working complete. Apparently lower insects cannot stor this energy. ae penen reported thar maggots left meat if a pyra- ‘nid Was placed over the maggor infeed reat, Te suid che mage left and starved to death rather than go back othe meat. Chapter 3 AUIHOR'S BACKGROUND, THE. NEUROPHIONE, 1958, when Te founten years od a eae frend of imine, Lon Macho, a teovisen sepairman in Hous, ‘Terae told me ofa rust wxassal phenancnon. He told me of & device thot would uansmnit wand 1 ‘thebiain without sing the ers ‘The desripticn of tae dice had been given hit bya complere sranger whoa he bal visited Chicee. “The device canine? of two copper mesh serub pads with wines atache fo han, ‘The pade were placed in 2 pair of plac bage to act sess, "The wise were then ecamecte tothe high eolkege sie of anaado outgus trorfemer which was connected iaek- forbyck wit the up ofan ovdiuary record player ‘The rea eon in Figste V- od ‘The voltage from the HE FL was stepped up a bi applies to the pads 1 the pada were placed om the sis of the head in the ‘eit ofthe maples, oo wold hea! the sou froma the Hi Rivas £18 were eaming from within the bead a "The item at that time had no practical advantage 22 iavine extremely distorted. ” Penson Bowne A good deal of the smd semed 0 be missing 25 it vet eat of sescatched ae the Ehren? and covered te pene acon ss zown ms far back ae HK aed was discovered bp Volta. It ss called electrophoris hearing, 4 eos belived that the phenonencey was merely the foto of the mucles Boia ecscallyasinalated and lfectng dhe bones inthe eae by reas of minute oes ‘ibeaion. examined the sual fom the device by oxineope ard daooversd the sound cane Srwigh ia abla wien the tranaionmer was oveleadad and. prodaced a shap spike ringing on the wave far, Toon discovered that she rel information was ening hough ony when thie effet ocurred. “This explaited why only paris ef the susie and voice came throng. reared shat che trveexercr of information was & radio sigatl due tothe omilation preuced by shock ex Gustin of the combined elute of the warsfermer and fhe parallel tant elreis lormed by the electrodes and the tan boy T sorted experimenting with the unit siog » high Ireqpency owilater of ey one Ged and discrvesed a resnoonce in the Geuit around M000 eyees per sauna, 1 soum found thee the resiaan: Gegaeney would ehonge aeuply with emcees and general body changes 2 Arner? Buexceooxn, Tus Nevsarsions, ‘The capacitance of the electrodes, tevefore the de close content of the akin, change abruptly Grom the Alightst outside simmlo. “The cistotieeceatant of the skin would. change by several onder of wagiitude in a fraction of a second! ‘The eaperinatal arangerent for measuring, sem nance ie Masirate in Figure VI Ases pectiminary eeasurement of parameter, 1 dee sine] the odigial Newepbone whieh i Hustrated in zy potent on thedesice ‘Tie device wae cently a high voliage frequency rmordlated radio trswaiter cf ow power. Tis fequenty wae adjwable wo correct for changes of ‘The original wait wae hand adjustable Later unis were sutomsbealy ened for maximum resonance. “The adatom of the retnant vaio carer wave made thediesenee, ‘The sound from the device was fantasi, Uke sound from another wud. “The normal freney reponse of the ear yas extended Deyand normal Boundaries and there was no dito. T begas expeinentng with a number of poopie who were epusered to be tatally nerve deat, at is, they trerevnable to ear amthing, ever with what kmovr. at bene cnchetion. ‘The reels were spectacle 29 Rema Powe ral @ ‘orcaicacore IGURE ¥E Menaring reac 30 Avmaon’s Bucxaxoonn, Tae Nausornox, People who Is uot beard im years were ww hearing sods ey calyedreames of eve reeapoing. (A patene wes applied for, aad my eeesceh continued, ‘The prees learned of sy discovery and amtles ape peared on the font pages uf 300 newspapers and ik wan Picked op by move ayrdieater and incematienal magae ins avon the on LIFE di an ance in Sopterber of 1962 ‘The reste were at specular as the discovery. We received hundrds of thosrands of letters fron all over the work. Lets eame fren as far away ae Tasania fddresed only Pat Flanagee, Investor, Tess, USA. “The