Edu633-Project 3

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EDU 633- Project 3-Vitali 6/17/2021

EDU- 633-Project 3

Post University

Mickayla Vitali
EDU 633- Project 3-Vitali 6/17/2021

When writing my prompts, I wanted to make sure that I connected the previous material

and got my classmates thinking about them. Overall, I believe I achieved this since students

responded on how their opinions had changed since the beginning of the term.

My prompts were open-ended enough for students to share their views since it was based

on how they felt. Some students did not feel any change, but they had stronger opinions than

when they started.

In the second prompt I took the same approach as the first one. I have had experience in

the past writing prompts that engaged students, so this helped get me through the activity.

Something that I made sure to do was post early. By posting the questions on Sunday it gave

students the whole week to read the prompts and formulate a response to them. This way I was

able to capture as many opinions as I could.

As I look back on both of these experiences, I can say I was effective in how I facilitated

these discussions. I made sure that my responses were made in a timely manner to my peers.

When a teacher replies quickly to a student’s post, I feel that it allows more time for more

collaboration in the unit. This will help students engaged in more critical thinking skills to gain

extra knowledge out of the unit. The biggest difference that I saw with the second discussion is

that overall, there was less participation. I am not sure this had to do with how we structured our

discussions but more with it is the start of summer and it is a big transition time for many people.

This made the experience not as enjoyable as the first discussion. The first discussion I had 5

student interactions on my post and this unit I only had 1. Both discussions were set up in the

same format as well and posted early to maximize discussion opportunities.

EDU 633- Project 3-Vitali 6/17/2021

My greatest take away from this activity is participate early and often. In addition to

being a student I am also an instructor for some other courses and if I respond to students on

Thursdays compared to Fridays, I will typically get more interactions back from them as well.

This was something that I noticed with my classmates which was pretty cool. The impact that

this activity has made is a positive one. As I continue to teach, I am going to try and get myself

into more of a schedule. Time Management is my biggest challenge as a young educator. I know

this is something that will come with experience and I cannot compare myself to someone who

has been working in the industry for 20+ years. With only 3 years under my belt, I still have a lot

of room for advancement and I look forward to every step on the way!
EDU 633- Project 3-Vitali 6/17/2021


Roberts, T. S., & McInnerney, J. M. (2007). Seven problems of online group learning (and their

solutions). Educational Technology & Society, 10(4), 257-268.

Vai, M. & Sosulski, K. (2016). Essentials of online course design: A standards-based approach

(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. Chapter 6 – Activities and Tools: Working

Collaboratively and Independently

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