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Don't leave any blank, unanswered question medical reports, dates and / or signatures, where ever applicable


Company's Name

Policy No ______________ 1 Certificate No, 1 _

Employee's Nome

Patient's Name

Relationship with Employee D Sell D Wile D Son D Daughter D Age Sex D fv\ole D Female
Nal\Jre of Visit: D Sickness

D Accident

Doctor's Nome

ConsultatIon E)(pen~es Medical Expenses

Per Visit No. of Toto! Expenses No. of Receipts Amount

Type 01 Visit
Rate Visit Amount Title Attached Claimed

Clinic Visits Medicine

Home Visits Laboratory

Specialist Visits X-Rays

Other Tests Other Tests

Sub Total Rs. Total Amount Rs,

B/F Sub Total Rs

Toiol Claimed Rs.

Amount claimed (Rupees Onlyl

I hereby certify that all answers and all documents submitted with this Claim Form ore complete and true. I , the above claimant, hereby
authorize any doctor, hospital, clinic or any other person who has my record or information about me and lor any 01 my family
members to provide Jubilee Health Insurance with the complete in/ormation, including copies of their records with reference to any
sickness Of occident or ony treotment, Any photocopy of the authorization shall be token as the original copy.

Employee', [Cloimo,'1 Sig,a'cce I, _ Da'e 1 _

Don't leave any blanks, unanswered question medical reports, dates and / or signatures, where ever applicable


Patient's Name ~ _

Diagnosis (Block lettersl

Symptoms first appeared on I~ I Date of first consultation

Is consultation directly related to pregnancy / childbirth? DYe, D No

Dotes of Treatment / consultation Detail of treatment / consultation Visits

Details of Treatment (other than prescription):

Doctor's Signature & Official Stamp Date I~ _

Physician's tv\ailing Address & Telephone No,

PMDC No.I 1 Speciality 1 1 Fees / Charges 1 _


A",ho,ized pe"oo', 'igoa'",e 1 _ Date 1 _

• Official receipt (original) showing the attending physician's detailed charges along with his stamp and signature .

• Itemized pharmacy bill shownig the date of purchase, nome of patient, quantity and name of drugs along with the physician's
prescription .

• Official receipt (s) showing charges for each of the lab Test, X-rays films, and other examinations done and supported by the
respective physician's request to undergo examinations and copies of the results of examinations undertaken.

Jubilee Health In~urance

Corporate Office, 2nd Floor, PNSC Building, lalozor, M.T. Khan Rood, Karachi. 74000, Pakistan
Pha,. 1021135657885 Fa" 1021135611349, 35644315

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