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[기본편] CHAPTER 04 부정사 Test

※ [1-7] 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. After watching that commercial, I want (order / to order) some spicy chicken!

2. He pretended (not like / not to like) her and walked quickly away.

3. We were discussing (to where go / where to go) for our honeymoon.

4. I heard Lisa (slam / to slam) the door and run outside.

5. I wish there was a nicer view (to look / to look at) from this window.

6. Grandma, it's impossible (of me / for me) to eat all this food!

7. Mr. Lee makes his students (to call / call) him "Sir."

※ [8-13] 다음 두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 to 부정사를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

8. It is difficult to understand this manual.

= This manual is .

9. From now on, you must not give the puppy food from the table.

= From now on, you are the puppy food from the table.

10. Mina raises money so that she can help the poor.

= Mina raises money so the poor.

11. I would be delighted if I got a Valentine's Day card from you.

= I would be delighted a Valentine's Day card from you.

12. It appears that George was lying about something.

= George appears about something.

13. Alice was so proud that she couldn't ask her friends for help.

= Alice was proud her friends for help.

※ [14-21] 자연스러운 문장이 되도록 괄호 안의 말을 바르게 배열하시오.

14. The shy little girl (be, to, grew up) a cheerful, friendly woman.

15. My roommate (take out, to, me, told) the trash.

16. (helps, escape, me, playing sports) from the stress of everyday life.

17. I thought (easy, find, it, the market, to).

18. Melanie (relocate, is, to, willing) for a better job.

19. My favorite way to (is, take, relax, to) a long bath.

20. (drive, is, to, stupid, it) without wearing a seat belt.

21. Does Jamie really think he's (move, strong, to, enough) that heavy bed by himself?

※ [22-31] 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

22. I decided becoming a vegetarian because I disagree with eating animals.

① ② ③ ④

23. I tried to persuade my mom to let me to get a part-time job, but I couldn’t get her to agree.

① ② ③ ④

24. It was heartless for people to just pass by the man lying in the middle of the road.

① ② ③ ④

25. My teacher is to introducing me to someone who can tutor me in English.

① ② ③ ④

26. The best way clear the suspicion of theft is to prove your alibi.

① ② ③ ④

27. The old man’s face went white and he was gasping for breath, but I didn’t know how to

① ② ③
helping him.

28. Are you responsible enough getting a credit card? They can leave you with huge debts!

① ② ③ ④

29. The orphanage needs a lot of financial support because it has many children to take care.

① ② ③ ④

30. Strange saying, I felt someone else was in the room even though I was the only one there.

① ② ③ ④

31. People should not be allowed watch video or use mobiles while driving.

① ② ③ ④

※ [32-40] 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

32. I asked her anyone the secret, but she did anyway.

① not tell ② not to tell ③ not telling ④ never tell ⑤ don't tell

33. In England, 16 is the age at which you are legally marry.

① enough old ② old enough to ③ too old ④ getting old ⑤ so old

34. I moved very quietly wake the guards outside my cell.

① in order ② not ③ so as ④ in order not to ⑤ I didn't

35. You've been in love with her for long enough. It's time how you feel.

① for her tell ② to be told her ③ to tell her ④ tell her ⑤ told her

36. I was struggling with the weight of the bags, but I couldn't anyone to help me.

① make ② hear ③ let ④ get ⑤ see

37. We attached spikes to our boots so slip while climbing the mountain.

① as to ② that ③ that we could ④ as to not ⑤ as not to

38. He seems taller since the last time we saw him.

① get ② to get ③ got ④ to have gotten ⑤ to getting

39. She was fired for no reason and, , she got sick.

① to begin with ② so to speak ③ to make matters worse

④ to put it simply ⑤ to be frank

40. This Christmas did nothing me that I have no one to spend the holiday with.

① but to remind ② but reminding ③ but remind

④ only to remind ⑤ enough to remind

1. to order / 2. not to like / 3. where to go / 4. slam / 5. to look at / 6. for me / 7. call

8. difficult, to, understand / 9. not, to, give / 10. as, to, help / 11. to, get / 12. to, have, been, lying
/ 13. too, to, ask

14. grew up to be / 15. told me to take out / 16. Playing sports helps me escape / 17. it easy to
find the market / 18. is willing to relocate / 19. relax is to take / 20. It is stupid to drive / 21.
strong enough to move

32. ② / 33. ② / 34. ④ / 35. ③ / 36. ④ / 37. ⑤ / 38. ④ / 39. ③ / 40. ③

22. ① becoming → to become / 23. ③ to get → get / 24. ① for → of / 25. ① introducing →
introduce / 26. ② clear → to clear / 27. ④ helping → help / 28. ③ getting → to get / 29. ④ to
take care → to take care of / 30. ① Strange saying → Strange to say / 31. ③ watch → to watch


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