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Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

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Active versus passive restoration: Recovery of cloud forest structure, T

diversity and soil condition in abandoned pastures

Alma L. Trujillo-Mirandaa, Tarin Toledo-Acevesa, , Fabiola López-Barreraa,
Patricia Gerez-Fernándezb
Instituto de Ecología A. C. Carretera antigua a Coatepec 351, El Haya, Xalapa 91070, Veracruz, Mexico
Instituto de Biotecnología y Ecología Aplicada, Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Mexico


Keywords: Tropical montane cloud forest is a priority ecosystem for restoration due to the diversity and ecosystem services
Biodiversity it provides and because it is under severe threat. Forest restoration can be achieved by active interventions and/
Disturbance or natural regeneration (passive restoration). However, there has been little comparison of the effectiveness of
Mixed plantation active versus passive restoration strategies and even fewer studies have monitored the long-term success of forest
restoration practices. We assessed the effectiveness of active (mixed plantation with native species) and passive
Secondary forest
(areas adjacent and non-adjacent to mature cloud forest) restoration strategies implemented in pastures with
21 years of exclosure, and compared these to a mature cloud forest (reference system), in eastern Mexico. In the
mature forest and in the areas represented by each restoration strategy, ∼15 plots (200 m2) were established in
order to assess forest structure, tree diversity and soil properties as indicators of restoration success. Active
restoration proved more effective than passive restoration at recovering forest structure (e.g. higher basal area,
tree density and height). Adult tree diversity was similar across all restoration sites and the mature forest, while
composition differed greatly between the mature forest and each of the restoration sites, from which the
characteristic mature cloud forest tree species were mostly absent. The restoration sites presented very low tree
seedling density (0.39 individuals/m2) relative to the mature forest (1.68 seedlings/m2), probably due to the
higher cover of climbers, ferns, grasses and shrubs found in the understory of the restoration sites (∼78%),
compared to that of the mature forest (8%). In all of the restoration sites, soil pH was higher, and carbon content
in both the soil and litter was lower, than in the mature forest. This denotes a slow recovery of soil properties
after use of the land as cattle pasture. In general, the passive restoration site non-adjacent to the forest presented
the lowest recovery (lower canopy cover, composition similarity and seedling density), indicating the im-
portance of proximity to seed sources. Our results highlight the need, in both actively and passively restored
areas, for management practices such as enrichment planting, in order to assist tree seedling recruitment of key
species and recovery of forest attributes. Active and passive restoration strategies could be implemented as
complementary strategies for the restoration of cloud forest landscapes.

1. Introduction that only 28% of the original coverage of TMCF in Mexico remained in
2002 (Challenger and Dirzo, 2009). Faced with this scenario, the design
Restoration has become a necessary response to the extensive loss of appropriate strategies for TMCF restoration is of vital importance.
and degradation of tropical forests (Lamb et al., 2005; Meli et al., In order to recover the structure and functionality of degraded,
2017). One ecosystem of global priority is Tropical Montane Cloud damaged or destroyed ecosystems, two general strategies of ecological
Forest (TMCF), which provides important ecosystem services but is restoration are recognized: (1) passive restoration, which eliminates the
severely threatened by deforestation and degradation (Scatena et al., factors of disturbance and permits natural regeneration, and (2) active
2010). Every year ∼1.1% of the global TMCF coverage is lost (Scatena restoration, which eliminates the source of disturbance and implements
et al., 2010), mainly through land use change for livestock production strategies to accelerate recovery and to overcome obstacles to that re-
and agriculture (Aide et al., 2010). As a consequence, it was calculated covery (Holl and Aide, 2011). Rates of natural regeneration through

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A.L. Trujillo-Miranda), (T. Toledo-Aceves), (F. López-Barrera), (P. Gerez-Fernández).
Received 6 January 2018; Received in revised form 19 March 2018; Accepted 21 March 2018
0925-8574/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

