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Original Investigation

Economic Evaluation of Neutral-pH, Low–Glucose Degradation

Product Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions Compared With Standard
Solutions: A Secondary Analysis of the balANZ Trial
Kirsten Howard, PhD,1 Alison Hayes, PhD,1 Yeoungjee Cho, MD,2,3 Alan Cass, PhD,4
Margaret Clarke, RN,5 and David W. Johnson, PhD2,3

Background: Biocompatible solutions may lower peritonitis rates, but are more costly than conventional
solutions. The aim of the present study was to assess the additional costs and health outcomes of biocom-
patible over conventional solutions in incident peritoneal dialysis patients to guide practice decisions.
Study Design: Secondary economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial.
Setting & Population: 185 participants in the balANZ trial.
Model, Perspective, & Timeframe: Cost-effectiveness of biocompatible compared to standard solution
over the 2 years using an Australian health care funder perspective.
Intervention: Intervention group received biocompatible solutions and control group received standard
solutions over 2 years.
Outcomes: Costs included dialysis charges, costs of treating peritonitis, non2peritonitis-related hospital
stays, and medication. Peritonitis was the health outcome of interest; incremental cost-effectiveness ratios
were reported in terms of the additional cost per additional patient avoiding peritonitis at 2 years.
Results: Mean total per-patient costs were A$57,451 and A$53,930 for the biocompatible and standard-
solution groups, respectively. The base-case analysis indicated an incremental cost of A$17,804 per additional
patient avoiding peritonitis at 2 years for biocompatible compared to standard solution. In a sensitivity analysis
excluding extreme outliers for non2peritonitis-related hospitalizations, mean per-patient costs were A$49,159
and A$52,009 for the biocompatible and standard-solution groups, respectively. Consequently, the incremental
cost-effectiveness ratio also was reduced significantly: biocompatible solution became both less costly and
more effective than standard solution and, in economic terms, was dominant over standard solution.
Limitations: Peritonitis was a secondary outcome of the balANZ trial. Health outcomes measured only in
terms of patients avoiding peritonitis over 2 years may underestimate the longer term benefits (eg, prolonged
technique survival).
Conclusions: Biocompatible dialysis solutions may offer a cost-effective alternative to standard solutions
for peritoneal dialysis patients. Reductions in peritonitis-related hospital costs may offset the higher costs of
biocompatible solution.
Am J Kidney Dis. 65(5):773-779. Crown Copyright ª 2015 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National
Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

INDEX WORDS: Biocompatible; neutral pH; low glucose degradation product; cost-effectiveness; economic
evaluation; peritonitis; hospitalisation; peritoneal dialysis (PD); peritoneal dialysis solutions; balANZ trial;
end-stage kidney disease (ESKD).

P eritoneal dialysis (PD) is a type of home-based

dialysis that is used to treat end-stage kidney
disease in more than 200,000 patients worldwide.1,2
These adverse clinical outcomes have been attrib-
uted to cumulative peritoneal injury in PD patients
from repeated exposures to conventional PD solutions,
It has various advantages over hemodialysis, characterized by their acidic pH and high–glucose
including better preservation of residual kidney
function, improved initial patient survival, reduced
From the 1Sydney School of Public Health, University of Syd-
erythropoiesis-stimulatory agent requirements, and ney, NSW; 2Centre for Kidney Disease Research, Translational
preservation of vascular access sites.3-5 Furthermore, Research Institute at University of Queensland; 3Department of
increasing use of PD has been estimated to lead to an Nephrology, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, QLD; 4The
annual cost saving of up to 40% compared to in- Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, NT, Australia; and
center hemodialysis.6 Despite these benefits, PD Fresenius Medical Care South Asia Pacific, Singapore.
Received July 15, 2014. Accepted in revised form December 26,
uptake remains low, accounting for only 19% of all 2014. Originally published online March 4, 2015.
dialysis in Australia7 and 11% of the global dialysis Address correspondence to David W. Johnson, PhD, Depart-
population.1 Its wider implementation is compro- ment of Nephrology, Level 2, ARTS Building, Princess Alexandra
mised by higher technique failure from infections Hospital, Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba, Brisbane, QLD 4102,
(eg, peritonitis); inadequate small-solute clearance, Australia. E-mail:
Crown Copyright  2015 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf
and ultrafiltration failure7 and concerns about the of the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
development of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis 0272-6386
with longer PD vintage.8-10

