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Final Research Report

This should be a highly polished document in the correct format with

no spelling or grammatical errors. It represents the culmination of
your research. Use the following format:

Introduction- cite relevant literature (at least 6 papers) and describe

what question(s) you are asking and why.

Materials & Methods - how you attempted to answer the questions

raised in introduction; how you gathered your data and how you
analyzed it.

Results- what happened? include tables and graphs where appropriate.

Discussion- what do the data mean? how do they relate to other

relevant studies (so use the stuff you talked about in the
Introduction). Do next?

Literature Cited - you should be citing relevant literature all though

your paper; this section is an alphabetical listing of all of the papers
and books you directly referred to in the body of your paper. Use
same format as Physiological and Biochemical Zoology or Functional

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