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CUSTOMER : HYUNDAI MIPO_DOCKYARD CO.,LTD, Irem + FIXED GAS SAMPLING SYSTEM HULL NO. : 12553/54/55/56/57/58 IMO No. : = SHIP OWNER ¢ - SHIP TYPE 25K PRODUCT / CHEMICAL TANKER KIND OF DRAWING (ror BD |MBFOR APPROVAL CIFOR RE-APPROVAL \EFOR WORKING CIFOR RE-WORKING IBFoR Final, le APPROVED BY = Yl IMIS rrovinen By : INDEX = DESCRIPTION SCOPE OF SUPPLY PART LIST SCOPE OF SUPPLY PART LIST SPARE PART UST SPARE PART UST HL-109477 ‘SYSTEM DIAGRAM FOR FIXED GAS SAMPLING SYSTEM HL-109478 STAND TYPE GAS CONTROLLER (HGS~100) HL-108468 PNEUMATIC DIAGRAM FOR GAS SAMPLING SYSTEM HL-109170 TERMINAL ARRANGEMENT HL-109171 INTERNAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM HL-104201 CONTROL é DISPLAY UNIT (HGS-100¢) HL-B03118 INFRARED TYPE METHANE GAS DETECTOR (SENSEPOINT XCD) HL-B03120 ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL TYPE TOXIC(H2S) GAS DETECTOR (SENSEPOINT XCO) HL-109514 VACCUM PUMP (RP12 BLOC-R2) HL109511 3/2-WAY SOLENOID VALVE (0030 R2) HL-109398 ‘AR SUPPLY UNIT HL~108923 FLAME ARRESTOR & STOP VALVE FOR SAMPLING LINE HL-B03114 &X FLAME ARRESTOR FLAMMABLE FIXED GAS SAMPLING (HFA~15) D|P|PIP|P|P PPP IP|>|P|>/PIP|P|R I> HL-£03305 WATER CHECK UNIT (U~BOLT TYPE) ‘3 SHEET EC TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE FOR FLAME ARRESTOR (HFA~15) 6 SHEET EC TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE FOR A TYPE XCD GAS DETECTOR 2 SHEET ABS TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE. FOR FIXED GAS SAMPLING SYSTEM (HGS~100) 63 SHEET TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR HGS-100 GAS SAMPLING SYSTEM. MARELA HANLA IMS CO., LTD SCOPE OF SUPPLY PART LIST HULL NO : H2563/54/55/56/57/58 MaT'L _[Q’Ty| NO. NAME | SKETCH MODEL, REMARK I vwercun(e)/set|SHP| | [ei THE CCR 38400 /*PAINT COLOR : RAL 7032 | | stano TYPE 1 | Hos-100 | AS conTRouer ABT.275 kg BUILT IN THE GAS CONTROLLER a/ INFRARED TYPE susie “ENCLOSURE : Ex 4 1IC Gb 16, P66 2 | sensepoint [POUTPUT : 420 mA, S-WRE nsepoint | OPERATING TEMP. : ~40 to +65°C XCD (RHC) JeaaNGE : 0 to 100 ZLEL HYDROCARBON GAS 2 | vetector WITH LCD DISPLAY & MAGNETIC TEST TOOL. 15 kg “BUILT IN THE GAS CONTROLLER ay ‘ELECTROCHEMICAL CELL TYPE sustié NCLOSURE : Ex d IC Go 76, P66 >| sensepoint [OUTPUT : 4~20 mA, 3—WiRE HCO (has). [OPERATING TEMP. : =40 to 465°C “RANGE : 0 to 50 PPM TOXIC GAS DETECTOR 8 | with LCD DISPLAY & MAGNETIC TEST TOOL, 15g | /*BUILT IN THE GAS SAMPLING PANEL POWER SUPPLY : DC24V, 40W |-MAX. FREE FLOW : 14.5 I/min MAX. VACUUM : 800 mbar MAX. PRESSURE : 4.0 bor /-BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR 4 | suction Pune I 3. | RP12 e10c “Re 1g — 4 030 ke 01 kg “BUILT IN THE GAS SAMPLING PANEL sPOWER SUPPLY = OC24vV, 4.8 “ENCLOSURE : 1P65, 5 | SOLENOID VALVE BUILT IN THE GAS CONTROLLER 855/ FLOW CAPACITY : MIN. 430NI BRASS /PC WORK, PRESS. : MAX. 10Ka/em2 6 | ark SUPPLY UNIT ‘l __JPWORK. TEMP. : 65°C 0.15 kg TOR fs SPUN LE ; ows 8 user SPROTECTON GME: x x weacrs. | rHA%- OPERATING TEMP. 60 FLAME ARRESTOR & 7 | STOP valve 06 kg ARELA HANIA IMS CO., LTD SCOPE OF SUPPLY PART LIST HULL NO : H2553/54/55/56/57/88 a MA’ |Q’TY| No. NAME sKetcH | MODEL REMARK | [waite ser] SHIP) | FOR WATER TANK SAMPLING LINE sussi6 SINLET CONNECTION : 68 | ow oeck mouNTNG TYEE uruet CownécnoN : 68 8 | wareR CHECK UNIT 26 | wo-zor [PORTABLE CONNECTION : 68 (U-GOLT TYPE) Was SWAY VAGVE | 15k9 ON THE W/H CONSOLE | aL POWER SUPPLY : DCZ4V INeUT : RS485 MODBUS RENOTE DISPLAY 9 lon + | nes-r0og [°S2e : 320 133 x52 10 ko 10 uM 12 13 14 TOTAL WEIGHT: kg AARGLAL HANLA IMS CO., LTD SPARE PART LIST HULL NO : H2553/54/55/56/57/68 MATE TY! ope, REMARK | WEIGHT(Kg)/SET|SHIP| =PAINT COLOR : MNO. 7.5 BG 7/2 SIZE : 200 x 200 x 100, 1.2¢ ca PROTECTION : P43 SPARE PART BOX 1 - 2g SIZE: STEEL | 2 | MONKEY WRENCH 1 | 150x6 [150 | 08 kg STEEL SCREW DRIVER 3 | (CROSS HEAD TYPE) =I 1 | cRoss 8800 03 kg *SIZE : 810 x 38L “CAPACITY : 120KA S00V came CURRENT : 2A 4 {ruse 6 | FRioccsov 29 FOR HGS—1008 ANALYZER PCB +SIZE : #5 x 201 mae CAPACITY : 250V, 2A 5 | FUSE E=s8 5 = -FOR H6S- 1000 CONTROL PCB +SIZE : 85 x 201 a CAPACITY : 250V, 1A 6 | Fuse 5 . = POWER SUPPLY : D624V, 4.8W ENCLOSURE : IP6S 7 | SOLENOID VALVE 2 0.1 kg HASLA HANIA IMS CO., LTD SPARE PART LIST HULL NO : H2553/54/55/56/57/58 SKETCH MATL _{@°TY) ones, REMARK [atc /se7| sex -FOR CALIBRATION DETAIL FOR GAS BOTTLE ~ C4 : 50 EL 8 |aseome i 1 | er-orsa| = Gps 12.2 a 2 BNANCE WITH REGULATOR i W04 |esize : 976 x 363L i 0.5 kg J*CAPACTTY VOLUME : 341. 9 10 "4 12 13 14 MARL HANLA IMS Co., LTD Tarai x swi Mi oon] =O som avos vy ONTAMYS S¥9 OKI YO M¥BOWIO RBLSAS : Sm dae [awa | ave | save eS = reras [wes | orri foarviod "aa 205 y ‘ - ‘ i ¢ nos 10 wos watio Bos -¢ isn —~f rsa 0 \\ Srwaos e076 aN ‘sans a3) Od MOURNS OOM 4930 Y3ddN NO. : vay snoaavzen | NTN 92 NT VND UY: ‘on | | nasa 3 oui | i i “TaWVd 409 H/M IHL NO; ; i sun 7 OO won] SS sow] ws yy : (001-S9H) YIMIOYINOD SVD 3dAL ONVIS au aaav | amo | aver | sive NolLateos30 Aas worms | orra [anor nce “Wade 2 Y SHH Hq [oor-son [TaOn] so 4G |"™ oon] EO sow] a Nn owns ama = = 23M Aidan av / WOUND: Nass, ———— aay [amo | aver | sive orn | rorws [_orra_[preovicy “wou wa Y swt 7 ono EO sow) 0s _ Tu dadv | awa | avaa | aiva | NOLdISIS 30 ‘AR Fraens [rms [orca oveorio] wows wos y : ee eo —— SNY OL Blid 4 By aid ye a3, i | 24 i a eeel g f aa. fl, gam; 6 fl ais ae eee 1 | gl eer Tq a [o=]s[ot le] ELET| ayy 24 % a4 3H] 3 28 * a le) |e, 2 ae ee (eee eee a | 3 i aT 4 wie T amen! 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This EC-type-examination Certificate relates only to the design, examination and tests of the specified protective system in accordance to the Directive 94/9/EC. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this protecitve system. These are not covered by this certificate, ‘The marking of the protective system shall include the following: ® icic Zertifizierungssektor Explosionsschutz On behalf of PTB: July 14, 2011 Dr.