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The Current State of Peritoneal Dialysis

Rajnish Mehrotra,*† Olivier Devuyst,‡§ Simon J. Davies,| and David W. Johnson¶
*Kidney Research Institute and †Harborview Medical Center, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University
of Washington, Seattle, Washington; ‡Institute of Physiology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; §Division of
Nephrology, Université Catholique de Louvain Medical School, Brussels, Belgium; |Department of Nephrology, Keele
University, Staffordshire, United Kingdom; and ¶Department of Nephrology, Division of Medicine, Princess Alexandra
Hospital, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Technical innovations in peritoneal dialysis (PD), now used widely for the long-term but were not limited to high risk
treatment of ESRD, have significantly reduced therapy-related complications, allowing of infections, inadequate clearance of
patients to be maintained on PD for longer periods. Indeed, the survival rate for small solutes, and deterioration of
patients treated with PD is now equivalent to that with in-center hemodialysis. In peritoneal health resulting in ultrafil-
parallel, changes in public policy have spurred an unprecedented expansion in the use tration failure, which together led to
of PD in many parts of the world. Meanwhile, our improved understanding of the shorter time on therapy and higher risk
molecular mechanisms involved in solute and water transport across the peritoneum for death compared with in-center
and of the pathobiology of structural and functional changes in the peritoneum with HD.13,17–19 This led a leading nephrolo-
long-term PD has provided new targets for improving efficiency and for intervention. gist to retort in the 1980s that PD is a
As with hemodialysis, almost half of all deaths on PD occur because of cardiovascular “second-class therapy for second-class
events, and there is great interest in identifying modality-specific factors contributing patients by second-class doctors.” In
to these events. Notably, tremendous progress has been made in developing part driven by these concerns, starting
interventions that substantially reduce the risk of PD-related peritonitis. Yet the gains from the mid-1990s the proportion of
have been unequal among individual centers, primarily because of unequal clinical patients with ESRD treated with PD
application of knowledge gained from research. The work to date has further progressively declined in many parts of
highlighted the areas in need of innovation as we continue to strive to improve the the world.20,21
health and outcomes of patients treated with PD. Yet, the greatest improvements in the
clinical application of PD occurred at the
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2016010112
same time as a progressively smaller
proportion of patients were utilizing
the therapy. In the decade starting from
The first attempt to use the human reduce the risk of infections, the introduc- the mid-1990s, there was a significantly
peritoneum to dialyze uremic retention tion of volumetric cyclers, and several al- larger reduction in risk of death for
solutes was made almost 100 years ago.1 ternatives to conventional glucose-based patients starting with PD around the
Over the next five decades, the therapy peritoneal dialysis (PD) solutions.13–16 world than for those undergoing in-
gradually evolved with an expansion in In this review, we highlight the major de- center HD (Table 1).22–29 As a result,
our understanding of solute and water velopments in the application of PD for virtually all studies indicate PD and in-
kinetics that allowed for successful ap- the treatment of ESRD. center HD now provide similar short- (1-
plication of this mode of dialysis to or 2-year) or long-term (up to 5 years)
AKI and ESRD.2–10 This, in addition to survival (Table 1).23–25,29–31 Furthermore,
the development of the indwelling cath- UTILIZATION AND OUTCOMES
eter that provided access to the perito- WITH PD
Published online ahead of print. Publication date
neal cavity at will and standardization of available at
the composition of dextrose-based dial- The early experience with PD raised
Correspondence: Dr. Rajnish Mehrotra, 325 Ninth
ysate culminated in the introduction of numerous concerns about whether the Avenue, Box 359606, Seattle, WA 98104. Email:
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dial- therapy was a viable alternative to in-
ysis in 1976 (Figure 1).11–13 This was fol- center hemodialysis (HD) for the long- Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of
lowed by changes in connectology to term treatment of ESRD. These included Nephrology

3238 ISSN : 1046-6673/2711-3238 J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 BRIEF REVIEW

shortage has abated but has not been

completely eliminated. With increas-
ing use of PD, it is likely that the patient
census of individual facilities in such
countries will become larger which in
turn is associated with longer time for
patients on PD because of reduced
transfer to in-center HD.

