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According to Piaget, the major accomplishment of the sensory motor stage is?

Abstract thinking



Object permanence

How many stages of cognitive development are described by jean Piaget:


Piaget presented the theory of

Cognitive development
Psychomotor development
Moral development
None of these

Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development states?

a. Children are egocentric during the stage of pre operational thought b. Object permanance is
developed during stage of concrete operational thought c. When children proceed from the stage of pre
operational thought to the stage of formal operations, they achieve sense of conservation and
reversibility d. Child development is largely culturally determined

A child is creating new schemata to account for new information , piaget calls this process?
a. Assimilationb. Accommodation c. Operations d. Functional autonomy

Children begin to understand and use abstractions during which of the piaget stages of cognitive
a. Oral b. Preoperational c. State of formal operations d. Secondary stage
Who is a pioneer contributor to the Cognitive Psychology?
a. Jean Piaget b. Kohler c. Chomsky d. Kholberg

According to the Piaget, from 2 to 7 years of age, language is developed slowly and gradually this stage
is called?
a. Preoperational stage b. Egocentric stage c. Sensorimator stage d. None of these

The first stage in piaget’s cognitive developmental theory, during which the child makes purely
physical responses to the environment lasts from birth to approximately age two is called:
Anal stage
Sensori motor stage.
Trust vs mistrust.
Pre operational stage.

Freud was among the first to suggest that abnormal behavior?

a. Can have a hereditary basis b. Is psychology caused c. Is not result of demonic possession d. Can result
from biological factors

In Freud’s theory of personality?

a. The ego obeys the reality principle b. The id operates by secondary process thinking c. The super-
ego obeys the pleasure principle d. The ego operates by primary process thinking

Many of the neo Freudians have modified Freud’s original theory of personality to give more
emphasis to.?
a. Childhood sexuality b. Social and cultural factors c. Differences between the sexes
d. Unconscious forces

Who is the father of psychodynamic theory?

a. Willhelm Wundt b. Charles Darwin c. Sigmund Freud d. William James

Self actualisation is the proposed by ________.

a. Carl Roser b. Abraham Mashlow c. Sigmund Freud d. William James

In which year Sigmund Freud published the book ‘The Ego’ and ‘The Id’?
a. 1927 b. 1972 c. 1980 d. 1908

54. Who is the father of Experimental Psychology.

a. Wilhelm Wundt b. Sigmund Freud c. C.G. Jung d. E.B. Titchener

61. Who defined “Psychology as the science of immediate experience with consciousness
being the main subject matter”?

a. E.B. Titchener b. William woundt c. Sigmund Freud d. both a & b

62. Who is the founder and principal proponent of psychoanalysis _________.

a. Sigmund Freud b. E.B Titchener c. C.G. Jung d. Alfred Adler

69. Sigmund Freud is regarded as the father of _________ in psychology.

a. Gestalt school b. Behaviouristic school c. Functionalistic school d.

Psychoanalytic school

82. Who is recognised as the father of psychoanalysis?

a. Sigmund Freud b. Tolman c. Alfred Adler d. William James

86. Who established the first experimental psychological laboratory?

a. Sigmund Freud b. B.F. Skinner c. Evan Pavlov d. Wilhelm Wundt

The central concept in Freud’s psych-analytical theory is

a. Operant condition b. Classical condition c. Unconscious mind d. Behavioural analysis

The center of Freud theory is the thoughts, attitudes, impulses , wished and motivations of which we are
a. Conditioning concept b. Unconsciousness c. Biological motivation proposition d.
Multivariate construct

Many of the neo Freudians have modified Freud’s original theory of personality to give more
emphasis to.?
a. Childhood sexuality b. Social and cultural factors c. Differences between the sexes
d. Unconscious forces

Which of the following identified universal symbolic images that appear in myths, art, dreams,
and other expressions of the collective unconscious?
a. Freud b. Adler c. Jung d. Horney

According to Freudian, dream terminology, condensation refers to?

a. Repressed urges that find disguised outlets for expression b. The bizarre, irrational quality of
dreams c. The process whereby unacceptable thoughts or impulses are combined into a single
dream image d. The process whereby one thing may stand for another in dream interpretation

According to Freud, most of the things, we do, think and feel are caused by?
a. Conditioned response to our surroundings b. Unconscious forces of which we are not aware
c. A strong desire to grow and develop d. The beliefs and ideas we have about the world
Many of the Neo-Freudians have modified Freud's original theory of personality to give more emphasis
a. Child sexuality b. Social and cultural factors c. Difference between sexes d. Unconscious

Disagreeing with Freud, Erickson emphasized more on?

a. Conflict b. Racial memory c. Adulthood d. Early habits
Who has been considered as the father of psychoanalysis method of study _________?
a. Sigmund Freud b. E.B Titchener c. C.G. Jung d. Alfred Adler

The concept of building block of consciousness was laid by _________.

a. Watson b. Wundt c. Freud d. Jung

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