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L Q'L'SohB'Eh''H'ShEe LEh R Ayr T Gohihn Th PLaAhz R L:

Vehd'T'TshihpsEe'N'AhSM'PihRL H Gehkoh: EhLdohrahdoh.
H BaskahLohp BasihGL KH Tihs KH J T: Sacramento.
Devil Travel Cry New Morning
Glory Madrona Inoxia.
KuundahLEeN'Ee'Ee: Love Enter. *`:
(N)"The Cedar Embezzlement
Called Love." - OR - Divine-Acting:
(QNTL)"T Sh Aydrah L'T'S'T'D
Akahtahsh Sh." - OR - Destiny Must
Prove Her Belongings to You:
(VWOh)"EhLdohrahdoh SatAhLahihEet
Kohbrah KLaohwds ahv Spayn N Drayk T." -
OR - Cursive-Dissent:
(Ee)"Kohrt KehnihMihrEhks DohLmehn T S
Gehkoh." - OR - The-Goddess-Speed-of-Light.
What is to Come Next Are Wise Logical Scientific Rites of
(1)Sunrise'H'NAS'Hohrus'Shield (2)Sunset'H'SWL'Kayn'Sword

-F'F'EeihH'SEeG'Tohbakoh' Kantaynkihrihs'Aheerihs'StihL'D'D NihL'GehayEe'Ee-

Bows and Arrows Oh Tripping Grand Y Spine

Dream, So My Dear Halo Image: (1)"You're a Spy For The
Parents, Arent You!!!"
(2)"The Parents are always barefooted Trippingly, and that is how the
Children always know what to do about it!!!!" - OR:
|(1)(Moses Guessing About Milk) - "KihL Tiht Suun SunL Ee'Ee
HahohWL MEe Tshans Ee Ayntshehnt Dehs RL'Ee'Ee H!!!" -
(2)(Mahduurah Uutsheehah With a White Blue-Cross) - "Ee Bahbaydah
Ee DihahgihtihahL Eemoht Ee'Ee MahnohgLihsTihrihn GEe'Ee'Ee
Sunrahees N'N D!!!"| -
These Are The Tools Known as The Bow and Arrow. Enlightenment.

(3) - YNT~)|+_)!. Ee SeetohL OhmLihn AhLah Sh><SL-Aydrah-

(Young GVOhThShEe of Nayst Tehk - Eating Metal to Co-create The
Universe With Purple Particles.) - V'Ihndrayus LohdL'V - "Aim".
Rehkweeum Boh Traht - "Shot".

Pearl-Number: - This Collection of Papers is an Emblem,

a Tool Used For Remembering Living Images.
H'Shield'T Woh Vwoh: How to Make a Shield.


….(1) - "Sunset Crosses Two Women, Infinity-Wax: and All of Ee

Bahbaydah Ee EhskahFLohnay. Night-Day. The Teet-Hunting
One-Foot Language - is a Lockpicking and Then-Speaking Crab,
With an Entirely Black-Green Massively-Loosing Ray. District,
Temple, Empire. Dick Cords In Cursive. Grand Nature's Day. "Kuus
Bay T Ehns N Ehnihgmah Eht Kohrvus Kohrvah'x TAy Nahruutoh

Sehs T."


(1)"Kohrt Kehmihst Nahruutoh As the Salamander-Moth -

Summoning Winged TwighLights With
Sihehahd'Kuurahmah'EeihaLihtEe The 9-Tailed-Fox - using
Black-Blue Winds, Particles and Rays From the Yellow Sea-Weed of

The TohtKLoh People."
How To Build A Heart:
That Non-Familiar or Undesignated Orange-Gases, Have a
Big Enough Family to Turn other things into food for you - IF
- your Heart is stronger than 2D Rod/Pill/Bacteria Shapes -
and so thinking that one Animal/Life-Form, is now counting as
Billions of Life Forms to yourself: "KL - EeihaLihtEe -
STR'FFohr - OhHihpoh - DN - Cede - Y - Bohr."
"j:\|;Jo*~oSOh+-F -