Rethinking Care Delivery to

Increase Dialysis Treatment Options
for Patients
An important barrier to a greater use of
PD is that many patients with ESRD are
unaware that dialysis can be done at
home. 42,43 Conversely, educating pa-
tients about treatment options is asso-
ciated with a significantly higher use of
PD even among patients who start di-
Figure 1. Major landmarks in the development of PD as a treatment for ESRD (1923–1978).
alysis without prior care with a ne-
phrologist. 44–46 Even when practices
make comprehensive modality educa-
there has been a significant reduction changes to increase PD utilization to tion programs available, many patients
in risk of patients treated with PD trans- leverage its lower costs to the health start RRTwith little or no prior care by a
ferring to in-center HD in the United system.36 In the United States, an ex- nephrologist. These late-referred pa-
States, indicating a lower risk of therapy- panded prospective payment system tients invariably start treatment with
related complications.32 These improve- became effective in 2011, which in- in-center HD with a central venous
ments have significant implications as cludes the cost of parenteral dialysis- catheter. 47,48 Even though “urgent-
they allow patients to receive treatment related medications in capitated start” PD has been performed for
with an RRT best suited to their values, payments made for each dialysis treat- decades, a growing number of centers
expectations, and lifestyles, and allow na- ment.37,38 Because PD patients require a around the world have now developed
tions the flexibility to incentivize dialysis significantly lower dose of erythropoi- these programs both to increase the use
modalities that allow them to offer cost- esis stimulating agents to achieve any of PD and reduce the proportion of pa-
effective treatment given increasing bud- given hemoglobin level, this policy tients that start dialysis with a central
getary constraints. change offers a significant financial in- venous catheter.49–57 Successful imple-
centive to a greater use of PD. 39 In mentation of urgent-start PD requires
Public Policy Changes to Increase Thailand, the government adopted a the ability to (1) educate late-referred
PD Utilization “PD-First” approach in 2008 as part patients on short notice about treat-
The relative costs of HD and PD vary of its universal health coverage ment options; (2) place PD catheters
around the world.33 In most developed scheme, as in Hong Kong, under the in a timely manner; and (3) offer inter-
countries and many developing coun- aegis of which dialysis services will be mittent PD in a hospital or dialysis fa-
tries societal costs with PD are lower paid for only if the patient is treated cility up until the patient can be trained
providing impetus to these jurisdic- with PD, given its lower cost.40 Finally, to perform treatments safely at home.58 A
tions to enact public policy that pro- China has been rapidly expanding ac- large number of case-series have reported
motes the use of a cheaper therapy.33 cess to RRT for its population and has a successful implementation of urgent-start
This is important as it has long been policy that encourages the use of PD PD without an increase in incidence of
recognized that nonmedical factors, in- without mandating it.36 Each of these leaks or other therapy-related mechanical
cluding reimbursement, are the pri- three countries has seen an unprece- complications.49–57
mary determinants of the proportion dented expansion in the use of PD. The elderly or the disabled is an-
of ESRD patients treated with PD in The growth in the United States has other group of patients that have sig-
any region of the world. 34,35 With a been so rapid (Figures 2, and 3) that nificantly lower use of PD, even though
backdrop provided by recent studies the dominant manufacturer was not many such patients would prefer treat-
that PD provides equivalent survival able to increase the supply of dialysate ment at home. 59 Many programs have
to in-center HD, several countries to meet the increasing demand leading long used family members to help pa-
around the world have introduced to rationing of solutions in 2014.41 The tients with PD. 60 Several countries

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 Update on PD 3239


Table 1. Summary of studies from around the world demonstrating greater reductions in risk for death in patients treated with PD compared with in-center HD
Author, Year Country/Region Periods Mortality Trends by Modality Trends in Comparative Survival
Mehrotra et al., 200722 United States 1996–1997 Compared with 1998–1999, the adjusted hazards
1998–1999 for patients starting PD to die or transfer to HD
2000–2001 within 12 mo was 17% lower; no significant

2002–2003 difference over time for patients starting HD

Mehrotra et al., 201123 United States 1996–1998 The adjusted hazards ratio for death (PD, HD) were
1999–2001 1.07 (1.04, 1.11), 1.08 (1.06, 1.11), and 1.03 (0.99,
2002–2004 1.06), respectively
Chang et al., 201224 Taiwan 1997–2001 The adjusted hazards ratio for death (PD, HD) were
2002–2006 1.33 (1.21, 1.46), and 0.99 (0.87, 1.14),