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(5):773-779 773

Howard et al

degradation product (GDP) content.11 Similarly, the .50% polymorphonuclear leukocytes in a patient with a
use of conventional PD solutions poses theoretical compatible clinical picture (abdominal pain, fever, or cloudy
dialysate).31,32 Each episode was documented using a serious
concern; it could contribute to peritonitis through adverse event form by a local clinician at the time of each peri-
impaired peritoneal mesothelial cell viability and func- tonitis episode. In keeping with the International Society of Peri-
tion, resulting in compromised peritoneal immune toneal Dialysis recommendations,31,33 a peritonitis episode
defenses.12-18 These undesirable sequelae may be pre- complicated by relapse was counted as a single episode.
vented by the administration of commercially available Costs
“biocompatible” PD solutions, characterized by neutral
pH and low-GDP content. Preclinical studies have Overview
shown significant improvement in peritoneal membrane Costs were estimated from a health funder perspective and
included the costs of dialysis, costs of treating peritonitis
cellular function and integrity following exposure to (including any inpatient hospital costs), costs of non2peritonitis-
biocompatible solutions versus conventional solu- related hospital stays, and medication costs. Dialysis type, vintage
tions,17,19-21 whereas observational cohort studies have and frequency, and health service and medication use for each
reported reduced inflammatory marker levels,22 perito- patient were collected routinely as part of the BalANZ trial.
nitis, and exit-site infection rates23 and improved tech- Cost of Dialysis
nique and patient survival.24-26 Recently, the balANZ PD costs were based on site-specific costing data collected
randomized controlled trial demonstrated significant (from each state or individual hospital contracts) as part of the trial
patient benefits in terms of longer time to anuria and and included solution charges and ancillaries. Hemodialysis costs
first peritonitis episode (median, 492 vs 323 days; were based on the Australian refined diagnosis-related groups
(AR-DRG) 5.2 National Hospital Cost Data Collection (Round
P 5 0.01), as well as a significant reduction in the 14)34 item cost for renal dialysis and assuming an average of 3.5
number of patients developing peritonitis (P 5 0.01).27 dialysis sessions per week.
The primary outcome measure of the balANZ trial,
Health Service Use and Costs
slope of kidney function decline, was not statistically
All inpatient hospitalization episodes were costed using AR-
significantly different between the biocompatible and
DRG 5.2 cost weights34 and adjusted for actual patient length of
control groups,27 but because peritonitis is one of the stay. Adverse events were categorized as being related or unrelated
most serious complications of PD, resulting in consid- to peritonitis. Other outpatient health care use was not collected
erable morbidity (w20% PD technique failure)28 and routinely as part of the trial; therefore, outpatient physician costs
mortality (2%-6%),29,30 we considered this an appro- were estimated based on the trial visit schedule for each center.
Visits (including home visits) were costed using the Medicare
priate outcome for this economic evaluation.
Benefits Schedule.35 Outpatient management of peritonitis also
Nonetheless, these biocompatible solutions are more was assumed to incur the cost of one physician visit.
costly compared with conventional solutions and the
Medication Costs
cost difference between these 2 treatment options has
never been formally evaluated. The aim of the present Costs of medications used over the 2-year trial period were
estimated using the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.36
study therefore was to conduct an economic evaluation For patients from New Zealand and Singapore receiving medica-
to assess the relative costs and health outcomes of tion not available in Australia, the cost for an equivalent
biocompatible solutions over conventional solutions in Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme–listed medication was used.
incident PD patients to guide practice decisions. Medications were categorized as being related or unrelated to
peritonitis. When medications were related to an inpatient hospi-
METHODS talization for peritonitis, medication costs were not counted
separately because inpatient pharmaceutical costs were already
Study Design and Setting included in the AR-DRG costs; medications for outpatient man-
We conducted a trial-based economic evaluation of biocom- agement of peritonitis episodes were included under the cost
patible and conventional PD solutions from the perspective of the category “outpatient peritonitis” and other medication costs were
health care funder, using data from a multicenter, multicountry, specified as “other concomitant medications.”
randomized, controlled trial, the balANZ trial. The methods and All costs were aggregated across participants in each arm of the
results of this trial have been reported in detail elsewhere.27 trial to obtain a mean cost per participant. All costs were valued in
Briefly, incident adult PD patients who had both a residual 2012 Australian dollars, and to account for the differential timing
measured glomerular filtration rate $ 5 mL/min/1.73 m2 and of costs and outcomes, a discount rate of 5% per year was applied,
measured urine volume $ 400 mL/d at enrollment were included in line with current Australian reimbursement guidelines.37
in the study. Patients were randomly assigned 1:1 to receive either
biocompatible, neutral-pH, lactate-buffered, low-GDP solutions Statistical Analysis
(Balance; Fresenius Medical Care) or conventional, standard, Cost-effectiveness analysis was undertaken from the funder
lactate-buffered PD solutions (stay,safe; Fresenius Medical Care; perspective and all analyses were carried out using Stata/SE12.0
control group). Each patient was followed up for 24 months. (StataCorp LP). Total costs of the solution treatments were
compared between the biocompatible-solution and control groups.
Health Outcome Measures Costs and effects were derived from patient-level data; therefore,
The health outcome measure for this economic evaluation was bootstrapping was used to estimate a distribution around costs and
peritonitis; specifically, the proportion of patients experiencing at health outcomes. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were
least one episode of peritonitis by trial end.27 Peritonitis was calculated, which represented the additional expenditure required to
defined as a dialysate white blood cell count . 100/mL with deliver each additional unit of benefit. ICERs were expressed as the

