19-ARID-2248, SIDRA ZAMIR (A) ,,,,ANATOMY Prac

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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Office of the controller of Examinations
Final Exam Practical / Spring 2020 (48 Hours Time)
Course No.: ANAT-102 Course Title: Veterinary Anatomy II
Total Marks: 20 Date of Exam: 15-08-2020
Degree: DVM Semester: 2nd Morning /Evening/ Extra Enrolled Section: A&B
2 Marks Obtained/
1 3 4 9
Q. No. (3.5 5 6 7 8 Total Marks
(3) (3) (3) (4) (40)
) (4) (3.5) (10) (6)
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher: Saad Khaliq
Who taught the course: Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student
Registration No.: 19-ARID-2248 Name: SIDRA ZAMIR
Session M/E: MORNING Section A/B: A

 Plagiarism will be conducted.

 Send paper within stipulated time.
 Paper will be accepted only via Learning Management System. Paper sent via any other
means will not be entertained.
Answer the following questions.

Q.No.1. Science & technology have something new to update the skills. Minimally Invasive Cardiac
Surgery also known as MICS is cardiac surgery performed through small incision instead of
traditional open heart surgery that requires a major sternotomy approach. In MICS we sometime
incise between the intercostal spaces to access the heart but it needs high accuracy and precision.
Would you like the exact point of insertion so we may avoid injury of lungs, along with gross features
of this organ?
(Marks: 3)
Location of Heart:
In order to give an incision during MICS, first we should know the exact location of the heart. Heart
lies in the middle mediastinum, positioned from 2nd to 5th rib, about 2 inches above the costo-
chondral junction. Thus, if we are aware of this exact position of heart within the thoracic cavity
then we will be able to perform our surgery without damaging lungs.
Point of insertion:

An incision is given on the right side of the chest from the antero-lateral thoracotomy aspect,
between the 2nd or 3rd rib or between 3rd or 5th rib. After which the instruments are passed through
the intercostal muscles present between these ribs.
Gross-features of Heart:
The heart is covered by a pericardium.
The heart consists of four chambers the gross features of which are discussed below.
Tricuspid valve (between right atrium and right ventricle)
Bicuspid valve (between left atrium and left ventricle)
Two grooves are found on the outer surface of heart.
Coronary groove---It is also called as atrioventricular groove and is covered by coronary fat.
Longitudinal grooves---It is also called as interventricular grooves that are right and left longitudinal
Right Atrium
The gross features of right atrium includes:
 Pectinate Muscles (These are transverse muscular ridges which crosses the whole cavity of
 Crista Terminalis (The pectinate muscles terminate at a point called as crista terminalis).
 Crista Supraventricularis (Just above the atrio-ventricular orifice a plane and smooth surface
called crista supraventricularis is present).
 Intervenous Tubercle (Just in front of opening of posterior vena cava orifice this ridge is
 Fossa Ovale (when the foramen ovale of fetus closes is forms a diverticulum in septal wall,
called as fossa ovale).
Right Ventricle
The gross features of right ventricle are:
 Conus Arteriosum (The right ventricle forms a dome-shaped structure at the cranial border
of the heart known as Conus Arteriosum.)
 Trabeculae Carnae (It is a wall which has rough appearance and bears muscular bands and
 Moderate Bands (Also known as trabeculae septomarginalis, are bands which extends from
septum of heart to the opposite heart wall).
Left Atrium:
The gross features of left atrium are same as that of right atrium.
Left Ventricle:

The gross features of left ventricle includes Trabeculae Carnae and Moderate Bands same as that of
right ventricle with the difference that in case of left ventricle ventricular septum is present in place
of conus arteriosum.
The ventricular septum is a septum or division between the two ventricle’s cavities.

Q.No.2. Tom & Jerry is an animated series of short comedy film created in 1940 by William Hanna
and Joseph Barbara which is popular till date. It’s an entertaining rivalry and love story between two
animals. Would you compare the anatomical dis-similarity between tom and hound?
(Marks: 3.5)

Answer: The differences between Canine (hound) and Feline (Tom) are:
1. The shoulder blades (scapula) of hound are smaller. Whereas, shoulder blades of Tom are
larger as compared to that of hounds.
2. The rib-cage of hound is more uniformly rounded and forward. Whereas, the ribcage of Tom
is slanting mainly towards back of the animal. Also a part of rib-cage extends from between
the shoulders in case of hound whereas no such extension of rib-cage is present.
3. Tom is more muscular than hound.
4. The distance between the two front legs of hound is greater than the distance present
between the legs of a Tom.
5. The chest of hound is well-defined as compared with Tom which do not have a well-defined
chest and has a loose fat mostly in front of it. Hound’s chest is slightly protruding and not
much while, Tom’s chest is sunken in with no developed structure.
6. The neck of hound is long and less muscular as compared with Tom, which has a short and
muscular neck.
7. The legs of hound is thin and that of Tom is thick.
8. The dew claws in case of hound are higher as compared with the dew claws of Tom which
are lower on the foot.
9. The claws of hound are visible whereas of a Tom are not visible. For this reason the paw
pattern of hound shows claws whereas, the paw pattern of Tom doesn’t show claws.

Q.No.3. Depression is disorder that affects the way you think, feel and behave. The major causes are
injustice, social segmentation, pressure, non-materialized commitments etc. The CNS is the
processing unit of these thoughts and emotions. The anatomy which deals with such structures
relating to it is the neuroanatomy. Enlist the bones which protect CNS?
(Marks: 3)
The Central Nervous System of the Body includes: Brain and Spinal Cord.

