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Discursive Topics

1. Many swear by energy drinks and the boost of energy from caffeine they provide, but
others claim that such high levels of caffeine are too dangerous for young people. Do
energy drinks pose health risks to people?

2. Many experts state that adults require eight hours of sleep to stay healthy. But others
argue that sleep needs vary, and some people may require fewer or even more hours
of restful sleep each night. Do all adults need eight hours of sleep each night?

3. Some believe that technology is a tool and that limiting technology use is simply a
matter of putting down the gaming system, tablet, or phone. Yet others argue that tech
addiction is real. They claim people need professional medical treatment to manage
their addictions. Is technology addiction a real addiction?

4. The military can use drones to safely surveil dangerous areas and unmanned drones in
areas where it’s unsafe for personnel. However, some believe that this technology
comes at a price as the drones can invade privacy and may be more likely to harm
innocent civilians. Is the military’s use of drones an invasion of privacy?

5. Internet filters are used in public places to keep users from objectionable sites. Some
believe this filtering helps keep people (mainly children) safe, while others feel that
internet filters are censorship. Should public places, such as restaurants and libraries,
use internet filters?

6. Many people especially those who use dating websites swear by the effectiveness of
the sites as they allow people to connect based on shared interests. Others argue that
dating websites are too dangerous as there’s no way of knowing who is actually behind
the screen. Are dating websites a good place to meet potential romantic partners?

7. Some feel that, without a social media presence, small businesses cannot effectively
promote their products and cannot connect with their customers especially younger
customers. There are many, however, who feel that social media isn’t a necessity.
They feel that traditional marketing, including word-of-mouth, is the best way to market
a business and increase its customer base. Is a social media presence necessary in
order for a small business to succeed?

8. Social media users often feel that they use social media responsibly and that it doesn’t
hinder any aspect of their lives, including academic performance. However, many
including professors often see social media use in the classroom as problematic. They
feel that this distraction causes students to miss out on important course information
and thus harms academic performance. Does use of social media impact academic

Persuasive Topics
1. The Supreme Court ruled that random drug testing is constitutional for high school
students involved in athletics and other extracurricular activities. Write an essay that
argues for or against random drug testing of all students.

2. Some 9 billion animals are killed and used for food each year in the United States. The
animal waste produced by factory farms causes water and air pollution. Yet the
demand for meat grows stronger. In an attempt to curb the use of factory farms while
satisfying the population’s demand for meat, food scientists have begun producing in
vitro meat, muscle tissue that’s cultured from animal cells and grown in a laboratory.
How comfortable would you be eating test-tube meat? Write an essay that argues for
or against in vitro meat.
3. Standardized tests are used as a measuring stick for student performance. Your test
scores decide, in part, whether you are admitted to certain colleges. They are also
used to measure readiness for certain careers, such as law and medicine. Test scores
impact the funding that public schools receive from the federal government. Write an
essay that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of standardized tests. In your
essay, decide if standardized tests are the proper measuring stick for student
performance. If, in your opinion, they are not, describe alternatives that could be used
to measure achievement.

4. Which statement do you agree or disagree with? Should students have the choice of
studying at home by using technology or should they continue learning conventionally
at traditional schools?

5. In today’s globalized world, it is difficult for nations to preserve their cultural heritage.
What are your views?

6. Modern technology owes ecology an apology’. Do you agree?

7. How far do you agree that formal education has done little to prepare students for
today’s challenges?

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