MDchat Transcript October 19, 2011

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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Tue Oct 19 18:00:00 PDT 2010
To: Tue Oct 19 19:00:00 PDT 2010
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Learn more about #MDchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

Total #MDchat Tweets in Database: 13911

healthewoman Hi everyone! So excited to discover #MDChat.

Tue Oct 19 18:01:59 PDT 2010

drseisenberg Steven, heme/onc in rainy (I know, boo-hoo) San Diego #MDchat

Tue Oct 19 18:05:51 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc Matt Katz, radiation oncologist in New England. #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:06:24 PDT 2010

CrescendoCG Beth here - looking for insight that can be shared w/healthcare consumers #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:06:32 PDT 2010

MD_chat T1 Medscape v. Wikipedia: What do you consider a reliable online resource for
research? Are there specific one you use? #MDchat
Tue Oct 19 18:07:00 PDT 2010

mkmackey Listening in to #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:07:09 PDT 2010

jodyms Ditto RT @mkmackey Listening in to #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:07:56 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc T1: Neither Medscape nor Wikipedia. I go for PubMed. #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:08:06 PDT 2010

DebErupts Listening to #MDChat

Tue Oct 19 18:10:45 PDT 2010

mkmackey T1 .@drseisenberg do you access uptodate by mobile or web? #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:12:46 PDT 2010
anniekey T1: UpToDate is my main go-to for overviews of topics. The MicroMedex iPhone app
and Epocrates also useful for looking up meds. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:14:32 PDT 2010

drseisenberg @mkmackey T1. Web. Will bring patients in on occasion and review with them. They
like it. #MDchat
Tue Oct 19 18:14:50 PDT 2010

amcunningham @MD_Chat #mdchat my other top Google scholar tip is to set scholar preferences to
link out to any uni library that you are attached to.
Tue Oct 19 18:18:07 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc And, Journal Watch does an e-mail Physicians First Watch that sends a daily update;
not sure if you have to be a subscriber... #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:19:05 PDT 2010

drseisenberg I feel that NCCN guidelines are helpful for oncology. #MDchat
Tue Oct 19 18:21:25 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc @peds_id_doc You can also Google a symptom and "ICD9"; may take you to Wiki or
to other sources, but pretty fast. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:23:34 PDT 2010

SPulim I am biased, but at we try to cover journals and research that is relevant
to daily practice. UpToDate is the Gold Std #MDchat
Tue Oct 19 18:23:38 PDT 2010

chukwumaonyeije Greetings, all. A little late and multitasking. Go Yankees! #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:24:57 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc @amcunningham Thanks; will look that up! #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:24:59 PDT 2010

healthewoman T1: Use UpToDate, PubMed, Ob&Gyn journal website, AJOG website, NEJM
websites #MDchat
Tue Oct 19 18:26:06 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @RichmondDoc #mdchat T1: faster for me than paging through the damn coding
tome we have in the office...
Tue Oct 19 18:26:33 PDT 2010

apjonas apjonas, family doc, OH lurking, too #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:26:46 PDT 2010

mkmackey Wondering if you recommend the same sites to your patients that you as MDs use for
research for patient care? #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:28:00 PDT 2010

healthgist @mkmackey Listening in to #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:28:01 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @mkmackey #mdchat - almost never. The jargon is a huge obstacle, and the
peds_id_doc @mkmackey #mdchat - almost never. The jargon is a huge obstacle, and the
potential for scaring them is too great...
Tue Oct 19 18:29:07 PDT 2010

SPulim T1 Customized google scholar works well too #MDChat

Tue Oct 19 18:29:23 PDT 2010

chukwumaonyeije @mkmackey I will generally *tell* patient where I get my info. But I think its more
helpful to lead them to patient focused info. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:30:23 PDT 2010

apjonas @mkmackey no, I use different sites than I send pts to, my depth is deep and I want
them to start shallow, esp when ill.#mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:30:34 PDT 2010

chukwumaonyeije @mkmackey The other thing I will do is send patient to presentations I have
personally curated and screened on #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:31:30 PDT 2010

CrescendoCG Sounds like many of you direct pts online (although to diff. sites) - any of you that do
NOT recommend pts to research online? #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:32:40 PDT 2010

SPulim MEDLine Plus Interactive Health is a good source for Pts.
Tue Oct 19 18:32:41 PDT 2010

mkmackey @chukwumaonyeije great ideas. I think patients really want physicians to help them
find accurate patient information #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:33:00 PDT 2010

MD_chat Shoulder Tap!! Next topic coming up in a moment! #MDchat

Tue Oct 19 18:35:00 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc @CrescendoCG Not all info is relevant to *your* case and not all info is reliable.
Tue Oct 19 18:35:15 PDT 2010

MD_chat T2 Medical Research: How are you explaining research to patients? Esp
w/conflicting results? For after chat: #MDchat
Tue Oct 19 18:37:00 PDT 2010

SPulim T1 interested to know if there is a difference in use of web resources btw PCPs and
Specialists. #MDChat
Tue Oct 19 18:37:26 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc @chukwumaonyeije I agree. I also use Google Reader to RSS ScienceDaily,

