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May 31, 2021

31-May-21 (Year) 31-May-21 28-May-21 24-May-21 30-Apr-21
0.1 3.0513 3.2282 3.1387 3.1409
PHEI Yield Curve 1
3 4.9686 4.9646 5.0244 5.1298
8.00 4 5.3539 5.3525 5.4035 5.5010
5 5.6616 5.6696 5.7061 5.7935
7.00 6 5.9128 5.9310 5.9531 6.0316
7 6.1223 6.1482 6.1587 6.2307
6.00 8 6.3002 6.3302 6.3331 6.4009
Yield (%)

9 6.4536 6.4842 6.4830 6.5484
5.00 24-May-21
10 6.5874 6.6157 6.6134 6.6774
28-May-21 11 6.7051 6.7289 6.7277 6.7907
31-May-21 12 6.8091 6.8273 6.8285 6.8902
13 6.9014 6.9134 6.9175 6.9777
14 6.9834 6.9894 6.9962 7.0542
2.00 15 7.0562 7.0568 7.0659 7.1210
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 16 7.1208 7.1170 7.1275 7.1790
Maturity (Year) 17 7.1780 7.1710 7.1818 7.2292
18 7.2285 7.2196 7.2297 7.2725
19 7.2731 7.2634 7.2716 7.3096
Penilai Harga Efek Indonesia (PHEI) 20 7.3122 7.3030 7.3084 7.3412
GOVERNMENT BONDS BENCHMARK RATES 21 7.3465 7.3389 7.3405 7.3682
May 31, 2021 22 7.3764 7.3715 7.3684 7.3910
Benchmark 31-May-21 28-May-21 24-May-21 30-Apr-21 23 7.4026 7.4010 7.3927 7.4103
Series Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%) 24 7.4253 7.4278 7.4137 7.4265
15-Apr-2026 FR0086 5.4905 100.0332 5.5207 99.9059 5.5358 99.8420 5.6120 99.5180 25 7.4449 7.4522 7.4319 7.4401
15-Feb-2031 FR0087 6.4099 100.6316 6.4213 100.5500 6.4265 100.5130 6.4475 100.3647 26 7.4619 7.4742 7.4475 7.4515
15-Jun-2036 FR0088 6.3072 99.4461 6.3237 99.2867 6.2898 99.6108 6.4062 98.4918 27 7.4766 7.4942 7.4609 7.4609
15-Apr-2040 FR0083 7.1009 104.1022 7.1203 103.8980 7.1112 103.9966 7.2168 102.8957 28 7.4892 7.5123 7.4725 7.4688
29 7.5000 7.5287 7.4823 7.4754
30 7.5093 7.5435 7.4907 7.4808

Please see important disclaimer at the back of this report. Page 1/1802
Fixed Rate (FR), Obligasi Ritel Negara (ORI) & Zero Coupon (ZC)
May 31, 2021