passive restoration are highly variable and the process can be un- regeneration and self-maintenance (Ruiz-Jaén and Aide, 2005b).
successful (Aide et al., 2010) since it depends on multiple factors, in- Structural variables, including canopy cover, basal area, height and
cluding the intensity and type of the previous land management, type of density of trees, are positively related to the recovery of ecosystem
surrounding landscape and resilience of the ecosystem (Guariguata and services such as carbon capture, erosion control and provision of ha-
Ostertag, 2001; Montagnini, 2008; Aide et al., 2010; Norden et al., bitat for the fauna (Ruiz-Jaén and Aide, 2005b; Suganuma and Durigan,
2015). In particular, the factors reported as limiting natural regenera- 2015). Species diversity and composition are indicators of successional
tion of tropical montane forests following conversion to grazing pas- stage, dispersion mechanisms and ecosystem resilience (Wortley et al.,
tures are: fire (Grau et al., 2010), competition with pioneer species (e.g. 2013). Furthermore, the density of seedlings and juveniles can in-
grasses and ferns; Ortega-Pieck et al., 2011), decoupling of interactions directly reflect ecological processes such as seed production, dispersion
(e.g. high levels of herbivory and lack of mycorrhizae; Aide et al., and propagule germination and establishment. Measurements of soil
2010), unfavorable microhabitat (e.g. high solar radiation, low fertility, conditions can provide information about the nutrient cycling processes
compaction and erosion of the soil; Holl, 1999) and absence of seed that underpin ecosystem productivity and stability (Herrick, 2000).
dispersers and low propagule arrival rates (Aide and Cavelier, 1994). There is increasing recognition of the linkage between above and be-
Lower vegetation recovery has been reported with increased distance to lowground ecosystem components and the importance of their in-
mature forests (Holl, 1999; Muñiz-Castro et al., 2006). tegration for restoration ecology (Kardol and Wardle, 2010; Roa-
One alternative for accelerating regeneration and overcoming the Fuentes et al., 2013).
obstacles described above is active restoration through mixed planta- In this study, we evaluate recovery in an area in which a mixed
tions (Holl et al., 2000). Plantations help to more rapidly develop a plantation with native species (active restoration) was established
canopy, which can inhibit the herbaceous plant stratum and improve 21 years ago, and areas from which livestock was excluded only (pas-
microhabitat conditions for establishment of a greater diversity of sive restoration adjacent and non-adjacent to a mature forest), com-
woody plants, including species of more advanced successional stages paring these to a mature TMCF as a reference system. We address the
(Butler et al., 2008; Zahawi et al., 2013). The trees established in these following specific question: has active restoration been more effective
plantations can also catalyze recovery by attracting disperser fauna, than passive restoration in terms of recovery of tree structure, diversity
functioning as perches and providing food and refuge (Orozco-Zamora and composition and soil conditions? This study will provide a frame-
and Montagnini, 2007). Moreover, plantations act to improve the soil work to incentivize practitioners to assess and report restoration out-
conditions below, conferring higher nutrient and organic material comes and evaluate the ecological benefits and potential trade-offs of
contents and protection from erosion (Ruiz-Jaén and Aide, 2005a; two different restoration approaches. Specifically, this study will con-
Montagnini, 2008). tribute to the adoption of criteria for defining and assessing ecological
The active restoration strategy requires much higher investment in success during the TMCF restoration process.
terms of cost and time compared to natural regeneration or passive
restoration (Holl and Aide, 2011; Chazdon et al., 2017). In some cases, 2. Methods
depending on the plantation characteristics (e.g. the identity and
number of species planted and the plantation management adopted; 2.1. Study area
Thijs et al., 2014), the successional trajectory of the restored forest can
be altered, thus modifying the composition (Holl and Aide, 2011). In The study was conducted on the private ranch “Las Cañadas”
contrast, passive restoration can achieve recovery of the functions and (19°11′23″ N, 96°59′11″ W; 1300–1500 m. a.s.l.; Fig. 1), Veracruz,
composition of the community through the seed bank and seed rain Mexico. Mean annual temperature is 19.1 °C and mean annual pre-
(Guariguata and Ostertag, 2001). However, wide variation exists in the cipitation is 2100 mm. The original vegetation of the study zone is
recovery rates of secondary tropical forest, which is attributed to TMCF and the soil type is umbric andosol (Geissert and Ibáñez, 2008).
multiple local and landscape factors that generate alternative scenarios Las Cañadas has a total area of 306.7 ha, of which 270.3 ha were de-
and trajectories (Norden et al., 2015). In a recent metanalysis for tro- forested in 1950 for livestock production (0.66 head of cattle/ha), while
pical forests, Crouzeilles et al. (2017) report that natural regeneration is conserving a fragment of the mature forest. The exotic grasses Bra-
more successful than active restoration in terms of biodiversity and chiaria sp. and Cynodon sp. were introduced into the grazing pastures.
vegetation structure recovery, when four important factors are con- After 45 years, the livestock was excluded from the grazing areas and
trolled: forest cover, the time elapsed since restoration started, past different interventions were made in 1995 (Fig. 1). In this study, we
disturbance type and annual precipitation. According to the global re- evaluated the following conditions present in four distinct sites:
view of Meli et al. (2017), only 11 studies (7%) of restoration success in
both tropical and temperate forests report data pertaining to active and a) Reference forest (mature forest; MF): fragment of 30 ha of TMCF,
passive restoration strategies evaluated at the same site, thus sharing maintained from before the year 1950, surrounded by secondary
environmental and management conditions. Moreover, there are few TMCF.
studies that evaluate the success of these strategies in relation to a re- b) Active restoration (mixed plantation; MP): In 36.56 ha, 39,256 trees
ference ecosystem (Ruiz-Jaén and Aide, 2005a; Wortley et al., 2013). of native TMCF species were planted: Fraxinus uhdei (Oleaceae;
Such comparison would allow determination of whether the areas 10,000 individuals), Juglans pyriformis (Juglandaceae; 5000 in-
under restoration are within the trajectory of recovery of the ecosystem. dividuals), Liquidambar styraciflua (Hamamelidaceae; 3256 in-
Opportunities to evaluate active and passive restoration in the same dividuals), Platanus mexicana (Platanaceae; 1000 individuals),
system can arise through restoration initiatives carried out by land- Quercus sapotifolia and Quercus spp. (Fagaceae; 20,000 individuals).
owners, which have been little documented (Holl et al., 2003). Such All of these trees were acquired from nearby nurseries and were
initiatives have disadvantages, such as the lack of initial characteriza- approximately 1 to 1.5 m in height on transplantation. Manual
tion of the system, absence of detailed information regarding the clearing was conducted prior to and two years after transplantation
practice of active restoration and lack of balanced experimental design. in order to reduce competition with grasses. No subsequent main-
Nevertheless, they are strategies implemented at large scale and pro- tenance was carried out. All of the species were planted in combi-
vide a valuable opportunity to evaluate the long-term efficiency of nation and at a random frequency, apart from Platanus mexicana,
applied restoration practices (Holl et al., 2003). which was planted at the edges of the river since it naturally forms
Indicators of the vegetation structure, diversity and ecological part of the riparian vegetation (Benítez et al., 2004). This site was
processes are used to evaluate the success of forest restoration, since located at a distance of 735.4 ± 82.2 m (mean ± S.E.) from the
these characteristics reflect the capacity of the restored ecosystems for MF.

