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Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012

Friday, October 5 and Jews committed to Zionism will remain ment. It claims merely that it will attempt to
deep.” establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
In Defense of the Nation-State Gordis is on to something here. True, Eu- provide for the common defense, promote
ropean and American opposition to Israel the general welfare, and secure the blessings
By Diana Muir Appelbaum partly reflects anti-Semitism; but it also re- of liberty for its citizens. The nation-state
Daniel Gordis wants you to know that if you flects the fact that Israel is the archetypal na- does not claim it will bring peace or justice
want tolerance, diversity and freedom, you tion-state, and nation-states have fallen from to the whole world, only that it will work to
should work for Zionism. In his new book, favor in intellectual circles. bring these benefits to a particular people liv-
The Promise of Israel: Why Its Seemingly The idea that humanity is arranged into ing on a particular piece of land.
Greatest Weakness Is Actually Its Greatest peoples and nations, each with its homeland, Even for one people in one land, this is a
Strength (John Wiley & Sons), Gordis weaves language, and unique ideas about how soci- tall order; yet Israel, Gordis argues, has largely
the work of political theorists and historians ety should be organized, is fundamental to succeeded in filling it. Israel has maintained
into a compelling case for the nation-state in the Hebrew Bible. It is a profoundly tolerant a stable democratic government, a free press,
general and Israel in particular. His first ar- idea, acknowledging that there and a high standard of civil
gument, in favor of the nation-state, is every may be more than one way liberties for its Jewish, Mus-
bit as important as the second. to build a good and just soci- lim, and Christian citizens,
As Gordis points out, talk does not pro- ety. This Jewish idea stands in even those who work openly
duce human rights; governments do. And radical opposition to universal- for its destruction. It has
the governments that have produced hu- ism. The great universalizing made world-class contribu-
man rights such as personal liberty and the traditions of the West—Greek, tions in every field of human
rule of law have most often been ethnically Roman, Christian, Islamic, achievement. It has taken in
based nation-states like Israel, South Korea, Marxist—have all attempted large numbers of refugees, not
and the Czech and Slovak Republics. Even to annihilate Jewishness be- just Jewish but non-Jewish.
in places like communist Poland, where the cause they could not tolerate It has created a first-world
government was perfectly dreadful, the eth- such diversity. It is no accident economy and defended itself
nic nation-state has generated these benefits. that universalism, religious and against attacks aimed at its an-
In the Middle East, hardly fertile ground for secular, has spawned many of nihilation.
law and freedom, Zionism has brought civil history’s great crimes. As Lilla puts it, in a passage not cited by
liberties and democracy to millions of people Until recently, republics have arisen only Gordis, “One of the long-standing puzzles
who never enjoyed them before, chiefly Jew- in small city-states and, usually, only briefly. of politics is how to wed political attachment
ish refugees from Middle Eastern and Euro- Apart from these cases, in all of human his- (which is particular) to political decency
pean tyranny but also Israeli Arabs. tory only a few ways have been found to or- (which knows no borders). The nation-state
Gordis quotes intellectual historian Mark ganize political life. There is the intense and has been the best modern means discovered
Lilla, who notes that while Western Euro- appalling tribalism of Afghanistan. There so far of squaring the circle.” Nation-states
peans have forgotten “all the long-standing are empires in which conquering Herrenvolk can produce bad governments, of course.
problems that the nation-state, as a modern oppress conquered peoples. There are dicta- But they quite often produce good govern-
form of political life, managed to solve,” Zi- torships and monarchies in which individu- ments, even liberal democracies; and that ca-
onism “remembers what it was to be stateless, als may have comforts or privileges but not pacity makes them unique in a world mostly
and the indignities of tribalism and imperi- rights. There has been the universalizing governed by dictatorships. The nation-state,
alism. It remembers the wisdom of borders ideology of Marxism, which has produced one can conclude, is the worst possible form
and the need for collective autonomy to es- brutality and death on an unimaginable scale. of political organization, except for all the
tablish self-respect and to demand respect Then there is the nation-state. others.
from others.” Until Western Europeans re- The nation-state gives no assurances of Gordis would not put it so minimally. He
learn those lessons, “the mutual incompre- the universal peace and justice promised by envisions a world in which each people lives
hension regarding Israel between Europeans Marxism, Islam, or the human rights move- in its own nation-state, governing itself as it

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chooses, perhaps competing freely through out of fashion. But the fashionable advocates states is perfect, but their governments look
persuasion but claiming no right to impose of universal human rights have a far more awfully good compared not only to what
its ideas on another people. For him, the embarrassing problem: Advocating human went before in these places but to what goes
utilitarian laundry list of decent government, rights in general doesn’t actually do much to on today in nearby countries. A book could
civil rights, a flourishing economy, and the move particular governments toward decent be filled with examples of places where na-
other miracles that tiny Israel has produced behavior. Issuing reports that tally human tionalism has brought comparatively good
in the face of implacable hatred are but a pre- rights violations by oppressive governments government—sometimes even peace, pros-
lude to the things that Jews living as a free often seems to do little more than teach dic- perity, and human rights protected by courts
people in their own land can and will pro- tatorships to lie more effectively. of law—in parts of the world long oppressed
duce. In Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s terms, such Yet practical politicians in Israel have de- by the great empires and universalizing ide-
a flowering is possible only under conditions livered real democracy and human rights, the ologies.
of self-determination. “I shall never believe Czech and Slovak Republics have amicably Activists understandably want to find a
that I have heard the arguments of the Jews,” separated into two admirably liberal nation simple political formula that will bring per-
he once wrote, “until they have a free state. states, South Korea emerged from decades of fect government to everyone in the world,
Only then will we know what they have to brutal imperial occupation to walk a difficult but Gordis is right: Building a world of
say.” path towards a prosperous liberal democra- nation-states one by one, a job requiring
Liberal American Jews, Gordis argues— cy, and the state built by the Nationalist Chi- the kind of hard, painful political labor that
he is surely right—are embarrassed by the nese on Taiwan is more admirable in every created Israel, is a far more practical way to
fact that the Jewish state is a standard-bearer way than the one built by Marxist idealists on produce a world that is tolerant, diverse, and
for nationhood, a political idea hopelessly the mainland. None of these young nation- free.

