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 Introduce yourself ( the assessor must wear his/her ID card as a
proof of his /her accreditation)

Good _____________everyone. My name is ______________, and I am an

accredited competency assessor for _____________________NC ___.

 Acknowledge the presence of the TESDA Representative and

explain his / her presence)

“I would like to acknowledge the presence of Mr./Ms ____________, our

representative from TESDA District Office . You do not have to worry
of his/her presence. He/She is here to oversee the conduct of
competency assessment and to check if the conduct is in accordance
with the prescribed competency assessment methodology and
procedures. He/She will not assess you

 Check the attendance

Before I go on, let me first check the attendance. When I call your
name, kindly present to me your admission slip and then sign the
attendance sheet

 Present the Accomplished Self Assessment Guide ( this was filled

out by the candidate prior to the assessment date)

I have here with me your accomplished self-assessment guide. All yes

were ticked. This is an indication that you know and you can perform
all the units of competency enumerated in this qualification.

 Give the overview of the qualification to be assessed

“Today, I am going to conduct the competency assessment for (state

the qualification)

. It is the qualification level with core units of competency namely:”

(Enumerate the core units of competency)

 Explain the following to the candidates:

o Physical Set Up/Context of Assessment

Let me inform you that Room B will be your Holding Area, this Room A
will be your Orientation and Demonstration Area , Room C will be the
Questioning Area. In case you would like to use the Comfort Room , it
is located at the Holding Area. The canteen is at the ground floor .
Please ask permission before you go the canteen.

o Materials , Tools and Equipment

All necessary materials ………………, tools ……………………and

equipment……………………are ready and available at the
assessment area.

o The purpose of this assessment

The purpose of this assessment is for qualification or Certification

of Competency.. You will be assessed against the competency
standards to see if you meet all the requirements.

o Units of Competency

Today , im going to conduct competency assessment for

__(qualification). You must demonstrate competence through
demonstration covering the following Core competencies namely
The assessment shall focus on these units of competency.

o Assessment Methods

The assessment methods that you will undertake are :

Written test for __________hours/min.
Demonstration for __________hours/min and
Oral Questioning

My role as an assessor is to gather evidence and make judgement .

o Allowable Adjustment
I will make allowable or reasonable adjustments for each
candidate to ensure that the needs are considered. This simply
means that we will see to it that during the assessment process
all candidates are treated equally. Should you need extra
assistance with the instructions, for example- perhaps you need
it to be interpreted in your local dialect – then simply inform me
so we could accommodate your needs.

o Procedures of Assessment –
Let me explain the assessment procedures
o Orientation of candidates
o Gathering Evidence/Assessment process
o Making decisions
o Recording and reporting of results
o Giving feedback
o Review of the assessment process

Finally, please remember that :

o Occupational Health and Safety are very important. Keep in

mind to practice safety precautions at all times.
o All information about the assessment must be kept
confidential .The results of every candidate’s assessment can
only be made available to TESDA representative and CAC
manager .
o In addition please refrain from giving any form of
information regarding the events that took place during the
assessment process.
o Next , free consent of candidates, I want to make sure that
you were not pressured , in any way.
o In case you will encounter problems with the assessors,
equipment and the process of assessment, write a complaint
report and submit it to the AC Manager within the day.
o After the assessment, I will provide you feedback on the
assessment result . This shall indicate whether you are
o If you were not able to perform within the standard
requirements, you can come back for reassessment whenever
you are ready.
By the way , what medium of instruction are you comfortable with?

If you need to go the CR. I will give you 5 minutes.

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

Gather evidence /conduct the assessment

Let’s start the assessment proper .

 Written Test

Let us start with the written test . Remember to follow the

instructions and the allotted time in answering the test. Please
write legibly . You have ______hour/minutes to answer the test . The
time starts now.

 Demonstration of Task

(You now assign numbers to the candidates( candidate #1, candidate # 2,

candidate #3). . . . . and give instruction that candidate #1 will be the first
to enter the assessment room. The other candidates will have to wait at the
waiting area.)

