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Pir Mehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Mid Exam / spring 2020 (Paper Duration 48 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: SSH-301 Course Title Pakistan Studies

Total Marks: 06 Date of Exam: 29.06.20...........
Degree: DVM Semester: 2nd Section:…MORNING/ EVENING
Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks
Total Marks in Words:
Name of the teacher:
Who taught the course: Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: 19-ARID-2248 Name: SIDRA ZAMIR

Answer the following questions.

Q.No.1. Describe shortly the religious services of Hazrat Shah Walli ullah to strengthen Islam
and the Muslims of India? (Marks 02)
Answer: Religious Services of Hazrat Shah Wallih Ullah are:
1. Madrasa-i-Rahimiya: This Madrasa was established by Shah Abdur Rahim, Shah Walli Ullah’s
father. After the demise of his father Shah Wallih Ullah took charge of it. Shah Walli Ullah started
teaching in this Madrasa and continued educating for about twelve years with full devotion and
commitment. He rendered his services for the imparting of religious education and Madrasa-i-
2. Translation of Holy Quran: The reasons which urged Shah Walli Ullah to translate the Holy Quran
into Persian language are:
● Prevalence of Jurisprudence: In India, the knowledge of jurisprudence was emphasized because
of its relation with law instead of Quran and Hadith.
● Persian--Official language in India: Secondly, Persian was considered as the official language of
India, but the masses spoke usually Hindi and Urdu. And the people who understood the Arabic
language were only meagre. Thus, it was unfeasible for them to understand the actual meaning
behind the words of the Holy Quran.
3. Dispensation of Hadith: Teaching of Hadith in Dars-i-Nizami was not included. It only taught
grammar, logic and philosophy. Shah Wallih Ullah himself was a Muhaddis who achieved his
certificate from Shaikh Abu Tahir Madni and rendered his whole life in teaching Hadith in the
● Commendation of Muwatta of Imam Malik: Shah Wallih Ullah was also greatly inspired by the
oldest collection of traditions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) i.e. Muwatta, and was admired by it.
● Translation of his Exegesis: Shah Wallih Ullah critically analyzed and interpreted Hadith and
translated his exegesis into Persian language.
● Compilation of Hadith Tracts: For the study and understanding of ordinary people he compiled
the tracts of Hadith. Also he quoted the Holy Prophet’s sayings to depict a clear picture of the
meaning behind the Holy Quran.
4. Elimination of Kufr: He warned and refrained Muslims from passing Fatwas based on Kufr and
adopted a middle course.
5. Avoidance of free blending with Hindus: He ordered Muslims to not be influenced by Hindus and
their customs. Hold strongly to Arabic language and lineage as they are the pride for us which takes
us close to our religion.
6. Condemnation of Hindu Customs: He strongly criticized the non-religious customs of Hindus such
as: Re-marriage of widows, large sum of money as Mehr, Extravagance at festivals, mourning for
many days after death.
7. Dominance of Infidels: Shah Wallih Ullah criticized the wrongdoings of the Muslim rulers because
he thought it to be the base of dominance of infidels.
8. Invitation for Jihad: In order to eliminate infidels he requested Muslims to follow the path of
Jihad and believed in the complete revolution i.e. Fak Kul Nizam. He ordered to draw out their
swords against the infidels till their last breath until justice prevailed.
9. Invitation to Shah Abdali: He invited Shah Abdali in order to eliminate the non-Islamic forces and
to reinstate the Islamic state in India.
10. Two-Nation Theory: He said that Hindus and Muslims are religiously distinct nations so in order
to preserve the identity of two nations he advocated the idea of two-nation theory.
Q.No.2. Discuss the “Simla Deputation” which causes the great change in the Muslim history of
the Indian Sub-continent?
(Marks 02)
Answer: Background: After, the partition of Bengal in 1905, Muslims were benefitted by it due to
its Muslim majority population. Also, efforts were being made by British to improve their relation
with Muslims in order to gain their support in case of War. When liberal party came into power in
the 1905 elections, the British showed great support towards Muslims. Seeing the current scenario
Muslim leaders thought it to be an opportunity to present their demands to them in order to
introduce reforms.

