Whom, Whomever, and Why.: Nama Kelompok: PRICILLIA SITOMPUL 1901055115 Lesson: Paragraph Writing Class: 3D

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Definition noun clause is a dependent clause that acts as a noun. Noun clauses begin with words
such as how, that, what, whatever, when, where, whether, which, whichever, who, whoever,
whom, whomever, and why.

Because of its function as nouns, then noun can function as a subject, as a predicate nominative,
as an object and as an object of preposition.

Noun clause marker is words usually used to infect a noun clause. Noun clause marker types
question word include (5W+1H), IF/WHETHER, THAT. If you see dependent clause of the
articles nbefore them, it mans dependent clause is noun clause.



Question word include, what,why,when,who,where,how but also no limits about them. Words
like whatever,which, whichever, whoever, whom and whoever also included in question word.

1. I didn’t understand what you said, can you repeat it once more?
2. He really wants to know why his girlfriend mad at him
3. We still don’t know who will die first among us


Beyond the question words, the noun comes next if and whether.

1. I don’t know if Jerry can speak French.

2. He coldn’t choose whether a laptop or a new smartphone


Furthermore, it also includes in the noun where it is in the middle of the sentence and
infront of the dependent clause.

1. I can see you that you understand on my opinion.

2. The car that I bought is expensive.
3. That he will leave is why I’m so sad.



1. Risa is my sister.( the subject in this sentence is a single word)
2. The woman in pink jacket is my sister.( the subject in this sentence is a phrase)
3. His singing is awful.(the subject in this sentence is a gerund)
4. What I watched last night was awful.(the subject in this sentences is a clause)
5. When he will come is still unsure.( the subject in this sentences is a clause)


1. My hobby is drawing.( the predicate nominative in this sentence is a gerund)
2. That is a very big house.(the predicate nominative in this sentence is a phrase)
3. We could be a couple. ( the predicate nominative in this sentence is a single word)
4. This is what I want. ( the predicate nominative in this sentence is a clause)
5. The issue is how long we should wait. ( the predicate nominative in this sentence is a

1. He always overthink what people say about him ( the object in this sentence is a clause)
2. I know his dancing.( the object in this sentence is a gerund)
3. I know that thing. ( the object in this sentence is a phrase)
4. Always give whichever audience you perform for a great show. (the object in this
sentence is a clause)
5. I know it ( the object in this sentence is a single word)


1. We are talking about a glass (the object preposition in this sentence is a single word)
2. Nani kept showing of what she had.( the object preposition in this sentence is a clause)
3. We are talking about planning to study tour.( the object preposition in this sentence is a
4. We are talking about the newlyweds.( the object preposition in this sentence is a phrase)
5. She walked into the coffee shop.( the object preposition in this sentence is a single word.

1. I promise . . . I will take care of you
a. whether
b. why
c. what
d. that (Noun clause because its compliment)

2. . . . Rifky did was very amazing

a. Who
b. Whom
c. Why
d. That ( noun clause because it’s a subject)

3. . . I do is to make you happy

a. When
b. How
c. What ( noun clause because it”s subject)
d. Where
4. Astri talks about her early life experiences with …

a. whoever will listen ( noun clause because as object preposition)

b. will whoever listen

5. … is awesome.
a. That the girl can speak English fluently ( noun clause because as subject)
b. That can the girl speak English fluently

Adjective clause yabg juga di kenal dengan relative clause adalah sebuah anak
kalimat (dependent/sub clause) yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan noun (head)
dengan rujuan untuk mendeskripsikan,mengindentifikasi atau memberikan
informasi lebih jauh tentang noun tersebut,sedangkan noun yang dijelaskan (head)
tersebut menjadi antecedent (tempat rujukan conjunction). Adanya antecedent
inilah yang menjadi ciri khas bagi adjective clause,dan juga yang memvedakan
antara adjective clause dengan clause yang lainnya.

e.g. :

 The man who is standing at the door is my friend.

- Man > Antecedent > adjective clause
- Who > conjunction
- Who is standing at the door > adjective clause

Kata ‘man' dalam contoh tersebut menjafi head (inti frase) dan juga menjafi
antecedent dari adjective clause “ who is standing at the door"

A.Macam-Macam Conjunction

1. Relative Pronoun

a. As Subject (RPS)

Conjunction : - Who > person

- Which > non – person

- That > person maupun thing

e.g. :

- The man is my close friend.

- He helped you yesterday.

 Menggabungkan kedua kalimat tersebut

 The man who/that helped you yesterday is my close friend.

-Did you see the letter ?

-it came this morning.

> Did you see the letter which / that came this morning?