774 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(5):773-779

Economic Evaluation of Biocompatible PD Solutions

Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics by Peritoneal Dialysis solutions (n 5 93).27 Ninety-one patients in each
Solution Type group were available for the analysis of health care
Biocompatible Control costs and outcomes for the economic evaluation. The
Characteristic (n 5 91) (n 5 91) 2 groups were well matched for all baseline charac-
teristics (Table 1).27
Age (y) 59.3 6 14.2 57.9 6 14.7
Female sex 39 (43) 43 (47) Effectiveness
As noted in a previous publication,27 the number of
White 77 (85) 69 (76)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait 0 (0) 2 (2) patients experiencing peritonitis in the biocompatible-
Islander solution group was significantly lower than that in the
Asian 10 (11) 13 (14) control group (27 of 91 [30%] vs 45 of 91 [49%],
Maori and Pacific Islander 4 (4) 7 (7) respectively), giving a risk difference of 219.8%
Diabetic nephropathy 30 (33) 31 (34) (95% confidence interval [CI], 25.5% to 234.0%;
Body mass index (kg/m2) 27.7 6 5.02 28.4 6 6.16 Table 2).
Note: Baseline patient characteristics from Johnson et al.27
Values for categorical variables are given as number (percent-
age); values for continuous variables are given as mean 6 Mean total costs per patient over the 2 years were
standard deviation. A$57,451 for patients in the biocompatible solution
group and A$53,930 in the control group. Six patients
cost per additional patient avoiding peritonitis at 2 years. To examine (3 biocompatible and 3 control) had missing medi-
their joint probability distribution, 1,000 cost and outcome pairs were cation costs. The major contributor to the mean cost
generated by bootstrap sampling with replacement and plotted on an per patient in each group was the cost of dialysis
incremental cost-effectiveness plane. A cost-effectiveness accept-
provision (A$28,612 and A$27,662 per patient for the
ability curve was derived to capture uncertainty around the proba-
bility that the biocompatible solution was cost-effective, given a biocompatible-solution and control groups, respec-
decision maker’s willingness to pay for an additional patient avoiding tively). Mean per-patient cost of hospitalizations un-
peritonitis.38 Sensitivity analysis of the main drivers of total cost related to peritonitis made up the next largest cost
was conducted, excluding patients in both arms of the trial if their category for both treatment groups. As would be
nonperitonitis hospital costs exceeded 3 standard deviations (SDs)
expected, the mean per-patient cost for treatment
from the mean nonperitonitis hospital cost across all participants.
of peritonitis (both inpatient and outpatient) was
RESULTS lower for the biocompatible-solution group, and this
partially offset the increased cost of biocompatible
Patient Characteristics solution. The mean per-patient cost of nonperitonitis
A total of 185 patients were randomly assigned to hospital admission was higher in the biocompatible-
receive biocompatible (n 5 92) or conventional PD solution than control group (A$21,773 compared to

