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Global epidemiology and outcomes

of acute kidney injury
Eric A. J. Hoste   1*, John A. Kellum2, Nicholas M. Selby   3, Alexander Zarbock4,
Paul M. Palevsky   5, Sean M. Bagshaw6, Stuart L. Goldstein7, Jorge Cerdá8 and
Lakhmir S. Chawla9
Abstract | Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a commonly encountered syndrome associated with
various aetiologies and pathophysiological processes leading to decreased kidney function.
In addition to retention of waste products, impaired electrolyte homeostasis and altered drug
concentrations, AKI induces a generalized inflammatory response that affects distant organs.
Full recovery of kidney function is uncommon, which leaves these patients at risk of long-​term
morbidity and death. Estimates of AKI prevalence range from <1% to 66%. These variations can
be explained by not only population differences but also inconsistent use of standardized AKI
classification criteria. The aetiology and incidence of AKI also differ between high-​income and
low-​to-middle-​income countries. High-​income countries show a lower incidence of AKI than do
low-​to-middle-​income countries, where contaminated water and endemic diseases such as
malaria contribute to a high burden of AKI. Outcomes of AKI are similar to or more severe than
those of patients in high-​income countries. In all resource settings, suboptimal early recognition
and care of patients with AKI impede their recovery and lead to high mortality , which highlights
unmet needs for improved detection and diagnosis of AKI and for efforts to improve care for
these patients.

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome (or more in patients who did recover fully. Furthermore, 1-year
accurately a group of syndromes)1 defined by an abrupt mortality was lowest (10%) in the group of patients
decrease in glomerular filtration. AKI is a common (26.6% of the cohort) whose AKI reversed within 7 days
condition in all countries of the world, regardless of and remained stable until discharge5. The continuation
economic status. The syndrome is associated with of pathogenic processes and adverse events following an
considerable morbidity, mortality and high costs. episode of AKI led to the introduction of the term acute
As an episode of AKI can lead to the development of kidney disease (AKD) to describe an AKI episode that
chronic kidney disease (CKD) or end-​stage renal dis- persists beyond 7 days (up to 90 days) after the start of
ease (ESRD), and the incidence of AKI is increasing, the the initial AKI episode6 (Fig. 1). Although nephrologists
impact of AKI on long-​term health and cost is far greater increasingly appreciate the adverse consequences of AKI
than formerly acknowledged2,3. and its sequelae for long-​term health, efforts to improve
Importantly, an episode of AKI is not only associated the prevention and early treatment of AKI require an
with short-​term adverse outcomes, such as fluid over- understanding of the epidemiology and aetiology of AKI
load, electrolyte or acid–base derangement, immune and of how these vary in different populations.
dysfunction and bleeding complications, but also has In this Review, we provide an overview of the global
a long-​term adverse effect on survival. Even mild AKI epidemiology of AKI and discuss the underlying reasons
(Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) for variation in the incidence and outcomes of this dis-
stage 1) is associated with a reduction in survival, which ease in different regions of the world. Throughout this
remains detectable for 10 years or more4. Some of the article, countries’ economies are categorized according
adverse consequences of AKI are certainly related to to the World Bank’s classification scheme, which is based
non-​recovery of kidney function. An analysis of recovery on gross national income per capita: low-to-middle-​
patterns after AKI showed that 41.2% of patients with income countries (LMICs) include the low (<US$1,005)
*e-​mail: AKI did not recover their renal function before hospital and lower-​middle (US$1,006–3,955) ranges, whereas discharge. In these patients, 1-year age-​adjusted mortal- high-​income countries includes the upper-middle
s41581-018-0052-0 ity was nearly 60%, which is more than three times that (US$3,956–12,235) and high (>US$12,236) ranges7.