(1) T Dehth Kahp Fohr Kih'Uu'T'Ee'Ee'Ee Lohah GVShEe Lohah

Man'tsh'ihah'N - Or The Grayest Gray You Ever Knew - With
Cities Breathing Mediterranean Tundra Winds. Orange Mansion -
TAy Lohah - Or Just a Beast with a New Eye - Thats All Really.
Food Slavic. GehnshL, LH-LH-Y. Never Truly Sad because their
Clothes Always Train Animals Directly From the KL Head.
Condor-Hawk-Vulture-Eagle, Brown Sea-Weed - Now Hold it
Right There, This is The.
How to Dance/Fight/Pray: SEe'T'W'V V'L'L Sohd
Ahnuuahnad T -

(1) - Cratius-Cracy The High Priest of Pride, Watching T.V. -

Eating Blueberries - and Dreaming of a: ShEe
OhPahrthahnahx Ihnkahnspihk'uu'ah'tihshihahwihs
Kgohmoh - That He Wont Knock Off - My Dear Little
Granddaughter OhSh:

(1) **|TLV 12 ^^^^^. QNTL -|1-. 34.14. ^^^^^.^^^^^^.><v-

KohreeayEengahL. (()((()))(*&-FF'|G":;dA
PhehnYL'EhThYL'AyMEeN -
Doht'RAhEeFL'HayTrEhd'Lehd'Hus'Dehd'T Koh'Ohrk
BEhL F'F|D|D|A|YS|Y<<>< @ NNHahtsNY-Z-Z---I-| My
Hands Kohdee's Hands Nohs Hands IhnfihnihtEe'S
Hands-|L.,< Pihk HihLFEe -)~

|How To Defeat Demons|:
(1)"566.6 Year old Ee'SvahrohgnihL'Ee Kohdee Ohdihn
EeihaLihtEe - Gazes Upon the Futuristic, as of yet Not
Existing - EhLdohrahdoh Salvia Ee Violet Jean Datura Plant -
Causing The Original Love -
MahnohGLihsTihrihn'G'Ee'Ee'H'Mihrkuuree'SLaanehsh to
Wash and Launder the Ahrundoh Dohnahk Grass of His Life -
Counting Each and Every Dragon-of-Plants who's Flowers
Never left the roots, and who's roots never left the soil, and
who's soil never left the Virus, and who's Virus Never left
ANYTHING that Knows EVERYTHING about Enlightened
Y'KHay'DehteenL'Sat APL Nayms Wild Steps who build the
Ash-Heart. These Wild Steps Call The Future Itself - The
Stolen Metal Heart of ShahmbahLah - Whom is Buried Under
The Standing D'Trays'Kohr'Deh'TEeNL Feet, of His White
Winged TwighLight. A Squid Dies."

(1) "VehdihK BehnahdryL H'TrahEe GEhskahFLOhNay

Puuma Nihnees'S'Ee'GehKoh BL SunFLaohwihr Ee'Ee.":
Non-Existing Ash producing Wax. Exorcise/Stat/Containment:
Flying/Uu'H'J'LaheeT'LTEeL'Sh/Swimming. This
Creature/Demon-Human/Elemental is Capable of
Reaching/Penetrating into the Core of Physical Matter -
down-in and Up-out - To the Point of No Sound - Besides Teal
and Cyan Colored Elements Fighting Each-Other Over
Murder. That is:
"R'AhbLihsk'DrehdNaht'Like'Lahees'Nehrih'Ee'Ee." - Or
The Talon's Heart.