Wednesday, October 10 cal, international financial support has be- trying to alter the fundamental nature of
come critical. When Alistair Burt, the UK Israel receive approximately $100 million
Strategic Investment in Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East, a year from sources outside Israel. These
Israel’s New War was asked about the $800,000 he has given organizations influence public discourse
to anti-Zionist Israeli organizations, he not- in academia, culture, the legal system, the
By Ronen Shoval ed, “Since we began supporting these pro- economy, and the media.
Foreign governments, acting thoughtfully grams there have been a number of changes A New Profile, an Israeli NGO that re-
and strategically, fund dozens of non-gov- to Israeli civil and military judicial practice ceived $137,870 from Germany’s Bread for
ernmental organizations (NGOs) that form and decisions, and increased public debate the World foundation in 2009-2010, en-
a flourishing anti-Israel movement within on these issues.” Furthermore, he said un- courages draft-dodging. Breaking the Si-
Israel itself. This movement neither repre- apologetically, “we believe that continuing lence, which got $135,570 from the British
sents the will of the Israeli people nor seeks British support will assist in government in 2010, sullies
to operate as a legitimate political opposi- strengthening democratic the image of the IDF and its
tion. Instead, it is an orchestrated attempt processes” in Israel. soldiers. The Association for
from outside Israel to alter—dramatically— Britain is not alone. Be- Civil Rights in Israel—which
the basic character of the Jewish state. The tween 2006 and 2010, Euro- has received $71,200 from the
effort is a new tactic in the old war against pean governments transferred Belgian government, $69,300
the Jewish people’s right to self-determina- some $20 million to the 15 from the British government,
tion. most radical anti-Zionist or- and $489,190 from NIF—ar-
Non-Israelis often assume that Israelis ganizations operating in Is- gues that a Jewish nation-state
can and should be responsible for dealing rael. In America, the New is, by definition, a racist state.
with Zionism—and, therefore, with anti- Israel Fund, with a 2010 bud- In academia, Hebrew Uni-
Zionism as well. This assumption ignores get of $34 million ($1 million versity’s Gilo Center for Citi-
a fundamental shift in the balance of power is dedicated to lobbying), has zenship, Democracy and Civic
among anti-Zionist forces. From 1948 to funded 92 percent of the Is- Education, which in 2007 re-
2001, the struggle was primarily physical; raeli groups that accused the ceived $200,000 from the Gilo
it could take place only in Israel among Is- Israel Defense Forces of perpetrating the Family Foundation and additional funding
raelis. From 1948 to 1973, the struggle was war crimes alleged in the Goldstone Report. from the EU and the Norway Fund—along
between nation-states at war. From 1973 Other NIF-supported NGOs have joined with similar organizations, like the Minerva
to 2001, the tactic became terrorism. Now, the worldwide witch hunt that condemns Center for Human Rights, the Leonard Da-
however, the main arena—the “Durban Israeli officials like Ehud Olmert and Tzipi vis Institute for International Relations, the
strategy,” which emerged at a 2001 UN con- Livni as war criminals. NGOs supported by Swiss Center for Conflict Research, and the
ference in Durban, South Africa—is a battle the European Union participate in the anti- Truman Institute for the Advancement of
over the legitimacy of the very existence of Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Peace—host one-sided conferences, grant
Israel. campaigns. scholarships to like-minded students, and
Because the struggle is no longer physi- Overall, foundations and organizations seek to guarantee that the next generation

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  2

of scholars will hold the desired views. It is from the Jerusalem Light Rail project, and and do not play any role in the current fight
no accident that eight out of nine political the Norwegian national oil fund no longer for Israel. They must start spending strate-
science professors at Ben-Gurion University invests in Elbit and Africa-Israel. B’Tselem, gically to neutralize the influence of anti-
openly support anti-Zionist positions. an internationally known, often-quoted Zionists in the culture war. They should
Elite lawyers who share an anti-Zionist NGO that has received $156,360 from the use their money to fight uncompromisingly
ideology are groomed by NIF through its EU, $101,300 from the Dutch Government, against the anti-Zionist organizations that
Israel-U.S. Civil Liberties Law Program, de- $71,725 from the Norwegian Embassy, and lead the campaign to delegitimize Israel at
scribed by Ha’aretz as a “crucial” initiative $180,000 from the Ford Foundation, has re- home and abroad. Moreover, they should
that has “changed the face of public law in peatedly misrepresented international law, use their funds to rebuild a pro-Israel van-
Israel.” The program places lawyers in doz- skewed statistics, and perpetuated lies about guard within Israel, supported and educated
ens of anti-Zionist NGOs—and the State At- the IDF. in Zionist principles and values so that they
torney’s office, which, at last count, held 55 The problem is that no opposing voice is can successfully stand against those who
of the program’s alumni. Thus, in some civil heard, that there is no one to answer peo- seek to damage Israel.
liberties cases, complainants and defendants ple like NIF’s Associate Executive Director A country’s strength is measured not by
are interchangeable: Both advocate the NIF in Israel, who sees an Arab majority in the the number of its tanks and planes or the
agenda. country as a good idea that would make Is- money in its bank accounts but by the will-
NGOs participating in BDS actions— rael more democratic. Most Zionist organi- ingness of its people to tie their fate to that
like the Women’s Coalition for Peace, with zations are not equipped to face this strate- of the nation. The tragedy of pre-Zionist
$150,560 from Germany’s Rosa Luxemburg gic challenge, one that threatens the identity Jews, Herzl said, was that “we lack faith in
Foundation and $261,000 from NIF—have of the only Jewish nation-state. ourselves.” Thus, he predicted, “The same
begun to have some success. The Israeli Those who want to preserve the Jew- day that we will believe in ourselves, our
company Ahava had to close a store in ish state must change the way they use the distress will end.” The test of our generation
London. Deutsche Bahn and Pizzaroti financial assets at their disposal. Zionist will be whether we can renew this belief in
have pulled out of an ongoing Jerusalem- philanthropists should not focus only on the rightness of our path.
Tel Aviv rail project. Veolia has withdrawn projects that ameliorate societal conditions