Nature Reviews | Nephrology

© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Key points increased risk of developing AKI. In some patients,

high levels of urinary biomarkers, such as neutrophil
• Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome encompassing a wide variety of aetiologies gelatinase-​associated lipocalin (NGAL), tissue inhibi-
and pathophysiologic processes leading to decreased kidney function. tor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP2), insulin-​like growth
• The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes classification stages AKI into three factor-​binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) and chitinase 3-like
levels of severity on the basis of increases in serum creatinine level, decreased urine protein 1, indicate renal impairment in the absence of
output or need for renal replacement therapies. any other evidence of AKI13–15. Whether such findings
• In high-​resource settings, AKI occurs in one in five hospitalized adult patients, which indicate nonspecific biomarker elevation (that is, a false
is approximately half of adult patients receiving intensive care, and in one in four positive result) or subclinical AKI is not known. We do
paediatric patients receiving intensive care.
know, however, that raised serum creatinine levels are an
• Each episode of AKI is associated with considerable mortality and long-​term adverse insensitive marker of kidney dysfunction, particularly
outcomes, including cardiovascular complications, chronic kidney disease and
in patients without underlying CKD, because a normal
end-stage renal disease.
kidney has considerable excess filtration capacity (renal
• In low-​resource settings, AKI is often caused by environmental factors such as
reserve)16. Even a large loss of renal mass might not sub-
contaminated water and endemic infections; public health interventions are essential
to decrease its incidence and complications.
stantially increase serum creatinine levels. For example,
healthy kidney donors (who lose half their renal tissue,
• In low-​resource settings, AKI recognition, diagnosis and treatment initiation are often
by definition) might demonstrate only a minimal change
delayed or inadequate, leading to avoidable increases in mortality, severe
complications and cost. in serum creatinine concentration. An interesting con-
sequence is that increased levels of biomarkers such as
TIMP2 and IGFBP7 in a patient with an underlying kid-
Definitions and diagnosis ney disease that compromises renal reserve are strongly
Loss of kidney function is classically defined by increases predictive of concurrent AKI17. The reason is that a
in serum creatinine level; however, in community biomarker-​detected episode of AKI will often be followed
settings and circumstances in which a patient’s volume by an increase in serum creatinine concentration in a
status is closely monitored — for example, in the inten- patient with an underlying kidney disease, whereas in
sive care unit (ICU) — oliguria or anuria might be the a healthy individual, such episodes often remain sub-
only recognizable sign of AKI8. Accordingly, in the clinical — that is, without an accompanying detectable
KDIGO guideline, AKI severity is classified into three increase in serum creatinine concentration. Essentially,
stages on the basis of either the increase in serum cre- subclinical AKI exists because our current clinical tools
atinine level or the duration and extent of oliguria9–11 to recognize AKI are limited.
(Table 1). However, as noted in the KDIGO guideline, These challenges in AKI diagnosis and the lack of a
these criteria inform but are not a substitute for clinical ‘gold standard’ for its identification mean that estimates
judgement. Additional tests, such as examinations of uri- of AKI incidence are likely to be flawed. In some series,
nary sediment, blood tests and kidney ultrasonography AKI incidence might be overestimated because unrec-
can be used to determine the cause of AKI. ognized CKD has been labelled AKI. In most studies,
AKI can be challenging to diagnose, as clinical signs however, AKI rates are probably underestimated owing
might be unobserved or absent entirely. A checklist that to the inclusion of patients with subclinical disease or the
includes the clinical context, alternative diagnoses, con- failure to recognize patients with detectable but subtle
firmatory data such as urine sediment and the pattern clinical features.
of changes in serum creatinine levels can be helpful12.
The clinical context is especially important because AKI AKI in high-​income countries
does not cause pain. Patients with increased susceptibil- In high-​income countries, the typical patient with AKI
ity to AKI (those aged >65 years and those with diabe- is aged ≥65 years and has comorbidities such as CKD,
tes mellitus, CKD, heart failure or anaemia) and those diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular disease. After a hos-
who have been exposed to predisposing factors (such pital admission for that disease or a related procedure,
as sepsis, major surgery or nephrotoxins) have a greatly such individuals develop AKI as a complication of either
the disease or the procedure used to diagnose or treat it
(such as radiocontrast administration for a computed
Author addresses tomography (CT) scan or coronary angiography, use of
Intensive Care Unit, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. nephrotoxic antibiotics or major surgery). Critically ill
Center for Critical Care Nephrology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. young adults and children treated in the ICU are also at
Centre for Kidney Research and Innovation, Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate risk of developing AKI (Table 2).
Entry Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Royal Derby Hospital
Campus, Nottingham, UK. Hospitalized patients
University of Münster, Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, Epidemiology and risk factors. The widespread adop-
Münster, Germany. tion of standardized criteria to define the presence and
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
severity of AKI has facilitated comparisons of the epide-
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. miology and outcomes of AKI across hospital settings18.
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, The Heart Institute, Cincinnati Children’s However, this standardization should not imply that AKI
Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA. is a single entity. Rather, AKI is a syndrome that encom­
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, USA. passes a multitude of clinical scenarios, underlying aetio­
VA Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA. logies, comorbidities, drug exposures and severities of
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

