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There once lived a man with three nostrils.

At his coming home, his neighbor asked him the

reason for such a long nose, and then the man told him the story. A long time ago, there were
three brothers, Chaka, Churi, and Chang. All three were fishermen. They all had three fishing
nets. One day they were standing in their boats by the beach of Umoa, when a big fish came
out of the ocean, and, by his ducking tail, he pushed two other fishes out into the sea. Seeing
this, Chaka said to his brothers, "My sons, take your nets to the back of my boat and follow me."
He then jumped into the boat and put the two fishes in the nets. Churi came forward and saw
the fish and said, "My sons, you must help me." He took his net and the fish in it, and put him
into the boat. As he was doing this, he knocked his own net into the water. The fish swam out of
the net and left it behind. A few days later, Chang came along. He had a bad sense of direction.
As he was swimming, he left his net behind and the fish went in.

There once lived a man who had three nostrils and one mouth. His name was
Hango. One day, while the old Hango was away working, his son Jango ran amok. He
grabbed a stick, ate a snail, and then threw up all over the door of the building where
the woman of the house was weaving. Jango went around and got himself drunk on a
bucketful of spittle, hoping to finally sleep off his impulsive binge. He fell into a deep
sleep. In the middle of the night he heard someone crying. At first he thought it was the
rain. He jumped up and shut the door. But it wasn't the rain. It was the woman. She
wept out of misery. Jango took the stick and pounded on the door. The old Hango came
home the next morning. He opened the door. Jango told him what had happened. "I've
been sick and sad," the woman explained. "I couldn't sleep because I had an empty
belly. All day I searched through the house for food, but there wasn't any. I ate the snail
and threw up all over the door. It was wet with my spit. You came home in the middle of
the night and woke me up. I ran out in the rain and when I couldn't make it to the place I
always sleep I collapsed. My ankles turned blue and my body turned into an eggshell.
When I opened my eyes I had three nostrils and one mouth and I don't remember what I
looked like before." Jango and the old Hango started up a sweat. They were both
sweating profusely and their feet were caught in the mud. The old Hango and Jango
lifted and flung their bodies against the door. The old Hango grabbed a hoe and hit
Jango. Jango bit off the old man's nose. As he was crying and screaming, Jango
grabbed his bedroll and started to run away. But the man grabbed him by the legs. He
tossed Jango into the bushes and then hoe down the bush with the hoe and the stick.
He hit Jango and Jango hit the ground. Jango scrambled to his feet and ran into the
darkness. A few nights later Jango was carrying his big stick and using the bedroll as a
parachute. He jumped from a cliff and started floating down.

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