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Admission Tech

Banglarlcsh Univer�ily of Profe� ...ional/; (2015-2016}

Scflion - 1 Enb'lis-h J,nnguai,:c und Co111m1111icalion (JO MC()s, 30 Marks)

Bangladc.<.h has dccidccl to take 1cchnology 10 people's doorstep. The vision 20 21 is bringing
results in lifting people's lives und livelihood,;;. People in O:mglldei.h receive over 200 services
rrom 5,275 Oigical Centres. Over 16,500 JT.cnnncc1ctJ Co111munity lfca11h Clinics and Union
Pnrishad Hcullh Complexes extend ba�ic hc:.1hh c:irc services. To realize demographic dividend.
Bangladesh invcs1cd heavily on sill <lcvclopmcn1 of younger populalion. Present Government
emphasizes much on education and hcallh for all, panicularly of women and girls.

To ensure food and nu1rition security, Oangladcsh h:is scoled up ils investment in agricul1urc.
Bangladesh agricuhurc fas1 ir:msformed 10 be a drive of developmenl. Technology and
innovation is hallmark of prescnl-day .>gricuhure in Dangladcsh. Dangladesh Govemmenl has
developed s1rcss-1olcran1 crop varieties 10 ad:ipl to the ch::inging climate. She has achieved self
sufficiency in food produc1ion and now exportir.g rice abroad. Bangladesh wants 10 sus'}"'1 the
momentum of the MDGs, build on their succcsse5. Bangladesh has set its 'Vision 2021'-to
emerge as a Middle Income, knowledge-driven digital economy. These .ire 10 realize the of
the Father of the Nation, B.ingab,mdhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 10 build a 'Sonar B:mgla', 1hc
land of Golden Dcngla.

I. It can be inferred that Bangladesh Govcrninenl is undcr1aking required initiatives in

achieving lhe MDGs rcw of them include.
A. mobilizing ils nalional resources ;;ind enh;;inccd c.ipabilitics
fl improving access 10 basic education. he.illh services, w.iter sani1a1ion .>nd empowering
C. engaging in partnc�hip with a wide range of local and inlcrna1ional .ictors
D. All nf 1hc .1 bove
2. According to the passage, all of lhc following arc true EXCEPT
/\. Conuni11111.:nl of Oan1;J.:1de�h Govcnum.:111 has always l>cen tu ensure well-being of iL.,
B. Over 1he pasl llec.ide, e,c-pol'ls of Uangladesh grew by more than three times
C. Uangladc..._h Government has developed stress-tolerant crop varieties to adapt 10 1he
chanS?,ing climate
I>. Bangladesh is still struggling in achieving MOO
3. According to the passage. Passage, rrcsenl Government emphasizes much on
A. Education and Agricuhure B. Education .ind S,mi1ation
l'. Clluca1io11 :.1 ntl llealtl 1 0. j\:; of 1he .ihovc
4. A �11i1al,lc Title for 1he p:tssagc would be
A. Challenge., in ltnplemcntalion of M DGs
U. Bangladesh hc..:omcs a Middle incoir Country by 2001
C. L,nvi,.H1111c11tal Muvc111c111> 111 Ua11,;•.,:c,1t
LJ. Knuwkt.lgc-t.lrivcn digit.ii BanglaJ;sh

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From tlw pm:.s�!!C it nm l'C i11f1•m:<.1 lhat llangladcsh has scaleJ up the i11\'c.,tmcn1 in
A. 10 devdop Slrcs�-tolcnm1 crop v;uictics
B. to cmurc lhc fntw.l :u1d 11u1ri1ion sccurily of iis cilizcn�
l l,lc.(p,1,11i,..:,1:1n,;,d
D. Nont· of 1ilc :,how

!n •j.,,·s1ions h 1hro11gh IO, indic;1tc [u•m the givcu choitts, ..vhid1 lrns tl ic ,i,nih,r mc;ming of lhc
word in CAPITAL lcncrs.

A. lfc1crogem:ous B.Similar C.Diffcren1 D. Harmony
A. Awnrc n. Disjoincd C.lntelligiblc D. None of the above
A. S0phis1icatc<.I B.Clevcr C.Cunning D.Naive
A. Era 8. Partner C.Oisordcr 0.Spike
A. Divert B. Reveal C. Docile D. None of the above

Part III: Antonyms

In ques1ions 11 through 15, indicate from the given choices, which one has :in opposite meaning
or the word in CAPITAL leuers.