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

Fig. 1. Location of the study area in Veracruz, Mexico (above) and IKONOS image (2007; below) indicating the study area and sampling plots per site according to
the established ordering plan of “Las Cañadas”: MF = mature tropical montane cloud forest (circles), MP = active restoration mixed plantation (squares),
PA = passive restoration adjacent to the forest (diamonds), PNA = passive restoration non-adjacent to the forest (triangles), and MU = multiple use. The main land
use types around the study site were determined based on a Google Earth image (2017). Map elaborated by R. Landgrave.

c) Passive restoration adjacent to forest (PA): In 14 ha, livestock was edge.

excluded. This site is found adjacent to the fragment of MF, and was In each plot, we recorded the slope with a clinometer and elevation
located at a distance of 146.8 ± 26.6 m from the MF. with GPS, the canopy cover at the start, middle and end of the plot (0 m,
d) Passive restoration non-adjacent to forest (PNA): In 61.49 ha, live- 10 m and 20 m) with a convex densiometer and the height of the three
stock was excluded. This site was located at a distance of tallest trees using visual estimation (da Silva et al., 2012). The species
907.5 ± 66.5 m from the MF. and diameter at breast height (DBH) of all of the adult trees
(DBH ≥ 10 cm) were recorded. Juvenile trees (> 1.5 m in height
and < 10 cm DBH) were recorded in two 5 × 5 m (25 m2) subplots,
2.2. Sampling design established in opposite corners of each 200 m2 plot. This category in-
cluded young individuals of canopy trees as well as small trees. Tree
In order to evaluate tree structure, diversity and composition, a seedlings (≥0.3 m and ≤1.5 m in height) were recorded in one
minimum of 13 plots of 10 × 20 m (200 m2) were established in each of 2.5 × 2.5 m (6.25 m2) subplot, established within each of the 25 m2
the four sites between March and May 2016. To select the location of subplots. In each subplot, understory cover was estimated for the most
the plots, each site was subdivided on a map into rectangles of 200 m2. common groups: climbers, grasses, Piper, Pteridium and Selaginella. The
A number was assigned to each rectangle and these were then randomly following cover categories were recorded: (1) 0%, (2) 1–25%, (3)
selected. The plots were a minimum of 50 m apart and 30 m from the

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

Fig. 2. Vegetation structure (mean ± 1 S.E.) in mature tropical montane cloud forest and in sites of active restoration (mixed plantation) and passive restoration
adjacent and non-adjacent to mature tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico. Basal area: X2 = 103.02, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001; tree height: F = 17.39,
d.f. = 3, P < 0.001; DBH: F = 11.44, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001; canopy cover: F = 27.23, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001; adult tree density: X2 = 25.47, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001;
sapling density: X2 = 7.75, d.f. = 3, P = 0.051; seedling density: X2 = 47.75, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001; understory cover: X2 = 68.46, d.f. = 3, P < 0.001. Means that do
not share a letter denote significant differences among sites (P < 0.05) using contrasts.

26–50%, (4) 51–75%, and (5) 76–100%. phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) contents. Total
C and N values were determined with the Dumas method (CHN ana-
lyzer, model 2400, Perkin Elmer ®). Total P was determined with per-
2.3. Soil analysis chloric acid: nitric acid digestion (1:2), and P content was determined
by the vanadomolybdate method with a spectrophotometer (Spectronic
To characterize the upper layer of soil at each site, six randomly 21d, Milton Roy ®). Exchangeable Ca and Mg were analyzed with the
selected plots were sampled. Three soil samples were collected from ammonium acetate method (Chapman, 1965). Bulk soil pH was mea-
each plot and soil samples from two plots were combined into one sured in H2O at a 1:2 ratio (ISO 10390, 1994).
compound sample, producing a total of three compound soil samples
per site for laboratory analysis. Samples of litter and soil from depth
0–10 cm were collected in October 2016. These litter and soil samples 2.4. Data analysis
were stored at 4 °C for less than a week prior to laboratory analysis to
determine pH, soil density, total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), total A general linear mixed model was used to determine the effect of

