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peritonitis are considered, the treatment difficult to learn to add antibiotics to their
David Bennett-jones failure rate was higher in the IV group bags, and hence require inhospital
Val Wass Penny (34.1% ) , than in the IP group (10.3% ) (p treatment; continuous administration
Mawson David Taube < 0.02). This was also the case when gram- produces steady-state blood levels which,
Guy Neild Chisholm positive organisms resistant to tobramycin particularly with aminoglycosides, may be
Ogg j Stewart Cameron were considered separately (p < 0.05), but associated with ototoxicity (10).
and not for vancoinycin-resistant organisms. For these reasons we did a prospective
D Gwyn Williams We conclude that vancomycin should be randomised trial that managed CAPD
administered by the intraperitoneal route: peritonitis using, as initial therapy,
ABSTRACT the case for intraperitoneal tobramycin is vancomycin and tobramycin given by the
"not proven". intraperitoneal (IP) or the intravenous (IV)
Eighty patients with CAPD peritonitis route.
were randomised to receive either
intraperitoneal (IP) vancomycin and Current treatment of peritonitis compli-
tobramycin, or intravenous (IV) van- cating continuous ambulatory peritoneal
dialysis (CAPO) evolved from that used in METHODS
comycin and tobramycin followed by oral
antibiotics, depending on the results of intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) (1).
All patients from our CAPO program with
culture and sensitivity. Five patients were Therapy is based on the addition of
peritonitis (defined by a PD fluid leukocyte
withdrawn, and, of the remaining patients, antibiotics to peritoneal dialysis fluid and
count in excess of 100/mm3) were entered
39 were in the IP group and 36 in the IV continuing rapid exchanges (2-4), although
with the following exclusions:
group. some prefer intravenous or oral routes (5,
When all episodes of bacterial 6). However rapid exchanges may not be I. Associated catheter leak
the optimal mode for those on CAPO , 2. Catheter-tract or severe exit-site
because some studies have shown that infection
From Guy's Hospital, London SE1, UK. continuous rapid exchanges may delay 3. Fungal peritonitis
recovery (7) and may remove factors 4. Septicemia
Key Words: Intraperitoneal antibiotics, important for host defence (8). 5. Bowel perforation
Peritonitis, Peritonitis treatment, Anti- The intraperitoneal route has two 6. Recurrence within 15 days of a
biotics, Oral antibiotics, Vancomycin, disadvantages: some patients find it previous episode
when they were proved to have fungal
In the remaining 75 patients, 36 were in
the IV and 39 were in the IP group. The
results (Table II), demonstrate a
significantly better outcome for the IP
group (P < 0.02).
Because the higher failure rate in the IV
group may have been due to a
preponderance of tobramycin-resistant
organisms (generally Staphylococcus
epidermidis), we did a separate analysis of
episodes due to such organisms. Despite the
smaller number of cases the difference
between the two treatment regimes was still
significant (p < 0.05) (Table III).
The distribution of infecting organisms
Patients were randomised to be treated by Cure was defined as the resolution of
between the two treatment groups (Table
the IP or the IV/oral regime. Both groups symptoms and signs of peritonitis, and a
IV) shows that nine of the 13 treatment
were given three rapid exchanges for dialysate leukocyte count of less than
failures in the IV group had tobramycin-
symptomatic relief. Then they returned to 100/mm3 within 10 days, in the absence of
resistant, gram-positive organisms.
their usual CAPD regime, and, in the IP a subsequent relapse. Relapse was defined
However, in both treatment groups, the
group, were shown how to add antibiotics as a recurrence, with the same organism or
success rate against tobrarnycin-sensitive
to the bags. Table I shows the antibiotic no growth, within 15 days of completion of
organisms were similar (79% v 83%, p >
regimes used. All patients received treatment of the previous episode.
0.5). We found no significant difference in
vancomycin and tobramycin for the first Treatment failure was defined as a clinical
outcome between those on the IV /oral
four days; in the light of sensitivities, the deterioration, or an increase in the dialysate
regime who had been changed to oral
appropriate antibiotic was continued to the leukocyte count, necessitating an alteration
antibiotics, and those who had received
end of treatment (10 days) in the IP group. in antibiotic administration, continuation of
vancomycin and tobramycin throughout the
In the IV/oral group, 55% of the patients treatment beyond 10 days or catheter
10-day course. There was no significant
were treated with IV vancomycin and removal.
difference, in the trough serum levels of
tobramycin for 10 days because the Statistical analysis used the chisquared
tobramycin or vancomycin, between
isolated microorganism was resistant to test with Yates correction, and Fisher's
treatment-successes and failures in either
oral antibiotics, the remaining 45% were exact test.
treated from day four with oral antibiotics:
Two patients in the IV group developed
flucloxacillin (eight pts), cotrimoxazole
RESULTS hypotension during the infusion of
(three), sodium fusidate, erythromycin,
vancomycin, a recognised side
amoxycillin (two each), pencillin V, Ninety-three patients developed peritonitis
trimethoprim, cephalexin (one each). during the course of the trial. Thirteen were
At onset, samples of dialysate were sent excluded for the following reasons:
to the laboratory for microbiological
Recurrence 7
analysis and after two days and 10 days.
Septicemia I
The following investigations were carried
Tract infection 5
Five patients were withdrawn from the
Dialysate leukocyte count
trial. In three of these five, the catheter was
Gram stain
removed before completion of treatment
5 mls inoculated into Robertson's broth
because of frequent attacks of peritonitis
Inoculation onto chocolate agar and
before the current episode. We attributed
Wilkins Chagren agar
these to persistence of organisms on the
Antibiotic sensitivity testing
catheter , although these cases did not
Serum levels of vancomyin and satisfy the definition of recurrence within
tobramycin were measured at day two and 15 days. Two of these withdrawals were IP,
day five, and for those on intravenous the other being IV. Two more patients were
therapy, tobramycin levels were measured withdrawn from the IP group
on days four and six.
sumably was inadequate to eradicate the
infection. Our findings are in contrast to
those of Krothapalli et al (6), although this
may be explained by important differences
in the total dose of vancomycin
administered. Conversely, Gram-negative
organisms, all of which were vancomycin-
resistant, appeared to respond equally well
to IP and IV/oral regimes. There was no
evidence that those patients who changed
to oral antibiotics had a different
success-rate than those who had the 10-day
course of IV treatment.
In conclusion we recommend that
vancomycin be given by the intraperitoneal
route, although this may not be necessary
for tobramycin.

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Effects of the composition of
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overdosing which may be particularly peritonitis when antibiotics are not given chemiluminescence, phagocytosis and
serious in the case of the aminoglycosides. by the peritoneal route. The bulk of the bactericidal activity
Secondly, when antibiotics are given in treatment failures were due to gram- in vitro. Inf Imm 1981;33:130-135.
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9. Garrelts JC, Peterie JD. Vancomycin
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