Table 2. Discounted Mean Cost per Patient, Health Outcomes, and ICER

Biocompatible Control PD
PD Solutiona (n 5 91) Solution (n 5 91)a Increments (biocompatible 2 conventional)b,c

Dialysis 28,612 6 14,489 27,663 6 14,394 949 (23,237 to 5,249)
Concomitant medications 4,108 6 6,084 4,099 6 6,302 9 (21,774 to 1,751)
Home visits 675 6 474 644 6 464 31 (2113 to 164)
Clinic visits 800 6 562 752 6 509 47 (298 to 211)
Outpatient peritonitis 33 6 85 53 6 103 220 (245 to 9)
Hospital treatment
Peritonitis 1,450 6 4,094 4,436 6 9,428 22,986 (25,102 to 2990)
Other 21,773 6 37,256 16,282 6 27,303 5,491 (24,159 to 14,395)
Total costs 57,451 6 46,124 53,930 6 33,836 3,522 (27,608 to 13,750 )

Peritonitis health outcome 27 (0.296) 45 (0.494) 20.198 (20.055 to 20.340)

ICERd $17,804/pt avoiding peritonitis at 2 y (dominant to $114,783)
Note: Cost values are given in Australian dollars.
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; PD, peritoneal dialysis; pt, patient; SD, standard
Values given as mean 6 SD, except for peritonitis health outcome, which is given as number (proportion).
Except where indicated, values given as mean (95% CI 1,000 bootstraps).
Incremental costs have been calculated and then rounded to the nearest full dollar.
Incremental cost per additional patient avoiding peritonitis.

