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曾琦珍 4109021033

1. I have watched the presentation from 謝宜瑾. In my opinion, her pronunciation is very clear so we
can understand it better and also, she talked very fluently. The ppt of her presentation also very
simple and very understandable. I think her presentation is very good.

2. Hmmm. Here’s some more background for you. Negotiation strategy generally reflects two
approaches. Competitive negotiation usually takes place when parties have opposing positions on a
matter or perceive that there is a limited resource such as money, time, or authority. That must be
divided between them. Competitive negotiation tends to be more adversarial because one party’s
gain often results in the other party’s loss. Cooperative negotiation generally occurs when parties
are motivated to find an agreement, often one that can more completely meet both parties’ needs.
While real differences exist, parties embrace a problem-solving approach in an attempt to find a
more creative and satisfactory outcome.
Gotcha. I think we can be cooperative here and meet both our needs. Hypothetically speaking, what
would you want in exchange for picking the kids up today?
As long as I can have a couple of hours the next two days for homework, I might consider it.

3. If I were the CDC Covid-19 response chief director, I want to give the vaccination to all of people in
Taiwan as soon as possible. I also want to give each person subsidies in the form of food and money
so they will reduce their time to go outside to buy food and daily necessities.

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