Thursday, October 11 tradictory advice, these books have all got- foreign in-laws in order to build multina-
ten one thing right: no matter how you do tional business connections.
More Expensive by the Dozen it, some aspect of parenting is bound to be a • If your kid has a rash, cover it with a sleeve
drag. so the community doesn’t run you out of
By Dara Horn For many of us, the biggest drag may be the town when they assume the kid has plague.
Child-bearing and child-rearing, the most parenting advice itself. The oddest and most
universal of human functions, have been en- unnoticed feature of these parenting books is Alas, few modern parenting writers are so
listed in the service of virtually every social that they are all written by relatively inexpe- wise, as I was reminded while reading Bryan
theory invented by man or woman. A hun- rienced parents. All of the current parenting Caplan’s Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids:
dred years ago the industrial efficiency expert bestsellers are authored by people who have Why Being a Great Parent is Less Work and
Frank Gilbreth, Jr., applied his stopwatch and small-to-medium-sized families—and al- More Fun than You Think (Basic Books). Ca-
motion studies to his own family to try to es- most none are authored by people who have plan should know: he has three children, you
tablish that children could indeed be “cheaper actually raised children to adulthood. This is see, all under the age of 8.
by the dozen.” More recently the economist not a problem if readers merely want advice Caplan’s book isn’t quite as chutzpahdik
Bryan Caplan has made the modern version on how to make a 12-year-old practice the as its title suggests. The author is an econo-
of the rationally self-interested case for produc- flute or how to make a 2-year-old stop eat- mist, and Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids
ing more children rather than fewer. In an ing deer feces, but it falls a bit short for those is not a personal tale but a modest economic
exclusive feature from the current issue of the searching for proven ways to make children proposal. According to Caplan, many mod-
Jewish Review of Books, novelist Dara Horn into caring and competent adults. ern parents “overcharge” themselves when it
elegantly begs to differ. —The Editors The sort of person I wouldn’t mind hear- comes to their investments in their children,
ing parenting advice from would be more devoting endless energy and anxiety to rais-
From Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger like Glückel of Hameln, the 17th-century ing them. But the cost of rearing children
Mother (Penguin) to Pamela Druckerman’s Yiddish writer and mother of fourteen whose is “artificially inflated”—not because of the
Bringing up Bébé (Penguin) to Mayim Bialik’s memoirs recount her experiences as an in- cash outlay for mommy-and-me classes, but
Beyond the Sling (Touchstone), a spit-up-like ternational businesswoman and helicopter because, as Caplan argues, research shows
effluvium of books has been released on to- mom. While revisiting her work recently, I that almost nothing that parents do has any
day’s parents, informing them that the best found myself wishing she had expressed her lasting effect on the adults their children be-
way to ensure their children’s success in life thoughts in handy bullet points: come. This provocative idea is the premise
is to drag them to music lessons, drag them of this intriguing but ultimately frustrating
to adult cocktail parties, or drag them around • Have your first kid at 14 and your last at 42. book.
in an elaborate baby wrap. Despite their con- • Farm out children over the age of 12 to The bulk of the book recounts research

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  3

results on identical twins and adopted sib- live in Sweden, free childcare (read: school) research is imperfect and genetics is not
lings, which consistently demonstrate the only begins at age 5 and only lasts until three simple, it may well be—as that it focuses on
miniscule effects of nurture compared with o’clock. This means that someone, in most the things that matter least. Most parents are
those of nature for just about anything par- cases a paid someone, has to watch the chil- acutely aware that there’s not much they can
ents might wish for their children—health, dren while parents are working—or that one do to alter their children’s personalities. Even
intelligence, future income, and even more parent must quit or reduce work for at least the Haggadah, a wildly successful model of
nebulous categories like happiness, charac- five years. what educators now call “differentiated in-
ter, and values. “Good kids do tend to come I was an adjunct college professor with only struction,” never suggests that parents can
from good families,” Caplan concedes. “Yet one baby when I realized that I was earning turn wicked sons into wise sons, or even
contrary to what everyone thinks, the over- less per hour than my babysitter. The math that they should try. And most parents don’t
arching reason is heredity.” Sifting through in my very typical case was not conducive to choose to have more children based on “mar-
dozens of studies, Caplan summons numbers selfishness. Caplan counters that the high- ginal returns.” Parenting means joining a
showing that identical twins raised apart are impact years of raising young children are hundred-thousand-year-old chain of sharing
more similar as adults than adopted siblings brief and that parents should take the long what it means to be human and ensuring that
raised together. Interviews with 8,000 adult view: “If you were good at being self-interest- that meaning will survive us. The question of
twins in Virginia found “zero effect” of nur- ed, you’d ask yourself, ‘How many kids will I what it means to be human can’t be answered
ture on self-esteem, for instance; a survey of want when I’m 60?’” But he neglects to note by surveying people’s income or intelligence
15,000 Danish adoptees found that criminal that each additional child makes those chal- or asking their peers how agreeable or con-
behavior correlated only with the rap sheets lenging years longer—potentially a lot longer. scientious they are, because the answers lie in
of the respondents’ biological Shortly after completing my why they find it important to be agreeable or
parents; personality tests on fifth of at least ten years of es- conscientious, or what they hope to do with
500 identical Swedish twins corting children to preschool, their income and intelligence. It is only edu-
raised together and 600 raised I asked my mother why people cation, beginning with the possibilities that
apart found that adult agree- always say that childrearing parents model for their children, that gives
ableness and conscientiousness “goes by so fast.” Does it re- children the language and context to eventu-
corresponded overwhelmingly ally, I asked her? My mother, ally answer this question for themselves.
to genes. a parent of four and grandpar- In the early decades of the Zionist move-
Indeed, one of Caplan’s most ent of nine, looked at me and ment, many kibbutzim separated children
compelling bullet points of said gravely, “It’s interminable.” from their parents, raising them in special
advice is one that Glückel of Glückel of Hameln, who de- “children’s houses” and only allowing them to
Hameln would have agreed livered her first child the same see their parents for a few hours a day. The
with: If you really want to in- week her mother delivered her purpose of this was not merely to strengthen
vest in your children’s future, last, would have agreed. the community’s collective responsibility, but
“choose a spouse who resembles the kids you The more disturbing aspect of Caplan’s also to sever the intergenerational ties that
want to have.” Caplan clarifies that these stud- book is that if one follows its argument to its would have made the creation of a new He-
ies are restricted to middle-class families in natural conclusion, it’s actually claiming that brew language and culture—and the slough-
industrialized countries, and that real abuse education itself is pointless. The obvious ef- ing of the old Diaspora perspective—among
or neglect will indeed harm children. But fects of childrearing that parents observe this new Zionist elite close to impossible. The
assuming you don’t live in a ditch and aren’t in their own children—such as those “tiger kibbutz model, utopian experiment that it
selling your kids on eBay, he insists that your moms” who successfully force their children was, ultimately succumbed to the social and
long-term effect on your children is minimal. to practice piano—are dismissed by Caplan economic realities of an evolving modern
Rather than finding this deflating, Caplan as short-term results that “fade out” over state. But it is also coincidentally true that
finds it stimulating, in the economic sense— time. “Think about how many parents try to once a new Hebrew-speaking culture was in
because it means that children do not require inspire a love of books,” Caplan notes. “At the place for over a generation, the drastic mea-
the immense resources many parents invest. time, they succeed: lots of kids won’t sleep sure of separating children from parents was
“What does enlightened self-interest tell you without a bedtime story. Ten or twenty years no longer necessary; parents could go back to
to do when you find out that something is later, however, only a small minority read raising their own children and imbuing them
cheaper than you previously believed?” he for pleasure. That’s fade-out for you.” Prov- with their now-native sense of meaning and
asks, then answers: “Buy more.” erbs advises us, “Educate a child in the way purpose, expressed in the language and cul-
Yet it was hard to read this book as I did, he will go, and even when he grows old, he ture through which they themselves grew up.
while nursing my fourth child, without expe- will not depart from it.” Such ancient wisdom Unfortunately for parents like me, there re-
riencing some buyer’s remorse. Considering is handily unseated by 1,100 Swedish twins ally aren’t any “selfish reasons to have more
that Caplan is an economist, it’s especially who decided to mail in their questionnaires. kids,” short of the possibility of having your
strange that he overlooks certain enormous In light of this research, the Mishnah’s revised own reality show if you have eighteen or
and non-negotiable financial costs of “buy- version might read, “Educate a child, or park more. (If you were hoping they’d support you
ing more.” Even if one pretends that the him on the couch playing Angry Birds: either in your dotage, the Swedish twins apparently
middle-class families who are Caplan’s audi- way he will turn out like you.” disagree.) Nor is it compelling enough to
ence don’t give a hoot about paying for col- The problem with this argument is not know that kids are “fun,” as Caplan’s subtitle
lege, there remains the fact that since we don’t so much that it is false—which, given that announces, or that grandchildren are even