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(5):773-779 775

Howard et al

A$16,282). This difference was driven by small dif- Sensitivity Analysis

ferences in the number of patients experiencing In a sensitivity analysis, total costs were recalcu-
extended lengths of stay in the hospital; for example, lated after the removal of extreme outliers (.3 SDs
2 patients in the control group with hospital stays from mean nonperitonitis hospital costs) in the
of 64 days (estimated cost, A$90,227) and 51 days cost of other hospitalizations (5 participants from
(A$59,617) compared with 3 patients in the the biocompatible solution group; 1 from control),
biocompatible-solution group with hospital stays of resulting in mean per-patient total costs of A$49,159
51 (A$75,495), 68 (A$71,400), and 136 days (biocompatible) and A$52,009 (control). Biocom-
(A$160,551). patible solution on average was A$2,850 less costly
per patient than control solution. This has a large
Cost-Effectiveness impact on the ICER, making biocompatible solution
The point estimate and bootstrapped estimates of both less costly and more effective than control so-
incremental cost and incremental benefit of the lution; in economic terms, dominant over control
biocompatible solution are presented in Table 2 and in a solution. The bootstrapped 95% CI ranged from
cost-effectiveness plane (Fig 1); the associated cost- biocompatible solution being dominant over control
effectiveness acceptability curve is presented in Fig 2. solution to an ICER of A$6,135 per additional pa-
The cost-effectiveness plane (Fig 1) represents the tient avoiding peritonitis. The sensitivity analysis
additional cost (biocompatible compared with control) suggests a 75% probability that the biocompatible
on the y-axis to achieve incremental benefits (propor- PD solution is cost saving (Fig 2).
tion of patients avoiding peritonitis) on the x-axis. The
mean ICER was A$17,804 per additional extra patient DISCUSSION
avoiding peritonitis at 2 years. The bootstrapped Biocompatible PD solution recently has been
95% CI ranged from biocompatible solution being both shown to have significant patient benefits compared to
more effective and less costly than conventional solu- standard solution in terms of longer time to anuria and
tion (dominant) to an ICER of wA$115,000 per first peritonitis episode, as well as a significant
additional patient avoiding peritonitis. There was a 27% reduction in the number of patients developing peri-
probability that biocompatible solution was cost saving tonitis.27 To our knowledge, this is the first cost-
(Fig 2). The probability that biocompatible solution is effectiveness analysis of biocompatible compared
cost-effective is dependent on a decision maker’s with conventional solution. Our base-case analysis
willingness to pay (Fig 2). For example, if a decision indicated that biocompatible solution is likely to be a
maker is willing to pay A$40,000 to avoid an extra good value, with an incremental cost of A$17,804 per
patient experiencing peritonitis over a 2-year time extra patient avoiding peritonitis at 2 years and a 25%
frame, there is an w70% probability that biocompatible probability that biocompatible solution would be cost
solution is cost-effective. saving over this time frame. The additional cost of
biocompatible solution is offset by the reduction in
peritonitis episodes and in particular the associated
hospital costs in the biocompatible-solution group.

Figure 2. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve (probability

Figure 1. Base-case analysis: incremental cost-effectiveness cost-effective at different willingness-to-pay thresholds for each
scatter plot for biocompatible versus conventional dialysate; cost extra patient avoiding peritonitis over 2 years) for biocompatible
per additional patient avoiding peritonitis (white circle, mean incre- versus conventional dialysate (solid line, base-case analysis;
mental cost-effectiveness ratio; grey circles, 1,000 bootstrapped dashed line, sensitivity analysis omitting outliers (.3 SDs from
replicates). mean; n 5 6) for nonperitonitis hospitalization costs.