I will assign numbers to all the candidates……..(candidate #1,

candidate #2, candidate #3…….)Candidate # 1 will be the first to
enter the assessment area while the other candidates will have to
wait at the waiting area.

Candidate #1 please come in

Here are all the materials………., tool………… and equipment……….

for demonstration of task ( mention all the tools , materials and

(At this point, assessor has to provide each candidate a copy of the
Specific Instructions . Then seek understanding of the instruction
from the candidate)
Here is the copy of the Specific Instruction . Please read

(After reading, ask)

Do you have any questions?

(If no questions, start the demonstration. If with questions, the

assessor has to explain the instructions below)

Specific Instructions:

1. Using the materials, tools and equipment, you are required

to perform the tasks within ________ hours. I will be
observing you while you are performing the tasks.

2. After your demonstration, I will ask you some questions

related to your demonstration.

3. You may call me when there is a need for me to translate

or explain items for clarification before you start.

4. After the questioning portion, I will give you feedback

about your performance.

(Remind the candidate to observe safety precautions)

5. Any questions/clarifications? If there are no more

questions, you may start now.( the assessor sets the stop

(Observe the candidate’s carrying out the work activities and take
notes. During the observation, start recording the performance
of the candidate using the Rating Sheet for Demonstration)


While the candidate performs the task you must:

 stop the candidate if accident is imminent

 keep notes of unusual conditions during the assessment
 not interrupt the candidate during the demonstration
Oral Questioning:

I will start the oral questioning. Please don’t hesitate to ask me

to elaborate the question or to repeat the question.


 Use the questioning tool and questions about the

 Ask question/s to verify performance
 Ask question to check the underpinning knowledge of the
 Record on the rating sheet

The first question is …………………..

The second question is ……………………
The third question is ……………………..
And the last question is ……………………….

( Ask the candidate to take a break )



 During the break the assessor should record the

assessment outcome using the rating sheets with
 Rating sheets are signed by the assessor
 Accomplish the CARS (Competency Assessment Results
Summary ) , all entries completed
- Qualification
- Signatures and date
- Recommendation for issuance of NC/COC or for re-
 Submit reports/documents to Competency Assessment
Center (CAC) manager
-Rating sheets
-Accomplished Attendance Sheet

( If the candidate was found to be competent say):

Mr./Ms./ Mrs. (state the name of the candidate), you


( discuss the process and the outcome, give the strong

points of the candidate followed by the weak points . Then
provide areas for improvement )

You performed the tasks within the standard

requirements of the Qualification.
Congratulations you are competent

Note: Present the rating sheets and the CARS to the candidate to affix
his signature on the candidate’s signature portion. This is a proof that
he accepts your assessment decision. Then hand over a copy of the
CARS to the candidate . Let the candidate sign the appropriate space
then affix the signater.


 Inform the candidate that the AC manager has to sign on the

CARS before the issuance of the claim stub.
 Orient the candidate on the Issuance of the National
 Note: Give a copy of the accomplished Competency
Assessment Results Summary to the candidate (Make sure that
the document is signed by the candidate, assessor and AC
Manager) in the appropriate space then affix your signature.)

Discuss the National Certificate Issuance Process

 Bring the CARS ,125 pesos and Valid ID
 Issuance after 3 to 5days (processing)

If the candidate was found not competent say:

Mr/Ms/Mrs.(state the name) ( discuss the process and the outcome,

give the strong points of the candidate followed by the weak points
. Then provide areas for improvement and say :)

I am sorry you were not able to perform within the standard

requirements of the Qualification. You have to review/ practice the
activities related to the competency requirements of the Qualification

You come back for reassessment or when you feel confident enough
that you have acquired the competence. Don’t worry you will only be
reassessed on the part of the activity that you were found to be not
yet competent.

(Explain the re assessment process)


Give a copy of the accomplished Competency Assessment Results

Summary to the candidate (Make sure that the document is signed by
the candidate, assessor and AC Manager) in the appropriate space then
affix your signature.)

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