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

site on tree height, DBH and canopy cover (fixed factor: site, random in MF and MP, distribution of the diametric classes was continuous,
factor: plot). Canopy cover was arcsine-transformed in order to meet with individuals in all classes (Appendix C); this contrasts with the
the model assumptions. A generalized linear model was used to de- passive restoration sites, where the distribution was discontinuous and
termine the effect of site on the basal area and density of adult trees most of the diametric classes were unrepresented.
(trees m−2), with Gamma (link function Inverse) and quasi-Poisson The total cover of climbers, grasses, Piper, Pteridium and Selaginella
(link function Log) distributions, respectively. Given that only one in the understory was six to seven times higher in the restoration sites
measure of basal area and tree density was obtained per plot, only the than in MF (Fig. 2). There were no differences in the total cover of the
effect of site was assessed. To determine the effect of site on the density plants evaluated in the understory between the MP and passive re-
of seedlings and saplings, a generalized mixed model was used (fixed storation sites (Fig. 2; Appendices A and B). However, group-dependent
factor: site, random factor: plot) with Poisson distribution (link function differences in the coverage among sites were recorded; in MP the cover
Log). For all of these analyses, all species were grouped. To determine of grasses and of Piper was greater, while the passive restoration sites
differences among sites in terms of the understory cover of climbers, presented a high cover of Selaginella and climbers. It should be high-
grasses, Piper, Pteridium and Selaginella, the median value for each ca- lighted that PNA presented the highest cover of the invasive fern Pter-
tegory was used. The values for the different groups of plants were idium arachnoideum.
added to obtain a total understory cover value for each 25 m2 subplot.
This value was analyzed with a generalized linear model (fixed factor: 3.2. Diversity and composition of tree species
site, random factor: plot) with Binomial distribution (link function
Logit). An ANOVA was used to evaluate differences in soil properties In total, 50 species of adult trees were recorded (Appendix D). The
among the four sites (fixed factor: site). Contrasts were used to de- sample coverage was: MF = 95.7%, MP = 93.96%, PA = 88.03% and
termine differences among sites (Crawley, 2013). All analyses were PNA = 92.44%. The observed richness was greater in MF and PA (26 in
carried out in R (RStudio Team 2016, version 1.0.44). each case) than in MP (23) and PNA (21). However, the estimated
Given that the completeness of the adult tree species sampling was richness was greater in PA than in MF and the diversity of the former
unequal among sites and that comparisons of diversity are only ecolo- was greater than in all of the other sites (Fig. 3). The MP and PNA sites
gically valid at the same completeness (Chao and Jost, 2012), the inter- presented estimated richness and diversity values that were similar to
and extrapolation (100 randomizations) method was used to estimate those of the MF.
the diversities of order 0 (0D = richness) and order 1 (1D = exponential Species composition differed among sites (Pseudo-F = 10.14,
of the Shannon entropy) in order to make comparisons among sites at P ≤ 0.001; Fig. 4). The restoration sites differed from MF (Appendix E).
the same sample coverage (92%). In order to determine the differences The MP presented a species composition that differed from the two
in 0D and 1D among sites, 95% confidence intervals were used (Chao passive restoration sites, which did not differ from each other. The PNA
et al., 2014). Values were calculated with the program iNEXT (Hsieh presented the least similarity of species with MF.
et al., 2016). According to the Importance Value Index (IVI; Mueller-Dombois and
To analyze similarity in tree species composition among sites, a Ellenberg, 1974) in MF, the species of the genus Quercus presented the
metric multidimensional scaling (mMDS) analysis with Bray-Curtis si- highest values, followed by Beilschmiedia mexicana (Appendix D). In the
milarity and Bootstrap was used. Since the stress value was 0.13 for MP, L. styraciflua presented the greatest dominance. In general, across
adult trees, the graphs were represented using two dimensions, which the restoration sites, the pioneer species Myrsine coriacea and Trema
made the interpretation reliable. To assess differences in species com- micrantha dominated the canopy. Most of the species presented IVI
position among sites, a PERMANOVA was used (site as a factor) for
adult trees. Values of probability were adjusted with Bonferroni cor-
rections. This analysis was performed in the program PRIMER
(v.7.0.13; Anderson et al., 2008).

3. Results

3.1. Forest structure

All of the structural characteristics presented higher values in the

Mature Forest (MF) than in the three restoration sites (Fig. 2,
Appendices A and B). With respect to the MF, the basal area of the
Mixed Plantation (MP) represented 44.4%, while the Passive Adjacent
(PA) and Passive Non-Adjacent (PNA) presented 28.1% and 26.7%,
respectively. The site MP also had values of basal area and height that
were higher than those of the passive restoration sites, as well as dia-
meter and canopy cover values that were similar to the PA. Density of
adult trees was the only structural variable that was similar among the
three restoration sites (Fig. 2). The sites PA and PNA only differed in
terms of the values of canopy cover, in which PNA presented the lowest
value (P < 0.05).
Density of juveniles (pooling all species together) did not differ
among any of the four sites evaluated. Seedling density was greater in
MF than in all of the three restoration sites (Fig. 2; Appendices A and B).
In particular, PNA presented the lowest density of seedlings. Fig. 3. (A) Species richness and (B) Exponential of Shannon’s entropy index for
The distribution of diametric classes (considering all of the species) adult trees (≥10 cm DBH) estimates for a rarefaction and sample extrapolated
presented a greater density of individuals in smaller size categories in to 92% of sample coverage in mature tropical montane cloud forest, active
all of the restoration sites. This density decreased with increasing value restoration mixed plantation, passive restoration adjacent and passive restora-
of the diametric classes (Appendix C). Trees in the diametric tion non-adjacent to mature tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico.
classes > 60 cm DBH were only recorded in MF. For the genus Quercus Differences occur where 95% confidence intervals do not overlap.

