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Culture is embedded understanding and old reflections of self with relation to others.

Modernity is a
concept that doesn't take into account culture. Thus the acultural theory of modernity deals with the
changes in economic, technological, political, etc.spheres. Rajiv Bhargava views twin ideology of
modernism and traditionalism.

1. Modernity is defined by IT complex which is inevitable. Since IT complex is inevitable, cultural

differences will also be erased.

2. A country either selects of rejects modernity. IT complex and modernity is a package, choosing one
follows the other.

The modernization of tradition according to Bhargava is not an alternative theory of modernity. It's a
patchwork of unaltered western modernity with untouched nativity.

CT sees IT complex a culture inclusive and distinction as unsustainable. This is because every institution
is run by explicit norms are set up for on the basis of innate value that is why they exist. For example
Parliament setup is an institution with equality as an innate value but if egalitarianism does not become
part of one's culture what is the purpose of parliament?

he further says that modernity is culture encompassing IT complex so IT complex has cultural and moral

Modernity originally is a complex cultural system exclusively western but there is no condition that this
should remain western. Rajesh Bhargava's alternative modernity states that this original modernity
travel across world came into contact with other non Western cultures and transformed.

So even in non Western societies alternative modernity is emerged as non-western people tried to
break loose not only from past practices but also from shackles of a particular version of Western
modernity imposed.

in marwari joint family system helping in entrepreneurship to industrial capitalism is called patch work.
Alternative modernity involves a change in traditional structure but different from modern structures. so
in this Marwadi example alternative modernity means transforming of joint family into a different
structure different from modern individualistic nuclear families is alternative modernity.

Rajeev Bhargava says that a patchwork solution is necessary and desirable. According to him anymore
non modern social formation have layers largely left unaffected by modernity and layers thoroughly
westernized and adopted by modern practices.
Rajeev Bhargava also argues that patchwork solutions are not sustainable in long run because there can
be some implicit conflicts within the modern value a traditional value they can't reconcile deeper
conflicts i.e the state can't bear upon an individual right or duties with respect to his religious affiliation
secularism in tales separation of power upon which the above principles depend.

According to him in India needs an alternative conception of secularism to tackle the exploitative
hierarchical structures not by the organising them but by bringing about a cognitive change. this
alternative model of secularism is necessary for the United liberal democratic country and to bring
about promises of equality justice without threatening the collective rights of the religions.

An alternative modernity can be highly localised phenomena there can be Indian modernity, Sri Lankan
modernity and Hyderabad modernity.

Rajeev Bhargava takes example of Wondel Smith's characteristics of secularism to debunk it and show
Indian secularism as a patchwork. He pitches for principal distance instead of one equal distances code
of Indian secularism. The main aspect of this secularism involves strengthening of liberty and equality of
citizenship for all does Indian secularism pitches for differentiated citizenship.

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