U. & Postal sence did a spectcular job in get sing the mall to Soe rghe party, ‘There were aany Nearaphone élicoveres not made publi On ovens the device stimulated perfect tpathic fontact between one or ore persons, often with start- lng eels, 1 had cead may hooks on the sebject and ad pace teed Yoga from the age of eights and now we Were fincsing a now phesemeweelecaosically indased: telepathy. ‘These wlepathic incidents were kept under wraps for eae of siete Aura Phetygvephy ne evening I was working in my photograph danke room wile Tssaing to music over the Newrophane. st Peaanne Powe often listened to asic with the device as it pradvced the rst pleasant saiation of “Heating” through the ners asit were, ‘hea I develop « princ fom ry enlarge, Ficovssed rn outing of what area vo be a finger on the pape. Te had lines ef encrry sarang it in a sort of Po, 1 tree! ancther print and gor de same cel, J then pytehsd the Neaeophone off and she finger picture disappeared. 1 tamed the anit beck on, Id ay finger en the paper and ent another print surounded by an AURAT ‘A copy of the pelt ls shown ie Figure VEL (6m futhes experimentation with leaves fom plats, and ‘other living ings I became ecnvinord that Uhed made Souther discovery, mechod of photgephing dhe long exit AURA dessibed in ccc ret. T soon discovered the enenny changed in much dhe same ‘way the deere din consta cup hati, acon jg t0 noid, food, and state oF the emotions. “Later 1 read repouts from the Soviet Union on the subjec 1 Rinlan Photogeaphy and was very pled 19 Team. that toe syatem war also ise In other are rom ony own research, believe the mechaaisn ine volved ia Kitlian phocgeaphy is ene of the atiznlsted Cision af ulrasnien #8 eure the ely aren Tt Is cited by high Loquensy, high wolege rebrant signals comple tothe boc. 2 FIGURE vir isin platonic of Fag. - sir mts he ld = ‘ade RAUROPHONE 3 Praanam Rowen ‘There ivan ett of “mitogenic” radiation by the Aisociation of atens om the skin's snuface "These rays then fallow the nes of free serrounding the body. “The fines of force foren a comples matrix around the body which the Resins eall the biplasnie body. “These line of foree are alco cousiden with the described sana kom tothe mystery schools of the Far Eas. [Ax last we had. tol for “sing these ences By measuring the brighmess of tke UV radiation ts simulate, ane could get » quanetative readout of the relive srengths of energy in a living onganism, tus had my fir device for reaming bn-energy or loonie energy a8 Tow elk. As a reault of my euly expevience with Rislan photo- raphy and the tedia field of the Neurophone at well fs the eveasicnal simalaton of telepathy, became ine tenvely brteesed ia che effects of the various energy fields orroundling man. 1 inade an intensive stay of the electrical fick around and on the homan body the changes in celecse constant of the win, the changes in eesatance of acupunetare poinrs, aud the vaxiove voltage differentials present on Ate muface of the ba {Tyas convinced that vans body 9 complex integrated ‘eteeronic sy “The following is 4 brief description of seine of these * Avtuor's Beoxaaouno, Tae Neunornon amessorements aswell a5 sane of the equipment devised tomeanite thse things 1, Dislevtie Skin Constant: Figure VI shows the basic test sot up for meaasing the ebanges of dieecre cin constant by ebsnges ia reonance of a raced cient using the body as a "ve dileeie constant of the expacier By mieanuing the froguency of resenance in open air and fe the boy, andard elcreni formulas vil reves! the electric constant of the body. The disectic anstant changes over a vey wide range depending on erotica In one test [drank one cues of pute stino acids and say body rapaciance cunged fram 100 piofareds fo. talerfaead in thrce rests! ‘There are instantaneous changes hat cecur with think= ing, very similar changes ia GSR 2. GSR Meartements: Figure VIL is 2 circuit dae mom of an inemument for measuring GSR changes in the body of manand in plants ‘This device i very scoskive to any ebange in the sytem. and & adjesable fom short cree to open cist, ‘Early experiments with the device indlated diasic ‘charge i veitanee whan the eletrodes were placed en soxpsnenute points ‘This system is owed by the Ratians to detect these points! % Pressan PoweR leurs vat (65 ening bee 36 Avrtor’s Bauconovs, THe: Neuss Deepening onthe sie of the elects, the rosistance of dhe sn will change fom 3,000,000 chums 0 a Htle fs 2200 ohm when conrest acopunerare points ae Four. “The Russian evmterpae of this device i ealed @ me ‘Ase ol see iter, this device ean be used for detceting Eocene eneray wien it ed ia ive emty ax a readout em. “The tcbiseepe is tosclly a sexy sentive Whetstone bridge adjused to detect changes in skin resistance ‘The unit used only for acopanecare points ean be sm plied considera Teean be madit emit Toa beep wa 2 acuputoce pein fond “The unit swe s follows: ‘The clots ean be wed intwo ways (1 bilateral snd (2) unilateral In the bilnien! anode, the electodes are usually S60 full balls on the ead of test imseumene (ype ptsbes Ia his tnode a tests ade to determine the cages in rear of the body from ideatice! eations on ether Sil, sey te Hla ceupanctire points on the right a lef sides ‘The Chinese and Resins claim that there isa semi ceondictor elec fom ane side of the body 10 the rixt, fit thee ia hat a estes Dewweon 800 pits Sepealing om he gelaity of the electdes As the polanity i svitched the bifeyentiat in sin ne ‘Seance betwee shone pointes deterrined by We amuunt tl unbalanes of PCH’ Lin Ue body eects a Pemcup Power ‘When the flow of energy is balanced, there is no change in polarity "This eclnique of measurement i olten used to detente ‘he amunt of unbalaree inthe ievdiars of weupunenure, "The pion i then rented unl the seins are ale anced In the sailateial mode of operation, ene cletede it slipped to the ext, and the other ane, the ball electrode {s nin over the warface ofthe body in seatch ofthe gone puncture point of inert, ‘The acupanctre pains are nly one miliseter a dias racter ad are very bard to find without this instrament, ‘The Chinese have catalogued over 1,000 ofthese pons? Shin Veltoge Differentat Using electrodes described the GSR instrument, a secmive difeential vol acer ean be used co chart the tmcrgy flaws ofthe Ley “The voltage range af interest in the 0-100 my range ‘The bilateral semiconductor elect is again observed, ‘hie dine as a change in polaity from se to side dor pending on dhe unbalance. State Vottage Fieid Around Body "There ao ex around alving things a state veleage fet, ‘This fed changes with corliins and com be affected bythe mind 38 Auruoa’s Bacxonoono, Tes Newanrsioxe, (A sale fel intensity meter of simple design & shown in Figure IX “This wit memes the relative valve of field acess round the body and in the etmarphere, shows potential as well as polity. “the une can be easly earate, “The imsrumect is bascally an electronic cestrscone swith an ar capacitor probe, “This device cin be weed to measure the effects of Bie covery on lvig aad aon ving thing a we wil desenibe Titer Wid te proper cuttcard equipment and fers, this inarument eah pick sp the heastbest of 2 person due to the changes in the sete field around the body. ‘With a devie af this son, the fcartheat can be picked ups farawayas tre feet, Magnetic Fitd Around she Body ‘The bor alo hss a magnetic field around it which can alsa be measured "The equipment required is very elaborate and expensive. Only grext pei or emotional sires: ean. create enough change to be deectd with an crcinary compass needle. In tines of sess the magnetic field of the body cam pprorimate Gat of the earth. Au experiment can ently be performed to demonstrate this have done & bot i snot Joe dhe seam, 9 ioure nx © Awmor's Booronouns, Te NeDRoeHONS “The pemon to fe ueasared ist ie dow on his atk cnte Coot. Aa ovary magni comps isnupended oes thesoar plas terion ofthe body few inches above 1 the sje then given pai, in» evere pitch, the crip nae wil dele considerably The cee in mar srnely noted in the are of the sslie ples Soviet witaties have measured the Geld round page chic and ave found vet changes in his field ascertain ‘pyc phenamena are pesfonncd rom the prevoos dicasion, 3 i realy apparent that the bodies