Date : 31-May-21

Bond 31-May-21 28-May-21 24-May-21 30-Apr-21

Time To
No Changes
Series Maturity Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%)
1 FR0034 0.04 3.0101 100.3966 -6.95 3.2008 100.4660 3.1166 100.5749 3.1862 101.1934
2 FR0035 1.04 3.8597 109.1353 0.47 3.9284 109.1306 3.9475 109.2022 4.0747 109.6082
3 FR0037 5.30 5.7411 128.1925 3.30 5.7544 128.1594 5.7892 128.0261 5.8896 127.7901
4 FR0039 2.21 4.5886 114.8723 -2.86 4.5993 114.9009 4.6606 114.8306 4.8000 114.9211
5 FR0040 4.30 5.6317 120.1934 6.14 5.6543 120.1320 5.6527 120.1843 5.7722 119.9456
6 FR0042 6.13 5.9413 121.8381 9.79 5.9625 121.7402 5.9852 121.6416 6.0764 121.3049
7 FR0043 1.12 3.9192 106.8881 2.25 3.9814 106.8656 4.0056 106.9024 4.1351 107.1321
8 FR0044 3.30 5.3388 113.8820 14.05 5.3920 113.7415 5.4028 113.7482 5.5372 113.5555
9 FR0045 15.97 7.1188 124.8485 -4.31 7.1156 124.8916 7.1267 124.7796 7.1818 124.2229
10 FR0046 2.12 4.5431 109.9209 -0.89 4.5559 109.9298 4.6160 109.8493 4.7556 109.8286
11 FR0047 6.72 6.0662 121.4035 13.70 6.0920 121.2665 6.1075 121.1992 6.1935 120.8367
12 FR0050 17.13 7.3347 130.5677 -186.64 7.1782 132.4341 7.1896 132.3078 7.2393 131.7728
13 FR0052 9.21 6.4837 127.5063 23.45 6.5152 127.2719 6.5150 127.2972 6.5887 126.8476
14 FR0053 0.12 3.0898 100.6294 -1.81 3.2668 100.6475 3.1946 100.7121 3.2714 101.0251
15 FR0054 10.13 6.6034 121.1279 22.64 6.6322 120.9015 6.6313 120.9244 6.7028 120.4246
16 FR0056 5.30 5.5592 112.7412 9.20 5.5815 112.6491 5.6002 112.5808 5.8215 111.6302
17 FR0057 19.97 7.3111 122.7896 -11.33 7.3022 122.9030 7.3080 122.8394 7.3428 122.4472
18 FR0058 11.05 6.7105 111.8669 19.75 6.7349 111.6694 6.7350 111.6753 6.8048 111.1378
19 FR0059 5.96 5.7759 106.0920 19.51 5.8152 105.8969 5.8119 105.9236 5.9102 105.4659
20 FR0061 0.96 3.4492 103.3106 5.39 3.5343 103.2567 3.6045 103.2250 3.6362 103.4050
21 FR0062 20.89 6.9157 94.0625 33.27 6.9475 93.7298 7.0420 92.7500 7.1991 91.1483
22 FR0063 1.96 4.4503 102.1755 2.49 4.4683 102.1507 4.5252 102.0548 4.6649 101.8466
23 FR0064 6.96 6.1149 100.0527 15.21 6.1422 99.9007 6.1551 99.8291 6.2393 99.3533
24 FR0065 11.96 6.5748 100.4072 23.47 6.6035 100.1725 6.6224 100.0186 6.6433 99.8455
25 FR0067 22.73 7.3958 114.7723 32.93 7.4231 114.4430 7.4458 114.1708 7.5548 112.8823