+PLWT[ hospitalized adult patients who developed AKI ranged

7RVQFC[U sFC[U FC[U from 3.0% to 18.3%20. Yet, even for values at the low end
of this range, it is abundantly clear that AKI affects a
#-+-&+)1UVCIG #-&UVCIG
EQPITWGPVVQ#-+UVCIG %-& very large number of hospitalized patients worldwide
and that in most health-​care systems the majority of
%5%TPQVDCEM these patients are cared for outside specialist clinics.

CPFQT446 CPFQT446 VQDCUGNKPG Only a minority (<5%) of patients with AKI require
$'NGXCVGFDKQOCTMGT renal replacement therapy (RRT)25.

QHTGPCNTGUGTXG Hospitalized patients often have a high frequency


KPFKECVGUKPLWT[ of risk factors for AKI, for example, older age, male
5WDCEWVG#-+ 5WDCEWVG#-+ #0QGXKFGPEG sex and comorbidities such as diabetes, heart failure
and hypoalbuminaemia26–30. Older age also correlates
Fig. 1 | The spectrum of kidney disease. Acute kidney injury (AKI) stages map directly to positively and directly with the number of AKI risk
the new proposed acute kidney disease (AKD) stages. In addition, patients with AKD factors26–30. Pre-​existing CKD and/or proteinuria seem
might progress to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Stage 0 AKD represents partial recovery to be particularly strong risk factors26. Use of combina-
from AKI. Stage 0C includes patients for whom serum creatinine (SCr) levels are higher tions of nephrotoxic medications can also increase the
than baseline but within 1.5 times baseline levels. Stage 0B includes patients whose SCr risk of AKI: for example, nonsteroidal anti-​inflammatory
has returned to baseline levels but who still have evidence of ongoing kidney damage, drugs (NSAIDs) combined with angiotensin-​converting
injury or loss of renal reserve. Stage 0A includes patients who have had an episode of AKI enzyme inhibitors and diuretics31 or even proton pump
and retain a risk of long-​term events without structural or damage markers for AKD.
inhibitors32. However, as with all cohort studies, a degree
Patients whose SCr levels have not returned to baseline and who have ongoing evidence
of kidney damage and/or injury are termed stage 0B/C. KDIGO, Kidney Disease:
of caution should be exercised in interpreting these
Improving Global Outcomes; RRT, renal replacement therapy. Figure reproduced from associations owing to a potential risk of confounding
ref.6, Springer Nature Limited, CC BY 4.0. by indication (as patients at an increased risk of AKI
also have an increased likelihood of being prescribed
these medications). Finally, particular situations also
renal dysfunction. AKI also involves several different contribute to an increased risk of AKI, including sepsis,
pathophysiological processes; in experimental models, hypotension, hypovolaemia and exposure to iodinated
gene expression in the kidney in response to intrinsic contrast media33. This long list of risk factors for AKI in
renal tubular injury differs from that seen in homeo- the gene­ral ward presents a challenge for clinicians
static responses to volume contraction, even when each in gauging the level of risk of an individual patient. Risk
mechanism results in similar changes in serum creati- scores that could be used at the bedside and prediction
nine concentration19. These factors are important to tools involving complex computational models based on
consider when evaluating studies describing the epide- machine learning are being developed34,35. However, their
miology of AKI in hospitalized patients (or indeed, in present use is limited, as most have only moderate
any group of patients), especially given that most epi- discrimination, and none has been externally validated.
demiologic studies use serum creatinine criteria alone Of course, the ultimate goal is to prevent AKI.
to define AKI and generally do not report the aetiology Although effective quality improvement practices have
of AKI or the characteristics of the hospitals studied20 been developed for specific settings, including a com-