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Yeates et al., 201225 Canada 1991–1995 The adjusted hazards ratio for death (PD, HD) were
1996–2000 1.08 (1.02, 1.15), 1.13 (1.07, 1.20), and 0.99 (0.92,
2001–2004 1.06), respectively
Heaf and Wehberg, 201426 Denmark 1990–1994 Adjusted death risk for patients starting HD and PD in The adjusted hazards ratio for death (PD, HD) were
1995–1999 2005–2010 was 30% (95% confidence interval, 0.95 (0.85, 1.06), 0.90 (0.82, 1.00), 0.84 (0.77,
2000–2004 13% to 37%) and 46% (95% confidence interval, 0.92), and 0.80 (0.71, 0.89), respectively
2005–2010 37% to 51%) lower compared with patients who
started HD in 1990–1994
Marshall et al., 201527 Australia and 1998–2002 Compared with 1998–2002, adjusted death risk for
New Zealand 2003–2007 patients starting HD in 2008–2012 was 21% lower
2008–2012 (95% confidence interval, 15% to 26%); for
patients starting PD, 27% lower (95% confidence
interval, 11% to 23%)
Ryu et al., 201528 South Korea Each year, from Compared with 2005, in 2008 adjusted death risk for Among patients who started dialysis in 2008, no
2005 through patients starting HD was 15% lower (95% significant difference in risk for death for patients
2008 confidence interval, 9% to 20%) and starting PD treated with HD, compared with those treated
25% lower (95% confidence interval, 16% to 34%) with PD (adjusted hazards ratio, 0.91 [0.82, 1.00])
van de Luijtgaarden Europe (ERA-EDTA 1993–1997 Compared with 1993–1997, adjusted death risk for The adjusted hazards ratio for death (PD, HD) were
et al., 201529 Registry) 1998–2002 patients starting HD in 2003–2007 was 18% lower 1.02 (0.98, 1.06), 1.00 (0.96, 1.03), and 0.91 (0.88,
2003–2007 (95% confidence interval, 16% to 20%) and 0.95), respectively
starting PD was 36% lower (95% confidence
interval, 33% to 39%)
ERA-EDTA, European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association.

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 BRIEF REVIEW

cells lining peritoneal capillaries.69 It is a

member of a highly conserved family of
water channels that are organized as ho-
motetramers, with each monomer
containing a central pore that facilitates
the movement of water across the lipidic
membranes.70 The deletion of AQP1 in
mice results in 50% decrease in net cu-
mulative ultrafiltration, and abolition of
sodium sieving.71,72 Indeed, glucose is
effective as an osmotic agent because of
the presence of the ultrasmall pore ma-
terialized by AQP1 in peritoneal endo-
thelial cells.73 Investigators are currently
examining AQP1 as a therapeutic target
to increase ultrafiltration with PD. High-
dose dexamethasone increases AQP1
expression in peritoneal capillaries of ro-
dents resulting in enhanced free-water
transport and ultrafiltration.74 Steroids
may be efficacious in humans as illus-
trated by comparing ultrafiltration in
patients before and after kidney trans-
plantation.75 Another potential agent is
an arylsulfonamide, AqF026, the first
pharmacologic agonist of AQP1 that in-
teracts with an intracellular loop in-
volved in the gating of the channel.76 It
enhances AQP1-mediated water trans-
port and net ultrafiltration in rodents.
These two examples give hope for the
possibility of developing pharmacologic
Figure 2. Secular trends in the number of patients treated with PD in the United States therapies targeting AQP1 to enhance
(1996–2013). (A) The number of patients treated with PD by 90 day of start of maintenance ultrafiltration with PD.
dialysis; (B) Point prevalent counts of the number of patients treated with PD as of De-
cember 31 of each calendar year. Intraperitoneal Inflammation
There is increasing evidence that differ-
have extended this concept to include a IMPROVED UNDERSTANDING OF ences in chronic intraperitoneal inflam-
visiting nurse to help patients with PD PERITONEAL PHYSIOLOGY AND mation, particularly IL-6 production by
at home.59,61–64 Some of these patients PATHOPHYSIOLOGY mesothelial and resident cells in the
require assistance only for a short pe- peritoneum, are primarily associated
riod of time. 63 Observational studies The primary goal of dialysis is to remove with differences in peritoneal solute
suggest that patients undergoing assis- water and uremic solutes, and the effec- transfer rate, which are in turn strongly
ted PD have similar rates of bacterial tiveness of their removal is an important associated with PD clinical out-
peritonitis as with self-care PD and determinant of outcomes of patients comes.67,68,77–80 Consistent with this,
similar patient-reported outcomes treated with PD. 67,68 Recent studies genetic variants associated with higher
and hospitalization as with in-center have expanded our understanding of IL-6 production are associated with
HD. 61,64,65 solute and water transport processes higher peritoneal solute transfer
Finally, racial/ethnic minorities in the across the peritoneum some of which rate.81,82
United States have a significantly lower could be leveraged for increasing the ef- In addition to chronic inflammation,
use of home-based dialysis therapies.66 It ficiency of PD. episodes of peritonitis are associated with
is imperative to further study this to en- acute increases in intraperitoneal inflam-
sure all patients have equal access to all Aquaporins in the Peritoneum mation resulting in higher peritoneal
dialysis modalities without regard to The water channel aquaporin-1 (AQP1) solute transfer rates and lower ultrafil-
their race/ethnicity. is constitutively expressed in endothelial tration.83 Studies in rodents suggest that