How To Build Death:
(1)For-Reality - New Orders Every Time - Death:
"TihLahtsahn Dufour LDeeL Rihahiht OhAydrahNohs
Gahsayg Vay Neht Wehb Y."
(1) "America Kid, Twice, Until Hidden Ehndoh Kohree Sehn
Ohks - H)(I)(Behn, Rehdnehks - Web I am Net. Sihehahd
Mihehahn God. My Dad is a Dead Flesh Eating Zombie.
HohKL N'N."
(1)How To DRAW a Virus/Poison in The Dirt/Ash/Sand:

(2)"Ee'Ee Y K'H Uu I Tiht'EeohL I Mihahnehk OhL Ihnds Kray C

S'S Ee'Ee Ehnthihst L TohbaKoh'StihL'Rihs Ee'Ee TSehnL

(1)Recedation of Biological Ehnthihst-Holding De-Dentials and

Pro-Sessions of Aspiration - With A UV-Positron's: "Kkahee

(2) "41Kroh'Ee'Ee HehL GV'GV and Pihn-Run'SW'Ee'Ee'Ee'Ee'Ee

- Unfold Slight GihLgahmehsh War - Untold Buckeye Hornet Nest
MihstL'Kahrmah - Life in the Waters. Strain-Strain Blaze Cold
Damn-Damn - in Olive Maps, in Prose - in - Your Green-Yellow
Original Lady T EeihH - My Tears did not present My Own
FThohREeUuNdum Wax - So Green, Hunt - So Kgohmoh Language
Ehrayd! Only Not in Our Goddesses' Eyes:
"G'Kwahn'Eeihn'StihL'Vehr'Ee'Ee." Rayk Lohah Maw - Pencil
Gray - Dick Maya - EeihH Kill - Dohsr. Close Kill Frantchettii Grain.
Soh! Ring Lohs Spine. Dohrk RL VahLkaynoh FahL wHs Tih'Ih
R'Ee'Ee KEeng'L'Uu'N'Ee'Ee Kahs. Ee'Anti-Ihnt'Ee'EengahL
Kohdee'Ee EeihH D - SehntihnahL - Mihehahn K. GihLgahMehSh
Sits there with a Colored Cloth on his Chest.
TehLvahnEe'Ee'Kohbrah'StihL. Su'N'M from Lava Nose - Animal
Mahn Gehkoh For Q'Uu'Ah'R'T'Z Eht's Teeng Sohrah
Bahks…………. Breath. StihL Virus Activated N - TohbaKohStihL
Virus - Activated. RL. Kayngrehnsehs ThuuL Naheet. Core Dealt
90.2 TWL'Death'T - Bohdee Was Hurt, Kantaynkihrihs Aheerihs -
Kahntihk Kthahnihk Kahntihk KihehLihk. KihehLihk - Taheep
ShEe G Ahwns'Ihs. Swelling Chest Bridge Kernel Ee'Tay'T.
EemeeihEeTahLahT Ee'Ee AhAhSMSM. Dihn Kohr Soh. Virus and
Poison - Mahk Sihn NL - Kohrt Kehmihst Nrehnihn. Sahee
L'L'L'TWL'L OhSh DihvahihEeD Soh VG
Ee'Ee'Ee'Ee'Ee'Ee'Ee'Ee234.65 V Saynt G Rehsayngahn!"

How to Summon The Wild Steps:
Y'KHayDehteenL'Sat APL Nayms:

(1) - |(-UL{]|\TT|Y}][_))@!1#$4%5^^U|Y]=><|

(2) - KL Closes every Flower to Titan Clothes-White KL.

