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Student name:
Assessor name:

Qualification: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Unit of competency: SITHCCC017 – Handle and serve cheese

The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

Has the student completed adequate training? Yes No

Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No

Does the student understand which evidence is to be collected and
Yes No
Have the student’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes No
Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during
Yes No

The following documents may be completed and attached: Comments:

☐ Written Assessment

The student will answer a range of multiple choice,

short answer and/or extended response questions. S NYS

☒ Practical Observation / Demonstration

The student will demonstrate a range of skills and S NYS
the assessor will observe where appropriate to the
unit. The Observation Checklist will be completed
by the assessor.

 I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks.

The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were

explained to me and I understand these processes.
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have

acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment.


SITHCCC017 Handle and serve cheese v2.0 (Updated on 20 August 2020)

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Qualification: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit of Competency: SITHCCC017 Handle and serve cheese
Assessment 1 Written Assessment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation

Assessment 3
Assessments to be completed for this unit:

Your trainer/ assessor would have told you when the assessments will take place on the first day of
training delivery for this unit.
• The written assessment (Assessment 1) will assess your knowledge and is one part of
the assessment tool for this unit of competency.
• The practical assessment (Assessment 2) will assess your knowledge and practical skills
through practical observation/s. This will take place in the College’s commercial kitchen. Your
assessor will
record behaviours they have observed to confirm competency against each Performance Criteria.

Reasonable Adjustment

1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?

No Skip question 2

Yes Proceed to question 2

2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to confirm that you have the knowledge and skills required to complete
the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, and:
• serve cheeses using each of the following service styles:
o buffet presentation
o cheese plates
o table service
• prepare and present cheese from each of the following cheese types with suitable garnishes
and accompaniments:
o cheddar
o brie or camembert
o blue
o washed rind
o chèvre
o gruyère
o flavoured
• prepare and serve cheese for at least six different customers:
o within commercial time constraints and deadlines
o reflecting required quantities to be produced
o following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing
o responding to customer requests and dietary requirements.

The following Foundation Skills are also being assessed:

• Reading skills to:
o locate information in food preparation lists or work orders to determine preparation requirements.
• Numeracy skills to:
o calculate the size and number of portions.
• Problem-solving skills to:
o Evaluate quality of cheese and cheese presentation and make adjustments.

Tasks instructions:

• Your assessor will explain the assessment process and your rights if you are unhappy with
the outcome of your assessment.
• Your trainer will also ask you if you have any special needs to complete the assessment.
• Make sure you complete the assessment cover sheet and sign the student declaration. Then
hand the assessment booklet to your assessor.
• To complete this assessment, you must have been instructed on how to handle and serve
cheese as outlined in the unit’s Performance Criteria.
• You received this instruction through the preparation and presentation of a number of cheese
types across 3 service styles that involved following standard recipes/ preparation instructions
• For your assessment, you need to prepare and serve (7) cheese types that you previously
prepared during your training
• You will be provided with ‘Assessment Recipe Cards to guide you through the preparation of the
3 service styles on which you will be assessed.
• You have 120 minutes (3 hours) to complete this assessment. Your assessor may vary the time
to complete this assessment to suit individual or group needs.
• Your personal presentation must reflect the standards typically expected and acceptable in
the commercial cookery industry.
• You must achieve a Satisfactory outcome for the practical observations related to the
preparation and presentation of the 7 cheese types across 4 service styles to be deemed
• You are encouraged to ask your trainer/ assessor any questions you may have about
the assessment.
Place/Location where assessment will occur, recording and reporting requirements

• This practical assessment will be completed under supervised conditions and in the presence
of your trainer/ assessor at the College’s commercial kitchens on Ground or Level 2, 38
College Street, Darlinghurst 2010. Your trainer will advise you in advance of which kitchen
facility will be used as the site for this practical assessment.
• Your trainer/ assessor will have notified you of the date of the assessment date on the first day of
training delivery for this unit. Your trainer will also have told you that attendance on assessment
day is compulsory.
• When you have completed all assessment tasks, your assessor will discuss your performance
and provide you with feedback.
• Both you and your assessor must complete the Assessment Outcome Record at the end of
this assessment booklet.

