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CONDUCT COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT (expound these answers using your own words)

1. What is it that you should do prior to the assessment activity?

Prior to assessment, an assessor should be able to check the following:

 Relevant personal protective equipment is available

 Tools and equipment are in good working condition
 The assessment site complies with relevant occupational and safety requirements.

2. What will you explain during the orientation of the candidate?

 context and purpose of assessment

 qualification/units of competency to be assessed
 tasks to be performed and the evidence to be collected
 assessment procedures to be undertaken
 needs of the candidates to be considered during assessment
 allowable/reasonable adjustments in the assessment procedure

Core 4, Page 64, Page 51 of 135

3. What is the purpose of giving an orientation to the candidate?

The purpose of the assessment orientation is to check candidate’s readiness for assessment.

The assessment orientation usually being done at Assessment Centers. The candidates must be equip with the following
information on;

 Qualification for assessment

 Assessment and certification arrangements

Core 4, Page 24

4. How do you make sure that the candidate taking the assessment is the same person in the application form?

Before the start of the assessment, you will collect the admission slip, with their picture, and ask for a copy of their valid
ID to cross match their identification.

5. How do you make sure that the candidate understands the tasks to be performed?

To ensure that your candidates would understand the tasks to be performed, during the orientation, you will have to
explain it to them. If they are having difficulties in understanding the instructions in English, you will have to translate it
to Filipino. You must also provide the candidates with a copy of “Specific Instructions to the Candidate” so that they are
always reminded on the tasks that they need to complete in order to be deemed competent.

6. What are the Do’s and Dont’s of an assessor while observing the candidate performing the tasks? Why?

When conducting an observation, the assessor should:

 use observation as an opportunity to observe practical skills as well as attitudes, underpinning knowledge, key
competencies and dimensions of competency
 include a range of work activities
 draw out the way in which underpinning knowledge, key competencies and the dimensions of competency are
being applied in practice
 consider other forms of supporting evidence which show how the candidate has prepared or planned for the
 remember that the candidate might feel nervous while being observed
 use a checklist to record that the candidate has performed all required tasks.

Core 4, Page 77, Page 64 of 135

7. During interview or oral questioning, when the candidate’s answer is wrong do you provide the correct answer
immediately? Why?

No. If the candidate’s answer is wrong, you should be able to confirm their answer using follow up questions. Through
this, an assessor should also be able to discern whether the candidate really understood the question. There are times
when a candidate seems to be confused because the structure of the questions might be vague for them. Keep in mind
that not all candidates are strong communicators. Correct answers are advisable to be given during the feedback to

8. What should be the bases of your assessment decision? If you are in doubt, what would you do?

An assessment activity is always evidence-based. Your decision as an assessor should always be based on the data you
have collected. If in doubt, you should always check the rating sheet for the candidate and review their performance.
Another way is to check you video recordings in order to confirm their practical performance tests.

9. How should you provide the feedback? In the case the candidate does not agree with your decision what would you

Feedbacks should always be provided constructively. For a negative result, you should be able to provide the candidates
the positives without leading them to have false expectations. Then gently give them the negatives without lowering
their self-esteem. You should always encourage them to fill in their gaps in knowledge, skills, and attitudes and explain
to them the opportunities for re-assessment.
In the event that a candidate disagrees with your decision, you should be able to explain to them the reasons for your
decision. Present them with the evidences you have collected without sounding too imposing and always emphasize on
the opportunities for re-assessment.

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