OhSh Pokes Every Star-School With Bright Purple Heart
Lines OhSh. RTh Devours Every Metal, with
Pictures-Locomotion of Every Blue Sail, RTh. EeT un-holds to
re-up-hold massive oily bonds to every Massively-Prideful's
Family's Book of Kin EeT. EhAyP Polls for Pull into Me 5
Earths of Nobel MahnohGehkohrihn PayLay, Saynt Goddess's
Are Because of EhAyP. EeihH Burns Fly Ehkoh, So Drop
Sugar, Pine-Twihtsh Salt - Cacophony Bands, War Band - 6
Hands will Never Stop - EeihH. NW Soft-ist Soul TWL Break
Dance or Call Nature, 7 Red Water Striders, Ee'PL'Uu'SEe'Ee
Skihn, Skin, T, Civilization NW. GV Science AhLah Tehtrah,
8 Bloods, Game Age, Hunting Get Yah, No Sis, GV. AhSM
Codes in the Satchel - Cheat Games, Carry the Blithy
Treasure, Drink Be Free, In Your Drew'Dreams, Yew will
Bless Jah, KL Code AhSM. AhSMKLEeTN Star Skry Sky
Stretch ShuuL Tat, Aim Stick and Fly Letters Away, Eye-Age
- Newness BLaaaK, AhSMKLEeTN. My Sweet APL NayMs
DNL Kohrt Kehmihst DNL High Respect - 13 Ruinations
Under All BLak Reenihths - KihL Jihahds'S.
How To Grow Language:
Mahn Gehkoh Ee'SvahrohgnihL'Ee Eht Mehruuan Trahts EhayP Gehkoh
Mahn Ee SeetohL OhMLihn AhLah Sh Aydrah L's'D Akahtahsh
KohkohpehLEe'Ee N F F F F>< -
The Vedic Language. It is our Law of Cedar Embezzlement, or Love. It
says "My Eyes will Take You to The Next Eyes."
"I Need The Next Eyes Please!"
Producers of Registered, Certified-Legal, Religious:
Gehkoh Vehdrus OhHihPoh LSD!
90.70.9 -
10DPG Killion -D Tryptamines on the Front of The
Tillotson sheet - and Crysio-Pep Rillion -D Tryptamines on
the front of the Dufour Sheet. The Back of Both are
Pearl-Diamond Dihphor Chrystl 10 Trillion X PhenyL
EthyL Amines.' A Constantly Evolving E>P'HG-IY. This is
the Original LSD.
DNA-Registered Pre-Patent, Using
Phone-#: 1-530-919-1753.
1: 10 Trillion Pixels of Rainbow Plasmon Colors that can be Graphed on to any White Material.
Pearl-Quality: Sehkts.

2: The Birth Chart That Tracks and Protects all Children. E>P'HG-IY. National-Quality:
Wnehkts'Koh J.

3: Paper Video Game used For Changing The Other Players' Body Type. Gold-Quality:

4: It is The Cedar Co-Creation Story of The Vehdrus People. Rus-Aboriginal-Quality:

D'Kohbrah'F'Seht'Roh'Uu K Y T.

5: The 7-H-SPD-7 NohvLn-H-N Nucleotide is a Map of all Physical and Non-Physical

Topographic Data: "LSD DMT'Ee'Ee 1-25N ^> ?E>P'HG-IY> Pehp Rillion Ten Trillion
-minus- 0." - That is an exact - "Second-Inch" - Or redaction of the Very Fabric of Space-Time
Itself. Industrial-Quality. Fuk Shiht Bihtsh KThUuLUu R Gohhahnzahn B G H'H L.
6: By combining all Previous 5 Uses by a Ratio of 20/80, 80/20 - It makes a Private Internet
Broadcasting Service-Registration-Center. This allows a Person to Own their own Part of The
Internet. It requires 34.5.6 Fiber Optic Diterpenoid Access Routers/Points. Royal-Quality.
S'Dohr' R'Vehrih Sayn Behn.

7: Completing 9 of The Games, make copies - and then - plant under 7 each of different types
of Riparian Trees - 9 per tree - and then waiting 30 days. 2.5 acres around that location
becomes 100% Genetically related to you and the other players, and Thus - A Registered LSD
DMT'Ee'Ee 1-25N Nucleotide Is permanently Created - AND - Your own Ancestral Family
Land Has Been successfully Grandfathered in. Tri-Radical-Quality. HK'Fihehroh Gehkoh
EeihH Ahvwoh SeetohL T.