-Ing. Oberregierungsrat sheet 1/3 EC-type-examination Certificates without signature and offical stamp shall not be vali. The certificates may be creulated only without alteration. Extracts or aterations are subject to approval by the Physkalisch-Techrische Bundesanstat In case of dispute, the German text shall preva, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesansta + Bundesatae 100 « 38116 Braunschweig + GERMANY Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PIB Braunschweig und Berlin 13) SCHEDULE (14) EC-TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE PTB 11 ATEX 4007 X (15) Description of the protective system The in-line detonation flame arrester of type HFA-15 is to prevent flame propagation should a Stable detonation and deflagration occur along pipelines in the presence of explosion group IIC ‘gasiair mixtures and vapour/air mixtures with a maximum experimental safe gap <0.5 mm at an operating pressure of up to 160 kPa. The fiame arrester consists of a hexagonal enclosure with a cylindrical interior space that houses a sintered-metal flame arresting element. The enclosure is closed with a reducing nipple. The flame arrester has a threaded PT1/4" connection at one end and a threaded PF1/4" connection at the other end. It is used in pipelines with a maximum nominal width of DN‘10 Type, materials and dimensions are defined in the drawings and parts lists that are listed in the Test Report. (16) Assessment and Test Report PTB Ex 11-41008 The Assessment and Test Report consists of 3 pages, 9 drawings, 1 set of technical documentation (with technical description, parts list, mode! of rating plate, instructions for installation and operation; 12 pages altogether), Result: The in-line detonation flame arrester described in (15) above meets the requirements for flame arresting performance against stable detonations in connection with a restriction on the Protected side, and against deflagrations, in accordance with EN ISO 168522010 section (17) ial conditions for safe use When in-line detonation flame arresters of type HF-15 are installed, the following conditions have to be complied with: 1. The nominal diameter of the pipeline on the non-protected side between the potential ignition source and the in-line detonation flame arrester shall not be larger than DN 10. 2. Atan operating pressure of 160 kPa (absolute), the inflammable gases and vapours occurring during operation may form part of explosion group IIC with a maximum experimental safe gap >0.5 mm. The operating temperature must not be higher than 60 °C. Stabilised burning does not form part of the test programme. This fact shall be accounted for when using the flame arrester. The flame arrester gives protection from both sides against stable detonations with a restriction on the protected side, and gives protection against deflagration... The routine tests specified in EN ISO 16852:2010, chapter 6, shall be performed. The flame arresting element shall be manufactured in compliance with the specifications in 7.3.1 of EN ISO 16852:2010 (which shall be documented) NO @ ae sheet 2/3 ECitype-examination Certifcates without sgnsture and official stamp shall nat be vali. The certificates may be ciculated ‘only without alteration, Extracts or alerations are subject to approval by the Prysikalsch: Technische Bundesanstalt Incase of dispute, the German text shall prevail, Physkallech-Technische Bundesanstalt Bundesallee 100 + 38116 Braunschweig + GERMANY Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PIB Braunschweig und Berlin SCHEDULE TO EC-TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE PTB 11 ATEX 4007 X (18) tai he: safety requirements The fundamental requirements of Directive 94/9/EC are complied with Zertifizierungssektor Explosionsschutz Braunschweig, July 14, 2017 On behalf of PTB: PR Be Dr.“ing. D.-H. Frobese Oberregierungsrat sheet 3/3 EC:type-examination Cerifcats without signature and offical stamp shall not be valid. The ceriicates may be circulated ‘only without alteration. Extracts or alerations are subject to approval bythe Pryeikaisch- Technische Gundessnsialt ‘case of dispute, the German text shal preva Physkalisch-Technische Bundesanstal » Bundesalie 100 + 28116 Braunschweig - GERMANY Certificate Number Baseefa Issued 9 March 2009 Baseefa08ATEXO316X Page 1 of 2 . EC- TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE Atmospheres 2 Equipment or Protective System Intended for use in Potentially Explo Directive 94/9/8C 3 BC-Type Examination Bascefa0BATEXO316X, Certificate Number: 4 uipment or Protective System: A Type XCD Gas Sensor Head 5 Manufacturer: Honeywell Analyties Inc. 6 Address: 405 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire, IL, 60069, USA. 7 This equipment or protective system and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to, 8 Bascefa, Notified Body number 1180, in accordance with Article 9 of the Council Directive 94/9/8C of 23 March. 1994, certifies that this equipment or protective system has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II to the Directive. Report No. GB/BAS/ExTRO8.0220/00 ‘The examination and test results are recorded in confider 9 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with: TEC 60079-0: 2007 EN 60079-1: 2007 EN 61241-1: 2004 ‘except in respect of those requirements listed at item 18 of the Schedule: 10 Ifthe sign “X" is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment or protective system is subject to special conditions for safe use specified inthe schedule to this certificate. 11 This EC - TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design and construction of the specified equipment or protective system, Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment or protective system. These are not covered by this certificate. 