A. Increase B. Renounce C.Forbid D. Criticiz.c
A. Fin�lc D. Antagonist C.Modern 0. Romanticism
A. Establish D. Remove C.Re1:iin 0. Escope
A. Debate B. Decide C.Success 0. Discord
A. Harmful B. lnlentionnl C.Ornale 0. Interminable

t.1rt IV: An:ilogy Test

Directions: Carefully no1icc chc relationship between the wordi; in CAPITAL lcllers in
question numbered 16 through 20. Choose the answer from 1he pair whose rclotionship most
Tt'�cmblcs with ii.


A. Professor: Degree 8. Fruit: Flower C. Science: Chemical 0. Zoology: Animal

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A. Reward: Vicror fl. Apploud: Performer
C. lk11e111m·r:AlT\11>l'r ll. l>oua1t•: l·irrnncicr
A. Clodwi: Slw� .·s B. ('a1;1lug: Shelve�
C'. Aviary: 11i11ls IJ. Thread: Spindle
A. lfo,lil.l•: Ahh(llTCllC"C B. Pailh: Belief
C. Science:WitchcrJfl D. Firc:Torch
A. Judge: Incorruptible B. Journal: Ledger
C. Books: Accoun1s D. Verse: Poem

Part V: Senlen« Correction

Directions: The questions numbered 21 through 25 consist of a number of sentences, in each of
which some part of the whole i s underlined. Each sentence is following by four alternative
versions of the underlined portion. Select an alternative you consider both most correct and most
effective acconiing to the requirements of standard written English. Answer 'A' is the some as the
original version; if you think the original version is the best, select answer 'A'. In considering the
answer choices, be attentive 10 matters of, diction, and syntax, as well as clarity,
precision, and fluency. Do not select an answer, which niters the me.ining of original sentence.

21. If I would have known aDOut the traffic jam at 1h: bridge, I would have 1aken an alternate
A. If I would have known B. lfl could of known
C. I f I would or known D. Had I known
22. The number of rooms in my house were less in numbers than yours.
A. were Jess in numbers yours
U. were less i11 numbers than those of yours
C. were fewer in numbers lhan I hat of yours
D. was fewer in numbers in n umbers than 1he of yours
23. He likes everyone as much as her, and so she does not feel special.
A. Mc likes everyone .is much as her,
fl. lie likes everyone us much as he,
C. He has a liking for everyone equal to her,
D. He ha� n liking for everyone equal to she,
24. Y!:'..!.llmone takes food iu !.!ill rcs1uur.m_L..,)'.O!LQf!9.J..find thal the prices are hite.h and the
food is poorly prepared and 1hc service is quite frustrating.
A. When one takes food in 1his restaurant, you ortc11 find
B. When you 1.ikc food in this restaurant, one oficn rind
C. Wh..:a, one l:ii.e� fuud i11 thill 1..:staur;u; <>Ill: oil..:n linds
U. If you lake fooU in this restaurant, yuu oflcn find

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1•:11'1 , I: Fill III lh1· !Haul,�

:.(, nll' .ucidcs _ i lc map 1,ilk! puhlishc.� arc very s1.:holar ly.
:\ ,1lud1 B.anU C.or D. in
:.7 . P11:,•,,u11s 1l1imi11;1h.·d llu� canh f(.- 150 111illion year.\ ____ sudde nly v;mi�hed 65
m1!1il1n �l·arsago.
A until they B.until C. 1h.11 1hey D. bcc.iuse 1hcy
.�S Ph�sicis1 J. Robert Oppcnheirrne1 ____ an importa nt role in 1he birth or the
:ll0mic :igc.
A who played D.w:is
�9. Tli.:: h:1!,il 1ir chewing gum tms been ______ him.
A. g11111 ing wilh 8.growini upo1 C.growing on 0. giv e n to
30. �Ir. K.irim walking through a wood ____ a rainy day.
A. or D.on C. 1hrough D. in

Section. 2 J\lathemalics (40 MCQs, 40 Marks)

This section coru:iins 40 MCQ type question oombered 31 through 70. Choose 1he cor re ct
.ins" er. Diagrams given .ire no1 necess:irily draw·n IO scale.

