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Why Journalism Still Matters Summary

Why does journalism still matter? This is the main topic in Michael Schudson’s book

titled Why Journalism Still Matters. This book is a collection of past published writings and

Schudson’s thoughts on why he still thinks journalism has great value and importance in todays’

society. While others may think journalism is fading Schudson argues it is more relevant than

ever. Why Journalism Still Matters is made up of eleven different chapters that are divided into

four different parts. “Where Journalism Came From”, “Going Deeper into Contemporary

Journalism”, “Short Takes on Journalism and Democracy” and “Afterword”. Throughout these

four parts Schudson touches on the themes of professional, political and sociological as they

pertain to journalism problems

Part I “Where Journalism Came From” From my reading journalism dates back hundreds

and hundreds of years. With it beginning in European countries. The main journalistic focus was

on national or world news mostly concentrated of European nations. Benjamin Franklin was

one of the first American journalists and with his early newspapers most of the news was

centered around what was going on in European countries. News was centered around Europe

because for one reason it gave people a sense of security. People feel safer when they know

what is going on around them or better put, they feel safe when there is less unknow around

them. This also helps people plan for any inconveniences it could bring them. Another reason

why new was centered around Europe was because in that period that’s what drew the interest

of the people. It is where most of the people in America were from, so it was all relevant to


Another topic covered in the first part of Schudson’s book was professionalism. In this

part it basically states that the news was controlled by people of power “peddled soft-core
Why Journalism Still Matters Summary
propaganda to promote special interests” (Pg. 39). When this is the case, the news can be used

as a tool to control the narrative in a story. They control what is written and what is not to

make themselves look as good as possible. Which can create major influence throughout the

people. Schudson explains that to have absolute professionalism you must not be influenced by

any factors of the story, you must state the facts no matter your feelings and opinions towards

the story. Professionalism is a main topic throughout Schudson’s book.

Journalism wasn’t really recognized or cared about in its beginning stages. In general, it

took time for people to understand or come to figure out they were interested in what was

being written about. As journalism began public opinion wasn’t of great importance to anyone.

Most people were more interested in facts or true stories. “Until the late 1800s at the earliest

journalism was not a profession” (pg. 46). Which means journalists weren’t really recognized or

looked at as a respected profession. I would guess partly because it was so new people, they

were still feeling it out. Another reason why it wasn’t looked at with the most respect because

it wasn’t the most professional at this time.

Objectivity is broken down into three different time periods in Schudson’s Why

Journalism Still Matters. The first objectivity 1.0 or otherwise known as the he said/ she said

time period. During this period journalists didn’t look at the bigger picture. They didn’t do a

great amount of research and digging due to lack of technology making it tough. Another

reason is again because journalists during this time were completely influenced by higher

authorities. Objectivity 2.0 journalists looked for the bigger picture and did more research.

During this period there was more technology and more precedent to figure out the truth.

Journalists were more so held to a higher standard by the people to tell the whole truth. People
Why Journalism Still Matters Summary
started to have a voice and they wanted to know all the facts. Journalists became more like

detectives looking for more information and not just taking what was given to them on a silver

platter. Objectivity 3.0 or where Schudson thinks objectivity is headed in the future. Schudson

thinks journalists need to be more empathetic by reporting the facts and telling the story by

putting themselves into the subjects’ shoes. Just meaning that the journalists should be more

sensitive and do more fact checking on the topics they are covering.

Part II “Going Deeper into Contemporary Journalism” or the dangers of independent

journalism. “The assumption is strong inside journalism and in most academic and popular

discussions of journalism that the press should be fully autonomous, pursuing truth without

constraint” (Pg. 72). Meaning journalists believe they should be able to govern themselves and

not be influenced by money or power while telling the absolute truth. Journalists also, must be

able to tell the truth and all the facts without letting their own political views, religious beliefs

or cultural values getting in the way of them telling the truth. Being able to tell the truth

without wavering to money, power and your own views means you are maintaing

professionalism as a journalist. “What can be good for journalism can also be disastrous –

propagandizing in the political field, and pandering in the economic field to win an audience”

(pg. 77). Schudson means that autonomy which is amazing for journalists can also be bad for

the news because there is no one governing journalists making sure they are being one

hundred percent professional. If journalists aren’t being professional and pandering it can allure

a certain group of people, but at the same time turn away a completely different group of

Why Journalism Still Matters Summary
Another topic that Schudson touches on is the fake news phenomenon. Fake news,

especially today, is everywhere and even harder to figure out what is fake and what is factual.

Given the state of the internet and social media, news comes out at all times making an

abundance of news. News also comes out very rapidly which can cause journalists to not

include the whole truth or the exact truth because it might not be known yet. Schudson

reiterates reporting the truth, making it factual and reporting it no matter what your beliefs are.