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  4

more so. All parents, consciously or not, face you speak, and the chains of stories and ideas that distinguishes us from gorillas has been
the task of giving the children they raise a and commitments that have carried those pointless. But at two in the morning, when
language—expressed not only in words, but languages through time, to want more people I’m singing my baby to sleep with Hebrew
in images, rhythms, gestures, patterns of rea- to speak those languages in the future, no songs my parents taught me and whose mel-
soning, and just about every other way that matter what they may choose to say. Giving odies comfort me still, I tend to doubt it.
humans have communicated with each oth- children a language rich enough to express Toward the book’s end, Caplan asserts, “I
er—as their children’s most elemental con- the past’s mistakes and the future’s possibili- had kids because I love kids.” But by his own
nection to the human past. ties isn’t a task for chromosomes. It’s a task for reasoning, that’s short-term thinking. One
The reason to have more kids is because parents and teachers. Perhaps the Swedish should have kids because one loves adults.
you care enough about whatever languages twins are right, and the history of humanity

Friday, October 12 pha Marrouchi’s 2011 article, “Cry No More 19th and early 20th centuries as they do to-
for Me, Palestine—Mahmoud Darwish,” day. But in contrast to much of today’s of-
The “Married to another Man” cites Henry M. Christman’s The State Papers ficial anti-Zionist propaganda, Arab leaders
Story of Levi Eshkol as a source for the story; but of a hundred years ago or so were quite will-
no such story appears in Christman’s book. ing to acknowledge that the Jewish nation
By Shai Afsai In some versions of the story, it is the First had formerly dwelled and thrived in Pales-
In the introduction to his popular and in- Zionist Congress, rather than the Vienna tine. Compare that bygone approach with,
fluential history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, rabbinate, that dispatches the two represen- for example, former Palestinian Authority
The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World tatives. In others, it is Herzl himself who Mufti Ikrima Sabri’s May 11, 2012 assertion
(W.W. Norton), Oxford professor Avi Sh- sends the representatives and receives their on Al-Arabiya TV that there are no places
laim tells this story: reply. Regardless of the differing details, the holy to the Jews in Jerusalem and no arche-
point of the “married to another man” story ological remains pertaining to Jewish holy
The publication of [Theodor Herzl’s] The is generally the same: Even in the early years places have ever been found there.
Jewish State evoked various reactions in of the Zionist movement, Jews Those older opponents of
the Jewish community, some strongly fa- recognized that it would be Zionism merely argued that
vorable, some hostile, and some skeptical. wrong for them to try to claim since Arabs currently inhabit-
After the Basel Congress [the First Zionist the Land of Israel/Palestine ed the land, Jewish history was
Congress, in 1897] the rabbis of Vienna because it was already inhab- immaterial. For instance, in
sent two representatives to Palestine. This ited by Arabs. Yet, despite an 1899 letter to Zadok Khan,
fact finding mission resulted in a cable this recognition, the Zionists Chief Rabbi of France, Kha-
from Palestine in which the two rabbis proceeded with their plans for lidi Yusuf Dia al-Khalidi wrote,
wrote, “The bride is beautiful, but she is Jewish statehood there. From “Who can challenge the rights
married to another man.” the outset, in other words, Zi- of the Jews on Palestine? Good
onism was inherently immor- Lord, historically it is really
Though the story lacks a primary source al; the establishment of the your country.” Nonetheless, al-
and no basis has emerged for describing it as state of Israel was at its very Khalidi urged the Jews to look
a historical event that occurred during the core an act of willful injustice. elsewhere for a homeland:
early years of the Zionist movement, ver- The anti-Zionist potential inherent in the
sions of the story have continued to appear “married to another man” story has made it The world is vast enough, there are still
in many books and articles. Ghada Karmi, irresistible to certain writers and accounts uninhabited countries where one could
for instance, used it as the basis for the title for much of its literary popularity, despite its settle millions of poor Jews who may per-
of her 2007 book, Married to Another Man: lack of historical authenticity. In this way the haps become happy there and one day
Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine (W.W. Norton), story resembles another commonly repeated constitute a nation. That would perhaps
in which she argues for the dissolution of anecdote, involving Herzl and his right-hand be the best, the most rational solution to
the Jewish state. Former Swedish diplomat man, Max Nordau, meant to demonstrate the Jewish question. But in the name of
Ingmar Karlsson recently followed suit with the Zionist leadership’s early awareness of God, let Palestine be left in peace.
his 2012 anti-Zionist work, Bruden är vack- the immorality of its program. It is said that
er men har redan en man: Sionismen—en when Nordau first learned there was already Even the notorious Mufti Haj Amin al-
ideologi vid vägs ände? (The bride is beautiful a sizeable population in Palestine, he ran to Husseini, later a Nazi collaborator, tacitly
but there is already a husband: Zionism—an Herzl, crying, “I did not know that; but then acknowledged Jewish history in the Land of
ideology at the end of the road?) we are committing an injustice.” Israel. In November, 1936, urging the Brit-
Often, as with Shlaim and Karmi, no Although the “married to another man” ish Government to treat Palestine as a pure-
source is cited for the story. Other times, the and Herzl-Nordau stories are unsupported, ly Arab country, he argued not that Jews had
source presented is an erroneous one. For arguments about the justice of Zionism pre- never been there but merely that they left it
example, the opening paragraph of Musta- occupied Jewish and Arab leaders in the late 2,000 years ago and, therefore, should now