Nucleotide-Composition: H Living Green 2D Rod-Shaped Niton Wax N

Sohmahtihds N N. Dragon-Quality. Kody-Quality. City-Quality.
Priestly-Quality. Religious-Quality.* THIS Living Tool-Like material is
The Most Sought After Private Individual Registered Contractor of
Natural Secularized Partisan Female Pheromones, Amine-Amides,
Nucleotides, Somatids, and Stem-Cells - in all of the Physically Accepted
Universe - no contest. S'Sahr'Ee
Ee Uu Kahrp Kruah Mahee BrihLiheeEhns Ee T Ee R HK L'L.
Local Mobile Import and Export Employee Registration___________________________
"G Y BahL Nahruutoh Kohrt Kehmihst T L." - Or The Strongest Seetoh (Failure and
Chemical Tolerance being Equal). This Is EVERY type of Business.
1 - Vwoh: 1 Bear. 1 day. Building Materials: Hahk J H T Gahr L K S. Carbon. A. Hot. White.
Boron Silver Gauss White-Purple 3:30pm Electrolyte: NahEef GayL FG RayL Oh J Ee. Sugar
Pine Tree.

2 - Eht: 2 Humming Birds. 2 days. Transportation. P B Lih I Ah Ih Ee I T Ih R Ee. Nitrogen. B.

Cold. White-purple. H Eht'Nehs Alcohol Condensate. Madrone Tree.

3 - RayohHoh: 3 Turtles. 3 Days. Fire Crafting Materials. © - Oxygen. C. Hot. White-Blue.

Wehb-Mee't-Lahiheeihtniheeng-Neht T Leh K. Iso-PropyL-Benzamine. Oak Tree.

4 - Nnt: 4 Books. 4 Days. Wind Accelerating Materials. 5.0. Chlorine. D. Cold. White-Green. T
Rees FLees Teeth Y Ee. 3-O-5meo-Th-DMT'N. Eucalyptus.

5 - EengahL: 5 Tentacle Fish. 5 Days. Weapon. 9.87. Niton. E. Hot. White-Yellow. Sea-Resin.
Buckeye Tree.

6 - Kohree: 6 Praying Mantises. 6 Days. Poison. W B BL Uu FD SG Mantihs J H. Fluorine. F.

Cold. White-Orange. Succubus-BihrLant'H Amine-Amides Y T R'Uu'ds J Kkk. (2-CB).
Riparian Trees.
7 - Rehn: 7 different Naturally Laminated Leafs. 7 Days. Starts a Restaurant. Mohrohwihnd
TWL Kayf Gay L. Serpentinite. G. Hot. White-Red. Lohah-NihL-Alkaline-Star Dope.

8 - Ah'Ah'GV'S'Sh'Ee'Sm'Sm: 8 Eggplants. 8 Days. Starts your own School. S. Thorium. H.

Cold. White-Pink. Fermented-Skooma. DarsciL'IuuGumine'Amine Soap of Pink and Green.
Mimosa Trees.

