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Answer all Questions
1. A goat has 4 legs, how many legs have 3 goats all together?

2. If mummy gives you a basket containing 12 oranges and Caleb picks 8 of the
oranges from the same basket. How many oranges will be left in the

3. Caleb is 12 years old and if you are 7 years now, How old is Caleb than you?
4. How many days do we have in a week?

5. How many weeks do we have a month of a year?


6. If I take 2 days from a week, how many days will be left?


7. A hen has 2 legs, how many legs have 5 goats all together?
8. I have 6 white birds and 5 black birds in a nest, how many birds are there in
the nest together?

9. Daddy Ken bought Mummy 13 eggs for Christmas, Caleb fried 5 of the eggs.
How many eggs will be left in the Kitchen?

10.How many fingers have Caleb, Mummy and you altogether?



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