12. The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include the following ®U2GD ExA UCT (Fa-40°C to 465°C) Gb Ex th MIC TSS'C Db IP6X A2t ‘This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety, without any change, schedule included. Baseeta Customer Reference No, 5989 Projet File No, e4/0261 piniiaat wT e af (Fis cove goto eto penal te a onions of fs | Buca des tot meeny nt th eqn ty be ~ | tat apres coca. Baseefa RS SINCLAIR Rockhead Business ark Sladen Lane ‘Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9RZ DIRECTOR. Telophone +a (0) 1208 765600, Fax +44 (0) 1298 760601 On behalf of mal notabesea com web ste yn basete com Baseefa Baseofa isa trading name of Baseafa Lid Registered in England No, 4805578, Repistered address a above. Certificate Number Issued 9 March 2009 caencaarie — (SEELTEE) eaten 13 Schedule 4 Certificate Number Baseefa08A TEX0316X 15 Description of Equipment or Protective System ‘The Type XCD Gas Sensor Head comprises a sensor housing and a sensor cartidge manufactured from stainless steel. The sensor housing has potted integral leads and male threads at one end and male contact pins to supply power and signal to the sensor cartridge at the other end. The sensor cartridge has a potted gas sensor with female contact sackets and a sinter disk ‘The sensor housing and sensor cartridge are held together by a Unreaded clamping ring with a locking serew The XCD Gas Sensor Head is rated up to 4V, 250mA, 1W. 16 Report Number Baseefa Contification Report: GB/BAS/EXTRO8,0220/00 17 Special Conditions for Safe Use 1 The integral supply cables is t be protected from impact and be suitably terminated, 2 The altachment thread has a 3mm wide undercut. This shall be taken into consideration if the sensor is attached to a flameproof enclosure in order to mainiain the minimum engaged thread length. Equipotential bonding shall be provided by the mounting arrangements, +The sensor cartridge to housiig joint maximum gap is 0.035mm which is less than that permitted. This joint shall not be enlarged in service, 18 Essential Health and Safety Requirements Allrelevant Essential Health and Safety Requirements are covered by the standards listed at item 9. 19 Drawings and Documents Number Sheet Issue Date Description 3001BA027 1 8 03.03.09 XCD GAS Sensor Head General Assembly 3001EA027 2 8 03.03.09 XCD GAS Sensor Head General Assembly 3001EA052 t 1 04.11.08 Sensor Body M25 3001EA0S1 1 1 04.11.08 Sensor Cartridge 3001EA050 1 1 04.11.08 Cartridge Retaining Ring 3001EA049 1 2 03.03.09 Sinter Details 3001EA053 1 2 04.03.09 Marking Details Certificate Number Baseefa Issued 8 April 2009 Baseefa08ATEX0316X/1 Page 1 of 2 + SUPPLEMENTARY EC - TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE 2 Equipment or Protective System Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC 3 Supplementary EC -"Type BascefadBATEXOSI6X/1 Examination Certificate Number: 4 Equipment or Protective System: A Type XCD Gas Sensor Head 5 Manmfacturer: Honeywell Analytics Inc. 6 Address 405 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA. 7 This supplementary certificate extends EC ~ Type Examination Certificate No, Baseefa08ATEXO316X to apply’ to equipment or protective systems designed and constructed in accordance with the specification set out in the ‘Schedule of the said certificate but having any variations specified in the Schedule attached to this certificate and the documents therein referred to ‘This supplementary certificate shall be held with the original certificate. is certificate may only be reproduced in its emiety, without any change, schedule included ae eee Tite Ceanide i edecieas| 2 ee ee eee gee See Baseefa RS SINCLAIR eee ; Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9RZ DIRECTOR Telephone +44 (0) 1298 766600 Fax +44 (0) 1298 766601 On behalf of har hie ee, aN ae = Baseefa is a tracing name of Baseefa Lid Registered in England No. 4305578. Registered aderess as above Certificate Number Issued 8 April 2009 eacectteate nemo, = (GER) eee 1B Schedule ry Certificate Number Baseefa08A TEX0316X/1 15 Description of the variation to the Equipment or Protective System Variation 1.1 ‘To permit the use of a weather guard to provide ingress protection IPX6, 16 Report Number Bascefa Certification Report GB/BAS/EXTRO8,0059/00 17 Additional Special Conditions for Safe Use 1 When fitted with the supplied weather guard, the sensor head must be mounted so that the sinter is pointing downward to provide ingress protection IPX6. 2 The weather guard is a potential electrostatic charging hazard. The manufacturer's instructions should be observed. 18 Essential Health and Safety Requirements Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements is not affected by this variation 19 Drawings and Documents Number Sheet Issue Date ——_Deseription 3001BA056 1 1 03.0409 Weather Guard 3001EA053 1 3 02.04.09 Certification Label Certificate Number Baseefa Issued 31 October 2008 Baseefa08ATEX0222 Page 1 of 2 - EC - TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE 2 Equipment or Protective System Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC 3 EC~Type Examination Baseefa08ATEX0222 Contificate Number: 4 Equipment or Protective System: A Type XCD Transmitter 5 Manufacturer: Honeywell Analytics 6 Address: 405 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA. 7 This equipment or protective system and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred 1, 8 Baseefa, Notified Body number 1180, in accordance with Amicle 9 of the Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, cenifies that this equipment or protective systein has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II to the Directive, “The examination and test results are recorded in confidential Report No, GB/BAS/EXTROS.0149/00 9 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with TEC60079-0: 2007 -ENGOO79-1: 2007 EN G1241-1: 2006 except in respect of those requirements listed at item 18 of the Schedule. 10 If the sign “X” is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment or protective system is subject ‘o special conditions for safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate, 11 This EC - TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design and construction of the specified equipment or protective system. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment or protective system. These are not covered by this certificate 12 The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include the following @ UGD Exd TIC Gb 76 (Ta-40°C to 465°C) Ex th MIC TSS°C Db IP66 This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety, without any change, schedule included. Baseefa Customer Reference No. 5989 Project File No. 08/0201 This aries s gras mje ote panera ised codlons of / 4 Basco I docs not nesesanily indicate Un the equipment ny be DB eake. tel in partly nde or cmstncen a Derenees Baseefa R SSINCLAIR Rockhead Business Park, Staden Lane, 7 Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9RZ ah Telephone +44 (0) +288 768600. Fax +44 (0) 1208 766601 On behalf of e-mail info@baseefacom web site Baseefa ‘Baseefa is a wading name of Saseela Lid Registered in England No. 4305578, Registered address as above, Certificate Number lettexeisy Issued 31 October 2008 Baseefa08ATEX0222 Page 2 of 2 13 Schedule 4 Certificate Number Baseefa08ATEX0222 15 Description of Equipment or Protective System ‘The Type XCD Transmitter comprises a cylindrical enclosure manufactured from aluminium alloy or stainless steel with a threaded cover containing a window, the base las three integral bosses. Two bosses are drilled and tapped to accept cable cniries and one for the attachment of an individually certified gas or toxic sensor. The interior comprises PCB, and a display unit, ‘The transmitter is rated up to 32Vd.¢, 3.5. Cable entry holes are provided as specified on the certified drawings for the accommodation of flameproof cable entry devices, with or without the interposition of a lameproof thread adapter. Unused entries are to be fitted with suitable certified flameproof stopping plugs. ‘The cable entry devices, thread adapters and stopping plugs shall be suitable for the equipment, the cable and the conditions of use and shall be certified as Equipment (not a Component) under an EC Type Examination Certificate to Directive 94/9/EC, ‘When used in an explosive dust atmosphere the cable entry devices shall maintain the ingress protection of the enclosure 16 Report Number GBIBASIEXTRO8.0149400 17 Special Conditions for Safe Use None 18 Essential Health and Safety Requirements All relevant Essential Health and Safety Requirements are covered by the standards listed at item 9 and the assessment indicated in the Annex of report GB/BAS/EXTROR.0149/00 19 Drawings and Documents Number Sheet Issue Date Description 3001E.A026 1 7 16.09.08 General Assembly ~ XCD Transmitter, 3001EA026 2 7 16.09.08 General Assembly - XCD Transmitter 3001EA043 1 5 25.08.08 Transmitter Bottom Case 3001EA042 1 3 14.0708 ‘Transmitter Top Case 3001EA044 1 3 16.0908 Window 3001BA045 1 1 01.10.08 Clamp Ring 3001EA046 1 1 01.1008 Blanking Plug 5001BA047 1 1 01.10.08 Ground washer 3001EA041 1 1 01.10.08 Certification Label Certificate Number: 08-BK367882-PDA 7] Confirmation of Product Type Approval 09/AUG/2012 Please refer to the "Service Restrictions" shown below to determine if Unit Certification is required for this product, This is to certify that, pursuant fo the Rules of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), the manufacturer of the below listed product held a valid Manufacturing Assessment (MA) with expiration date of 07/DEC/2016. The continued validity of the Manufacturing Assessment Is dependent on completion of satisfactory audits as required by the ABS Rules. ‘And; a Product Design Assessment (PDA) valid until 01/SEP/2013 subject to continued compliance with the Rules or standards used in the evaluation of the product. ‘The above entitle the product to be called Product Type Approved. ‘The Product Design Assessment is valid for products intended for use on ABS classed vessels, MODUs or facilities which are in existence or under contract for construction on the date of the ABS Rules used to evaluate the Product. ABS makes no representations regarding Type Approval of the Product for use on vessels, MODUS or facilities built after the date of the ABS Rules used for this evaluation. Due to wide variety of specifications used in the products ABS has evaluated for Type Approval, it is part of our contract that; whether the standard is an ABS Rule or a non-ABS Rule, the Client has full responsibilty for continued compliance with the standard. HANLA IMS CO., LTD. Model Name(s): FIXED GAS SAMPLING SYSTEM HGS-100 Presented to: HANLA IMS CO. LTD. 595-4, HWAJEON-DONG KANGSEO-GU BUAN Korea, Republic of Intended Service: ‘The HGS-100 System shall be applied fo analyze gases in ballast tanks, fore peak tank, cofferdam, void spaces and pump room or any possible dangerous area, in order to detect any gas concentration level over and to monitor actions as visible and audible alarms. Description: This system; HGS-100 consists of the gas controller, display unit, analyzing unit, control unit, gas detector, bulkhead penetration piece, flame arrestor, regulating valve, water check unit, water fier, flow meter, air supply unit, suction plate, air horn, waming light, gas bottle and remote display unit etc. Gas controller shall be ‘normally located in cargo control room or form room and RS485 communication signal shall be applicable for remote display unit such as SIL-100 at the wheelhouse. Normally the alarm signals of power supply fail, system fault, external siren and gas fault shall be prepared on the gas controller. Gas controller is equipped with major components and accessories.(See Attachment) Ratings: Power Supply: 220VAC (50 or 60 Hz); Pump Capacity: 12 Limin; Sampling Points: Maximum 48, Service Restriction Unit Certification is not required for this product. Comments: ‘The specific functional and operational arrangements are to be specifically approved for each application. Notes / Documentation: 1. KIMM; Environmental test report no. 2005034320 dated January 27 2005 witnessed by BV survey on the basis of ACS E10 requirement, 2, ONETECH; EMC Emission test report no. E04DR-008 dated December 09, 2004 witnessed by onngi20%2 7:44:02 Pm Copyright 2001 American Bureau of Shipping. lights reserved Page 1 of 2 Certificate Number: 08-8K367882-PDA, ‘Survey on the basis of ACS E10 requirement. 