Akash Ab Assignment

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Superior College of Accountancy

Methodology of an article
Submitted By:-

Akash Abdullah

Roll No: Bafm-f17- 029

Submitted To:-

Sir Ali Waqas


BS. Accounting & Finance

Article Title:-
The impact of suspension on participation in school-based
extracurricular activities and out-of-school community service

Data for this study are from the Education Longitudinal Study (ELS:2002), a nationally
representative panel survey of adolescents collected by the National Center for Education
Statistics. The ELS includes interviews with students, their parents, teachers, and school
administrators during the 2002 school year when students were in Grade 10. The study follows-
up with students through a third wave in 2012. The objective of the ELS was to determine
students’ trajectories, patterns of college access, and persistence in completion through high
school, postsecondary education, and beyond. The sample was collected using a two-stage
stratified sampling design, with 752 schools selected during the first stage, and 15,362 students
randomly selected from these schools during the second stage. Our analysis is restricted to
Whites (n = 8735), Blacks (n = 2027), Hispanics (n = 2227), Asians (n = 1465), and Multiracial
(n = 740) adolescents. Native American students were excluded because of their small sample
size. Although the ELS is limited to the last three years of high school, it is well suited for this
study. Suspension rates are four times greater for students in secondary school (10.1%) than
those in elementary school (2.6%) (The Civil Rights Project, 2014). Furthermore, the
consequences for negative behaviors are far more severe for youth during high school than those
prior to entering high school. For example, arrest rates are higher during the ages of 15–18 than
at any other period within the life-course (U.S. Department of Justice, 2003). The ELS also has a
longitudinal design and contains measures on youths’ patterns of being disciplined at school, and
their participation in school related activities (e.g., sports, clubs) and non-school related activities
(e.g., community service or volunteer). This presents an opportunity to estimate the relationship
between school discipline at base year and engagement both in- and out-of-school toward the end
of high school.

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