PhysOrg and other news sources. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:38:14 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @CrescendoCG #mdchat - not specifically to avoid, but we often say "Look it up
online, but be aware they talk about the worst-case scenario"
Tue Oct 19 18:38:45 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc T2 Hard to explain research sometimes, esp when we ourselves have trouble
RichmondDoc T2 Hard to explain research sometimes, esp when we ourselves have trouble
making sense of the sometimes conflicting results. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:39:33 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc #mdchat T2 - we find ourselves explaining a lack of data more than conflicting data it "perk" of pediatrics :-)
Tue Oct 19 18:39:47 PDT 2010

healthewoman @mkmackey a lot of the sites I use are subscriber only #MDChat
Tue Oct 19 18:39:53 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc T2 I try to explain when I feel info is pretty solid and we can rely upon it; I point out
uncertainty and developing information. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:40:07 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @subatomicdoc #mdchat - probably the best approach, even for educated and
intelligent patients/families. It shows you understand it I think
Tue Oct 19 18:40:59 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc T2 I think it is also important to be willing to tell pts when the evidence suggests
changes in therapy or therapeutic goals. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:42:14 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc @peds_id_doc T2: Start simple, you can always ratchet up the sophistication.
Tue Oct 19 18:42:17 PDT 2010

apjonas @MD_chat T2 stress uniqueness of pt & foggy nature of studies that ch from context
to context. Let pt ponder which gp is them. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:43:07 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc As for "Damned Lies"...truth mixed with hyperbole. @chukwumaonyeije made a great
comment earlier. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:43:48 PDT 2010

SPulim T2 Sometimes difficult to disentangle facts and myths when media report on studies
from conferences before publication #MDChat
Tue Oct 19 18:44:12 PDT 2010

healthewoman @peds_id_doc @mkmackey #mdchat - I also send patients to my blog
Tue Oct 19 18:44:21 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @healthewoman @mkmackey #mdchat even some for us Docs too! :-P Good point.
Tue Oct 19 18:44:35 PDT 2010

mkmackey Definitely appreciate the guidance from physicians in navigating health studies etc
Tue Oct 19 18:45:56 PDT 2010

CrescendoCG Agreed! RT @mkmackey: Definitely appreciate the guidance from physicians in

navigating health studies etc #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:46:38 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc T2: Found it! --> @chukwumanoneije #mdchat

subatomicdoc T2: Found it! --> @chukwumanoneije #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:47:33 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @amcunningham #mdchat we have to use smartphone or office PCs. A real pain.
Some computers are getting access on a site-by-site basis
Tue Oct 19 18:47:42 PDT 2010

healthewoman Agree RT @chukwumaonyeije @CrescendoCG telling patients NOT to search online

is an option. Maybe in the past; but no longer. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:47:44 PDT 2010

chukwumaonyeije @subatomicdoc Thank you. Definitely truth mixed with hyperbole. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:47:59 PDT 2010

apjonas T2 Pts appreciate how we can share our perspectives on what various studies may
mean. They can smell the bias if there. Trust rules! #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:48:07 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc @amcunningham I shall do my best... #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:48:20 PDT 2010

chukwumaonyeije @subatomicdoc It was like listening to a lecture on flaws in research presented by

entertainment tonight. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:48:27 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc @chukwumaonyeije Haha! Yes, E.T. presents....your health! #mdchat

Tue Oct 19 18:49:47 PDT 2010

chukwumaonyeije @gfry... and to answer your query from earlier, in my experience e-patients are far
less litigious. Considerably. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:52:05 PDT 2010

drseisenberg T2: Fun to print abstract and sift through it together. Explaining as we go. Gotta love p
values. #MDchat
Tue Oct 19 18:53:44 PDT 2010

ocamsrazor I barely have time to e-write the, discuss studies? really? #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:53:45 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc @ocamsrazor I think it can help patients understand the plan of care if you talk out
some of the reasons; maybe better adherence? #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:54:44 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @RichmondDoc @ocamsrazor #mdchat - better adherence, fewer followups...less

complications...more time to spare in the long run
Tue Oct 19 18:55:56 PDT 2010

peds_id_doc @chukwumaonyeije @ocamsrazor #mdchat I have the advantage of being an

academic subspecialist though...30-60min appt slots :-P
Tue Oct 19 18:57:29 PDT 2010

mkmackey Interesting perspectives from the different specialties.. appreciate the discussion on

Tue Oct 19 18:57:33 PDT 2010

RichmondDoc @chukwumaonyeije ...but one can discuss recent information w/o quoting P-values,
reading RCTs verbatim, etc; summary is OK. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:58:48 PDT 2010

chukwumaonyeije @peds_id_doc the good old days.When I went from academics to private prac. I told
folks it was like going from retail to wholesale. #mdchat
Tue Oct 19 18:59:27 PDT 2010

subatomicdoc Parting thought: .....I got nothing :) #mdchat #tappedouttonight

Tue Oct 19 18:59:28 PDT 2010

ocamsrazor ivory tower medicine...not the same as real world med. generics rule! in the clinics
Tue Oct 19 18:59:54 PDT 2010

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