776 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(5):773-779

Economic Evaluation of Biocompatible PD Solutions

A sensitivity analysis excluding outliers for non– biocompatible solution versus standard solution. The
peritonitis-related hospital costs found that biocom- balANZ study was a multicenter, multinational,
patible solution was less costly than standard solution. parallel-design, randomized, controlled trial with
This significantly reduced the ICER to the point that one of the longest follow-up periods (2 years) re-
biocompatible solution was dominant (both less ported in the literature. The outcomes (eg, patients
costly and more effective) over standard solution. avoiding peritonitis) represent a directly patient-
Under these circumstances, there was a 75% proba- relevant outcome rather than a surrogate outcome.
bility that biocompatible solution was cost-saving. Moreover, the current evaluation included costs
Although these results suggest that biocompatible associated with temporary hemodialysis due to
solutions offer good value, unfortunately there various medical reasons (eg, postperitonitis and
currently is no established threshold value for an hernia repair) during the trial participation to provide
acceptable willingness to pay for each extra patient the cost comparison in “real terms.” However,
avoiding peritonitis. What is considered good value is despite these strengths, our analysis has a number of
highly context specific and dependent on competing limitations that should be acknowledged. The bal-
calls on resources. We have some information for ANZ trial was designed primarily to examine the
what decision makers might be willing to pay for a effect of biocompatible solutions on residual kidney
quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained across function decline and peritonitis was one of its sec-
different jurisdictions. The acceptable value in terms ondary outcome measures. We used data collected
of incremental cost per QALY gained ranges from US routinely as part of the trial on health care use,
$50,000 to $100,000 in the United States39 to adverse events, and hospitalizations to inform the
w£20,000 to £30,000 in the United Kingdom.40,41 In economic evaluation. Other outpatient health care
Australia, ICERs less than wA$50,000 per QALY use (eg, specialist visits and emergency department
were more likely to be acceptable.42 In this context visits) was not collected as part of the trial. There-
and given the considerable morbidity and mortality fore, the total reported per-patient cost may be
implications of peritonitis, biocompatible PD solution slightly underestimated; however, because these
appears to offer good value, although additional an- additional costs are incurred in both trial arms, they
alyses should confirm and extend our results. are unlikely to substantially affect the ICER. We
The current economic evaluation considered perito- have considered only health outcomes reported in
nitis as the health outcome measure of interest because natural units (patients experiencing peritonitis) rather
it is explicitly a patient-relevant outcome. Because than a multidimensional health outcome such as
peritonitis is one of the most serious complications of QALYs. The QALYs would facilitate comparison to
PD, resulting in considerable morbidity (w20% PD other interventions in these patients and to other
technique failure)28 and mortality (2%-6%),29,30 we decisions in different contexts. Despite balANZ be-
considered this an appropriate outcome for the eco- ing the longest trial of biocompatible solution re-
nomic evaluation. Although peritonitis was a second- ported to date, it still is a relatively short-term
ary outcome measure of the balANZ trial, patients follow-up period for a chronic disease and ideally,
receiving biocompatible solutions had significantly we would want to consider health outcomes and
longer times to first peritonitis episode and experienced costs over a longer time horizon. Although the
lower overall peritonitis rates.27 There are several ICERs reported here suggest that biocompatible
theoretical reasons that support biological plausibility solution offers good value (and possibly both cost-
between the use of biocompatible solutions and a savings and fewer patients experiencing perito-
decrease in the peritonitis risk.32 These relate to su- nitis), the benefits may be underestimated. The study
perior physical protection from improved preservation did not capture the improvement in residual kidney
of peritoneal membrane integrity and from enhanced function with the use of biocompatible solution,27
local immune defense mechanisms by avoiding expo- which may prolong technique survival on PD ther-
sure to solutions that are high in GDP content with apy in these patients. A modeled analysis extrapo-
acidic pH (ie, conventional solutions) based on lating health outcomes beyond the trial duration and
experimental evidence.12-18 In the context of high over a patient lifetime to capture these and other
peritonitis burden imposed upon PD patients, espe- longer term health outcomes, including the consid-
cially in countries such as Australia,31,33 any inter- eration of consequences of technique failure and
vention that can effectively lower its occurrence can resuming hemodialysis therapy, is likely to offer
lead to better patient outcomes by reducing associated favorable cost-effectiveness.
morbidity and mortality risks. Moreover, the disease burden imposed by perito-
Our analysis has a number of significant strengths. nitis extends beyond the cost of acute treatment (ie,
It is based on one of the largest and most method- medications, hospital visits, or admission) because it
ologically robust randomized controlled trials of leads to peritoneal membrane injury11 and contributes

Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(5):773-779 777

Howard et al

to technique failure28 and mortality.29 In contrast, been reported honestly, accurately, transparently; that no important
presently there is no evidence to suggest that the use aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies
from the study as planned have been explained.
of biocompatible solutions leads to patient harm. Its
use is supported further by greater urine output and REFERENCES
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778 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(5):773-779

Economic Evaluation of Biocompatible PD Solutions

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Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(5):773-779 779

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