3. ONETECH, EMC Immunity test report no. E04DR-009 dated December 09, 2004 witnessed by BV survey on the basis of ACS E10 requirement. 4. DMT: Performance test report no PFG-Nr.41300297P NXxill, PFR-Nr.41300297 NXII, PFG-Nr.41300297P NXIl PFG-Nr. 41300297 NXill, PFG-Nr.41300297 NXI on the basis of DIN EN 50054 & EN50057 in accordance with EN50104, EN 50054, EN 50057. 5. Design drawings and/or specications HANLA set of drawing issued 2006.06.26 and including the 15448, HL-105449, HL-105450, HL-105451, HL-105452, HL-104200, 104280, HL-105144, HL-105759, HL-105760, HL-105150, HL-105232, HL-105152, HL-105153, HL-103896, HL-105453, HL-105426, HL-104118, HL-105087, HL-105155 and HANLA instruction manual, technical data, ‘Term of Validity: ‘This Design Assessment Certificate number 08-8K367882-PDA, dated 02/Sep/2008 will expire on 01/Sep/2013 or at an earlier date should there be alterations to the product's design or changes to the referenced ABS Rules and other specifications, which affect the product. Product use on or after 1 January 2008, will be subject to compliance with the ABS Rules or specifications in effect when the vessel, MODU or facil is contracted. The product's acceptability on board ABS-classed vessels or facilities is defined in the service restrictions of this certificate. ABS Rulos: 2008 Stee! Vessel Rules 1-1-4/7.7, 5C-1-7117.1.4, SC-1-7/17.5.2, 6C-1-7/17.9, 4-9-7/Table 9 and Table 10 National Standards: International Standards: IMO Resolution MSC.98(73), Chapter 15- of FSS CODE, EN 50054 & ‘50057 for Combustible Gases. Government Authority: EUMEI Others: Model Certificate Model Certificate No Issue Date Expiry Date PDA (08-BK367882-PDA 02/SEP/2008 OW/SEP/2013 Rial neon ABS Programs ABS has used due dligence in the preparation ofthis cetcate and it represens the information on the produc inthe ABS Records as ofthe ‘ate and ime the caricate was printed. Type Approval quires Drawing Assessment, Prototype Testing and assessment of the ‘manufacturers quay assurance and qualiy conto arengements. Lined crcumelancas may allow only Prototype Testing to salsy Type ‘Approval. The approvals of Drawings and Products remain valid as long as the ABS Rule, to whieh they were assessed, remains val, ABS Cautions manufacturers to review and maintain compliance wih al other specifiations to which the product may have been assessed. Further, Unless ilis specifically indicated in the descripton ofthe product Type Approval does not necessary waive winassed inspection or survey Procedures (where olnervise required) for products fo be used in 2 vessel, MODU or facil Intended to be ABS classed or thats present in Class with ABS. Questions regarding the validly of ABS Rules or the need for supplemental testing or ingpection of such products shoud mall cases, be addressed lo ABS. oangi2012 7:44:02 PMA ‘Copyright 2001 American Bureau of Shipping. Al ights reserved Page 2 0f2 ro. Ganeseo-eu. Busan, Korea. ~Tel:: 82-51-601-7000 -Fax. : 62-51-631-1850 -E-mail: hanlashanlal ims. co. kr 115,_Hiva jeonsandan GPE antnims Co. HANLA IMS CO.,LTD. 115, Mhaleonganan, {Dro GRGSED-c BUSAN KOREA se fax: 824 350 G7 ms “Epa hanioanal in. coke HGS-100NEW [rixen GAS SAMPLING ovSTEM TECHNICAL MANUAL, > Hydrocarbon Gas Sampling & Detection System ‘WT-HGS-100NEH Rev. 6 2015-03-02 Page 1/63, woes Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115. Hwa jeonsandan 1(i!) ro, Gangseo-eu, Busan. Korea. Tel’: 82-51-601-7000 -Fax. : 82-51-831-1850 -E-neil: hanlahanlal ims. oo. kr HANLA IHS 00. LTD, WT=HGS-T00HEN usher wid O03 rw,y rei 7000 2015-03-02 AS tlh eco Paso 2/8 vvvvyvvyvvv v v v vvvy . vvvvvy 7 v vvy > INDEX 1. System hardware. 1.1 System block diagram . 1.2. Gas analyzing unit . 1.2.1. A/D Conversion and alarm, 1.2.2. Communication method. : SAIVIAAeAH*® 1.2.6. Devices surrounding analyzing unit 1.3. Control unit 2. Specification 2.2. Control unit. 2.3. Gas detectors . 3. Operation of system........... 3.1. Normal operation mode 3.1.1. Prior to turning on power... 3.1.2. Power ON. 3.1.3. Description of LCD display of control unit 3.1.4. Overall sequence 3.2. Gas alarm 3.3. System alarm... 3.3.1, General system alarm. 3.3.2, System shutdown, 8.3.3. Detector (gas detector) fault 3.3.4. Communication fault 3.4 Summary of command . 4. Commission and configuration .. 4.1. Commissioning.......... 4.2. Configuration menu F5. 4.3. Detector setting and calibration menu...... HANLA IMS CO., LTD. ‘MT-HGS-100NEW TS, Pagel (10, OGED-W BREA ve ie G7 ims Erit -hanettanal ins. ke Page 3/63 > 4.3.1, Detector setting mode... > 4.3.2. Detector calibration menu. Calibration Unit 4.3.4, Hydrocarbon(HC) Gas dete 4.3.5. Oxygen gas( 02) Detector 4.3.6 Hydrogen Sulphide Gas (H2S) Detector. 4.4. Channel setting... 44,1. Setting of sampling and continuation of purging.. 4.4.2 Detector 1-8 enable mode (FLOW)... 4.4.3 Pre~Alarm and Alarm limits setting(GAS). 4.5. Horn output .. 4.6. Memory control 4.7. Method of inspection using HOLD function... 4.7.1 Operating Procedure, 4.7.2. GAS ALARM TEST. 4.7.3, SYSTEM SHUTDOWN TEST. v vvvvvyY v vv vvy > 5. Inspection prior to trial operation .. > 5.1, Inspection of installation status. » 5.2. Inspection of power supply and air supply. > 5.3. Inspection of valve > 5.4. Inspection of air supply . > > > 5.5. Supply of AC power .. 