.1 I. A jar contains white, red and green marbles 11 1he ratios 2: 3: 4. Five more grten balls arc
a dded to the far and the ratios become 2: 3= 5. How many white
. balls are there in the Jar?
A. 4 8.6 C.8 D.10
32. In a triangle PQR, PR is the longes1sidc.T hco 1he largest Of the 1hree :lngles is
A. P B. Q C.R . D.90°
33. Ir n an d pare both odd numbers, which oft.he following nu·mbers must be an even number?
A. n +p B. np C. np+2 0.n+p+ I
34. or a group of27 s1uden1s, 18 belong co Cot,irunica1ion Club :1nd 15 belong 10 1he Business
Club.If each stu dent belongs 10 at least one dub, how many students belong 10 both clubs?
A.3 B.6 C.� D.Noneoftheabove
35. A father's age is four 1imcs is son's age n< rw.Twenty yea rs from now, !he father's af:e will
be dou ble his son's age.Wh:11 will be !he son's age ten yea.i:s from now?
A.10 13.15 C .21f D.30
'.16. A man ;md a bo)' iogc1hcr can complete aj(l;'lbin �I d:1ys. Two ma n and 1hrec boys 10gettier
can compktc lhc i,,;nn c job in 36 days. Ju Inow m.iny days four men 1ogc1hcr complelc
the �arnc job?
-'- 21 ll.27 C.. )I D. 36

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.IX. If a. number is divisihk by 102, then ii is alsodivi�ible by:

/\. 2J II. 11 C. 103 D. 2
.l9. /\ squarl· n�m1 h;is a s11uarl· <"mp.'1 symmetrically placed in it. Thi� leaves an uncovered
:1rca of 9 nl ·111l' arr:1 of 1hr wh11lc runm i.\ 2S 11{ Wh:11 is lhc length or one side of 1hc
1\.1 11.-4 c. 6 D.11

-40. In 1hc figure above, what is the value of x?

A. 50 B. 70 C. 80 D.90

41. Square RSTU shown above is rota1cd in a plane about its center in a clockwise dircccion.
The minimum number or degrees forT 1obc in the position wheres is.
A.135° B. 180" C. 225' D. 270°
42. What is the nexl number in the series 3, II, 27, 51,...
A.123 B.113 C.90 0. None or the above
43. A line segment is drawn from point (8. -2) 10 point (4. 6), The co-ordin:ucs or midpoint or
this line scgmenl arc
A. (12,4) n. (12,8) C.(6,4) D.(6, 2)
44 What% oro.25 is0.01?
A.4% 8.1% C. JO% D.8%

45. If two halves or2! urc added to 2! 1herc.�uh is

2 2
A.5 .!_
B3l C. 5 D.3
46. A boy c11n swim 75 foe1 in 12 seconds. What is his rnte of speed of swimming to the 11carl!SI
mile per hour (mph)?
A. I mph 0. 2 mph C. 3 mph D.4 mph
-I{. :f ;\ • '\ :md} -' ) , lhl":1111� \ :tf lll" uf J.: i ll i,.:f,IL\ l,f )" i) :

I 20y
A. IRy B. -·v C. D. i_2r
2. 3 )

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48. An old computer th:it c,1n print ,1 document in 6 hours. With the help of a newer model the
job c:in be comple1cd in 2 houl"$. lluw Ion; would it 1,1kc the nc�·cr model 10 do 1hc job
A. 6 hour!>. U. :i h11ui�. l". .i 1111111� I>. Jhuua.
49. Of the following, which is g1·l·atcr 1h.1n Y,"!
2 4 4
A. - U. - C. - D. 1_
M 7 9 II
50. Th�·rc arc 50 �tu(k:nts cmolkd in Mathematics Comsc.Of the enrolled �•udent,, l.)0'"11 , took
the fin:il exam. Two-thirds of lhc studcnis who took the final exam p;issc:d lhc linal exam.
How many students passed the final exam.
A. 30 U.33 C. 34 D. 35
51. Volume of a water 1::ank is 192 cubic feet. Its length, brc::adth & height arc in proportions
4:3:2. What is the area of its base in squ::are feet.
A. 24 D.48 C. )2 D. 64
52. A Club has 8 m:1le and 8 fcm::alc members. The club is choosing a committee of members.
The eommiuee must have 3 male and 3 femo.Je members. How many differed commiuecs
can be chosen?
A. 112896 8. 3136 C. 720 D. 112
53. In a survey conducted, it wo.s found 65% of 1he people watched the news on
tclevision.40% read a newspaper, 25% rt:M:I a newspaper and watched the news on
television. What percent of the people surveyed neither wiltched the news on television nor
read a newspaper'?
A. 0% B. 5% C. 10% D. 20%
54. A certain animal in the 200 has concerned 39 pounds of food in six days. If it continues 10
eat at the same rate, in how many more days will its total consumpcion be 91 pounds?
A. 12 B. II C.10 D. 8