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

TMCF structure (reaching 44% of the basal area of the MF). The
structure values suggest that the species utilized are suitable for re-
storation of TMCF in grazing pastures; approximately 41% of the adults
recorded in this site were represented by the species planted.
All of the restoration sites presented ∼65% of the density of adult
trees found in the reference forest. Other studies report greater, lesser
and equal tree densities in secondary forests compared to those of
mature forests (Aide and Cavelier, 1994; Hölscher et al., 2010). The
lower density of trees in this study could reflect the fact that, in grazing
pastures that have been active for ∼45 years, the seed bank has largely
been eliminated, along with the resprouts and seedlings of trees (Aide
and Cavelier, 1994; López-Toledo and Martínez-Ramos, 2011, but see
Sampaio et al., 2007). Moreover, the presence of sown grasses, such as
Cynodon plectostachyus, could impede recruitment from the seed bank
(Williams-Linera et al., 2016) and/or from the seed rain. Thus, the low
density of adult trees in the restoration sites could be the result of low
Fig. 4. Metric multidimensional scaling based on Bray Curtis similarity
(stress = 0.13) for adult tree (≥10 cm DBH) composition in mature tropical
montane cloud forest (circles), mixed plantation (active restoration: squares), The three restoration sites presented low seedling densities com-
passive restoration adjacent (diamonds) and passive restoration non-adjacent pared to the MF and to other TMCF with different degrees of dis-
(triangles) to the mature tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico. turbance (Álvarez-Aquino et al., 2005; Ortiz-Colín et al., 2017). There is
Shading denotes reliability averages estimated by Bootstrap and the black wide variation in the regeneration of woody vegetation in tropical
symbols represent the centroids of the clouds. forests, both in plantations and through natural regeneration (Butler
et al., 2008; Hölscher et al., 2010; Thijs et al., 2014). This is due to
values below 5% at all sites. multiple factors at microsite, habitat and landscape levels, which may
also present temporal variation (Norden et al., 2015). The main factors
3.3. Soil properties that could explain the low density of seedlings found in the restoration
sites are: (1) low production of seeds, since the reduced density of
Soil analysis showed important differences between the MF and adults may limit propagule production; (2) low abundance of seed
restoration sites; with lower values in MF for pH, Ca, Mg and higher dispersers (Aide and Cavelier, 1994); (3) high cover of climbers,
total C (Table 1; Appendix F). The C and N concentrations in the litter grasses, Piper, Pteridium and Selaginella that could limit seedling emer-
followed the same pattern, with higher values in the MF. In general, the gence and establishment through competition for space, light and nu-
restoration sites did not differ among themselves in terms of the soil trients (Guariguata et al., 1997; Toledo-Aceves and Swaine, 2008;
variables analyzed. Soil and litter P presented variation but the mean Ortega-Pieck et al., 2011); (4) decoupling between seed production and
values were similar among sites. the microhabitat conditions. Given that canopy cover increases over the
course of succession, it is possible that the light conditions are un-
suitable for establishment of heliophyte species. While it has been re-
4. Discussion
ported that obstacles to the dispersion of seeds in restored areas of
tropical forests change over time (Reid et al., 2015), the results indicate
4.1. Structure
that intervention (e.g. direct seeding, enrichment plantations, removal
of herbaceous vegetation, nucleation) is required in order to assist re-
After 21 years, the passive restoration sites (PA and PNA) in this
study had developed a basal area that was ∼27% of that in the MF.
Canopy cover is an important indicator of restoration success, given
Other studies report that, following abandonment of grazing pastures,
that it presents a direct relationship with the recovery of biomass, as
basal area can take approximately 80 years to recover values similar to
well as exerting an influence in terms of generating microclimatic
those of mature forest (Hölscher et al., 2010; Muñiz-Castro et al., 2012).
conditions favorable to the establishment of species of advanced suc-
The results of this study demonstrate that plantation of native trees in
cessional stages and providing refuge for disperser fauna (Suganuma
former pastures can be effective in terms of accelerating the recovery of

Table 1
Soil and litter properties (mean ± 1 S.E.) in mature tropical montane cloud forest, mixed plantation (active restoration), passive restoration adjacent and passive
restoration non-adjacent to mature tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico. Means that do not share a letter differ significantly among sites (P < 0.05)
using contrasts (N = 3 for all variables, except bulk density N = 6).
Variable Mature forest Mixed plantation Passive adjacent Passive non-adjacent F P

pH 4.15a ± 0.10 5.22b ± 0.11 5.69b ± 0.17 5.50b ± 0.22 18.67 0.001
Bulk density (g cm−3) 0.40 ± 0.03 0.47 ± 0.04 0.53 ± 0.05 0.59 ± 0.06 2.89 0.103
C (%) 14.15a ± 0.78 10.80ab ± 0.95 10.46ab ± 2.12 7.51b ± 0.05 4.91 0.032
N (%) 1.02 ± 0.07 0.85 ± 0.06 0.96 ± 0.18 0.67 ± 0.02 2.12 0.176
P (%) 0.08 ± 0.00 0.07 ± 0.00 0.08 ± 0.00 0.08 ± 0.00 1.52 0.282
C/N 13.93 ± 0.78 12.84 ± 1.41 10.83 ± 0.35 11.18 ± 0.46 2.87 0.104
Ca (cmol kg−1) 1.46a ± 0.83 6.81ab ± 2.04 9.48b ± 1.87 8.58b ± 1.63 4.69 0.036
Mg (cmol kg−1) 0.69a ± 0.18 2.10b ± 0.68 4.01c ± 0.22 2.73b ± 0.24 12.32 0.002

C (%) 36.83a ± 2.54 23.74b ± 2.61 23.83b ± 3.10 17.89b ± 2.05 9.47 0.005
N (%) 2.37a ± 0.03 1.51bc ± 0.04 1.81b ± 0.16 1.32c ± 0.19 12.02 0.002
P (%) 0.06 ± 0.00 0.08 ± 0.01 0.08 ± 0.00 0.08 ± 0.00 0.96 0.456
C/N 15.56 ± 1.22 15.70 ± 1.69 13.06 ± 0.61 13.71 ± 0.67 1.35 0.325

