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台北菩提學會 1986/01/01

吙!   Ho!

法界輪涅諸幻相 The phenomenal worlds and both Samsara

and Nirvana

一根二道成二果  Have one origin but there are two paths and

two ends

覺與無明所變現  For both knowledge and ignorance are

magical display.

由我普賢廣大願 Through this my prayer, the prayer of


令一切於法界宮 Let all beings attain Perfect Buddhahood

現前證得佛陀位  In the Sacred Dharmadhatu Abode.

真如體性本無為 The Ground of All is uncreated, pure and


法爾廣大不可思  The spontaneously arising expanse is


輪迴涅槃名原無 The unity of Samsara and Nirvana is


明了法爾即佛陀 Awareness of that Suchness is


眾生無明輪迴轉  And beings without awareness wander in


普願三界有情眾 May all sentient beings in the three worlds

斷惑圓證真實義  Realize the nature of the Ineffable Ground.

我普賢王如實說 Furthermore, I, Kuntuzangpo, affirm

真如實際離因緣 That the Nature of the Ground is without

cause or condition

空性圓具本覺智  And that Spontaneous Awareness arises in

the Ground.

內外增減過犯無 Assigning no existential primacy to either

outside or inside;

失念黑暗心垢離 Untainted by the darkness of unmindfulness

體性明空無過染  There is no stain upon the naturally manifest


本覺清淨原安住 Dwelling in pure and pristine Awareness

there is no fear,

三界毀壞亦無畏 Even when the Three Worlds are destroyed.

不著貪欲五濁塵 Unattached to the five desirable sensory


自顯無別自然智 Without reflective thought, spontaneous

perception arises,

本淨無色無五毒 And material form and the five poisons do

not exist

自性明照未嘗礙  For there is never any obstruction to Radiant


清淨自性即五智 In this One Nature are five Wisdoms:

於此五智成熟中 From the maturity of the Five Wisdoms

生起五方原始佛  Arise the Five Primordial Buddhas.

智慧增廣進詣時 And by expanding the confines of Wisdom

生起文佛四十二  The Forty Two Buddhas arise from them.

由顯五智威光力 Then by the shining powers of the Five


生起六十飲血尊  The Sixty Blood Drinkers emerge.

本體元明未嘗迷 Thus the Ground Awareness is never


我是原始本初佛  As I am the Primordial Buddha

由我清淨廣大願 By the expression of my prayer

輪迴三界有情眾 Let the beings of the Three Worlds of


了知自然本覺智 Recognizing Spontaneous Awareness

直至圓滿大智慧  Progress to the bounds of the Great Wisdom.

剎那無間我幻變 I display a ceaseless stream of emanation


化身等流百俱胝  Into unimaginable billions of incarnations.

應由有求善調伏 Teaching by whatever method is necessary

由于我之悲願力 To whosoever is in need.

三界輪迴有情眾 Let all beings of the Three Worlds of Samsara

六道苦處悉解脫  Depart from the ways of the six realms.

迷諸惑幻無始眾 Awareness of the Original Ground does not


由不正知失本明  In minds of deluded beings.

由失正念住黑暗 Unmindfulness clouds their perception,

彼即無知顛倒因  And causes unawareness and delusion.

從彼驚恐悶絕中 Now startled mind faints away with terror,

念動甦醒生怖畏 Then, wavering indecisively, seizes upon

自他貪瞋起執持  The alienation of oneself from others.

習氣薰染漸增長 After that, habitual inclination to disunite

隨行習性逐生死  Gradually increases until Samsara emerges.

五陰熾盛苦惱逼 And the miserable ignorance of the five


滋生無間五毒業  Develops an endless stream of suffering.

成為眾生惑幻因 Thus the existence of unawareness and


即不正知與失念  Is the basis of beings’ delusion.

由佛所發大願力 Through this my prayer, the prayer of the


皆自了知明覺性  Let all beings recognize their own Radiant


俱生無明蔽本覺  Inborn Ignorance is the abyss

生起失念散亂心 Of Unconscious perception and


分別無明逐塵境 The Ignorance of false imagination causes

clinging attachment

分立自他二執取  To the division between self and others.

俱生分別二無明 Inborn Ignorance and the Ignorance of false


即是眾生顛倒因  Are the basis of Beings’ delusion.

由佛所發大願力 Through this my prayer, the prayer of the


令諸輪迴有情眾 Let the obscuring darkness of unmindfulness

be expelled

消除失念黑暗坑  And the understanding which conceives

duality be cleaned.

清淨能所二妄執 So all beings of Samsara can recognize

了知本具自明性  Their own naturally Radiant Awareness.

心著二執起猶豫 Mind which conceives duality begets doubting


形成微細貪著心 That creates subtle attachments growing by


習氣薰染漸增長  Into habitual craving;

於衣食伴侶財處 Tormented by ever rekindled lust for the


以及五欲親眷等  Of food, wealth, clothing, home and


貪著欲樂熾熱惱 Loving friends and the five desirable sensory


彼令世間幻惑生 The world is misunderstood and grasping at

these objects

由是二取業無盡  Leads to endless exhaustion.

貪嗜果報成熟時 The ripened fruit of this attachment

生貪欲惱餓鬼中 Is birth as a Tortured spirit, afflicted

常受難忍饑渴苦  By insufferable longing, hunger and thirst.