Resource Requirements

• This assessment is conducted in the College’s commercial kitchens. The College’s two kitchens
are fully equipped to meet the requirements of this unit of competency. You will have access to all
the equipment and facilities needed to meet all the assessment conditions of this unit.
• For full list of resources for this unit, go to
• You are required to wear your full-service period uniform while completing this assessment or
you will not be permitted to enter the commercial kitchen to complete your assessment.
• Your assessor will use the relevant assessment booklet to record your performance during
your assessment tasks.
Assessment 2 – Practical Observations

You are required to prepare cheese selections for different service styles using each of the cheeses,
garnishes and accompaniments listed in the table on the next page. Your assessor will provide you with
Assessment Recipe Cards for each service style you are preparing. The assessor checklists show you the
criteria for which you will be assessed during each service style you prepare.
Your assessor will observe you performing your typical workplace tasks when preparing the 3 service
style presentations and 6 cheese types while completing the checklist. They may also ask you some
questions during the assessment.

You will serve the following cheese types:

Type # Cheese type

Type 1 cheddar

Type 2 brie or camembert

Type 3 blue

Type 4 washed rind

Type 5 chèvre

Type 6 gruyère

Type 7 flavoured cheese

Service Type Portions

Buffet 6
Cheese platter 2
Table service 1
Dish to Cheeses to be Garnishes and
Service style
be prepared and accompaniments
prepared presented
Service 1: ☒ buffet service ☒ cheddar ☒ biscuits and crackers
☐ cheese plates ☒ brie or camembert ☒ breads
☐ table service ☒ blue ☒ fresh and dried fruits
Recipe Source:
☒ washed rind ☐ herbs, edible leaves and flowers
Assessment Recipe ☒ chèvre ☒ jellies and pastes
☐ gruyère ☒ nuts
Buffet Presentation ☒ flavoured ☒ vegetables

No. of serves: 6
Service 2: ☐ buffet service ☒ cheddar ☒ biscuits and crackers
☒ cheese plates ☒ brie or camembert ☒ breads
☐ table service ☒ blue ☒ fresh and dried fruits
Recipe Source:
☒ washed rind ☐ herbs, edible leaves and flowers
Assessment Recipe
Cards ☒ chèvre ☒ jellies and pastes
☒ gruyère ☒ nuts
Cheese plate
☐ flavoured ☐ vegetables

No. of serves: 2
Service 3: ☐ buffet service ☒ cheddar ☒ biscuits and crackers
☐ cheese plates ☒ brie or camembert ☒ breads
☒ table service ☒ blue ☒ fresh and dried fruits
Recipe Source:
Assessment Recipe ☒ washed rind ☐ herbs, edible leaves and flowers
Cards ☒ chèvre ☐ jellies and pastes
☒ gruyère ☐ nuts
Table service ☐ flavoured ☐ vegetables

No. of serves: 1
Assessment 2 – Observation Checklists (assessor to complete)

Observations for Service Style 1 to 4

Location Date Duration from ... to... Tasks to be completed, what will be observed?

Commercial Kitchen Cheese service

MD Thai Restaurant, Ground • Buffet
Floor, Hyde Park Plaza Hotel • Cheese plate
• Table service

Comments about observed behaviours - Assessors must record observed behaviours that demonstrate competency
S -Satisfactory NYS – Not Yet Satisfactory SS - Service Style

Assessment Criteria S NYS Assessors must record observed behaviors that
confirm competency in the ‘Comments’ spaces below

Element 1: Prepare cheese for service SS = Service Style

Identifies and selects correct cheese types based on the service style

SS 1 ☐ SS 1

Read labels and Identifies cheese

Selects 6 different types of cheese for buffet service
SS 2 ☐ SS 2

Selects and serves the right number of cheeses according to type
of service (see practical notes)
SS 3 ☐ SS 3

Identifies and selects correct ingredients for garnishes / accompaniments

SS 1 ☐ SS 1
Examples ☐

SITHCCC017 Handle and serve cheese v2.0 (Updated on 26 October 2020)

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Uses Biscuits and crackers as accompaniments SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Uses fresh and dried fruits as accompaniments
Uses spreads and pastes as accompaniments
SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

Accommodates any dietary requirements from customers or other requests

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Provides lactose free cheese as an option
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Provides low fat cheese as an option
Provides Gluten free items as accompaniments
SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

Inspects cheese and ingredients for quality and freshness

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Check labels for expiry dates
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Physical inspection for quality points

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Brings cheese to room temperature

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
All cheese to be served is brought to room temperature prior to
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
plating. or displaying for table service..
Monitor time and temperature according to food safety .