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  5

go to other, uninhabited parts of the world. homeless Jewry demands Palestine for itself in order to provide a place of refuge for a
Zionist leaders, for their part, argued that it is ‘immoral’ because it does not suit the homeless, wandering people.”
Jewish history in the Land of Israel/Pales- native population. Such morality,” he an- The debates about the justice of re-estab-
tine was undeniably relevant and that Jews swered, “may be accepted among cannibals, lishing a Jewish state in the Middle East are
had a right to return to their ancestral land but not in a civilized world.” Jabotinksy likely to continue for as long as the Arab-
and the cradle of their religion even if Ar- stressed that Arabs possessed immense Israeli conflict persists. There is nothing to
abs were currently a majority there. Ze’ev stretches of land, while Jews, in desperate be gained, however, from relying on fictions.
Jabotinsky, in his 1923 essay, “The Ethics of need of a country, possessed none: “It is an The disagreements remain complex enough
the Iron Wall,” wrote, “There are no more act of simple justice to alienate part of their without adding unsubstantiated stories into
uninhabited islands in the world.” Jabotin- land from those nations who are numbered the mix.
sky noted the anti-Zionist argument that “if among the great landowners of the world,

Monday, October 15 feverishly to get there first. Bethe, as head lected for verbal and quantitative skills. But
of the Los Alamos Theoretical Division, recent genetic analyses by Harry Ostrer and
Hans Bethe and the Problem of was responsible for calculating the amount others have been equivocal regarding the
“Jewish Genius” of nuclear material necessary to create the genetics of Jewish intelligence, much less
bomb. “Jewish physics,” reviled and driven genius. There is more obvious evidence for
By Alex Joffe out of Germany, had triumphed over its genetic diseases like Tay-Sachs, breast can-
Few topics make Jews more uncomfort- “Aryan” counterpart. cer, and depression.
able than the question of “Jewish genius.” After the war, Bethe remained a govern- Bethe had good genes. He also came
While Jews happily point to the extraordi- ment consultant. But, along with many Los complete with a neurotic (ex-)Jewish moth-
nary scientific accomplishments of their Alamos veterans, he opposed the develop- er, who complained constantly and thought
co-religionists, discussion of the genetic or ment of the hydrogen bomb and became his wife wasn’t good enough for him. Af-
cultural basis of these achievements causes devoted to the cause of world peace and ter escaping from Europe she lived with the
squirming and denials. What can the story nuclear disarmament. In contrast with most couple in Ithaca, making everyone’s life a
of a half-Jewish genius, the Nobel Prize- physicists or “geniuses,” he remained incred- living hell until she was packed off to stay
winning physicist Hans Bethe, contribute to ibly productive well into his with a German couple in Long
this debate? eighties. Island. Discussions of Jewish
Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physi- As Schweber makes clear, genius do not usually refer to
cist Hans Bethe (Harvard University Press), Bethe did not think of himself such familial dynamics. Per-
a new biography by Silvan Schweber, makes as Jewish but gravitated to- haps they should.
Bethe’s genius more accessible. Born in wards Jews as friends and as- But there is also the matter
1906 in Strasbourg to a German scientist fa- sociates and married a woman of culture. Bethe and other
ther and a Jewish mother who had convert- of Jewish descent. Schweber Manhattan Project Jews and
ed, Bethe was a mathematical prodigy who attributes this affinity to the at- half-Jews were geniuses in the
co-authored his first scientific paper at 17. traction, for Bethe, of a “fam- true sense of the word, intel-
He belonged to the heroic era of subatomic ily climate of warmth, open- lects far above the norm. But
physics, with scientific interests ranging ness and liberality”—as well whatever their genes, they also
from large to small, from astrophysics to as sense of German-ness. For emerged from broadly similar
particle and quantum physics. decades, Germany’s Jews had environments: families that
Educated in Germany, he was teaching at cultivated a liberal and intellectual German- were emancipated in the 19th century in
the University of Tübingen when the Nazis ness, even as Germany defined the nation Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Em-
came to power and he lost his job. He came increasingly in racial terms. Jews and part- pire and became partly or wholly assimilated.
to America in 1935 and joined the faculty Jews like Bethe scaled Germany’s intellectual Two centuries earlier, their genius would
of Cornell University, where he stayed until heights before their own society repudiated have gone unnoticed in the larger world. But
his death in 2005. In 1967 he was awarded them, then exterminated the vast majority it flourished in the first half of the 20th cen-
the Nobel Prize for his fundamental work in who could not escape. tury, in a new international scientific culture
understanding energy production in stars. Does any of this inform the debate about of physics that developed in the rarefied envi-
Bethe’s contribution to the Manhattan Jewish genius? Statistically, the evidence is ronment of a handful of research institutions
Project was critical. Albert Einstein and Leo undeniable. In a famous Commentary ar- and university departments.
Szilard had warned Franklin Roosevelt that ticle, Charles Murray noted Ashkenazi Jews’ On this point Schweber cites Thorstein
the Nazis could develop an atomic bomb; at disproportionate intellectual accomplish- Veblen, who in 1919 had already noted the
Los Alamos, the greatest minds in physics, ments over the past two centuries. Murray’s “intellectual pre-eminence of Jews in mod-
including Jews like J. Robert Oppenheimer, explanation was ultimately genetic: occu- ern Europe” (the title of his article on the
Edward Teller, Richard Feynman, Rudolph pational restrictions and a culture valuing subject). Veblen developed a theory of Jew-
Peierls, Isidor Rabi, Victor Weisskopf, Stani- education channeled Jews into skilled urban ish marginality, suggesting that exclusion
slaw Ulam, and John von Neumann worked professions and created a population se- had produced a “skeptical animus” and a