5.6. Inspection of basic function configuration status 5.7. Confirmation of the system operation status > Appendix A Configuration sheet. Appendix B Sequence of gas sampling configuration. Appendix © ~HCOM-200 NMEA-0183 communication protocol. Appendix D_ Modbus communication protocol Appendix E How to calibrate gas detector connected to AD82.. Appendix F Sensepoint XCD Calibration. Fa Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115. Hwaieonsandan 1 (iI) ro, Gangseo-eu Busan, Korea. ~Tel: 82-51-601-7000 Fax. : 82-51-831-1850 -E-nmai|: hanlathan! HANLA IMS CO... LTD. ‘MT-HGS-100NEW 115, Hwajeonsandan 1(i!) ro, GANGSEO-GU BUSAN KOREA Rev. 6 re fel: GE St-Ha7oa 2015-03-02 G7 as Ensil! haniabbanta ns. co. kr Page 4/63 ims, co. Kr 1. System hardware 1.1 System biock diagram HGS~100 is largely divided into analyzing unit and control unit. Control unit exists in the SAFE AREA and analyzing unit is in the HAZARDOUS ARBA. It is composed of EXHAUST lines to exhaust gas after detecting, CALIBRATION line possible to inject gas for the test and etc. Analyzing unit detects the gas and passes the signal to the control unit using communication signal. Control unit processes received signal, and it is possible to indicate gas concentration on the LCD or to set and control various han|athan parameters by using Key. 82-51-831-1860 -E-nai | & REPEATER Z| ALARM UNIT ka MAIN PANEL. 4 I +t 3 \ = 7 WATER CONTROL 7 DRAIN UNIT 3 3 | EXHAUST 12 a tt PIPE SYSTEM Fi 8 ANALYZING f= 2 fl mer fa IMEASURING 8 : PIPES 3 Woseccceee ; i = g COMPRESSED AIR SHUT OFF VALVE : 5 SAFE AREA HAZARDOUS AREA = CALIBRATION = | ” 5 Block diagram of the system 3 a 6 g a 3 82-61-831-1850 -E-nail: hanlafthan|al ins. co. kr Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115. Hwaieonsandan 1 (iI) ro. Ganeseo-eu, Busen. Korea. Tel: 82-51-601-7000 -Fax. HANLA IWS CO. . LTD. TIS, Malema 1, GASED-6U BUSAN KOREA Sei BESTT G7 as Bah 250 Ena!" hanlathanlal ins. co. kr ‘WT-H10S-100NEW Rev. 6 2015-03-02 Pay 5/63 Following diagram shows the flow of gas of the present system. Each solenoid valve controls ON/OFF of each channel. And, each regulation valve and flow meter is installed in order to adjust the flow quantity flowing to the gas sensor and check the quantity. “The diagram of the gas flow Pneumatic diagram: + EV1~BVn solenoid valve is used in order to connect the flow of sample line to the detector. = Switching valve is a valve for injecting calibration gas into each detector. * Gas detector (GD): detects the density of gas. Installation Location Av Attention: The system should be installed over A-DECK. 82-51-891-1850 -E-mai 82-61-601-7000 Fax. Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115. Hwaieonsandan 1 (iI) ro, Ganeseo-gu. Busan, Korea, ~Tel SE HANLA IMS CO.,LTD. ‘WT-HGS100NEW Taleeneanian (ro, QMSSED-Gd BUSAN KOREA (w,N re 998.600 cae G7 as Et haan at ne, co, Page 6/63 1.2. Gas analyzing unit Gas analyzing unit contro! the solenoid valve and tion to intake and detect the gas. This part is composed of solenoid valve possible to select respective channel, detector to detect gas, regulator valve and flow meter to adjust influent gas, various kinds of electrical terminals and air line Electronic printed circuit board part is shown on the following picture. Detecting part includes all electrical control part and detecting function of the whole system. RS~485 is used in it for communication with external system and control unit. TE Solenoid Valve Control! Signal Th e] RS485~4 | = ae | |S janes} 18 ANALYZER UNIT aaa = HGS- 100A 2 | Rs485-2 3s Hes) [2 Analyzing unit of the system 1.2.1, A/O Conversion and alarm AID conversion part is composed of A/D converter of total 8 channels. It is designed so that 2 channels are used in analog input in gas sensor and flow sensor basically and remaining 6 channels are used for various inputs (various detectors) to be received according to the request of user. Electronic part saves all measured values of gas, status of alarm, parameters for operation and etc. in the memory. Analyzing unit provides 2 gas concentration alarm levels, i.e, high or low, to each channel and provides relay contact output for gas alarm, © Pre~alarm limitation shows that gas concentration reached alarm level. © Another contact output operates at alarm limitation level and makes horn or rotation lamp to continue buzzing until alarm is confirmed. It is possible to avoid gas concentration alarm for some channels if the corresponding channels are set out of the range of gas in case buzzing of alarm is not necessary for them, Analyzing unit provides self test and enables to confirm sample flow, degree of internal gas concentration, internal leakage, current output of detector, calibration gas flow, communication ee ee jeonsandan 1D r0, GAMGSEO-U BUSH mn Aye" Bo-s1eaot~1000, Fee: 8251-831—1850 GF IMs Ena henlafhanlal ins. co. kr ins. co. kr between analyzing unit and control unit, power supply and etc. If problems have happen, system displays error message. ant athan! 1.2.2. Communication method RS-485 is used in communication of control part between repeater and control unit, and RS232 is used in communication with computer. Four digital RS485 ports (One goes to control unit board and another one goes to repeater SIL-100 when necessary. In such case two remain) and one RS232 port exist independently, and are used in connecting one or more remote repeater. Communication is made using external monitoring system and MODBUS RTU protocol. If NMEA~0183 protocol used to connect to HCOM-200. 1.2.3 Gas detectors ‘The HGS-100 System uses two locations of Gas detectors : inside the Analyzing Unit, in suction process sampled Gas, and in local areas to be controlled. Any gas detectors of Infrared, catalytic, electrochemical or any other type, 4-20mA output, can be connected to the Analyzing Unit. For Gas detectors located inside the Analyzing Unit, in suction process sampled Gas: detector dedicated to Hydrocarbon gases is Infrared type, for best reliability and maintenance-free. For Local Gas 82-51-601-7000 Fax. : 82-51-831-1850 -E-nal Tel detectors: Same detectors can be used, but installed with connection box. © To monitor the BALLAST TANK, infra-red type detector is used based on the principle of infra~ red absorption. ‘The quantity of absorption of infra-red is changed by the type of the gas. Thus, the concentration can be determined by the quantity of the gas. Dro. Ganeseo-gu. Busan. Korea. ® To monitor the PUMP ROOM, solid-state type Detector was adopted. These detectors have the built-in microprocessor and output the 4~20mA current to interface the other equipments. Here, these current signals are converted to digital data by the A/D converter of Analyzing Board. Control Board displays those data from the analyzing board. 