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Calculate the appropriate cheese sizes and number of portions based on
the service style requirements
SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Portion cheese evenly SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Allocate between 30 to 40g of cheese per person
Serve around 200g combined on a cheese platter as a meal.
SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

Correct food safety practices when handling and preparing cheese.

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐

Use separate knives for each different cheese SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Use separate implements
Clean and sanitize chopping board between cuts of different cheeses
SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

Minimize waste through use of offcuts

Store leftovers in a timely fashion to prevent spoilage/waste.
SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐

Use trimmings and off cuts for sauces, toppings, baking goods or SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
staff meals

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

Prepare garnishes and accompaniments as per service style or cheese

type requirements
SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐

SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Wash/clean fruits

Clean vegetables/herbs SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Portion as required

Element 2: Presents cheese

Suitable service ware or crockery is selected based on service style

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Wooden board used for cheese plate
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Stainless steel platters
SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Cheese is arranged logically and attractively according to requirements

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Arrange cheeses in an attractive and modern way.
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Portion cheeses evenly.
Serve cheeses on a platter in different areas of a plate to avoid
flavours getting mixed. SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Service style incorporates correct garnishes and accompaniments
Portions are calculated correctly
SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐

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SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

The service style is inspected, evaluated and adjusted before being served
Examples SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Practicality of consumption and service
Visual appeal
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Provide Gluten free options for accompaniments

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
The service style presentation is free of drips, smears and finger marks

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
• Clean and polished plates, platters
• Serving vessels and crockery free of cracks and chips
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

Element 3: Store cheese and maintain work area

Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored
Examples SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Leftover cheese wrapped

Store cheese labelled in correct area SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐

Appropriate environmental conditions. .Under refrigeration (2c – 4c)

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

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• Waste and perishables are discarded
• Food scraps are removed SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
• Equipment is transferred to wash-up area

SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used for cleaning

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Use chemicals for cleaning cheese service area, detergents and
sanitizers according to manufacturer’s instructions. SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Read labels on all chemicals used for cleaning and sanitizing

SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Correct cleaning procedure used

SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐
Cleaning cheese service area according to instructions
SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Clean cheese service area according to S.O.P
Scrub all benches equipment and utensils
SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐

The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment.

Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
SS 1 ☐ SS 1 ☐

SS 2 ☐ SS 2 ☐
Use scourers, chux and paper towel to clean benches and chopping
Use squeegee to remove excess water from surfaces
SS 3 ☐ SS 3 ☐
Equipment adjusted where required

SS 1 SS 1
Examples ☐ ☐
Blades adjusted

Mechanism oiled
SS 2 SS 2
☐ ☐
Food processor properly assembled

SS 3 SS 3
☐ ☐
Knife honed and sharpened as required using steel/stone using correct
Examples SS 1 SS 1
All knives kept sharp. ☐ ☐
Steel used according to trainer’s instructions
Sharpening stone used as demonstrated by trainer SS 2 SS 2
☐ ☐

SS 3 SS 3
Examples ☐ ☐
All knives maintenance
Equipment kept clean and sharpare reported
Knives are sharpen on a regular basis.
SS 1 SS 1
Knives are honed before and after being used. ☐ ☐

SS 2 SS 2
☐ ☐

SS 3 SS 3
☐ ☐
Assessor to complete

Assessment outcome Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory 

Feedback to student

Has reasonable
adjustment been applied Yes  No
to this assessment? 

If yes, provide details of


Student signature: Date:

Assessor signature: Date:

Student to complete

□ My assessor has provided me with feedback about my assessment

□ My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me

□ I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment

Student signature: Date:

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