26 FR0068 12.80 7.0252 111.2516 30.62 7.0599 110.9454 7.0394 111.1351 7.0835 110.7782
27 FR0070 2.79 4.8760 109.0151 -2.19 4.8770 109.0370 4.9419 108.8924 5.0769 108.7103
28 FR0071 7.79 6.3576 116.0220 15.05 6.3822 115.8715 6.4030 115.7500 6.3817 115.9980
29 FR0072 14.97 7.0966 110.5200 11.74 7.1090 110.4026 7.1052 110.4456 7.1242 110.2831
30 FR0073 9.96 6.5377 116.0000 -10.51 6.5258 116.1051 6.5677 115.7847 6.6830 114.9395
31 FR0074 11.22 6.7846 105.5381 38.82 6.8333 105.1498 6.8392 105.1054 6.8746 104.8426
32 FR0075 16.97 7.0894 104.0093 26.80 7.1163 103.7413 7.0908 104.0000 7.2316 102.5999
33 FR0076 26.98 7.1348 102.8522 20.50 7.1518 102.6472 7.1672 102.4620 7.2691 101.2400
34 FR0077 2.96 4.9507 108.6277 -2.34 4.9505 108.6511 5.0150 108.4958 5.1482 108.2786
35 FR0078 7.96 6.2939 112.0924 44.51 6.3626 111.6473 6.3718 111.5996 6.4083 111.4290
36 FR0079 17.88 7.1848 111.8611 31.91 7.2146 111.5420 7.2253 111.4309 7.2713 110.9646
37 FR0080 14.05 7.0292 104.1538 23.75 7.0555 103.9164 7.0522 103.9467 7.1063 103.4621
38 FR0081 4.04 5.3689 104.0574 -0.06 5.3706 104.0579 5.4246 103.8679 5.5425 103.4806
39 FR0082 9.30 6.4159 104.0276 3.88 6.4217 103.9888 6.4299 103.9346 6.4580 103.7569
40 FR0083 18.89 7.1009 104.1022 20.42 7.1203 103.8980 7.1112 103.9966 7.2168 102.8957
41 FR0084 4.72 5.5805 106.8197 2.18 5.5880 106.7979 5.6319 106.6246 5.8748 105.6627
42 FR0085 9.88 6.5722 108.4457 21.89 6.6019 108.2268 6.6010 108.2410 6.6731 107.7399
43 FR0086 4.88 5.4905 100.0332 12.74 5.5207 99.9059 5.5358 99.8420 5.6120 99.5180
44 FR0087 9.72 6.4099 100.6316 8.16 6.4213 100.5500 6.4265 100.5130 6.4475 100.3647
45 FR0088 15.05 6.3072 99.4461 15.94 6.3237 99.2867 6.2898 99.6108 6.4062 98.4918
46 FR0089 30.23 6.8724 100.0186 0.43 6.8727 100.0143 6.8281 100.5827 6.9499 99.0444
47 ORI015 0.38 3.4713 101.7713 1.24 3.6030 101.7589 3.6176 101.8023 3.5731 102.1228
48 ORI016 1.38 3.9214 103.8432 3.77 3.9650 103.8055 4.0436 103.7259 4.2237 103.6373
49 ORI017 2.12 4.8473 103.1270 0.56 4.8555 103.1214 4.9068 103.0307 4.9695 102.9856
50 ORI018 2.38 4.8862 101.8202 1.37 4.8948 101.8065 4.9621 101.6612 5.1096 101.3610
51 ORI019 2.71 5.0146 101.4030 3.41 5.0294 101.3689 5.1057 101.1789 5.3363 100.6048