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  6

“release from the dead hand of conventional “make it” spurred their outsized role in sci- or otherwise, is always a rarity. Perhaps with
finality.” ence. Genius flourished, even as it became Jews there was, at best, some minor selection
The skeptical animus might also be de- less specifically Jewish. for quantitative reasoning and quick think-
fined simply as energy. The Emancipa- This process also accelerated the self- ing. Certainly no Jewish genius for politics
tion liberated Jews from both external and dissolution of German Jewry as Jews, long is evident, or—given Jewish reproductive
internal restrictions. Immense—perhaps before the rise of fascism. Following the rates—much instinct for collective survival.
unique—physical and intellectual energies Federal Law of Personal Status and Marriage Yet, if culture is the primary variable and
poured from the ghettos into businesses, Certification of 1875, which mandated civil energy a particular trait, perhaps Jews do
professions, and the arts and sciences. Jews, marriages and removed obstacles to inter- form a unique case, at least under certain
in effect, immigrated, first to the European marriage, the number of Jewish marriages cultural conditions. The American Jewish
continent in which they had lived as a de- lagged, while both Jewish men and women experience suggests that marginality in-
spised minority, next toward varying de- intermarried at increasing rates. Combined duced a striving in which genius was more
grees of integration, then to the New World. with baptisms, intermarriage rates were so easily recognized, though at the price of as-
Historian of science Daniel Kevles, in his high as to produce fears that Jews would be- similation. If so, the diminution of Jewish
study of American physicists, also cites Ve- come extinct in Germany. That matter was marginality and Jewish genius may be inevi-
blen, emphasizing how Jews’ intellectual- soon taken out of their hands. tably twinned.
ism (rather than genius) and their desire to Bethe’s story suggests that genius, Jewish

Tuesday, October 16 most of his youth as a committed Commu- guise for what he was from his early days at
nist. In the Leningrad high school where he the university: a covert agent of the Pales-
Ettinger’s Redemption acquired a solid grounding in the humani- tine Communist Party, bent on subverting
ties, he was renowned as a “Wunderkind.” the student branch of Ben-Gurion’s Mapai
By Allan Arkush Whether that was the place where he im- party from within. In this activity Ettinger
Jacob Barnai, a professor of Jewish history at bibed his faith in Marxism-Leninism is not and his friends appear to have drawn inspi-
the University of Haifa, recently published, in certain. According to Barnai, Ettinger “never ration from a recently published—and still
Hebrew, Shmuel Ettinger: Historian, Teacher described explicitly and openly the circum- famous—essay by the Hebrew University’s
and Public Figure. It is a specialized work. I stances that led him to Communism.” What own star professor Gershom Scholem, titled
am not sure I would have read it if the award- led to Ettinger’s departure from the Soviet “Redemption through Sin,” which described
winning Israeli film Footnote, which centers the way in which secret followers of the an-
on the relationship between a father and son tinomian rabbi Shabtai Tzvi burrowed into
who are both members of the Talmud depart- the ranks of genuinely observant Jews in the
ment of the Hebrew University, hadn’t whet- 17th and 18th centuries.
ted my appetite for gossip about the faculty of Even if Ettinger had read Scholem’s de-
that august institution. True, I read the au- scription of the Sabbateans’ covert tech-
tobiography of Hebrew University’s Gershom niques with utmost care, however, it is un-
Scholem, the great scholar of Jewish mysti- likely that he would have been able to keep
cism, as soon as it came out; I did the same his operations undetected. Both the Haga-
with the autobiography of Hebrew University nah and British intelligence had their eyes
historian Jacob Katz. But Ettinger’s writings on the group for some time before the British
never excited me in the way theirs did, and Hebrew University. finally arrested him, on the night of Novem-
nothing I knew about the man himself made ber 1, 1940, for distributing anti-war, anti-
me want to hear his whole story. Union, however, is clear enough: His parents imperialist (and, for that matter, anti-Zionist)
Now that I have read Jacob Barnai’s version were very religious Jews, and they had always literature. Ettinger got off with a very light
of that story, I know a lot about Ettinger’s wanted out. Ettinger’s father was imprisoned sentence. Soon afterward, he left the univer-
career, friendships, and rivalries. My store- by the Soviet regime for seven months for sity. He also changed his political tune: After
house of knowledge about Hebrew Univer- the crime of holding foreign currency. After Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Ettinger,
sity tenure and promotion battles has been— he got out, he succeeded, against enormous along with the rest of his party, became an ar-
slightly—enriched. Still, it does not seem to odds, in obtaining Palestinian immigration dent supporter of the British war effort.
me that anything in Barnai’s book concerning certificates. In 1935 the family made aliyah. In the 1940s, with the Palestinian Commu-
Ettinger’s Hebrew University career could be Ettinger’s parents joined other pious Jews in nist movement now above-ground, Ettinger
turned into a movie with the drama of Foot- Jerusalem. Ettinger joined his parents. became one of its principal figures, generally
note. On the other hand, Ettinger’s life before He attended two yeshivot, in Jaffa and representing the party wing that sought to
he became a professor, and perhaps some of Jerusalem, before enrolling as a student of reconcile Communism with Jewish nation-
what he did later on, outside the academy, history and philosophy at the Hebrew Uni- alism. It was with the aim of winning sup-
would make for one good cinematic tale. versity in 1936. He did not cut his newly port for this position from local Communists
Born in the Soviet Union, Ettinger spent grown peyot. They served as a good dis- that he and a friend traveled to Poland and