Objectives of Simla Deputation:

The main objectives of Simla Deputation were:

1. To safeguard the interests of Indian Muslims.

2. To obtain a secure place.

3. Muslims being a separate community thought that they should be treated differently from

Muslim Demands:

Lord Minto, after listening to the opinion of the Governor of Bengal agreed to give an ear to the
Muslim leaders. Thirty-five top ranking Muslim leaders which were taken from all parts of the sub-
continent called on the then Viceroy Lord Minto at Simla on 1st October, 1906. Important Muslim
demands presented to the Viceroy were:

1. Provision of a Rightful Place:

Muslims should be given a rightful place because they are a community of considerable volume.

2. Due Representation in Legislative Councils:

Due to the considerable volume of Muslims, they should be given due representation in legislative
council through the separate electorate.

3. Implementation of Separate Electorate:

There should be implementation of Separate Electorate at the levels of district boards and municipal

4. Separate Quota:

Muslims should be given a fixed separate quota in the services.

5. Appointment of Muslim Judges:

In case where religious matters are concerned, Muslim Judges should be appointed in courts.

6. Establishment of Muslim University:

Government should help in the establishment of a Muslim University.

Viceroy’s Response:

Lord Minto expressed empathy with the Muslim demands and promised to take them up with full
effort with the British Government. He also assured to safeguard the rights of Muslims in the next
reforms. At the response of Viceroy, the Muslim leaders were greatly encouraged.

Significance of Simla Deputation:

As a result of Simla Deputation Muslims were given the right of Separate electorate in Minto-Morley
Reforms in the year 1909. For this reason, Simla Deputation is considered as a great achievement in
the history of Indian Muslims.

Q.No.3. Discuss the role of Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan in education, under Ali Garh Movement for
the up gradation of the Muslims of India? (Marks 02)
Answer: The core of Sir Syed’s activities was Aligarh, so for this purpose his movement was called
Aligarh Movement.
Following were the services rendered by him for the Muslim community:
Educational Services:
In Sir Syed’s view, Muslims lacking behind in the modern education was the basic thing which
hampered Muslim’s prosperity. So, he dedicated his life in the promotion of education among the
1. Establishment of Schools:
The first and foremost educational service of Sir Syed was the establishment of schools.
● At Moradabad
In 1859, he established a school at Morad Abad.
● At GhaziPur
Another School was established by him at Ghazipur in 1862.
Besides, Persian, English was also taught here.
2. Establishment of the Scientific Society:
An institution, Scientific Society was established by Sir Syed in 1863. He constructed a
building for this society in Aligarh.
● Purpose
The aim of this Society was to translate important scholarly works from English to Urdu.
3. Study of British Education System:
In 1869, Sir Syed paid a visit to England. There he visited the most prestigious of the British
Educational Institutions and studied their curriculum deeply.
● Khwastgran-e-Taraqqi-e-Taleem-e-Musalmanan-e-Hind:
When he returned to India from England he established this committee in 1870 with the
aim to establish educational institutions within India equal to the standards as that of British
● Muhammadan College Fund Committee:
It was established with the purpose of raising funds for the college development.
4. Establishment of the MAO School:
He established a Muhammdan Anglo Oriental School in May 24, 1875 under the
administration of Maulvi Sameeullah Khan. William Meur donated Rs. 1000 to school on
November 17, 1875.
5. Establishment of the MAO College:
He upgraded MAO School to the level of MAO College in the year 1877. Rupees 10,000 were
donated by Viceroy Lord Layton, who actually laid down the foundation stone of the college.
6. Establishment of Muhammadan Educational Conference:
In the year 1886, he established this conference in order to motivate Muslims to acquire
modern language. Muslim league was founded in 1906 at its annual meeting held in Decca.

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