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May 31, 2021



Tenor Yield (%)

PHEI VR Yield Curve (Month) 31-May-21 28-May-21 24-May-21 30-Apr-21
8.00 0.03 2.8151 2.8149 2.8169 2.8156
1 3.4849 3.4850 3.4825 3.4855
2 3.7717 3.7718 3.7706 3.7743
6.00 3 3.8883 3.8884 3.8891 3.8926
4 3.9358 3.9358 3.9379 3.9411
Yield (%)

5.00 30-Apr-21
5 3.9551 3.9551 3.9580 3.9609
6 3.9629 3.9629 3.9662 3.9691
3.00 28-May-21
7 3.9661 3.9661 3.9696 3.9724
2.00 31-May-21 8 3.9674 3.9674 3.9710 3.9738
1.00 9 3.9680 3.9679 3.9716 3.9743
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 10 3.9682 3.9681 3.9718 3.9745
Maturity (Month) 11 3.9683 3.9682 3.9719 3.9746
12 3.9683 3.9683 3.9720 3.9747

Penilai Harga Efek Indonesia (PHEI)

May 31, 2021
31-May-21 28-May-21 24-May-21 30-Apr-21
Maturity Series
Yield (%) Price (%) Changes (BPs) Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%) Yield (%) Price (%)
25-Apr-2025 VR0033 3.7466 99.9675 0.47 3.7658 99.9627 3.7877 99.9566 3.8849 99.8708
10-Aug-2025 VR0034 3.8269 99.8985 0.66 3.8391 99.8919 3.8538 99.8831 3.0878 100.0128
10-Aug-2026 VR0035 3.8269 99.8985 0.66 3.8391 99.8919 3.8538 99.8831 3.0878 100.0128
10-Aug-2027 VR0036 3.8269 99.8985 0.66 3.8391 99.8919 3.8538 99.8831 3.0878 100.0128
10-Aug-2028 VR0037 3.8269 99.8985 0.66 3.8391 99.8919 3.8538 99.8831 3.0878 100.0128
28-Aug-2025 VR0038 3.8859 99.8595 0.63 3.8930 99.8532 2.9150 100.0042 3.4555 99.9871
28-Aug-2026 VR0039 3.8859 99.8595 0.63 3.8930 99.8532 2.9150 100.0042 3.4555 99.9871
28-Aug-2027 VR0040 3.8859 99.8595 0.63 3.8930 99.8532 2.9150 100.0042 3.4555 99.9871
28-Aug-2028 VR0041 3.8859 99.8595 0.63 3.8930 99.8532 2.9150 100.0042 3.4555 99.9871
28-Sep-2025 VR0042 3.4551 99.9875 0.50 3.4993 99.9825 3.5498 99.9755 3.7682 99.9246
28-Sep-2026 VR0043 3.4551 99.9875 0.50 3.4993 99.9825 3.5498 99.9755 3.7682 99.9246
28-Sep-2027 VR0044 3.4551 99.9875 0.50 3.4993 99.9825 3.5498 99.9755 3.7682 99.9246
28-Sep-2028 VR0045 3.4551 99.9875 0.50 3.4993 99.9825 3.5498 99.9755 3.7682 99.9246
12-Oct-2025 VR0046 3.6310 99.9611 0.63 3.6601 99.9548 3.6931 99.9465 3.8385 99.8923
12-Oct-2026 VR0047 3.6310 99.9611 0.63 3.6601 99.9548 3.6931 99.9465 3.8385 99.8923
12-Oct-2027 VR0048 3.6310 99.9611 0.63 3.6601 99.9548 3.6931 99.9465 3.8385 99.8923
12-Oct-2028 VR0049 3.6310 99.9611 0.63 3.6601 99.9548 3.6931 99.9465 3.8385 99.8923
26-Oct-2025 VR0050 3.7466 99.9309 0.67 3.7658 99.9242 3.7877 99.9154 3.8849 99.8613
26-Oct-2026 VR0051 3.7466 99.9309 0.67 3.7658 99.9242 3.7877 99.9154 3.8849 99.8613
26-Oct-2027 VR0052 3.7466 99.9309 0.67 3.7658 99.9242 3.7877 99.9154 3.8849 99.8613
26-Oct-2028 VR0053 3.7466 99.9309 0.67 3.7658 99.9242 3.7877 99.9154 3.8849 99.8613
16-Nov-2025 VR0054 3.8502 99.8853 0.65 3.8604 99.8788 3.8730 99.8701 3.2327 100.0141
16-Nov-2026 VR0055 3.8502 99.8853 0.65 3.8604 99.8788 3.8730 99.8701 3.2327 100.0141
16-Nov-2027 VR0056 3.8502 99.8853 0.65 3.8604 99.8788 3.8730 99.8701 3.2327 100.0141
16-Nov-2028 VR0057 3.8502 99.8853 0.65 3.8604 99.8788 3.8730 99.8701 3.2327 100.0141
23-Nov-2025 VR0058 3.8726 99.8702 0.64 3.8808 99.8638 3.8916 99.8551 3.3722 100.0109
23-Nov-2026 VR0059 3.8726 99.8702 0.64 3.8808 99.8638 3.8916 99.8551 3.3722 100.0109
23-Nov-2027 VR0060 3.8726 99.8702 0.64 3.8808 99.8638 3.8916 99.8551 3.3722 100.0109
23-Nov-2028 VR0061 3.8726 99.8702 0.64 3.8808 99.8638 3.8916 99.8551 3.3722 100.0109
14-Dec-2025 VR0062 3.1874 100.0038 0.23 3.2545 100.0016 3.3330 99.9975 3.6615 99.9551
14-Dec-2026 VR0063 3.1874 100.0038 0.23 3.2545 100.0016 3.3330 99.9975 3.6615 99.9551
14-Dec-2027 VR0064 3.1874 100.0038 0.23 3.2545 100.0016 3.3330 99.9975 3.6615 99.9551
14-Dec-2028 VR0065 3.1874 100.0038 0.23 3.2545 100.0016 3.3330 99.9975 3.6615 99.9551