Ketika menjelaskan bentuk superlative,pada umumnya conjunction ‘that’ lebih

sering di gunakan (dari pada who dan which) seperti :

 This is the best book that i have ever heard

b.As Object (RPO)

Conjunction : - Whom > person

-Which > non-person

- That > person maupun thing

Conjunction di atas dapat menjadi object of transitive verb dan object of


1. Object of transitive verb.

Form : conj. + S + V transitive(+Adv.)

e.g. :
- A man was standing at the bar.
- Neil knew him.
> A man whom / that Neil knew was standing at the bar.
> A man Neil knew was standing at the bar.

2. Object of preposition.
Form : prep. + conj. + S + V (+ O)
Conj. + S + V (+ O) + prep.

e.g. :

- The man was very nice.

- We spoke to him.

> The man to whom we spoke was very nice. (Formal)

> The man who(m) / that we spoke to was very nice.


>The man we spoke to was very nice. (Formal)

c. As Possess (RPP) : whose, of which.

 I've got a friend whose brother is an actor.
 We are introducing a new system, the aim of which is reduce costs.

2.Relative adverb

a. of Place (RAP) : where,that,at / in / on which.

> The factory where / that / at which i work is going to close down.
b.of Time (RAT) : where, that , at / in / on which

> The day when / that / on which the trial was to take place was a stormy one.

c.of Reason (RAR)

> The reason why i can’t go is that I don't have time

Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini sehingga menjadi kalimat dengan adjective clause yang tepat!

1. The man ………………… lives across the school is my uncle.

2. The girl ………………….. umbrella is on the rain is my little sister.
3. The student ………………………….. I met is Mariam
4. Do you wear the dress ……………….. I gave it to you for your birthday?
5. Can you see the cat …………… is on the fence?

jawaban :

1. Who
2. Whose
3. Whom
4. Which
5. That

SOURCES: https://www.kampunginggris.id/noun-clause


Buku Top Grammar, A Guide to Write English

Adverb clauses, also known as adverbial clauses, are dependent clauses that function as adverbs.
Since they are dependent clauses, they must have a subordinating conjunction to connect them to
the rest of the sentence.

Being able to spot a subordinating conjunction will help you recognize an adverb clause. Below
are some examples, which are grouped by what type of adverb question they answer:

 When: after, when, until, soon, before, once, while, as soon as, whenever, by the time
 How: if, whether or not, provided, in case, unless, even if, in the event
 Why: because, as, since, so, in order that, now that, inasmuch as
 Where: wherever, where

adverbial clause Its function provides information about verbs, provides information about
adjective, provides information about adverb.

example: - You were sleeping when she arrived. ( provides information about verb)
-Her face looks fresh because she always eats well, sleeps enough, and exercises.(about
-He drove fast in order that he could arrive on time.(about adverb)

Adverb clauses can be placed at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. When placed at the
beginning or in the middle, they require a comma to offset them from the rest of the sentence:

 Whether you like it or not, you have to go.

 The boy, although he is very bright, failed math.

However, when the adverb clause is at the end of a sentence, no comma is needed:

 She enjoyed the party more than he did.


 adverbial clause of time (waktu)

 adverbial clause of place (tempat)
 adverbial clause of cause/reason/result (sebab/alasan/akibat)
 adverbial clause purpose (tujuan)
 adverbial clause of condition (pengandaian)
 adverbial clause of contrast/consession (pertentangan)
 adverbial clause of manner (cara)
Examples of Adverb Clauses

Because they act like adverbs in a sentence, adverb clauses answer the questions where, when,
why and how in a sentence. To see how they work, take a look at the examples below:

Adverb Clauses of Place:

These adverbial clauses answer the question where.

 Wherever there is music, people will dance.

 You can drop by for a visit where we’re staying for the summer.

Adverb Clauses of Time:

These adverbial clauses answer the question when.

 After the chores are done, we will eat some ice cream.
 When the clock strikes midnight, she has to leave.

Adverb Clauses of Cause:

These adverb clauses answer the question why.

 She passed the course because she worked hard.

 Since he has long hair, he wears a ponytail.

Adverb Clauses of Condition:

These adverb clauses answer the question how.

 If you save some money, you can buy a new game.

 Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.

Adverb Clauses of Concession:

These adverb clauses answer the question how, albeit in a roundabout way.

 Even though you are 13, you can’t go to that movie.

 Although you gave it your best effort, you did not win the match.


fill the blank spaces with correct subordinative conjunction

1. ….. the rest time was on, Johan kept working.(Although)

2. The mother looked so schocked …… she had just seen the most trouble
thing.( as thought)
3. The junior high school students will have prayed together by the time the
first day of National Examniation….. Everything will be fine during the
UN ( so that)
4. Doni never tries to study very hard …… his father wants him to be
successful ( although)
5. ….. you find a problem, I hope you are smart and mature to face it.
( when)

SOURCES: https://tanya-tanya.com/rangkuman-materi-contoh-soal-adverbial-clause-



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