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  7

other East European countries in the sum- quarters, to complete his studies not in his- or “penitence,” for his Communist period.
mer of 1946. But what he saw and learned tory in general but Jewish history. The mark True, a filmmaker might have problems in
about Communist society and Russian anti- he eventually made there, not only—or even trying to dramatize Ettinger’s endless letter-
Semitism during his eight-month trip deeply primarily—as a scholar but as the mentor of writing on behalf of newly arrived Soviet olim
disillusioned him. He never got as far as Rus- countless key figures in Israeli historiography, who sought his assistance in finding jobs or
sia itself because, as he reported to a friend was extremely important; but it is not the getting their books published. Nor would it
many years later, a high-ranking Communist kind of thing that could be easily brought to be easy to make an exciting scene out of his
in Poland told him “in absolute secrecy not a movie screen. falling asleep in a colleague’s armchair after
to travel to Moscow, where they would surely There was, however, a later, more dramatic an all-nighter spent working on the Russian
execute him.” When Ettinger returned to Pal- chapter involving Ettinger’s extracurricular Encyclopedia Judaica. But during this period
estine, he gradually extricated himself from activities, particularly his enormous efforts of his life he worked closely with Israeli intel-
Communist affairs. from the late 1960s onward on behalf of So- ligence; in the Ettinger archives, some of the
And here, in 1949, “Ettinger: the Melo- viet Jewry. Many of those who worked with material that concerns Soviet Jewry is still
drama” might end, with the now 30-year- him in this campaign, including the writer stamped “Classified.” It might be best to wait
old Communist-turned-Zionist returning to Haim Be’er, have characterized his zealous until that label is removed before putting to-
the Hebrew University, in its makeshift new devotion to this cause as his “great tikkun,” gether the film version of the historian’s life.

Wednesday, October 17 antly reproduces the letters of remonstration morality: hang your gut reaction on the wall,
he received from the offices of the Manhat- toss objections at it, and see what sticks. And
One-Step Ethics tan District Attorney and U.S. Attorney Gen- why not? Who is to say which is right? This
eral. In another column, Cohen allows the one says this; that one says that. I can support
By Gil Student producer of a play to alter its words to make whatever I say with a respectable rationale.
For 13 years in the New York Times Magazine, it suitable for her small town audience. He In the end, this post-modern haze of faux
Randy Cohen’s weekly column, “The Ethi- then reprints an angry letter from a play- values lets self-affirmation pass as considered
cist,” posed and answered ethical questions wright: “How is it ethical to encourage people judgment. Cohen’s columns do not just en-
from readers. It was widely discussed and to alter and/or deface artists’ work BECAUSE tertain; they denigrate the idea of a principled
debated, often angrily. Cohen recently pub- IT’S NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU?” There morality. Yet Cohen deserves only part of the
lished a collection of his columns, Be Good: were several more rounds to the exchange. blame. A comedy writer turned journalist,
How to Navigate the Ethics of Everything Neither party changed his mind. he did the best he could with his unconven-
(Chronicle). I turned to the book for a sum- These are more than simple tional background and lack of
mation of his ethical sensibility—and found mistakes or differences in judg- education in the field of eth-
evidence of both his decency and the limits of ment. They demonstrate a fun- ics. The greater lapse lies with
his secular approach, which in turn highlight damental gap in Cohen’s ethi- his editors, who handed over
a danger society currently faces. cal reasoning. Please make no the keys of moral judgment in
Cohen’s politics are not mine, but in his mistake: Randy Cohen’s ethical the “paper of record” to a man
book I found him fair and thoughtful. A decisions are rarely objection- without a license. Maybe Seth
sensible man, he thinks long and hard about able. His problem is that while McFarlane will be their next
the questions he faces, using the ethical tools he has an excellent moral com- literary critic.
available to him. Cohen generally demands pass, he lacks a map. In the in- For contrast, let us look at
that his questioners practice honesty, obe- troduction to his book, Cohen Rabbi Aaron Levine’s recent
dience to law, and sensitivity to others. He describes his approach: book, Economic Morality and
requires that they refrain from damaging Jewish Law (Oxford Univer-
other people’s property and otherwise caus- I didn’t apply any method, sity Press), written shortly
ing financial harm. You might think that and I suspect neither does before his death. Levine,
these are ethical no-brainers. Still, Cohen anybody else, at least not initially. When whom I knew and admired, followed a for-
deserves praise for his consistent adherence deciding on correct conduct, it is first the mal ethical process. His studies are generally
to common-sense morality. verdict, then the trial. I had what some divided into four parts: the moral question or
But when ethical situations become com- readers deprecated as “just a gut reac- questions, the relevant Jewish laws, any ap-
plex, Cohen grows unpredictable. Indeed, he tion,” an immediate feeling about right and plicable economic principles, and a detailed
punctuates his book with updates of some of wrong. But I didn’t stop there. I subjected application of these concepts to the question
his columns, including correspondence and the intestinal tremor to various forms of at hand. For example, he discusses a rabbi
other fallout that highlight debate over his moral scrutiny: how does it stand up to the who speaks poorly at a charity event and the
conclusions. In one column, for example, he Golden Rule, or to a greatest-good argu- various people who praise his unremarkable
advises a company’s computer technician not ment, or to the categorical imperative? address. Levine explains the prohibitions
to report the child pornography he found on against lying and flattering, the situations in
the president’s computer. Cohen then defi- Cohen subscribes, in sum, to dart board which these principles must apply, and the

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  8

times when exceptions may be made. He no clear foundation; he makes snap moral de- powerful and deep-rooted. Secular moralities
then analyzes the circumstances of each flat- cisions, which he then tosses around, some- are external: there are many secular morali-
terer, using these rules to render ethical judg- times changing his mind, until he reaches a ties from which a consumer can choose. The
ment. Like Cohen, Levine carefully explores level of comfort. Both approaches work well convenience of selfishness will win out over
the potential avenues of recourse, examining enough in simple cases. But when multiple altruism and, in the process, destroy the so-
the details of the case and the complex in- values intertwine, only a sophisticated pro- cial cohesion that depends on truly moral
terpersonal effects of particular actions. But cess can unravel the knot. Levine, with his standards.
Levine does so in light of the values he has clarity of thought and process, can make his The job of the ethicist is to prevent this
previously established. way through an ethical maze. Cohen’s hands moral erosion by identifying the rules that
Levine repeats this process with various get hopelessly entangled when his moral con- are relevant to a given situation and apply-
moral issues—some extremely complex, like cerns outnumber his thumbs. ing them, with sensitivity and without bias.
the question of the living wage. Should we A secularist, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks argues If you skip the first step, you allow self-cen-
differentiate between single- and multiple- in his recent book, The Great Partnership teredness, masquerading as morality, to in-
wage households? Will raising salaries help (Schocken), can be a deeply moral person; vade and corrupt the public sphere. Our loss
or hurt the neediest people? In each case, but a secular society inevitably falls into im- of Rabbi Levine highlights our need for real
Levine first establishes his moral foundation, morality. In Sacks’ view, the relationship be- ethicists to help us rediscover the virtue that
then judges the case. In contrast, Cohen has tween religion and morality, while indirect, is society requires for its sustenance.