1.2.4, Solenoid valve Operating voltage of valve used in this system are DC 24V. The type of it is 3-way or 2-way. These valves receive control signals from the control unit and sample channels one by one in order. 1.2.8. Flow meter and regulation valve A flow meter show how much quantity of air flowing in the sampling line is entering, and regulation Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115. Hwa ieonsandan 1 valve is used in adjusting this quantity. HANLA IMS CO. LTD. (WT-HGS100NEN 15, Hua leansandan 1 (io, CANGSEO-QU BUSAN KOREA Rev. 6 *Tei-"$2-si-a01~1000, 2015-03-02 foe: BE-SIsstc te “Eb hantabantal ns co. kr Page 8/63 han afthan Flow meter Regulation valve 1.2.6. Devices surrounding analyzing unit 82-51-601-1000 -Fax. : 92-51-B31~1850 -E-nai © Bulkhead penetrations for suction process channel: Number of bulkhead penetrations is decided according to the number of penetrating bulkheads. Flame~arrestor (BEx d class) for each channel is installed in the border area between SAFETY AREA and HAZAEDOUS ZONE. © Shut-off valves for each channel © Flow-regulation valve for each channel makes the same quantity to flow for the efficiency of the system no matter how long the length of line is. © Bulkhead penetrations for gas exhaust Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 116. Hwaieonsandan 1 (i1) ro, Gangseo-mu_ Busan, Koree. Tel 82-51-601-7000 -Fax. : 82-51-891-1850 -E-nail Dro, Gangseo-eu, Busan. Korea, ~Tel Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115, Hwa ieonsandan 1 | | | ] | ZZ HANLA TMS 00. LTD. WT-HGS-100NEH 115 srg (ro, GAGSEO-CU BUS OER Rev. 6 ase Fax: 82-51-831-185 2015-03-02 Fax 231-831 1a G7 was Ee han thanat nec. kr Page 9/63 1.3. Control unit Panel called “control unit” includes LCD of back light function, LED display, buzzer and relay contact output for measurement and alarm indication and enables user to set diverse functions since it has a key pad. It plays the function of user interface to show gas concentration of the current channel Control unit receives data of analyzing unit by carrying out MODBUS communication with the a zing unit through RS~485 communication port and displays current state One contral unit can be connected with alyzing unit by communication or installed in a remote box or a console. i.e. it can be used as a repeater. To correspond to the use of it as a repeater displaying simple information only, specialized product of small repeater SIL-100 is prepared separately. General data is saved in the analyzing unit: however, control unit also displays the same figure Repeater SIL-100 mainly installed in the remote place displays simple information only Front panel of control unit: HGS-100 * Items to be displayed on LCD will be described in Section 3.1.3. + Menu key pad will be described in Section 3.4 + Number key pad is used in inputting channel number of figures. "=" key means Enter key, and "C" key is used in inputting the final key input or canceling the digit. ‘Attention: Analyzing unit and control unit operate independently. Therefore, in case error controlled by g: and system faults are’ 's alarm and system fault relay of the analyzing unit, han afhan 5 82-61-831-1850 -E-mail 82-51-601-7000 Fax. Ltd. 115, Hwaieonsandan 1(iN)ro. Ganeseo-eu. Busan. Korea. —Tel Enai "han shag HANLA TMS CO. *Tel-"$2°51°e01~ 1000 Fox: 82-5 1-831—1880 Lib. WWT-HGS—100NEW THBuajemeandin (Vo, GANOSED-CU BUSY KOREA Rev. 6 2015-03-02 fain. Page 10/63 2. Specification 2.1. Analyzing unit Number of intake channel Intake capacity Sampling exhaust output Calibration gas input Accuracy of 4-20mA input Out power supply for detectors Internal detector for Hydro carbon gas Oxygen (O,) Gas concentration alarm level Alarm of analyzing unit, contact output Communication port Output power of contro! unit Operating and storage temperature for analyzing and control unit Location of analyzing unit Location of control unit, Enclosing protection Power supply + Power consumption 2.2. Control unit LCD display Key board Indicator + Alarm + Communication port + Front panel + Power supply 2.3. Gas detectors Gas detector is selected according to manufacture. * Refer to the drawing ‘The above specification is applied in the Up to 51, connected with copper tube of O.D.3/8inch Up to 400 meters, w/L.D.4mm tube Connected to SAFE AREA with copper tube of 0.D. 3/8 inch Connected with plastic tube of O.D. 3/8inch 0.1% :24V DC Output of 4-20mA Output of 4-20mA, 2 variable pre-alarm and alarm © 1 gas alarm 1 system alarm 1 power supply default 3 RS485, 1 RS232 or RS485 Baudrate 9600 Basic address 1; Basic Baudrate 9600 24. VDC From 0T to +707 : HAZARDOUS ZONE Il SAPBTY area (LT-R) IP66 minimum 230 V AC 50/60 Hz 830 VA for one control unit 340 VA for two control units basic product and for more detailed refer to the drawings, £16 lines, 40 columns, back light : Text type, numeric character + function key : Full page color LED One internal buzzer + one contact output 485, Polyester continuous film Receipt of 24 V DC from the analyzing unit the project. Specification of gas detector is provides by HANLA IMS CO.,LTD. ‘WT-HGS~100NEW 11S, Hrgjeonsandan I (Dro, GANGSEO-GU BUSAN KOREA Rev. 6 fase Bem eie : G7 mas “bination as. coke Page 11/63 3. Operation of system 3.1. Normal operation mode 3.1.1. Prior to turning on power Number of channels of the system, names of channels (10 letters), number of gas detectors, measuring range, basic operation cycle, alarm level and etc, are set by the manufacture. Therefore, the system can be operated without additional control after proper installation and cable connection. 