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

and Durigan, 2015). The greater understory cover in all of the re- landscape.
storation sites, relative to the MF, supports that found in previous
studies (Aide and Cavelier, 1994; Holl, 1999). While we have no
4.3. Soil properties
knowledge of the microenvironmental heterogeneity prior to initiation
of restoration, the MP appears to have contributed to reducing the
The succession could have also been limited by soil compaction and
coverage of the plants in the understory, as has been previously re-
nutrient loss due to the former use of land for cattle grazing (Aide et al.,
ported (Ruiz-Jaén and Aide, 2005a; Zahawi et al., 2013), because the
2010). While soil bulk density did not differ among sites, soil and litter
shade generated by the canopy acts to inhibit the herbaceous cover
properties analyzed presented low recovery in all of the restoration
(Marrs and Watt, 2006). The lower canopy cover and seedling density
sites. In general, TMCF has been characterized by low nutrient-cycle
values in the PNA suggest that distance to the forest and other land-
rates and extreme soil acidity (Bruijnzeel and Veneklaas, 1998;
scape factors (e.g. the presence of other propagule sources) may act in a
Bautista-Cruz et al., 2012). A link between high soil and litter C and soil
synergistic manner with factors that operate at a more localized level
acidity has been previously described, and suggests the presence of
(e.g. competition with vegetation in the understory).
recalcitrant components in the organic matter that act to slow decom-
position rates (Bautista-Cruz et al., 2012). High soil C in the forest also
4.2. Diversity and composition
reflects the accumulation of above and belowground organic matter
(Dixon et al., 1994). In contrast, the lowest soil and litter C values found
The relatively rapid recovery of tree richness and diversity found
in the PNA could reflect the fact that the lowest basal area was found in
after 21 years in both active and passive restoration sites concurs with
that site. The higher values of the soil C:N ratio in the MF, in com-
the findings of Muñiz-Castro et al. (2012) in abandoned grazing pas-
parison to the restoration sites, reflect lower N availability, which may
tures in TMCF. In contrast, other studies in secondary tropical humid
be due to longer leaf life-spans in the tree community (Bruijnzeel and
forest report that tree richness did not reach values comparable to those
Veneklaas, 1998). Changes occur in plant strategies for acquisition and
of mature forests after 20 years in Colombia and Venezuela (Saldarriaga
use of resources along succession; in TMCF, soil conditions can become
et al., 1988) and after 16–18 years in Costa Rica (Guariguata et al.,
more stressful for plants as succession progresses and a strong tolerance
1997). The paucity of available information regarding the intensity of
to low soil nutrient availability is observed (Bruijnzeel and Veneklaas,
the previous use of the landscape matrix in other studies makes com-
1998; Negrete-Yankelevich et al., 2007; Bautista-Cruz et al., 2012).
parison difficult, but it is probable that the recovery of the richness is
Tree plantations have been reported to improve soil conditions by
due to the proximity of propagule sources (Guariguata and Ostertag,
increasing organic matter input, reducing erosion and increasing soil
2001). The greater richness and diversity estimated in the PA, com-
nutrients (Ruiz-Jaén and Aide, 2005a; Montagnini, 2008). However,
pared to that of the MF itself, may be due to the confluence of primary
other studies have found reduced soil C in tree plantations occupying
and secondary species (Guariguata and Ostertag, 2001; Muñiz-Castro
former pastures with rainfall > 1500 mm per year (Rhoades et al.,
et al., 2006). The greater availability of light at the beginning of suc-
2000) and, in a meta-analysis, Guo and Gifford (2002) report that
cession favors colonization by pioneer species, and the proximity to the
broadleaf tree plantations in pastures did not affect soil C stocks. We
MF could favor the arrival of seeds of species with intermediate or full
identified a tendency for the MP to present values closer to the MF,
shade tolerance.
while passive restoration sites displayed greater dissimilarities; how-
While all of the sites presented similar values in terms of the rich-
ever, no significant differences were found among the restoration sites
ness and diversity of species, there were important differences in
in general. This lack of significance was probably due to high variation
composition. It should be noted that the TMCF presents a high turnover
associated with the reduced number of samples and the high spatial
in the ensemble of tree species among fragments (Williams-Linera et al.,
heterogeneity of the soil, which has been found to increase, temporally
2013). The MF was an isolated fragment when restoration interventions
and spatially, as a result of land-use change (Roa-Fuentes et al., 2013).
began in 1995; nevertheless, the composition found is very similar to
that reported for other mature TMCF in the region (Williams-Linera
et al., 2013). Among the most dominant species found in the MF, Q. 4.4. Implications for practice
lancifolia, Zanthoxylum melanostictum and Styrax glabrescens have been
reported as representative of mature TMCF in the region (Muñiz-Castro Different TMCF restoration strategies can be integrated in a com-
et al., 2012). Species such as Beilschmiedia mexicana, Persea longipes, S. plementary manner considering the high environmental and biotic
glabrescens and Tapiriria mexicana, characteristic of TMCF (Rzedowski, heterogeneity characteristic of this system (Williams-Linera et al.,
1996; González-Espinosa et al., 2011), have not appeared in the sec- 2013), as well as the restoration objectives, landscape matrix, micro-
ondary forests and thus require specific interventions in order to assist habitat conditions and socioeconomic factors (Holl and Aide, 2011;
restoration of their populations. In contrast, all of the restoration sites Ramírez-Soto et al., 2018). It can be inferred from our results that, in
are dominated by the pioneer species Trema micrantha and Myrsine zones more distant from the propagule sources, planting of native
coriacea. This pattern matches that reported by other studies in which species can be effective in terms of accelerating the recovery of the
heliophyte species dominate during the first years of succession (Muñiz- structure and some species of TMCF. Furthermore, the active restora-
Castro et al., 2012). One of the causes of low similarity in species tion strategy can contribute to the recovery of functions such as carbon
composition of adult trees between the MP and the MF is that, of the capture, regulation of hydrological and nutrient cycles and the provi-
five species planted, Q. sapotifolia, Platanus mexicana, Juglans pyriformis sion of food and refuge to the fauna. A less expensive approach to ex-
and Fraxinus uhdei were not recorded in the reference ecosystem. It is tensive plantations is to plant nuclei (islands) of trees (Ramírez-Soto
likely that more time is required in order to determine the influence of et al., 2018), this approach could be more effective in terms of in-
the MP on the recovery of the floristic composition. creasing recruitment at former pastures sites in Costa Rica compared to
Our results support the notion that distance to the edge of the forest passive restoration, at least during the first years after planting (Zahawi
plays an important role in recovery of the composition. In general, seed et al., 2013). In zones adjacent to mature forests, recovery of some
dispersion of species that are characteristic of mature forests decreases structural and compositional characteristics can be achieved with the
with distance (Aide and Cavelier, 1994; Holl, 1999; Muñiz-Castro et al., simple exclusion of disturbance. While some characteristics demon-
2006). In the PNA site, the low similarity to the MF in terms of species strate greater recovery during the initial years (e.g. canopy cover), our
composition could be due to the fact that the established species come results indicate that recovery of soil fertility and processes such as tree
from propagule sources other than those of the MF, such as shade trees regeneration may require more time or could be limited, which could
in coffee plantations, live fences or remnant trees present in the affect the long-term self-maintenance of the ecosystem.