Schudson talks about Raymond Williams Dramatized Society. Due to the rapid multiplication of

dramatic forms drama has now been built into everyday life not just theater. Schudson

believes Williams meant “as society has grown more mobile and more complex it has become

more unknowable. At the same time, it has become more-ever present in people’s everyday

lives.” (pg. 98). Meaning that the line has blurred but because of today’s technology it is in our

everyday life more than before.

Schudson also talks about the economic struggles of journalism. “Today journalism by

no means been superseded but is no longer coextensive with what fits upon an oversized page

or within the 20 or 30 minuets of a television news broadcast.” (Pg. 100). Meaning that

journalism as we know it is changing because of technology. People’s attention spans aren’t as

long and people don’t sit down to read the paper or watch the news at the same rate as people

once did. Mostly because people get their news from their phones and social media. Another

thing Schudson talks about is the decline of journalists in newsrooms today. One point he

brought up is that doesn't mean less news is being produced. He touches on how technology

and how we can do research has changed dramatically to be more efficient, so we don’t need

as many hands-on-deck in the newsroom. Another point Schudson talks about is how
Why Journalism Still Matters Summary
newspapers in Europe are declining at a less rapid rate than American newspapers due to

Europe’s subscription style papers. In the U.S. papers stay alive by selling ads and if ad

companies think no one is reading the paper they are going to stop advertising. Mostly the

economic struggles in journalism are due to technology and how it is changing how people get

their news.

Part III “Short Takes on Journalism and Democracy” Schudson talks about journalism

and democracy compared to all five of the Simpsons family members. First we have the Marge

Simpson time period which lasted from 1789 to 1820. Marge Simpson is a citizen in an elite

dominated democracy meaning people understood their place in society and recognized the

leaders of the community and voted for them and relied on their judgement. In this time period

journalism is still written influenced by power. Second, the Homer Simpson time period lasted

from 1820 to 1890. Homer Simpson is a party loyal citizen in party dominated democracy.

Which means people had different views, but the mass typically followed the leader of the

political parties. Third, is the Lisa Simpson time period which lasted 1890 to 1920. Lisa Simpson

is an informed citizen of party-wary democracy. In this period people are more educated and

focused on singular issues not looking at it like a party, but starting to think individually. Then

the Bart Simpson period lasting from 1950 to today. Bart Simpson is a rights claiming citizen in

a trans electoral democracy. Meaning everyone today has a voice and a cause. Finally, Maggie

Simpson is where Schudson sees the future going. He believes it will reflect on all four prior

time periods. He believes journalists will take from certain areas and technology will change

the journalistic approach even more than it already has. Schudson still believes journalism will

revolve around the same ideals and will just have to continue to adapt to technology.
Why Journalism Still Matters Summary
Journalists are intended to be umpires and call the game from the side. But ultimately are not

because they can have skin in the game or meaning their own agenda gets in their way.

Journalists play a lot of different roles in the policies that are adapted or not. Schudson explains

how democracy is slow and it takes time. Like the journalistic approach is an institution that’s

been created over time and If some of the core values would change it would take time for

change to happen.

Part IV “Afterword” During this part Schudson explains as you go into the future with

everything changing you need to stick to the same foundation going forward because that’s

what’s been proven to work. Schudson means that as technology keeps changing journalism it

still comes back to the same values of democracy and professionalism in journalism.

Where do I see journalism going in the next ten years? In the next ten years I see more

and more newspapers and local news stations shutting down. Social media is only expanding I

believe that the news will integrate more and more into social media. Schudson’s ideas will still

hold up. Journalists will still need to be professional and report all the facts no matter what. If

journalists aren’t professional, they will lose all credibility when people find out their agenda.

Another part about being professional is reporting the facts without letting anything get in your

way. If you aren’t reporting all the facts people will call you out and no one will want to read

anything else you put out because they have lost trust in the fact you will report the truth. So,

journalists need to stick to professionalism and telling the truth or they will get what the kids

would call today “canceled”. I personally and unfortunately don’t see the fake news

phenomenon going anywhere anytime soon. With the way social media is it makes it easy for

people to try pull a fast one and report something fake. With the rapidness and amount of
Why Journalism Still Matters Summary
news there is on social media in today’s world your bound to run into something that isn’t

factual. The only way to stop this is to just double and triple check all of your sources. If you

are in a rush and don’t check your sources, you may be writing about something someone

fabricated and make matters worse. One factor that can also play into fake news being

reported is the fact that there are many accounts and channels that don’t break news they

react to it. Well, when a person who reacts to news gets got by fake news and reacts to a fake

article that only helps spread the fake news. Overall, I believe the core values of journalism will

be the basis of journalism for the next ten years and change, if it happens, will happen slowly

and gradually over time.

Why Journalism Still Matters Summary


Schudson, M. (2018). Why Journalism Still Matters. Cambridge, UK: polity press.

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