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It's amazing that George Carlin (his wife recently died)- comedian of 70's and 80's - could write

something so very eloquent and so very appropriate :

Tokens:24, Types:23, Lexemes: 1

It (Pro) + - is (Aux Verb) = it’s (Artic) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

Amaze (Verb) + - Ing = Amazing (Adj) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

George (N) + Carlin (N) = George Carlin (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

His (Pro) = His (Pro) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Wife (N) = Wife (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Recent + -ly = Recently (Adv) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

Dead (Adj) = Dead (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Comedy (N) + -an = Comedian (N) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

0f (Prep) = Of (Prep) = Free Morphemes =Functional

70 (Num) + -s = 70’s (Num) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

And (Conj) = And (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

80 (Num) + -s = 80’s (Num) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Can (Verb 1) → Could (Verb2) = Could (Verb) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Write (Verb) = Wirte (Verb) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Some (Adj) + Thing (N) = Something (Pronomina) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

So (Adv) = So (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Very (Adv) = Vey (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Eloquent (Adj) = Eloquent (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

And (Conk) = And (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

So (Adv) = So ( Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Very (Adv) = Vey (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Appropriate (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

A wonderful message by George Carlin:

Tokens: 6, Types: 6, Lexemes: 0

A (Artc) = A (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Wonder (N) + -Ful = Wonderful (Adj) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

Message (N) = Message = Free Morphemes = Lexical

By (Prep) = By =Free Morphemes = Functional

George (N) + Carlin (N) = Free Morpheme = Lexical

The paradox of our time in history is that we have teller buildings but shorter tempers, wider
freeways, but narrower viewpoints:

Tokens: 21 Types: 20, Lexemes: 0

The (Arct) = The (Artc) = Free Morphemes= Functional

Paradox (N) = Paradox (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Of (Prep) = Of (Prep) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Our (Pron) = Our (Pron) = Free Morphemes = Functional

In (Adj) = In (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

History (N) = History (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Is (V) = Is (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

That (Pron) = That (Pron) = Free Morphemes = Functional

We ( Pron) = We (Pron) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Have (V) = Have (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Tell (V) + -er = Teller (N) = Boun Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

Build (V) + -ing + -s = Buildings (N) = Bound Morphemes = Suffix

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Short (Adj) + -er = Shorter (Adj) = Boudn Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

Temper (N) + -s = Tempers (V) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

Wide (Adj) + -er = Wider (Adj) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

Free (Adj) + away (Ajd) + -s = Freeways (N) = Bond Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Narrow (Adj) + -er = Narrower (Adj) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

View (V) + Point (N) + -s = Viewpoints (N) = Bound Morphemes Derivational= Suffix

We spent more , but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less:

Tokens: 12 Types: 8, Lexemes: 0

We (Pron) = We (Porn) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Spent (V) = Spent (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Have (V) = Have (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Less (Adj) = Less (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

We (Pro) = We (Pro) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Buy (V) = Buy (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

More (Adj) = More ( Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Enjoy (V) = Enjoy (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Less (Adj) = Less (Adj) = Free Morphems = Lexical

We have bigger houses and smaller families more convenience ,but less time:

Tokens: 12 Types: 12, Lexemes: 0

We (Pro) = We (Pro) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Have (V) = Have (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

House (N) + -s = Houses (N) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

And (Conj) = And (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Small (Adj) + -er = Smaller (Adj) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

More (Artc) = More (Arct) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Convenience (N) = Convenience (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Less (Adj) = Less (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Time (N) = Time (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more
problems, more medicine, but less wellness:

Tokens: 22 Types: 19, Lexemes: 0

We (Pron) = We (Pron) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Have (V) = Have (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

More (Artc) = More (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Funtional

Degree (N) + -s = Degrees (N) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Less (Adj) = Less (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Sense (N) = Snese (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

More (Artc) = More (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Know (V) + -ledge = Knowledge (N) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Less (Adj) = Less (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Judge (N) + -ment = Judgement = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

More (Artc) = More (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Expert (N)+ -s = Experts (N) = Bound Morphemes inflectional = Suffix

Yet (Conj) = Yet (Vonj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

More (Artc) = More (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Problem (N) + -s = Problems (N) = Bound Morphemes Inflectional = Suffix

More (Artc) = More (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Medicine (N) = Medicine (N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

But (Conj) = But (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Less (Adj) = Less (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Well (adv) + -ness = Wellness (N) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

We drink to much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too
angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch tv too much and pray to seldom:

We (Pron) = We (Pron) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Drink (V) = Drink (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

To (Prep) = To (Prep) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Much (Artc) = Much (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Smoke (V) = Smoke (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Much (Artc) = Much (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Spend (V) = Spend (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Reckless (Adj) + -ly = Recklessly (Adv) = Bound Morphemes Derivational = Suffix

Laugh (V) = Laugh (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Little (Adj) = Little (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Drive (V) = Drive (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Fast (Adj) = Fast (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Get (V) = Get (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Angry (Adj) = Angry (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Stay (V) = Stay (V)= = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Up (Adv) = Up (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Late (Adj) = Late (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Get (V) = Get (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Up (Adv) = Up (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Tired (Adj) = Tired (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Read (V) = Read (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Little (Adj) = Little (Adj) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Watch (V) = Watch (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Tv (N) = Tv ( N) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

Too (Adv) = Too (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Much (Artc) = Much (Artc) = Free Morphemes = Functional

And (Conj) = And (Conj) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Pray (V) = Pray (V) = Free Morphemes = Lexical

To (Prep) = To (Prep) = Free Morphemes = Functional

Seldom (Adv) = Seldom (Adv) = Free Morphemes = Functional

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