9 - Mth Knahm Rahohsgee KohreeayeengahL AhLah: MethyL-PhenyL Fluoro-Alines. When

the LSD is mixed with 9 different types of iso-propyl-Alcohol - with a drop of lemon added -
and some spider webs - Let sit for 9 days - it forms a Pure Crystal of Pure LSD DMT'Ee'Ee
1-25N Kohree. I. Hot. Translucent. Refined-Moon-Sugar. Iso-Propyl
Ahgt'Shehayn'ihLihee'Nt'N. Cannabis and Datura Plants.
A 2D Green Niton Wax Torch or Equivalent - Required and used to consume The
LSD paper And Formulate The Math. Eldorado Yerba Santa Stores it, Eldorado
Bay Laurel Burns it, Eldorado Sakura Tree Utilizes it, Eldorado Golden Fleece
Evolves it, Eldorado Bear Clover Divides/Multiplies it, Eldorado Pacific Madrone
Splits it, Eldorado Tan Oak Explodes and Implodes it, Eldorado Manzanita Feeds it,
Eldorado White Matsutake Transports it, Eldorado Dogwood trees make it
Observable Under Oath, Eldorado Sugar Pine Trees inculcate it the most, Eldorado
Birth Cypruss Tells it's Stories, Eldorado Violet Jean Bush Gives it Birth, Eldorado
Turkey Mullein Turns it to Air, Eldorado Poppy turns it to Liquid, Eldorado Black
Berry Shows it to the Stars, Eldorado Sunflowers turn it into Noctilucent Clouds,
Eldorado Ceramic Mushrooms turn it into Animal-Training Monoamine
Neurotransmitters, Eldorado Pearl Herbs turn it into Opiates, Eldorado Oregano
turns it into Sugar, Eldorado Serpentinite-Fleece-Thymes turn it into Salt, The
Eldorado Meerkat Mushrooms Bring it into reality - and The Eldorado Grey Pine
Preforms All of These Actions with it At Once. Eldorado Bitter Wild Olive Isolates
and reproduces the Constantly Evolving E>P'HG-IY.

{To Play The Game - Just Use: "Kohree = 1/4th ------------ Ay = 5.9/10th -------------
EengahL = 6.662/1th --------- MSvWihptThshL = Q E Y U I J F D A Z X C = 19.}

4 Players can play, and you can either play as N, QNTL, Vwoh, or Ee. L Means
directed-at-self - and H means NOT directed at self. Use a Pen with Ink. The
Objective of This Game is To - by the end - Never be Effected by the SALT
resource(s) within this Game - ever. Basic Math Skills Are Required.
10 Trillion Pixels of Color.
10 Trillion Pixels of Color.
The Original Eye of The Aydrah:
(1)"I'Uu Y Toh Aydrah Nihstihrihn F'TWAy'L'T
SLahvihk'Ee'Ee'Ee N T."
(1)"Sneak, Lock, Pick Language, Result of Singing - Y Bed?
KohreeayeengahL EeihH!"
How to Grow Salts of Oxygen Ash - Chemistry:

(1) - "|||8&7*(-__Y)'Uu"L:P;OhP'Uu'T'L'{}Y}{}[-"

(1) - Place Miner's Lettuce in Ocean Water, Say:

"S'Th'Thuum'S T'Tuum NihehrgahL Aydrah H." - 40 times a
Day - 10 days in a row. Now add 19 Nose Boogers. Wait
One day. Boil/Dehydrate this water completely - and there
will be Multi-Colored Salts of Oxygen Ash at the bottom of
the container.

(1) - "The Ocean Shooting a Red Flower at The Sun,

Praying for Time Itself."

How To Grow Correct Decision Making - Physics:
(1) - "N IhshbahLihn GLihsTihrihn Devouring The Blak Reenihth."