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May 31, 2021

Date : 31-May-21

Surat Perbendaharaan Negara 31-May-21 28-May-21 24-May-21 30-Apr-21

No Time To Maturity Yield Changes Yield Yield Yield
Series Price (%) Price (%) Price (%) Price (%)
(Year) Equivalent (%) (BPs) Equivalent (%) Equivalent (%) Equivalent (%)
1 SPN-S 05112021 0.43 3.3731 98.5742 8.23 3.5051 98.4919 3.4715 98.4691 - -
2 SPN-S 07102021 0.35 3.3029 98.8581 7.57 3.4455 98.7824 3.4029 98.7609 3.4974 98.5044
3 SPN-S 09062021 0.02 2.9939 99.9273 3.04 3.1874 99.8969 3.1008 99.8662 3.1688 99.6587
4 SPN-S 10082021 0.19 3.1573 99.3972 5.77 3.3231 99.3394 3.2606 99.3167 3.3434 99.0852
5 SPN-S 10092021 0.28 3.2360 99.1140 6.82 3.3891 99.0458 3.3375 99.0244 3.4268 98.7798
6 SPN-S 13072021 0.12 3.0846 99.6427 4.65 3.2624 99.5962 3.1894 99.5708 3.2658 99.3506
7 SPN03210616 0.04 3.0128 99.8700 3.39 3.2030 99.8360 3.1193 99.8066 3.1890 99.5966
8 SPN03210714 0.12 3.0872 99.6341 4.69 3.2646 99.5872 3.1920 99.5619 3.2686 99.3413
9 SPN03210728 0.16 3.1238 99.5124 5.27 3.2951 99.4597 3.2277 99.4359 3.3076 99.2097
10 SPN03210826 0.24 3.1982 99.2524 6.34 3.3573 99.1891 - - - -
11 SPN12210603 0.01 2.9777 99.9759 2.72 3.1740 99.9486 3.0849 99.9168 3.1513 99.7114
12 SPN12210701 0.08 3.0529 99.7449 4.12 3.2361 99.7038 3.1584 99.6768 3.2319 99.4612
13 SPN12210812 0.20 3.1625 99.3792 5.85 3.3274 99.3208 3.2656 99.2982 3.3488 99.0658
14 SPN12210909 0.28 3.2335 99.1233 6.79 3.3869 99.0554 3.3350 99.0340 3.4241 98.7898
15 SPN12211007 0.35 3.3029 98.8581 7.57 3.4455 98.7824 3.4029 98.7609 3.4974 98.5044
16 SPN12211104 0.43 3.3707 98.5842 8.21 3.5031 98.5020 3.4692 98.4794 3.5688 98.2101
17 SPN12211202 0.51 3.4370 98.3018 8.73 3.5596 98.2145 3.5340 98.1897 3.6383 97.9074
18 SPN12220106 0.60 3.5178 97.9377 9.21 3.6291 97.8456 3.6130 97.8168 3.7226 97.5179
19 SPN12220203 0.68 3.5808 97.6379 9.47 3.6835 97.5432 3.6747 97.5103 3.7880 97.1980
20 SPN12220303 0.76 3.6424 97.3310 9.65 3.7371 97.2345 3.7349 97.1969 3.8518 96.8711
21 SPN12220331 0.83 3.7027 97.0172 9.74 3.7898 96.9198 3.7939 96.8770 3.9139 96.5376
22 SPN12220527 0.99 3.8214 96.3589 9.71 3.8943 96.2617 - - - -

Please see important disclaimer at the back of this report Page 4/1802
May 31, 2021

