Primary and Secondary and Include The Following

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There are a wide range of potential amenorrhea causes, which can be 

categorized as
primary and secondary and include the following:

Primary Amenorrhea Causes

While some cases of primary amenorrhea are unknown, most are linked to congenital
abnormalities that result in

 Disturbed hormone production or release from the hypothalamus or pituitary

 Ovarian dysfunction
 Abnormal anatomy of the reproductive tract

Secondary Amenorrhea Causes

The majority of the causes of secondary amenorrhea relate directly or indirectly to

hormonal imbalance, whether from natural causes, unhealthy lifestyle practices, or
medical causes.

Because of their number, finding the exact cause can sometimes be challenging.
Nevertheless, most common secondary amenorrhea causes include the following:

Natural Causes

 Pregnancy
 Breastfeeding
 Menopause

Lifestyle Causes

 Low body fat

 Obesity
 Eating disorders
 Prolonged stress
 Poor nutrition
 Sudden weight gain or loss
 Strenuous exercise    

Medical Causes

 Birth control discontinuation
 Thyroid disorders
 Pituitary tumors
 Uterine scarring
 Hyperprolactinaemia
 Side effects of medications
 Chemo- or radiation therapy

Amenorrhea Treatment
Amenorrhea treatment will hugely depend on what caused it in the first place. While
some women might be able to restore their periods with natural approaches, others
might need more invasive treatments.

Approaches will focus on resolving the underlying cause and promoting

hormonal balance. They are as follows:

Lifestyle Changes

 Exercise routine modifications to consist of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity

 Diet adjustments to contain a colorful variety of vegetables, lean protein, complex
carbs, and healthy fats
 Stress-relief techniques, like meditation, to reduce high cortisol levels' effects
on hormonal balance

Alternative Medicine

 Phytoestrogenic supplements, like red clover, to balance hormones with plant-

based estrogenic compounds
 Hormone-regulating supplements, like Macafem Healthy Periods, to safely
nourish the endocrine glands for optimal hormone production and menstrual health

Conventional Medicine

 Medications, if necessary, will be tailored to the specific cause of amenorrhea and

might include thyroid medications, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy
(HRT), and others. In many cases, medications can only relieve symptoms, not
treat the root cause, and come with potentially serious side effects.
 Psychotherapy might be beneficial for those whose absence of menstruation is a
result of eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa.
 Surgery may be necessary in the case of ovarian cysts, uterine adhesions, or scar
tissue that might be behind the absence of periods

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