Thursday, October 18 creation of a genre known as “Isra’iliyat” (Is- Jews and Muslims was the Arabic language,
raelite), in which Jewish converts combined which (in a form known as Judeo-Arabic,
Cousins: Jews and Arabs traditional legends of the Talmud and Mi- utilizing the Hebrew alphabet to represent
Seek Each Other Out drash with indigenous Arabic folklore. Lat- Arabic characters) became the vehicle for
er Jewish anthologies composed in Arabia, Jewish religious and secular expression to
By Moshe Sokolow such as the Yemenite “Midrash HaGadol,” an extent and a degree unparalleled until the
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. So, it returned the favor by incorporating Muslim late 20th century’s use of English.
seems, is the rule governing Jews and Arabs: traditions (hadith) into their own. Judaism and Islam operated on paral-
the farther apart they are from one another, Islam was not as charitable in its estima- lel tracks not only in linguistic form, but
the greater their mutual interest, while the tion of the Jewish Bible, which in content, too. Thus, in
greater their proximity, the more antago- it viewed as essentially flawed if 11th century Spain, Solo-
nistic they seem. The fascination that these not outright counterfeit. Con- mon ibn Gabirol wrote an
kindred peoples have for one another and vinced, as Muslims were, of original work of philosophy
the fractious nature of their association is the truth of their own prophet that was so consistent with
not just a contemporary phenomenon born and his revelation, they sought the prevailing neo-Platonic
of the modern Middle East “situation”; it has evidence of it in the Jewish re- philosophical norms—and
been ongoing since Muhammad published ligious tradition as well. When so indistinguishable as a sin-
his first revelation and attempted to convert they failed to find it, they gularly Jewish composition—
others to his cause. concluded that it had been that when the Arabic original
Islam regarded all of its pre-history as deliberately obscured. This lapsed and the work was re-
an age of “ignorance” (jahiliyyah) and pro- ambivalence towards Judaism covered in a Latin translation
fessed no interest in any of its details—save was reciprocated. Maimonides (entitled Fons Vitæ), it was
for Persia and Israel. Why they were except- (1135-1204) ruled that while presumed Muslim or Chris-
ed from the rule of disdain is unclear. The it was permissible for Jews to teach Torah to tian. It was not until the mid-19th century
reason may have been merely utilitarian: Christians, even though their concept of a that Salomon Munk identified its true au-
Jews were the most immediate neighbors of “New Testament” effectively invalidated the thor. (The book is now known primarily in
the early Muslims, while Persia was Islam’s Jewish tradition, it was prohibited to teach it a Hebrew translation as Mekor Hayim.)
first great conquest; they were therefore the to Muslims, despite their essential theologi- Jews were among the first Westerners to
likeliest source of prospective converts. Yet cal kinship. Maimonides justified his ruling take a scientific interest in Islam in the mod-
it might also have been theological: Judaism on the basis that Muslims would not be con- ern age. Abraham Geiger, later the founder
and Zoroastrianism—along with Christian- vinced of the truth of Judaism, since they of Reform Judaism, wrote a prize-winning
ity—were scripture-based religions whose would not be swayed by arguments drawn university essay entitled “What did Mu-
adherents, named the “People of the Book” from what they deemed an unreliable source, hammad take from Judaism?” In the fol-
by the Qur’an, were granted relative reli- whereas Christians accepted the evidence of lowing generation, Ignacz Goldziher—who
gious tolerance. Jewish scripture, so theoretically could be served a term as secretary to the Orthodox
In fact, the curiosity of early Muslims persuaded of its truth. Jewish community of Budapest—became
over the numerous biblical personalities and Perhaps the most significant and success- the world’s leading Orientalist. At the end
events mentioned in the Qur’an led to the ful medium of bicultural exchange among of the 19th Century, Solomon Schechter,

Jewish Ideas Weekly October 5-19, 2012  9

Cambridge scholar and later founder of the tions that—somewhat incongruously—seem also gets the impression that the term “Abra-
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, more widespread and significant today than hamic Religions,” which has gained currency
retrieved the Cairo Genizah, surely the most in the Middle Ages. Many medieval Muslims largely since 9/11, was chosen, apologetically,
important trove ever of Judeo-Arabic litera- acquainted themselves with Jewish sources, to incorporate Islam within the orbit of what
ture. Today, Israeli university departments some for purposes of comparative scholar- had theretofore been exclusively the “Judeo-
of Arabic language and literature are world- ship and others for purposes of polemics. Christian” tradition.
renowned for their multi-faceted coverage In 2001, the American Jewish Committee Fundamentalism distorts religion, and
of both Arabic history and culture and the published a two-volume set entitled Children militant fundamentalism makes the proposi-
contemporary Middle East, while also sup- of Abraham, consisting of “An Introduction tion of ecclesiastical recognition—let alone
plying the Israeli military and government to Islam for Jews” by Khalid Durán, and “An rapprochement—seem ever more distant
with many of its intelligence specialists. Introduction to Judaism for Muslims” by Re- and unattainable. We should be grateful to
Arab inquisitiveness over Jews and Judaism uven Firestone. It would have been more re- all those who sought and seek to overcome
was constrained by illiteracy and the reluc- vealing had each author sought to introduce initial prejudices and contribute to mutual
tance to be exposed to alien cultures, limita- the other’s religion rather than his own. One understanding.

“A brilliant, well-argued, and much-needed work.”

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The Legacy of the Patriarch in Judaism,
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