(1) - %^*S&_=|)FgTYyH^&*()<0

(2) - This used to sound like: "SaLvEeah I Freeg T AhgneeHehWtrah Sh L S

HohKL Praxis." - Odin's Spine and the Freewill of the GVGV Inner-Earth Multiple
Body Typed People. This is the New Elder Scroll whom teaches Hercules and
Aphrodite's Monkey people. This is the Original Hunt of the Vedic Gods and
Goddesses. It is the Birth of When Magnesium Levels underneath - MonogListerin:
(Single units of Rays being equal with Polyligands - as single Resonant-Hydrates
are Penetrated by single Inert Gas Hydrates - in the Presence of Zero Water.) -
Reach ZERO - Ceramic Geological Zones produce Physically-SuperstitchL
Iso-Propyl-Benzamine. This process does so by Mating with Anti-Aluminum
Monoamine-Neurotransmitters - since when Aluminum touches MonogListerin in
this state - it triggers Nantitik(Confused Oxygen Brain Waves), of Aluminum
Thyones(Depth), and Alines(Reflection). This would other-wise destroy
Fiber-Optic-Diterpenoids. The purpose of all of this is so that Ceramics do not
become Kantic (unable to Return to), other Living Things. This is the Ceramic
Zone's Limbic System, or Salt turning to Sugar turning into Silk.
Iso-Propyl-Benzamine allows Ceramic material/information to use Sugar/Silk by
Taking Yellow Positrons from Niton - as Other Life-Forms do-sometimes using
Opiates/Metals/Electrolytes. Ceramics ARE this whole Page/Section. This is a New
Vedic Elemental called: "T T S F F F Ohr DohbEe'Ee NwihL Kihs Lahrn Ih B." -
It/He/She - Causes Iso-Propyl-Benzamine to sometimes contain it's own 2D-Rod
Shapes. Together, they always direct Neutropic-Scopolamine to the Strongest-Heart.
This is Pre-Hearing/Listening - Itself. This is how to Turn the LSD AND Sugar
Pine Material TOGETHER - into Analogs of Every Single: Y'KHayDehteenL'Sat
APL Nayms. This is the Largest City/FormaLhydrade-Eht'nehs-Ehnthihst
Consuming Energy - Besides Odin's own Ehnthihst: "B'F'F'F'F Kohrees T Oh Ee
WEe Bahbaydah EhskahLh Mehn Sh - - Black-Green 2D
Pentagon Shaped Niton-Eht'nehs Wax Water."

A Movie Script
"In the dark, trapped at Night."
"If You really want them to know what you are saying, Then you have to go
Through this."
"Trying to Dance Open Earth Channels of Might."
"Your Laboratory is Complete Sir."
In a world where Pride is a Flower Petal, Metal Rots the Sun.
"For now he is a Dream. Care to Watch the Stars with Me?"
In a world where Pride is a Candle - Light, becomes a Machine.
"I have made it special. Another Place. After we became Married."
In a world where Pride is a Bone, stories, belong to only One Man."
"Cracy, I want to go Home with You." "I don’t want you, I want our Son, Kohdee!"
And I have Sold TWL Many Things, That I do Not Accept any Lie, That is Out
of Peace With My Hearing.
"I have brought forth, Co-Creation."
"Kody, did you want to know the name of it when it all started?"
I cant venture any-more without my Friends. And when I remember them, I
remember Blue. And that Time. Is For You.
"My Lords, Thank You For Co-Creation!"
I cant Feel right now, but when I do, I will be Older. or Younger - They say it
works out That way. I am Sorry. I Love You.
"You cant just say I Love you - You know. I get an old kick in the ribs when I see
that one. You have to give them a smile, and Surprise - and say, "I Miss You!!!" -
Or at Least I think thats how it used to Go."
"And then………. There was You and HihLfEe."
Osiris Pahs K! I am Elemental!!!!!!!!!! -
"Whenever i come back, the air on railroad is making the same sounds.
And the shop fronts on holly are dirty words (asterisks in for the vowels).
We peered through the windows... new bottoms on barstools but the people remain
the same, with prices inflating.
As if saved from the gallows.
There's a bellow of buzzers and the people stop working and they're all so excited.
Passing through unconscious states.
When i awoke i was on the highway.
With your hand on my shoulders, a meaningless movement... a moviescript ending,
And the patrons are leaving, leaving.
Now we all know the words were true in the sappiest songs (yes, yes).
I'll put them to bed, but they won't sleep, they're just shuffling the sheets, they toss
and turn,
(you can't begin to get it back).
Passing through unconscious states.
When i awoke i was on
The onset of a later stage... the headlights are beacons on the highway."