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

5. Conclusions Declarations of interest

Evaluation of restoration strategies implemented simultaneously in None.

the same system, with similar environmental and historical conditions,
shows that the establishment of mixed plantations (active restoration)
in grazing pastures with exclosure accelerated the recovery of the TMCF Acknowledgments
vegetation structure relative to that of natural regeneration (passive
restoration). While both active and passive restoration matched the This work was funded by CONACYT (CB2014-01/238831), which
values of richness and diversity of the reference mature forest, even also provided an MSc scholarship to A. L. Trujillo-Miranda (No.
after 21 years, species composition remained very different. Low seed- 416522). Our thanks go to Ricardo Romero and the cooperative Las
ling density was found in all of the restoration sites, for which reason Cañadas, for granting us permission and facilities to work on their
intervention is required in order to assist regeneration, particularly in property. We thank INECOL A.C. for the use of their facilities. This work
species that are rare and of more advanced successional stages. Passive would not have been possible without the assistance during fieldwork
and active restoration can be implemented in the landscape in a com- of V. Tepatlán, R. López, M. Peralta, V. Vásquez, C. Gallardo and L.
plementary manner, implying different costs and benefits. In the zones Ríos. We are very grateful to C. Gallardo who identified the majority of
furthest from sources of propagules and/or dominated by invasive the tree species, and to F. Lorea, S. Valencia, M. Cházaro, J. Gutiérrez,
species, planting native species of different functional groups can be an L. Rosales, E. Tinoco, J. Rojas, R. de Santiago, R. Cruz for species
effective strategy for accelerating the recovery of the structure and of identification. We thank S. Rocha for the soil analyses. We thank R.
certain species of the TMCF, while in the zones adjacent to mature Guevara and V. Sosa for their advice with statistical analysis and R.
forests, recovery of some structural characteristics can take place with Landgrave for producing maps for sites in which to collect field data. M.
the simple exclusion of disturbance. Under both strategies, long-term Bonilla and R. Zahawi provided useful critique on the MSc thesis on
monitoring is fundamental to providing a basis for subsequent inter- which this manuscript is based. We thank the two anonymous reviewers
ventions to assist the recovery of the processes and functions of the for their helpful suggestions. K. Macmillan revised the English text.

Appendix A

Characteristics and vegetation structure (mean ± 1 S.E.) in sites of mature tropical montane cloud forest, active restoration (mixed plantation),
passive restoration adjacent and passive restoration non-adjacent to the mature forest in Veracruz, Mexico. Means with the same letter do not differ
significantly among sites (P > 0.05), using contrasts. Density of adult trees (≥10 cm DBH), saplings (> 1.5 m in height and < 10 cm DBH) and
seedlings (≥0.3 to 1.5 m in height) were analyzed in plots of 200 m2, 25 m2, 6.25 m2, respectively.

Variable Mature forest Mixed plantation Passive adjacent Passive non-adjacent

No. of plots 17 16 13 15
Slope (°) 55 ± 5.73 39.56 ± 5.30 43.23 ± 7.25 51.07 ± 3.86
Elevation (m. a.s.l.) 1425.6 ± 7.49 1348 ± 4.38 1396 ± 6.67 1363.3 ± 6.53
Adult tree density (tree ha−1) 614.7a ± 50.3 462.5b ± 31.8 350b ± 48.7 350b ± 38.1
Basal area (m2 ha−1) 44.27a ± 4.73 19.70b ± 2.10 12.44c ± 1.47 11.83c ± 1.30
Height (m) 24.52a ± 1.15 18.97b ± 1.18 14.10c ± 1.32 13.95c ± 1.22
DBH (cm) 24.65a ± 1.21 20.23b ± 0.89 17.96bc ± 0.79 17.02c ± 0.64
Canopy cover (%) 77.97a ± 1.28 70.91b ± 1.56 67.70b ± 1.86 57.40c ± 1.90
Sapling density (sapling m−2) 0.59 ± 0.04 0.38 ± 0.04 0.44 ± 0.05 0.43 ± 0.05
Seedling density (seedling m−2) 1.68a ± 0.15 0.60b ± 0.10 0.80b ± 0.10 0.30c ± 0.06
Understory cover (%) 8a ± 2.24 76.42b ± 4.34 75.15b ± 5.01 84.17b ± 4.22
Climbers (%) 0 0 7.96 ± 3.81 4.37 ± 1.24
Grasses (%) 0.36 ± 0.36 35.89 ± 3.78 19.33 ± 4.69 30.50 ± 2.59
Piper (%) 2.20 ± 0.83 17.39 ± 3.42 10.27 ± 4.25 6.48 ± 2.41
Pteridium (%) 0 1.15 ± 0.64 3.88 ± 2.19 13.77 ± 3.88
Selaginella (%) 5.56 ± 1.94 22.23 ± 3.53 33.83 ± 5.37 29.20 ± 4.15

Appendix B

Contrasts with which to assess differences in vegetation structure in sites of mature tropical montane cloud forest (MF), active restoration (mixed
plantation; MP), passive restoration adjacent (PA) and passive restoration non-adjacent (PNA) to mature forest in Veracruz, Mexico. Adult trees
≥10 cm DBH, and seedlings ≥0.3 to 1.5 m in height. Canopy cover was arcsine-transformed in order to comply with model assumptions.


