Immunopathogene I of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura ITP

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40 HCWATOLOGIA ◆ Polvmen 7 - º 2¸

Immunopathogene›i› of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura ITP


Dr. T. Imbach

UniverIity Children´I HoIpital BaIel¸ Switzerland

HCWATOLOGIA, Vol. 7 Nº 2: 40-
e-mail: paulimbach
Wayo-Octubre, 2003

IT manife›t› a› immune mediated, de›tructive and related cytokine›. latelet›‘ (auto)antigen driven T-
thrombocytopenia. The etiology of IT i› ›till unknoun. cell clone› and Interleukin›, mainly Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
Immunologically an antigenic challenge or an au- direct autoreative B-cell› to ›ecret (auto) anti- bodie›.
toimmune ›timulu› induce› interaction betueen an- In acute IT ›pecific antibody (e.g. again›t
tigen pre›enting cell› and T-lymphocyte›. Through Varicella zo›ter viru›) may cro››react uith platelet
›ignal mechani›m› T-cell activation and B-cell anti- antigen: molecular mimicry occur›. ThO or Th2 ex-
body production occur. Regulatory mechani›m of T- pre››ion uith TG+-ß a› potent immuno›uppre››ive
cell› and antiidiotypic antibodie› direct the degree and modulator among the cytokine pattern ›eem› to cor-
duration of the phy›iologic immune re›pon›e. In IT the relate uith tran›ient IT .
immune re›pon›e and the ›elftolerance mechani›m are In chronic IT autoimmune target› on platelet› are
altered in the pre›ence of an antigen ›timulu›. mo›tly G IIb/IIIa uith different location› of epitope›, G
Wainly 3 element› are involved in the pathophy›i- Ib/IX and rarely G Ia/IIa, IV and V. Th1 pattern and
ology of IT : the platelet, the cellular and humoral abnormal activation of autoreative B- cell› characterize
immune re›pon›e, the mono-macrocytic phagocyto›i› autoimmunity in chronic IT . With aberrant immune
mediated by +c-receptor›. re›pon›e circulating and platelet- a››ociated
autoantibodie› can be detected by capture a››ay›
(immunoblot-, WAI A-a››ay). The ›en›itivity (po›itive
THE TLATELETS re›ult› in patient› uith IT ) i› 49 - 66%, the
The platelet function i› balancing betueen inflam- ›pecificity (negative re›ult› in patient› uith nonimmune
matory, procoagulant, antithrombic and fibrinolytic thrombocytopenia) i› 7å - 95%.
propertie›. When platelet reactive antibodie› are (Auto-)antibodie› have a hypervariable region uith
overuhelming actively the platelet function get› out of amino-acid ›epuence› uhich are ›pecific for each
balance: bleeding or thrombo›i› are ›ymptom› of the individual antibody and uhich never before uere
advanced ›tate of di›order. latelet› vary in form, encountered by the ho›t and, therefore, are foreign to the
›ize, den›ity, age a› uell a› reactivity according to ho›t uho ›tart› to produce neutralizing, regula- tory
polimorphi›m of major glycoprotein› (G ’›). latelet› antibody. The patient›‘ oun antidiotypic antibod- ie› or
trigger the immune re›pon›e from the fir›t ›timulu› to tho›e in IVIG preparation› regulate/ dounmodulate the
irrever›ible participation in cell to cell reation›. In IT production of (platelet) antibodie›.
mainly the numeric balance› are di›turbed.
THE IWWUNE SYSTEW Among the cla››e› of +cR› the lou affinity +cIIA
In IT the immunopathogene›i› of platelet› i› an- uith the capacity of IgG1 and 3 binding and +cIIIA
tibody mediated under the control of T-helper cell›
ITP uith IgG2 binding are prominent mediator› of platelet
clearance in IT and bind mainly immunocomplexed
antibodie›. High affinity +cRI uhich bind› monomeric 41
IgG ›eem› to play a minor role in IT . Several
polimorphi›m› exi›t for +cII and III in human› uhich
alter affinite› for antibodie›. The inhibitory +cRIIb event› are pre›ent in other (auto)immune related
lead› to co-cro››linking uith B-cell receptor› re›ulting in di›order›. The mechani›m of action of T-cell regulatory
cell inactivation (no phagocyto›i›). drug›, of IVIG and other biologic therapeutic› can be
The immunologic characteri›tic› of +cR› are al›o documented by mea›uring change› of the different
important in the context of the immunomodulatory component› of the immune re›pon›e.
effect of IVIG treatment: IVIG dimer and multimer In the future, monoclonal antibodie› again›t the
›eem› to block +c-receptor› more actively than different ›tep› of the immune re›pon›e (e.g. anti-T cell
monomeric IVIG. On the other hand the dimer›/ antibodie›, CD20 antibody (rituximab), anti-+c- receptor
multimer› are re›pon›ible for marked ›ide effect› of antibodie›) may provide ›pecific therapie› in IT and
IVIG treatment. IVIG increa›e the pre›ence of other immune related di›order›.
inhibitory +cRIIB and prevent IT in a mice model. The
immunopathology of IT i› a model for altered
immune re›pon›e. Similar immunopathologic KEPEKENCES
see Supplemelt oL State-of-the-Art Cxpert Weetilg oL ITP. ƒ
Ped Hematol OLcol 2003 (il press), especially the articles
by R. Rekomäki, A. Crou ald A. Lazarus, ƒ. Semple, R.
WcWillal ald
D. Ciles

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