由佛所發大願力 Anguish! Through this my prayer, the prayer

of the Buddha,
普令貪欲諸有情 Let all lustful and passionate beings

不捨外來貪欲境 Neither suppressing the pangs of desire

不取內生貪著根  Nor submitting to lust or passion.

如如安住自明覺  Ease consciousness into its own sphere:

自心覺了寬坦住 Radiant Awareness resuming its natural


轉成妙觀察智道  Brings the Wisdom of Perfect Discernment.

外境所顯諸幻相 When external objects are perceived

念動微細怖畏生 There is a slight shiver of fear which grows

從此增長嗔習氣 Into the habitual inclination to abhor,

忿起怨敵殺害心  And enmity leads to violence and murder;

瞋恚果報成熟時 The ripened fruit of violent hatred

長受地獄苦煎熬  Is the anguish of burning and boiling in Hell.

由佛所發大願力 Through this my prayer, the prayer of the


令趣六道諸眾生 Let all beings of the six realms,

嗔恚猛烈生長時 Without suppressing violent hatred

---------------  -   And without submitting to its rising


自心放鬆莫取捨 Ease consciousness into its own sphere:

任持安住自明覺 Radiant Awareness resuming its natural


轉成大圓鏡智道  Brings the Wisdom of Radiant Clarity.

由於自心高舉起 When mind conceited and arrogant

於他生起憍慢心 And resentful thoughts create

如是猛烈勝憍慢 contention and rivalry,

自他欺凌而苦惱 Quarreling and fighting with others is


彼業果報成熟時 And the ripened fruit of such action is rebirth

暫生天道報盡墮  As a god enduring decay and eventual


由佛所發大願力 Through this my prayer, the prayer of the


令憍慢心諸眾生 Let all beings who develop pride

覺了自心寬坦住 Ease consciousness into its own sphere:

任持安住自明覺 Radiant Awareness resuming its own natural


轉成平等性智道  Brings the all Equalizing Wisdom.

由二執薰染習氣 Praising oneself and disparaging others,

自讚毀他痛苦業 Because of the minds’ increasingly self

tormenting tendency to divide,

增長鬥爭疑妒心 Causes increasing jealous rivalry, fighting

and quarreling

投生殺戮非天處 Which leads to rebirth as a murderous


果墮泥犁地獄中  And a fall into hell as the final reward.

由佛所發大願力 Through this my prayer, the prayer of the


嫉妒鬥爭生起時 Let enmity not endure when beings

----------------     Fight and quarrel in jealous competition;

莫起怨敵心鬆坦 Easing consciousness into its own sphere,

任持安住自明覺 Radiant Awareness resuming its natural


轉成成所作智道  Brings the Wisdom of Unhindered Action.


不正念捨及散亂 The fruit of unmindfulness, indifference and


有藏惛沉和妄念 Dullness, torpor and forgetfulness,

惛睡懈怠愚癡者 Languor, laziness and foolishness

果感畜生無依怙  Is wandering without refuge in the realm of

the beasts.

由佛所發大願力 Through this my prayer, the prayer of the


令心愚癡黑暗者 Let the gloom of mental darkness and


發露淨心住正念 Be enlightened by the radiant clarity of


轉成法界體性智  Which brings the Wisdom of the Heart’s


三界所有諸眾生 All sentient beings of the three worlds of


真如體性與佛等  Are at one with me, the Buddha, the Ground

of All.

失念故成顛倒因 Yet, forgetful of their true nature, rooted in


無間造諸無義業 Acting aimlessly, they wander

猶如夢幻趣六道  On the six paths of delusory dreamlike


我是最初普賢佛 I am the primordially Awakened One

化身調伏六道眾 Subduing beings of the six realms through

my magical form,

我普賢王廣大願 And through this my prayer, the prayer of


令諸眾生一無餘 May all sentient beings without exception

無盡法界成正覺  Attain Buddhahood in Infinite Simplicity.

阿吙   AH HO!

具慈瑜珈大力者 Hereafter when a powerful compassionate


了知自明離惑幻 Recites this great prayer

已發如是廣大願 With a clear mind free from delusion,

聞持此願諸眾生 All beings who hear it will

於三生內必成佛 Attain perfect Buddhahood after three


或於日月蝕時日 At the time of the eclipse of the sun or the


風暴雷發地動變 Windstorm, thundering, earthquake and

disaster, or

或於冬夏至年節 At the Solstices of Summer and Winter or


發心自修為普賢 Or at the changing of the year, all

與眾虔敬頌此願 Beings of the Three Worlds of Samsara

令諸三界有情眾 Who hear this prayer spoken by a

由彼瑜珈行者願 Yogi visualizing Kuntuzangpo himself will

滅苦解脫生死海 Be gradually released from suffering

獲證究竟佛陀位 And in the end attain Buddhahood.

金剛乘大圓滿不可思議  This All-powerful Prayer is an epitome

of a chapter
本覺智品節錄—此經續中  Explaining for powerless and

unawakened beings the

記載大力願祈禱文  “Tantra of Miraculous Transferences to

the Mind of

利益地前地上菩薩  Kuntuzangpo” in the Great Perfection.

願共道彼岸乘金剛乘  May the incomparable Vajrayana


無上教法護持並宏揚  And the common doctrine of the

Victorious Ones,

上師蓮花生密意傳承  Spread, prevail, secure and remain


永恆住世如意吉祥  Through the traditions of the Lotus Guru.



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