Variable t P t P t P t P t P t P

Adult tree density 2.36 0.021 4.005 < 0.001 4.205 < 0.001 1.868 0.066 1.95 0.056 1.02E−09 1
Basal area 4.798 < 0.001 5.944 < 0.001 6.501 < 0.001 2.729 0.008 3.165 0.002 0.318 0.751
Height 3.356 < 0.001 5.941 < 0.001 6.287 < 0.001 2.74 0.009 2.944 0.005 0.084 0.932

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

DBH 2.936 0.005 4.604 < 0.001 5.537 < 0.001 1.895 0.065 2.902 0.005 0.907 0.369

Canopy cover 3.5 < 0.001 4.646 < 0.001 8.948 < 0.001 1.32 0.459 5.46 < 0.001 3.881 < 0.001
Seedling density 5.42 < 0.001 3.65 < 0.001 7.81 < 0.001 1.52 0.34 2.86 0.01 4.17 < 0.001
Understory cover 8.508 < 0.001 7.762 < 0.001 9.642 < 0.001 0.291 0.987 1.491 0.365 1.698 0.258

Appendix C

Diameter distributions in adult trees (≥10 cm DBH) of (A) all species and (B) Quercus species in sites of mature tropical montane cloud forest,
mixed plantation (active restoration), passive restoration adjacent and passive restoration non-adjacent to mature tropical montane cloud forest in
Veracruz, Mexico.

Appendix D

Importance value index (%) of adult tree species (≥10 cm DBH) in sites of mature tropical montane cloud forest, active restoration (mixed
plantation), passive restoration adjacent and passive restoration non-adjacent to mature tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico.

Species Mature forest Mixed plantation Passive adjacent Passive non-adjacent

Acacia angustissima 1.00 3.79

Acacia pennatula 2.25 1.01
Alchornea latifolia 4.44 4.52
Annona cherimola 2.56
Beilschmiedia mexicana 7.54 1.44
Brunellia mexicana 2.13 3.78 7.25
Bunchosia sp1 2.36 2.68
Cestrum tomentosum 2.21
Cinnamomum effusum 2.13 1.51 0.93
Citharexylum sp1 5.63
Clethra alcoceri 0.76
Clethra sp1 3.46 3.72 9.93 8.78
Cojoba arborea 3.37

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

Eugenia mexicana 3.40

Frangula capreifolia 1.48 4.64 2.92
Fraxinus uhdei 2.48
Hampea integerrima 0.71 1.76
Hedyosmum mexicanum 1.11 0.98
Heliocarpus appendiculatus 0.61
Ilex sp1 3.86
Ilex tolucana 0.60
Juglans pyriformis 8.00
Lippia myriocephala 1.56 1.45 0.98
Liquidambar styraciflua 0.57 18.98 1.79 3.09
Lonchocarpus aff. hydrophilus 1.01
Lonchocarpus sp1 0.93
Meliosma alba 0.76 1.37
Myrsine coriacea 14.93 17.37 24.11
Ocotea psychotrioides 0.94
Persea longipes 0.52
Platanus mexicana 2.04
Quercus aff. xalapensis 0.77
Quercus insignis 9.42 0.86 3.14
Quercus lancifolia 11.34 5.76
Quercus paxtalensis 30.53 1.44
Quercus sapotifolia 11.04 9.78
Saurauia pedunculata 2.45 6.11
Sideroxylon aff. contrerasii 0.57
Siparuna sp1 0.72
Solanum nigricans 1.47 6.27 0.99
Styrax glabrescens 3.76
Symplocos limoncillo 1.06 1.11
Tapirira mexicana 0.56
Telantophora grandifolia 0.50 1.26
Toxicodendron striatum 0.55 4.10 2.66
Trema micrantha 0.72 15.61 14.09 11.96
Turpinia insignis 2.02 0.73
Vernonanthura patens 4.87
Vismia baccifera 1.42 0.73 1.08 2.03
Zanthoxylum melanostictum 3.98 1.70 3.48 3.23

Appendix E

Paired test to evaluate differences in adult tree (≥10 cm DBH) species composition among sites of mature tropical montane cloud forest, mixed
plantation (active restoration), passive restoration adjacent and passive restoration non-adjacent to mature tropical montane cloud forest in
Veracruz, Mexico. P values are Bonferroni adjusted.

Sites t P

Mature Forest-Mixed plantation 4.31 < 0.001

Mature Forest-Passive adjacent 3.39 < 0. 001
Mature Forest-Passive non-adjacent 4.35 < 0. 001
Mixed plantation-Passive adjacent 2.23 < 0. 001
Mixed plantation-Passive non-adjacent 2.40 < 0. 001
Passive adjacent – Passive non-adjacent 1.33 0.38

A.L. Trujillo-Miranda et al. Ecological Engineering 117 (2018) 50–61

Appendix F

Contrasts to determine differences in soil properties in sites of mature tropical montane cloud forest (MF), mixed plantation (MP), passive
restoration adjacent (PA) and passive restoration non-adjacent (PNA) to mature tropical montane cloud forest in Veracruz, Mexico.


Variable t P t P t P t P t P t P

pH 4.765 0.001 6.845 0.001 5.990 0.000 2.080 0.071 1.224 0.255 0.855 0.417
Ca 2.281 0.051 3.41 0.009 3.03 0.016 1.13 0.288 0.756 0.471 0.380 0.713
Mg 2.544 0.034 5.974 0.000 3.66 0.006 3.429 0.008 1.119 0.295 2.310 0.049
C 1.931 0.089 2.125 0.066 3.828 0.005 0.194 0.850 1.896 0.094 1.702 0.127
C 3.55 0.007 3.535 0.007 5.149 0.000 0.023 0.981 1.591 0.150 1.614 0.145
N 5.587 0.001 2.999 0.017 5.623 0.000 1.588 0.150 1.035 0.330 2.623 0.030

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