of Iving tings are serounde by a T= ing, tevin, bilogielly comples fei? sroctime. ‘My interest in the electoaie fields of the hursan body expanded into the eee of the ewizonmse upon the bay. ‘Man i Ting in a sea of enerty of hich he is not usally aware. ‘Our own body tenses ane very Honited eoaspaed with the energies around us. We aye surcuaded by leeseatase, magni, Hight pavitational and ether fields of which we arent normal fyavare In light enerey, we are oaly aware of Joss than 001% of the coral avilable Ugt which sercands us a Paros Powe Howe do these unpesesived fickle afer ont serstive remicendacror bie? ‘What affect do het Hlelds have om be Ife process? “The mat observable fick srconnding ws are the mage ste Belde of tne Larh, and the eletestae field a tien from the fmesphere to dhe suises. Moguetic Bield ‘The magnetic field of the earth averages about 0.3 Gauss and hes 9 paecolar entiation, antsy, and rude of bekavin. 1e is subject to cursinwous pulsations of low magnivade at Irequetceseanging from 0.1 16 10 eyes pee sec, ‘wih tuajor compensa 8 c0 16 eels per scund, Any poychology tet wil inform us that she average frequenies of brain waves fal poeiely an dis wage, “This fall nto the oven of Blsocalestrament of che Inomany brain of low Srequency endiation, As the Newrophone activates the acoustic ensers of the breis, pethape the pulsating magncte Feld of the ‘ards atimultes te noreal brain Pst. lreoateic sl ofthe Barth ‘The earth ie suncunded by 9 high whage electric fed ‘This Feld eatendh frm the fgposphere to the surface and the poinstial diference is Beween 960000 ard 60,000 wa “The earths wuts enegstely charged, the stmapbere 2 Avruor’a Baososruxo, Taz Neusorsons is postvely euatged everpt i cel areas en under “The charge on toe earth ie geverated avd maintained by the acten of high vltage stenie pares eclled casnie faye andthe acti of short wave alta-veet light ene: fed by the san. Daring colar Mares the ousput of these cays can be teenuendrus and produce magnedie stom on, the cart ‘Those storms have vast fect on the eneth and on Tie. “The exisenoe of thi feld has been Known soce 1752 ‘The positive fed produces & valtage gradiont aos the atmasphere “This gradient appneacher 200 1 300 volts per meter nar the mirage dea “This voltage ean be as high 28 several shousand volts per meter depending bursty, sea et Fpevinens fave shows thot his eld ism important feet affecting fe 1 fas been shown chat plants deprived of this Sek do ‘ot gow property. Planis whose sede ae sprowed in high intnsy field ‘of thi type sprost sore Tete days ealice and gr thes times a fast ae plants fa > Low energy ebecttostatie field A dlagraca of thie energy Sill snd the fold arcu ssman's bey ae shown in Figure X. ‘The sesann we donot Feel hi ld ig that our bodes 48 Pensa Rovers # Z eae * ‘. ifs Sa +e 444 tit =tae eit ze it we tty &E ¢ tet id et $ thas ve F 4 test +t4 hee risus x Distiny of eeh's d arcane hoy of man, et Inlays Acer w sre “4 Auraon’s Baossavuna, Taw Newsormone, are at ground patentah and the field end to warp and ore ise avin the body 85 sbown in the dingrazn, 1e is imerestng to note thatthe shape of the field isthe sauna the shape f fields desesibed by mystics a8 the "The shape of this el ean be meavared with the dees toni electronoge shown in Figure TX, 1 ts interesting to note that the polairy of the field aronod the bey it sometimes changed by ccran ile A eueuit cual of thf is grammed fo Fige wwe XI ‘The tolat energy Flowing tw the ear at any given moment is 400000 wols times che leakage current of 190 amps cr tal of 70,000,000 wat ‘There are 30 thunderstorms ging om at alt ines all ‘over the east eis belleved thar dhesestamns malntain the equa of the cange on the earth by maintaining the voleage iference, “The ructumes in which we lve alter and shape this field aso our bodies (Our moders metal bildings und to be a Faraday ‘ege and completly elinate the effects of this maral Bau Te has heen shown by reseuteh that eisiation or re eral of this Reld cam have nepatve effects on people egmeoting faigue itembilny, and natural spat? 8

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