82-B1-831-1850 -E-ail: hanlashanlal ins. co. kr Important: The followings should be confirmed prior to turning on the power. + Regulation valve should be in completely opened location (Turn to the counterclockwise direction); A + Red handle in the channel solenoid valve should be in the horizontal position’ + Open the shut-off valve. + Confirm whether or not a valve of a flow meter is open as well as regulation valves near a flow meter. 3 3 ‘ 3.1.2. Power ON If the power is on, movements of LCD, LED, and relay of the control unit are tested and display the Version of the system. After that Tx and Rx LED flicker. (If Tx and Rx LED do not flicker, LCD YS FAULT LED is on.) And initialization is carried out for the period of time set (Ex. 60 sec). This is for waiting for the Communication Fault!!"" and, displays stabilization of gas detector. ‘Sampling of indications operates from channel 0 to channel 51. Number of detector of each channel is displayed in the process of suction and sampling. Alarm status is saved in the analyzing unit and displayed together with buzzing sound by being retrieved even they are all current alarms whether acknowledged or unacknowledged. After the standby time, the channel sampled is displayed on the first line of the main screen. Hanla ims Co., Ltd. 115. Hwa ieonsandan 1 (il) ro, Ganeseo-gu Busan, Korea. Tel i 82-51-891-1960 -E-nai 82-51-801-1000 Fax. Hanla ims Co., Ltd. 115. Hwaieonsandan 1 (il) ro, Gansseo-gu. Busan. Korea. Tel LID. WT-HES~100NEH Rev. 6 Mere tre, MS BU KE nee Boe Meshes ois-05-08 G7 Ena hanlabhanil in. co. kr age 12, 3.1.8. Description of LCD alsplay of control unit LCD window Cee) © Line 1 ¥ channel name: displayed channel number and name. © Line204: 2% flow for displayed channel(0~40) in liter per hour. Ex) “250 Uh" ® concentration of hydrocarbon gas from all enabled detectors in suction process sampling for sampled channels, or relevant detector for individual channels, Ex) Ifthe concentration of hydrocarbon gas is 20%, it Ex) Ifthe density of O; gas is 20.8%, it wll display “20.8%02" on the third line. Ex) Ifthe concentration of HS gas is 0.1 ppm, it will display “O.1 ppm H2S” on the third line, © Line 5 to 6: number of channel(s) in gas concentration alarm, % displays the Alarm, Alarm occurs according to the configuration “HIGH” or “LOW”. If the alarm type is set by “HIGH®, the ‘concentration of current sampling channel is higher than alarm limit, the alarm alerts. If the alarm type is set by “LOW’, inthis case, the concentration of sampling channel is lower than alarm limit, the alarm alerts. Ex) Ifthe alarm type is “HIGH”, channel 8 is higher than alarm limit then the system displays “ALARM Ch:08” © Line 7to 8: number of channel(s) in gas concentration pre-alarm, 2% displays the Pre-Alarm. Alarm occurs according to the configuration “HIGH” or “LOW”. If the alarm type is set by “HIGH”, the concentration of current sampling channel is higher than pre-alarm limit, the alarm alerts. Ifthe alarm type is set by “LOW”, in this case, the concentration of sampling channel is lower than pre-alarm limit, the alarm alerts Ex) If the alarm type is “HIGH”, channel 11 is higher than pre-alarm limit then the system displays “PRE-AL chair". © Line 9t0 10 % displays the Flow Fault. If the flowrate is lower or higher than flow limit, the alarm alerts Ex) If the flowrate of channel 48 is higher or lower than the operating range, the system displays “FLOW FAULT Ch:a8", © Line 11,12: number(s) of skipped channels in numerie order. (See 6.7.4. Ex) If channel 2, 8, and 32 are the skipped channel, the system displays “SKIPPED ch: 02,08,34” 82-61-891-1860 82-51-601-7000 -Fax. Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115. Hwaieonsandan 1 (il) ro. Ganeseo-mu. Busan, Korea, ~Tel 2) Keypad © Refer to the above figure. 3) LEI D Display HANLA IMS CO.,LTD. WT-HGS-100NEW 5 Rev. 6 2015-03-02 SE anna ne, kr Page 13/63 Tine 13 10 15 2% used for message in regards with current operation and display remaining operation time on that channel Ex.1) Initialize( “Initialize... Please wait 35") Ex2) Purging of channel 33 (“ch33 purge in progress 10°) x3) filter purge(water drain) (“Filter purge in progress 10") Ex) Communication er (*!! Communication Fault !!") ALARM LED % When the current channel of sampling is in the alarm condition, the LED tums on, PRE-ALARM LED. When the current channel of sampling is in the pre-alarm condition, the LED tums on. FLOW FAULT LED If the flowrate is lower or higher than flow limit, the LED alarm alerts SKIP LED % displays that the channel(at least one channel) was skipped. DISPLAY LED. The user can set the specific channel displayed in the LCD. SYSTEM FAULT LED(with buzzer sound) communication or system error. DETECTOR FAULT LED(with buzzer sound) 3 Gas Detector error, Rx, Tx 3% Visible communication check. “Receive”, “Transmit” POWER 3 System Power on, HANCA IHS CO.,LTD, T-HES=100NEW 15 tenn (re, GAESED- BSN YEA wore is G7 ms Bea han tana nec. kr Page 14/63 3.1.4, Overall sequence Analyzing unit operates independently from operation of control unit except when some commands started from the control unit. Typical sequence after lapse of initialization time is sown as follows: 1, Sample first channel during the time set. Message is indicated as “Ch 01 Sampling in progress... 10”. (10 here is remaining time) 2. Save Gas density at the end of sampling cycle and compare to alarm level set, If a certain density is higher the level of setting, send out pre~alarm or alarm. 3. Purge(cleaning the line) channel that has just finished sample 4, Continue sampling up to the last sample channel except channels to be skipped. And then, revert to the item No, 1 above. 5. All individual channels and detectors are measured and saved continuously to sampled channels. Pre-alarm or alarm is started according to the density. £82-51-601-7000 -Fax. : 82-51-831-1850 -E-nail hanleshantall ims. co. kr ; i é Hanla ims Co.. Ltd. 115. Hwa ieonsandan 1

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