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 Update on PD 3241


that patients treated with biocompatible

PD solutions may not have the increase
in peritoneal solute transfer rate after the
first month of therapy, as seen with
conventional PD solutions.101,102 Obser-
vational studies have also raised the
possibility that inhibitors of the renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system may
ameliorate change in peritoneal solute
transfer capacity over time103; the bene-
ficial effect of these drug classes, how-
ever, has not been tested in clinical trials.

Figure 3. Secular trends in the proportion of patients undergoing maintenance dialysis MODIFICATION IN PD PATIENTS
treated with PD in the United States (1996–2013). The blue line represents the proportion of
all patients undergoing maintenance dialysis treated with PD 90 days from the date of first About 40%–60% of deaths in PD
dialysis and the red line represents the proportion of all patients undergoing maintenance patients are associated with cardiovas-
dialysis on December 31 of any calendar year. cular events104; even more can be con-
sidered indirectly related if the link
locally released vasoactive substances, increased collagen fiber density in the between cardiovascular disease, in-
particularly nitric oxide, may mediate interstitium.88,90,91 flammation and frailty leading to debil-
the increase in peritoneal solute transfer The mechanisms of peritoneal fibro- itation, transfer to HD, and treatment
rate.84–86 Pharmacologic inhibition or sis remain debated. Progressive fibrosis is withdrawal are considered. 79,105–107
genetic deletion of the endothelial nitric characterized by the release of growth Registry analyses suggest that PD pa-
oxide synthase significantly attenuates factors such as TGF-b1, resulting in the tients may have a higher risk of myo-
intraperitoneal inflammation in animals accumulation of a-smooth muscle actin cardial infarction compared with
with peritonitis and the associated myofibroblasts in the peritoneum.87,92 HD.104,108 This section is focused on
change in peritoneal solute transfer rate Several in vitro and in vivo studies indi- nonconventional cardiovascular risk
and ultrafiltration.85 cated that myofibroblasts are derived factors, with emphasis on modification
These findings point to potential from mesothelial cells through epithe- by treatment with PD (Figure 4). A
therapeutic targets to be explored in the lial-mesenchymal transition, 93–96 in more comprehensive evaluation of ev-
future to improve PD efficiency. which epithelial cells lose their polarity idence of cardiovascular risk factors is
and differentiation, gain migratory and included in recently published clinical
Structural and Functional Changes invasive properties, and become plurip- practice guidelines.109,110
over Time otent mesenchymal stem cells that dif-
Prolonged treatment with PD is associ- ferentiate into fibroblasts. Consistent Importance of Metabolic Risk
ated with structural (fibrosis, angiogen- with studies questioning the role of Factors and the Role of
esis, hyalinizing vasculopathy) and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in Glucose-Sparing Regimens
functional (increased peritoneal solute renal fibrosis, 97–99 Chen et al. 100 re- The most obvious risk factors exacer-
transfer rate, ultrafiltration failure) cently applied lineage-tracing technol- bated by PD are metabolic, related to
changes. 87 One of the most serious ogy in several models of peritoneal systemic glucose absorption from the
complications of long-term PD is encap- fibrosis and showed that submesothe- dialysate. They include worsening dysli-
sulating peritoneal sclerosis, a rare lial fibroblasts – and not mesothelial pidemia, insulin resistance and meta-
complication characterized by an exag- cells via epithelial-mesenchymal tran- bolic syndrome, and weight gain.111–117
gerated fibrogenic response of the sition – are the major precursors of Yet, the evidence that they translate into
peritoneum. 88,89 Studies suggest that myofibroblasts. significantly worse outcomes for PD pa-
peritoneal ultrafiltration capacity These improvements in our under- tients is variable. For example, the
decreases before the clinical manifesta- standing of the mechanisms involved in greater weight gain with PD compared
tion of encapsulating peritoneal sclero- changes in the peritoneum with long- with HD is unclear. Patients gain weight
sis and that the primary mechanism term PD hold hope that future therapies after starting PD, and this is closely mir-
is reduction in osmotic conductance may allow us to ameliorate them. As an rored by an increase in total cholesterol
(ultrafiltration volume for a given os- example, post hoc analysis of a recent and fat mass. However, in many circum-
motic gradient) that is related to the randomized controlled trial suggests stances this weight gain reflects catch-up