The brain is enclosed in the Cranium of the skull, this cranium is made up of cranial bones which
serves to protect the brain.
Cranial Bones of Cranium:
There are a total of eight cranial bones named as:
 Ethmoid Bone (1)
 Sphenoid Bone (1)
 Frontal Bone (1)
 Temporal Bones (2)
 Parietal Bones (2)
 Occipital Bone (1)
Other two bones include:
 Interparietal Bone
 Pterygoid Bone
The spinal cord is protected by a series of short bones called as vertebras. The vertebral columns
protects the spinal cord. The vertebral canal, which is formed by these vertebras encloses the spinal
cord and protects it from any injury.
Bones Which Protects Spinal Cord:
 Cervical Vertebras (Neck region)
 Thoracic Vertebras (Chest region)
 Lumbar Vertebras (Abdominal region)
 Sacral Vertebras (Pelvic region)
 Coccygeal Vertebras (Pelvic region)
Usually, the spinal cords starts from a hole which is present at the base of skull i.e. Foramen
Magnum and extends till Lumbar Vertebras (lower back).

Q.No.4. A tiktoker, Maaz was making a video of Donkey. As he approached from the hind limb
(medial aspect) for making a video, faced the music as kicked by animal. Why the donkey
successfully achieved his target but buffalos fail to do this?
(Marks: 3)

Answer: Donkeys belongs to equine family whereas buffalos belongs to bovine family. Donkeys can
kick backwards while buffalos cannot kick backwards. Donkeys have limited side-ways movement
and bovines mostly kicks in side-ways direction. It is actually the behavior of animals. The lateral
flexibility in equines is less whereas in case of bovines they have greater lateral flexibility. For this
reason equines (donkeys) kicks in forward and backward direction whereas bovines (buffalos) kicks
on the side-ways mostly. Most of the kicking in equines is through their hind limbs. Also, the equines
hind limbs are designed for running so they have minimal sideways movements. Secondly, the

donkeys cannot see the person approaching from behind and in fear it kicks backward which is its
behavioral instinct. While buffalo’s attacks from the front mainly from its horns and if they are
approached from behind they will probably use the switch of their tail to defend themselves.

Q.No.5. Jack runs a foundation named as “Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation”. He is famous animal
rights activist and environmentalist a. He tweets on any misconduct happening to animals. As a
human, everyone must raise his voice for animal rights as well. Few days earlier,” hundreds of
elephants dead in mysterious mass die-off” in Botswana (Guardian Reports). Would you like to
inform us about anatomical adaptations of elephants which make him compatible to specific
(Marks: 4)

Answer: Elephants are well-adapted to the environment they live in due to some special anatomical
adaptations such as:
1. Elephants have large and flappy ears with numerous blood vessel, which it flaps to cool
down its body temperature.
2. The Tusks of elephants are actually the upper elongated incisors which aids them in
protection against the predators, gathering their food, lifting, digging and to break up the
bark of the trees.
3. Then there is a long trunk (organ of prehension) of elephant which helps it to grab food
both from the ground and trees, and then takes it into the mouth. Not just the food but it
can also grab other objects through its trunk. The upper lip and nose of elephants extends to
form this trunk of elephant. It assists elephant in breathing, dusting, smelling and sucking of
water. It also communicates to other elephants by trunk and produces sounds. Finally, the
trunk of elephants is defensive structure with the help of which it defends itself from
4. The elephants have long and thick legs which supports the mass of its huge body.
5. The elephants consists of a thick fatty cushion which is present in the sole of the feet. It
bears most of the weight and provides cushion too the elephant.
6. The elephants have a wrinkled skin with no furs, which helps it to keeps its body
temperature normal. The wrinkles on the skin increases the surface area through which the
heat can be dissipated from the body.

Q. No. 6. As fatty human suffer from cardiovascular disorders, similarly fatty animals can suffer from
the inguinal hernia. In animals it is characterized by opening of inguinal ring and herniation of
abdominal contents into hernia sac. Explain about normal structure and contents of this ring.
(Marks: 3.5)


There are two inguinal rings which are joined together by an inguinal canal. The inguinal canal
connects the Abdominal cavity to the outside of the body by means of deep and superficial inguinal
The spermatic cord passes from the testes into the pelvis via the two outlets known as inguinal rings
(which are the sphincters).
Deep Inguinal Ring
The caudal border of the internal abdominal oblique muscle and the deep face of the aponeurosis (a
flat tendon, white fibrous tissue) of the external abdominal oblique muscle encloses a space called
as deep of internal inguinal ring.
Superficial Inguinal Ring
The aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique muscle have a slit called as the superficial
inguinal ring.
Contents of Inguinal Ring: (Inguinal Canal)
Spermatic cord, external pudendal artery (which supplies blood to the muscles and organs of pelvic
cavity) and sensory nerve (which functions to serve the inguinal region of the abdominal wall),
passes through the deep inguinal ring then into inguinal canal and finally into superficial inguinal
ring. In case of females, round ligaments passes through the inguinal rings.

Q. No. 7 --Practical performance (10 Marks)

Q. No. 8—Viva Voce (6 Marks)
Q. No. 9---- Practical Notebook (4 Marks)

“Struggle in your own capacity a world having justice irrespective of one’s caste, color,
region and other identities”

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