Registration - Muhammad Hamza Saeed

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In accordance to Article 2 Section 5 of KSA Chapter Bylaws

Personal Information
Full Name Muhammad Hamza Saeed
Contact Number 966561914594
Graduation College MCE
Graduation Year 2008

Professional Information
Current Employer Engineering Consultant Center Partners (ECCP)
Employment Dept N/A
Job Designation Senior Structural engineer
Job Industry Supervision Consultant Hotel projects
Current City Makkah

Please use the following as your application code during polling:


Voting guidelines:
1- Use the voting partipulars attached with this email to fill the form. This is to ensure compliance
that no unregistered person is able to use the public voting link and to maintain anonymity.
2- You have the option to vote for one candidate per nomination vacancy at maximum
3- Please do not share your pre-filled link or voting particulars with your colleagues.
4- Your vote may only be cast once and repeat submission of this form may render the vote void.
5- The link in this email is custom and designed for your use only. Please use that on the day of
election and do not share this as it is a pre-filled link with your voting particulars.
6- Elections will be conducted for 24 hours between 18:00 01 June to 18:00 02 June
7- Use the following link to cast your vote during the polling time as aforementioned:

Application approved at: 01-06-21 14:05 Application Status: APPROVED

Application Number:
NAA/KSA/GE/0521/91 NAA/KSA/GE/0521/91

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