3242 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 BRIEF REVIEW

Given the concern of increased risk of

myocardial infarction in patients receiv-
ing PD the lack of evidence that statins
can reduce this is disappointing. 137
Interestingly, a prespecified subgroup
analysis of the Study of Heart and Renal
Protection study, the only trial to include
PD patients, found a nonsignificant but
potentially important risk reduction sug-
gesting that these patients may be different
and worthy of further investigation.138

Residual Kidney Function

Residual kidney function is strongly
associated with better survival in studies
of both PD and HD.139,140 In the Canada-
USA study every 250 ml higher urine
volume per day translated into a 36%
lower 2-year mortality.139 Evidence sug-
gests that PD is associated with better
Figure 4. Overview of interrelationships between modality-specific factors that may preservation of residual kidney function
contribute to the cardiovascular risk of patients undergoing PD. compared with HD, typical reported
rates of loss in clearance per month be-
ing 0.25–0.28 and 0.30–0.40 ml/min per
of the predialysis loss.111,118 This also sistencies between studies linking 1.73 m2, respectively141–146; the mecha-
happens with HD and a large study metabolic syndrome in PD to worse nism is still debated but is likely to be in
found that the risk of significant weight outcomes.114,125,126 Again the role of part the avoidance of intravascular vol-
gain is lower with PD.118 For patients treatment modality varies, as new-onset ume depletion which occurs more fre-
undergoing maintenance dialysis, the diabetes is less common in Chinese pa- quently with HD. 147 Cohort studies
greater nutritional risk is being under- tients treated with PD than HD, and in and controlled trials find that in patients
weight and in this context additional either dialysis modality much less than undergoing PD the rate of loss of kidney
calories from the dialysate could be ad- for newly transplanted patients.127,128 function could be slowed with avoidance
vantageous119,120; what is less clear is What at first sight may be an obvious of volume depletion, use of blockers of
whether the lower death risk with larger modality-specific risk factor for cardio- renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system,
body size consistently observed among vascular disease, i.e., systemic glucose and the use of diuretics (urine volume
patients undergoing HD is seen with absorption, turns out to be much less and sodium loss).145,146,148,149
PD.121 This may be influenced by other clear. The most studied intervention to main-
regional factors as the risk or benefit of Regardless of these inconsistencies, tain residual kidney function is the use of
being obese in PD varies between na- there are now several studies showing biocompatible solutions. Biocompatible
tional registries, being harmful in Aus- that these risk factors are modifiable, solutions avoid the need for sterilizing
tralasia and neutral or advantageous in although none of the trials are sufficiently glucose at higher pH so limiting the
the United States and Brazil.118,122–124 powered to address hard endpoints. formation of glucose degradation prod-
One potential shortcoming of the Glucose sparing solutions have been ucts and thus avoiding their associated
registry analyses is the use of body developed, such as amino acid and toxicity. The Balance, Australia and New
mass index as surrogate for obesity which icodextrin. In nonpatients with diabetes, Zealand study demonstrated that these
may underestimate fat gain in PD pa- the colloid agent icodextrin used in the solutions delay the time to anuria, and
tients; the preferred use of waist circum- long exchange prevents nonfluid (pre- slow the rate of loss of clearance from 0.28
ference in defining metabolic syndrome sumed fat) weight gain and improves to 0.22 ml/min per 1.73 m2 per month.150
is also hard to validate in PD patients in insulin resistance.129–131 In patients with Subsequent meta-analyses have con-
whom abdominal girth measurements diabetes, including when in combina- firmed this observation.143,151
are influenced by intra-abdominal fluid. tion with amino acid solutions, icodex-
Equally, measuring insulin resistance in a trin improves glycemic control and lipid Volume Management
patient who is never fasting because of profiles.132–134 Poor glycemic control is As already alluded to, volume depletion
continuous glucose absorption presents associated with worse outcomes in dia- puts residual kidney function at risk but
problems. This may explain the incon- betic PD patients.135,136 equally volume excess is detrimental.