55. �c


ABCD is a parallelogram. BO= 2. The angles of 1rianglc BCD nre all equ:il. Wh:u is the
perimeter of the p:irallclogrom?
A.12 8.9,/3 C.9 D.8
56. A triangle h as a perimeter 13. The two shorter sides have integer lengths equal lo x and x +
I .Which of the following could be the length of the other side?
A. 2 8. 4 C. 6 D, 8
57. How much money you mus1 invest for two years 10 receive an intt.'rcsl of n. 10.50 ut
annual compounding rate of interest of !0%
A. TK. 105 B. Tk. 90 C. Tk. 60 D. Tk. 50

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59. If the ralio of thl' an-a 11f two 'IIU<11r,; 1, 2: I. 1hrn 1hr 1a1111 ,,f lhl· pc,irnctcr, of die "luarc i,
A.1:2 B.i:J2 C'.Jl:1 IJ.7·1
60. If valul! of a n.·11ain (1;Kt1nn 1, t·111rnl lo 0.4 amt lht· 1lt:1111111111;1trn I\ I\ 1hrn llw numcra1or
of the frac1ion 1,
A.6 B. X (', 9 IJ.12
61. A slorl' usually sdls a l'Crlain ilcm al 40% profit One week 1hc �,ore ha, a \llle, during
"hich the item is wld for 10% less lhan usual p,ice. L>uring the �le. what i, the profl1
pco:-cntagc the store makes on each of these items'!
A. a 8. 14% C. 26% D. 3%
62. If 8 men can do a job in 12 days, what is the perccniage change in the number of day
required lO do the job when 2 men are released?
A. 25% 8. 16% C.4% D. 33.33%
63. Which of the following fractions is the smallest?
A.� B..!..!_ Cg. D.-
6 14 15 21
64. If a circle has a radius 4, and if P and Q are points on the circumference, then the
maximum length of an arc which could separille P and Q is
A. 2 8. 2' C.4 D. 4•
6 5. A business man buys a pen for Tlc. 25.00. He spends Tk. 15.00 to have ii restored to good
condition and then sells 1he same for Tk. 50.00. The percentage of profit of his total
investment is
A. 20% B. 25% C.40% D. 10%
66. If f >b <c, then which o f the following must be 1rue?
A. 2a > b + c 8. a-b > a - c C. a> b + c D. 2, = b- c
67. How many pounds of pure salt must be added to 30 rnunds of .i 2% !lolution of !->ilh and
water to increase it to a 10% sululion?
2 8 6 7
A.- 8.- c.- D.
3 3
68. A Coal ofTk. 400 sells for how much aflcr succc�!livc <lisc.:ounts ol 10% and 5'k'!
�m am c.� nm
69. What number must be added to (x2-18x) to make the resuh a perfect square''
A.x+9 U.x+J C.x-3 D.RI
70. An invc!ltor invc\l1> 30%, 40%, 20% ant.I 10% of his total invc!ltahlc �1mou111 in four
diffcrcnl �hare� of Mock giving rclurns of 15%, 20%, 12% and 10% respectively. Wh;il i'i
1hc avcravc rate of hi'i return\'.'
A. 11251' II 17 ?l'J,

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Srrlion - .t t.rnrr:tl Kno\\lrlli:1·

l>ircc:tion: Thi, ,\:ction rn11•:1in, JO MC:Q t)pc qucslion,; numbered 71 through 100
c;,,,.,., ,t,,· :, .. 11.: .1 ...... 1

71. N;1111l' ol ,Ill' 111l'w11t <i,1w111111 nl 111,· C\•1ur.1I H.111l 11f llani:1 .idc..h:
A l>r M11h, l·,11,1'ht11l,l111 II l<rh111a11 Sohhan
C · S.11drnd,lm Ahm,·d (' llr /\11111 l<,1l 11nan
72. ·�1 .1111,· 111 l.1ht:1ty' wa� a l!III tu 1111: USA Imm the pc:upk ol
.o\ llK. U. Germany C. France IJ. l1aly
7.1. 'Nia�ara Fall' h trn.:atcd in hctwccn:
/\. USA :111d Alaska 0. Can:nJ:i :ind Mexico
C. Mexico and USA D. None or 1hc above
74. P:inama Can:il connects:
t\. l11cfo111 :Jlld A1l:m1ic Ot:can 8. 1 •dian :m d P:,cific Ocean
C. Pacific and Atlantic Ocean D. �leditcm,1 1c!J11 and Red Sea
75. ·Yuan· is the currency or:
A. Japan B. S0u1h Kore:.1 C. Taiwan D. None or lhc :.1bovc
76. Which country or the following is not a member or 'BRICS' association?
A. Brazil 8.Russia C.Romania D. lndi:i
77. Leo Tolstoy was a/an:
A. American military leader 8.Russian writer
C. Hollywood actor D.Religious leader
78. 'Mossad' is the name of intelligence agency of:
A India 8. Pakis1:m C. Myanmar O.lsralc
79. 'FBCCI' stands for:
A. Federal ion of Oan:;ladesh Cricke1 Council and Institution
8. Federntion of Bangladesh Commerce orCh:imbers and Industry
C. Federal Bureau or Chambers or Commerce and lndustl)'
D. Federation or Dangladcsh Chambers or Commerce and lndus1ry
80. The capi1al city of New Zealand is:
A. Rotterdam 8. Vienna C. Wellington D. H,n·ana
81. · Kan1ajir Mondir' (a Hindu Temple) is localed in:
A. Joypurhat 8.Rangpur C. Nilphamari D. Dinajpur
82. The fosl government ofindcpcndcnl B angi:ldesh was formed in 1971 on:
A. 07 March B. 17 April C. 13 May D. 16 December
83. Name of the Home Minister or Da11gl;11Jcsh is:
A. A<;aduzzaman Khan Kamat B. Sahar:i. Kh;11110
C... l la�anul llaquc !nu 0. Dr. lla�M Mahmud
K-4. ·1 he llcadquartcrs of IMF i� located in
A.G1.:11cva C. P.1ris: D. \\':hhini;.ton O.C.
85. ·T,unanu' i, a/an:

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86. Which i� not a land locked country?

A. Swi11.crl:md fl. Sw:niland C. Mongolia D. Denmark
87. Falhcr of the national Ban�abantlhu Sheikh Mujihur Rahman was bron on:
A. 23 May 1921 B. 17 March 1920 C. I7 Scplrmhcr 1923 D. 18 January 19W
88. fi:1ngladc.\h wa.� divided into haw m,111y �ce1ion durin� war of lihc:ra1ion?
A. 12 II.II C. K IJ. 9
R9. 'Nilgid' i,
A. a n;1mc of a 1)1.Mlk 0. a place of1ou1i�l all1Jrlion
r. a name nf t1ih;1I dalll'e D. a name of narrow valley
90. Narcntfar Modi, lhc currcnl prime minisler of India wa.� former chief mini\lC'r of-
A. Puujab 8. Uuar Prndc.\h C. Kerala 0. Gujaral
91. In 2015. Dr. Angus Dca1on g01 Nobel Prize in:
A. Medicine B. Peace C. Economics D. Physics
92. 'Mafia' and 'Czar' two words originate respectively from:
A. Greece and Turkey 8. Rom:inia and Bulgaria
C. Aus1ria and Germany C. Italy and Russia
93. Current top ranking tennis player ,as on J800c1obcr 2015) Novak Djokovic in from:
A. Slovakia B. Serbia C. Russia D. Rom:mi:1
94. Officially 1he firsl cricket match was played in 1877 in between:
A. UK and India B. UK and South Africa
C. UK and Australia D. India and Soulh Africa
95. 'Manik Mia Avenue' is named afler the famous personali1y Manik Mia. By profession, ha
was a:
A. Politician D. Poet & Writer C. Musician D.Joumalis1
96. 'Andaman' and 'Nicobar' are:
A. Names of 1wo tribes B. Names of 1wo islands
C. Names of two viruses D. Name of Co-writers of a book
97. 111e number of number stares in ASEAN is:
A. 12 R. I.I C. 10 D. 11
98. The longcs1 day in Northern hemisphere in 2015 h::
A. 21 July B. 21 June C. 21 May D. 21 August
99. 'Arab Spring' relates to:
A. Actual season 8. Cultural fostiv:-il
C. Democratic uprising D. Economic uplifling
100. The country with highest average height of human being is:
A. Germany n. Norwny C. USA D. Nrlht·rland�

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Answer Key

Scctionl:LanguageandCommunication �
I.A 2.D 3.C 4.D l.A 6.8 7.C 8.0 9.C 10.B
II.A 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.D 11.D 18.C 19.A 20.A
21.D 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.8


31.D 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.C 36.B 37.0 38.0 39.B 40.C
42.D 43.D 44.A 45.C 46.0 47.D 48.0 49.B SO.A
53.D 54.D 55.D 56.C 57.B 58.B 59.C 60.A
51.B 52.B
64.0 65.B 66.A 67.B 68.B 69.0 70.C
61.C 62.A 63.B

76.C 77.B 78.0 79.D 80.C
71.D 72.C 73.D 74.C 15.D
87.B 888 89.B 90.D
81.D 82.B 83.A 84.b 85.D 86.0
91.C 98.B 99.C 100.D
92.D 93.B 94.C 95.D 96.B

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