Date : 31-May-21

Sukuk 31-May-21 28-May-21 24-May-21 30-Apr-21

Time To Yield Yield Yield Yield
No Changes
Series Maturity Equivalent Price (%) Equivalent Price (%) Equivalent Price (%) Equivalent Price (%)
(Year) (%) (%) (%) (%)
1 IFR0006 8.79 6.2089 127.0434 22.75 6.2405 126.8158 6.2416 126.8326 6.3167 126.3975
2 IFR0007 3.63 5.1958 116.4903 -1.46 5.2011 116.5049 5.2739 116.2878 5.4302 115.9832
3 IFR0010 14.72 6.9766 127.5124 1.92 6.9791 127.4931 6.9884 127.4048 7.0483 126.8301
4 PBS002 0.63 3.4335 101.2307 4.78 3.5351 101.1829 3.5461 101.1961 3.7363 101.1836
5 PBS003 5.63 5.7831 101.0208 -2.01 5.7791 101.0409 5.8049 100.9187 5.9254 100.3464
6 PBS004 15.72 6.6263 94.8975 3.02 6.6294 94.8673 6.6333 94.8283 6.6449 94.7078
7 PBS005 21.89 6.8181 99.2215 13.43 6.8301 99.0872 6.8243 99.1528 6.7673 99.7992
8 PBS007 19.31 7.2715 117.7577 0.11 7.2720 117.7565 7.2770 117.7035 7.2369 118.2021
9 PBS011 2.21 4.8413 108.0867 0.43 4.8564 108.0824 4.8957 108.0340 5.1076 107.7830
10 PBS012 10.47 6.7642 115.6354 16.10 6.7851 115.4745 6.8059 115.3178 6.7381 115.9369
11 PBS015 26.14 7.4173 106.6703 13.39 7.4284 106.5364 7.4001 106.8790 7.4323 106.4920
12 PBS017 4.38 5.5563 102.1740 -3.28 5.5489 102.2068 5.6281 101.9033 5.6726 101.7572
13 PBS018 6.96 6.3309 107.1869 10.28 6.3499 107.0841 6.3728 106.9611 6.4339 106.6557
14 PBS019 2.29 4.8962 107.1726 -2.39 4.8964 107.1965 4.9413 107.1276 5.0936 106.9678
15 PBS020 6.38 6.1646 114.7479 5.43 6.1770 114.6936 6.1779 114.7100 6.2203 114.5970
16 PBS021 5.46 5.7843 112.5490 9.55 5.8069 112.4534 5.8663 112.1807 5.9935 111.6668
17 PBS022 12.88 6.9731 113.8737 5.77 6.9800 113.8160 6.9802 113.8232 6.9983 113.7070
18 PBS023 8.96 6.5205 110.7510 23.71 6.5548 110.5139 6.5699 110.4172 6.6015 110.2446
19 PBS024 10.96 7.0827 109.7292 14.18 7.1011 109.5875 7.0901 109.6838 7.0300 110.2051
20 PBS025 11.96 6.8188 112.5793 14.10 6.8357 112.4383 6.8396 112.4129 6.9056 111.8780
21 PBS026 3.38 5.2401 104.2246 -0.87 5.2405 104.2333 5.3062 104.0393 5.4041 103.8019
22 PBS027 1.96 4.5896 103.5334 4.78 4.6224 103.4855 4.6892 103.3773 4.8291 103.2087
23 PBS028 25.39 7.2648 105.5736 12.76 7.2755 105.4459 7.2576 105.6627 7.1922 106.4673
24 PBS029 12.80 6.5336 98.6268 9.75 6.5450 98.5293 6.5411 98.5620 6.5606 98.3933
25 SR011 0.78 3.5096 103.4744 8.07 3.6572 103.3937 3.6594 103.4378 3.7668 103.6233
26 SR012 1.78 4.5993 102.8962 1.23 4.6137 102.8839 4.6512 102.8349 4.7084 102.8306
27 SR013 2.28 4.8860 102.5031 0.86 4.8938 102.4945 4.9548 102.3716 5.1017 102.1051
28 SR014 2.78 5.2036 100.6872 -2.19 5.1959 100.7090 5.2413 100.5932 5.4360 100.0897

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PHEI Yields Movement
Government Bond Benchmark Series







FR0086 FR0087 FR0088 FR0083

FR0086 FR0087
Hi : 5.6120 Lo : 5.4905 Last : 5.4905 Hi : 6.4772 Lo : 6.3786 Last : 6.4099
5.62 6.50
5.60 6.48
5.58 6.46
5.56 6.44
5.54 6.42
5.52 6.40
5.50 6.38
5.48 6.36

FR0088 FR0083
Hi : 6.4062 Lo : 6.2693 Last : 6.3072 Hi : 7.2168 Lo : 7.0998 Last : 7.1009
6.42 7.24
6.40 7.22
6.38 7.20
6.36 7.18
6.34 7.16
6.32 7.14
6.30 7.12
6.28 7.10
6.26 7.08


Indonesia Stock Exchange Building
Tower II, Ground Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190

Phone: +62 21 5155620

Fax: +62 21 5155026
For Information on PHEI Historical Fair Values, please visit our website:

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