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 Update on PD 3243


Hypertension in patients healthy enough catheter removal in 10%–88% (22% registry studies have reported that the
to be wait-listed for transplant is associ- overall), permanent HD transfer in rates of PD-related infections have
ated with worse survival and there is a 9%–74% (18% overall), and death in steadily decreased over the last 10–20
growing body of evidence from bioim- 0.9%–8.6% (2%–6% overall) of years.161,180–185 Although this reduction
pedance data that over-hydration pre- cases.163–174 After a single episode of has been most apparent for Gram-
dicts worse survival. 152,153 In anuric peritonitis, the risks of death due to in- positive infections, significant reduc-
patients the ultrafiltration performance fection, cardiovascular disease, and tions have also been reported for
of the peritoneum becomes critical and dialysis withdrawal are markedly Gram-negative peritonitis. 161,180–185
daily net fluid removal of ,750–1000 ml increased in the first month and con- These reductions have been variously
is associated with higher mortality.154,155 tinue to remain significantly elevated attributed to the use of twin bag discon-
There is evidence that automated PD for up to 6 months afterward.106 Severe nection systems, implementation of
and icodextrin use can improve the risks and/or repeated peritonitis episodes mupirocin chemoprophylaxis protocols,
associated with fast peritoneal solute may also culminate in sufficient damage topical exit site application of gentami-
transfer rate.68,156,157 that precludes successful PD and, rarely, cin, coprescription of nystatin or fluco-
The fluid status of PD patients is no encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis.175,176 nazole with antibiotic therapy, improved
worse on average than for HD patients The complication imposes a heavy fi- training of PD patients and/or staff, and
predialysis, but that the distribution of nancial burden on the health care sys- better identification and targeting of
fluid is likely different.147 Hypoalbumi- tem with one health economics analysis peritonitis risk factors.180,186–193 Within
naemia is more common with PD due estimating the average cost of peritoni- Australia, country-wide PD-related
to the additional peritoneal protein los- tis-related hospitalization to be of the peritonitis rates fell significantly by
ses and is a reflection of their largely order of $3100. 177 Finally, concern 37% over a 5-year period from 0.62 ep-
independent systemic and intraperito- about the risk of PD peritonitis repre- isodes per patient-year in 2008 to 0.39
neal inflammatory states. 79,158 Intra- sents one of the most important patient- episodes per patient-year in 2013
vascular plasma volume is typically related barriers to the greater uptake of after a concerted, multidisciplinary and
normal in PD, even when excess fluid PD.178 multipronged national peritonitis re-
associated with hypoalbuminemia is Nevertheless, peritonitis is a prevent- duction campaign involving quarterly
present, indicating it being in the inter- able condition and there is abundant audit and feedback of individual unit
stitial compartment. 159 This means evidence that infection rates around the peritonitis rates, prioritization of perito-
that normalizing fluid status runs the world have decreased considerably over nitis prevention trials by the Australasian
risk of plasma volume depletion, hypo- time. 179 Single center observational Kidney Trials Network, updating na-
tension, and faster loss of residual studies from different parts of the tional clinical practice guidelines
kidney function. A recent trial using world, as well as multinational national on peritonitis, launching peritonitis
bioimpedance to support clinical deci-
sion making found that fluid status was
very stable in PD patients with residual
kidney function whereas the challenge
in anuric patients was how to reduce
volume status so that extracellular fluid
was reduced in parallel with the loss in
lean body tissue.160 The only interven-
tion that achieved this was an increase in
glucose prescription. As things stand,
clinicians need to exercise caution and
clinical judgment in setting target


Peritonitis continues to be a major cause

of morbidity and mortality in PD pa-
tients globally.104,161,162 Depending on
the underlying causative organism, PD-
related peritonitis is complicated by re- Figure 5. Center-specific PD-related peritonitis rates (incidence rate ratios) in Australia
lap se in 3% –20 % (14% overall), during the periods 2004–2008 (open triangles) and 2009–2013 (solid circles).