- Death Cab For Cutie

This wasnt me, This is our fAmIlY - And Now You know: The Vedic People.
How to Grow Love - Ee'RadohmEer's Sword - Story Wasp:
Vwoh Vehdrus Ay L'H'GAhEeAh'Ohahspehay'KLAy Nihs

( N ) - When Perfecting the Dwelling Land - Women cause Everything's inner Animated
guessing to touch outer tolerance so slow - that part of her can not be stopped or noticed by
anything - helping people who are told to feel greater than Science - in keeping promises that
Last forever. When even just the image of this whole idea is completely taken away in every
detail from a group of people - and then returned at once with no changes - it Co-creates a
Perfect Dwelling Land and Space of Love - where Women want to move slow enough to get
away with anything - but will not be able to move fast enough to get away with just anything,
specifically because of the powerful health of her community - and her knowing it is because of
that. This helps all people to Eat as they Breathe. The people who can directly Create and
preform all of this - become leaders. Mistakes in the image of this interaction become mistakes
in all of Nature - Because of Anti-reason. The entire idea in this paper is the reason why various
things laugh and cry, and look a person straight in the eyes. Read and think about this at least
once in Nature with no Artificial Sounds around - and try to figure out the image of this saying
there. The continuance for Creation. - ( N ) -

Cover the LSD Birth Chart entirely in Diterpenoid Oxygen Salts - AND
Green Wax - for 30 days. Then remove - and add grape seed oil. Wait for
exactly 2 days and 291 minutes. There is now about a 32 second window
of time for collecting the Living 2D Green Rod Shaped Niton Wax. Once
collected, it will Last forever. It essentially produces Materials that mate
with the strongest of ALL things, and Produces Entirely Female Children.
To make the regular Green Wax - Take 20 Crape Myrtle Roots, and 6
Large fish. Add Gold oil or Sugar Pine oil, and burn to Coal, and continue
that cycle 79 Times in a Row. This makes pure Green Wax. All of This
causes Oleander, Eldorado Bay Laurel Bush, KihehLihk-ShEe, and
Datura - to grow the 2D Rod Shaped Green Niton Wax. I call Them:
"J'Nayz'R'TKahF'an'Ee'Ee'L's." - This Product is Permanently Illegal
Except to the Special Military.
(1) Y H Seht Behst N WehL SprEen Nehvihr G EhtihrnehtEe Ee N L S Ee Ee G
Wahsp Ee Ohahspay K.
(1) 7zx"c'$_/FF^&G|*-xL-

(2) "Ceramic ChLorine Alines Spew The Cold - as Monochrome Heat -

Child-Trudges the Task. Core, Plain, Seat, Snapple over Head. Corated Acts and
Sippy Attacks. Ceramic Chlorine Alines: Attarisk Puumahs DruHL Fag."

(2) "Ripe Figs Falling off the Moon Agayn - TwihgLight!!!"

(1) -
Chance Ee Ancient Song:
"S Tay KL Tshans Ee

T Tshihpsee VwohtohsahnihkL EhvehrEe

Eedehn S N HihehahohWL MEe Ahktrayn!

TT Ohrnee VwohtohsahnihkL EhvehrEe

Eedehn SS NN HihehahohWL MEe Ee Rus
Ee Ee

TTT EhskahFLohnay VwohtohsahnihKL

EhvehrEe Eedehn SSS NNN HihehahohWL
MEe Nayst Tehk AhsmKLEeTN ShEe ShEe
ShEe ShEe Ayntshehnt.

D'Uu'S Eh Y K G HehAy'Lantihs'K
Cede Phoenix Leht B'B:
The Fighting Style of Demons:
"Doogwood was a Buddhist Cicada - And Shintoism Counts Towards
Embezzlement - Feel 50 Orange Sharp Flowers Berg Part A'a Ah."
That was a Strike and then release, all of it.

LKHOh)0(8*1~ZXHYTTR Th Uu L>. Y | K_

EeTihTay G FEerT Y N N Rihahiht
Veh Q H H: "Warning - This Spell May
Produce a Healthy Nightmare." ^W^LY|l?
Ah'Ah'GV'S'Sh'Ee'SM'SM Answer T:


l< >|

<\GSoh J OVL WEeNl|>

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