3244 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 BRIEF REVIEW

guideline implementation projects, 5), 174,194 Austria, 201 Scotland, 202 and characteristics (e.g., demographics, co-
publishing of a call to action paper, the United Kingdom.203 The sources of morbidities), and was reduced by a fur-
establishment of a PD Academy to these variations have not been ade- ther 34% after accounting for a limited
provide PD training to junior nephrol- quately investigated but may relate to number of center-level characteristics,
ogists and nursing staff, and develop- center-related factors, such as unit size, such as unit size, proportion of dialysis
ment of a Home Dialysis Network to topical antibiotic prophylaxis, or PD patients treated with PD, use of antifun-
support home dialysis patients (http:// training practices.161,192,201,202,204,205 A gal chemoprophylaxis, icodextrin use,–199 previous national survey found highly performance of peritoneal equilibration
Despite these improvements, there variable and generally poor compliance tests, cycler use, and propensity to admit
remains a wide and unacceptable varia- of centers with clinical practice guide- patients with PD-related peritonitis to
tion in reported rates from different lines for prevention of peritonitis. 206 hospital.207 This observation suggests
countries, ranging from 0.06 episodes/ More recently, an Australia and New that center practices play a dominant
year in Taiwan to 1.66 episodes/year in Zealand Dialysis and Transplantation role in mediating between-center varia-
Israel. 200 Furthermore, up to 20-fold Registry analysis found that the wide tion in peritonitis rates. Similarly, unac-
variation in peritonitis rates has been re- variation in peritonitis rates across Aus- ceptable variations in the outcomes of
ported between centers within individu- tralian dialysis centers was decreased by peritonitis treatment have been signifi-
al countries, such as Australia (Figure 16% after adjustment for patient cantly associated with obser ved

Table 2. Important thematic areas in need of further research

Thematic Areas Details of Areas in Need of Further Research
Utilization and outcomes with PD Approaches to modality education that optimize decision support and reduce decisional conflict
Clinical outcomes of late-referred patients starting treatment with PD (“urgent-start” PD) and in-
center HD with central venous catheter
Comparative effectiveness of home and in-center dialysis for end-of-life care for patients with
Understanding reasons for the low utilization of PD by racial/ethnic minorities and tailored
interventions to overcome barriers
Adequately powered studies comparing a broad range of patient-reported outcomes with
different dialysis modalities, including effect-modification by cultural differences
Peritoneal physiology and pathobiology Mechanisms of osmosis, choice of solutions, new osmotic agents, combination of different types of
osmotic agents
Biomarkers of peritoneal solute and water transfer – at baseline and over time on PD: genetics,
proteomics, metabolomics
New indications for PD: intoxications (e.g., liposome-supported PD for intoxication and metabolic
Reversibility of the structural changes in the peritoneal membrane: fibrosis, angiogenesis
Cellular mechanisms of peritoneal fibrosis and EPS
Identification of molecular counterparts of additional transport structures, e.g., the small pores
Cardiovascular risk with PD Validation of more practical approach to defining metabolic syndrome for PD patients
Better understanding of high risk cardiovascular risk phenotypes to include interactions with
diabetes, gender, and ethnicity
Adequately powered study to test the benefit of statins
Trials to evaluate additional strategies for preserving residual kidney function
Trials addressing the risk/benefit of preserving residual kidney function while optimizing volume
status and BP management, including further evaluation of technologies to evaluate fluid status
at the bedside
Peritonitis Determining which PD training methods, curricula, and structured assessment methods lead to
better peritonitis rates
Determining whether structured periodic retraining after initial baseline training leads to a
reduction in peritonitis rates
Development and evaluation of rapid (within hours) organism identification methods in PD-related
Does use of continuous versus intermittent intraperitoneal antibiotics for peritonitis treatment lead
to better peritonitis outcomes?
Does temporary conversion of automated PD patients to CAPD during peritonitis treatment lead
to better outcomes compared with leaving patients on automated PD?
EPS, encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis; CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal diaylsis.

J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3238–3252, 2016 Update on PD 3245


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