(Box 1). We should not be surprised, therefore, that the plex intervention to reduce the use of contrast-​induced
reported incidence of AKI among hospitalized patients AKI in non-​emergency coronary angiography36 and a
shows some variation. For example, two multicentre pharmacy-​led screening and decision support process
studies from China, which were both conducted using for use in paediatric populations on high-​risk medica-
data from the same year (2013) and employing KDIGO tions37, no strategies are proven to prevent AKI in gene­
criteria, reported notably different proportions of hospi- ral populations of hospitalized adults. As two-thirds
talized patients who sustained AKI: 3.02%21 and 11.6%22. of AKI episodes are already present at the time of hos-
Several possibilities might underlie this disparity; for pital admission, AKI prevention must also consider
example, differing applications of the AKI diagnostic cri- pre-hospital factors25.
teria could influence sensitivity (in one study, inclusion
was based on a mix of biochemical and coded diagnoses, Outcomes. AKI is associated with poor outcomes; even
whereas in the other, inclusion was based on biochemi- in non-​ICU hospitalized patients with AKI, mortality is
cal screening with nephrologist adjudication of the diag- typically 10–20%25,38,39. A strong and graded relationship
nosis). Differences in case mix could also influence the between AKI severity and increased mortality is also
findings (one study included patients in main regional clearly evident39. The inclusion of numerically small
hospitals only, whereas the other included patients in increases in serum creatinine levels in current diag-
both academic centres and smaller rural hospitals). nostic criteria reflects the strong association of these
Some between-​study differences in AKI epidemiology changes with adverse outcomes, which persists even after
might also result from variation in the way that relevant adjustment for important confounders such as age and
terms (such as baseline creatinine)23 are defined, as well comorbidity38,40. Both the presence and severity of AKI
as in the use of Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-​Stage are associated with increased durations of hospital stay,
Kidney Disease (RIFLE), Acute Kidney Injury Network increased rates of unplanned critical care admissions,
(AKIN) or KDIGO criteria24. Across all studies that requirement for RRT (although <10% of patients in this
used current criteria to define AKI, the proportion of setting receive RRT) and an increased risk of subsequent

Nature Reviews | Nephrology

© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Table 1 | Diagnosis and staging of AKI Economic impact. Several studies have estimated
the economic impact of AKI in hospitalized patients.
Stagea Serum creatinine level Urine output In a United States analysis that compared the costs of
Diagnosis • Increase of ≥0.3 mg/dl (26.5 µmol/l) • <0.5 ml/kg/h for 6 h hospital admission in patients with and without AKI,
within 48 h, or which was adjusted to account for costs attributable
• Increase of ≥1.5-fold above baseline,
known or assumed to have occurred
to excess comorbidity, AKI was associated with an
within 7 days increase in costs of US$1,795 per admission (95% CI
$1,692–1,899)53. In the minority (<5%) of patients who
1 • ≥1.5–1.9 times baseline, or • <0.5 ml/kg/h for 6–12 h
• >0.3 mg/dl (26.5 µmol/l) increase required dialysis, AKI was associated with a cost increase
from baseline of $42,077 (ref.53). Interestingly, the unadjusted addi-
tional costs of AKI were similar to those in a previous
2 • ≥2.0–2.9 times baseline • <0.5 ml/kg/h for ≥12 h
United States analysis from >10 years ago40. Both studies
3 • ≥3.0 times baseline, or • <0.3 ml/kg/h for ≥24 h or used diagnostic coding to identify patients with AKI,
• Increase of serum creatinine to ≥4.0 mg/dl • Anuria for ≥12 h
(353.6 µmol/l), or which could have skewed the cohorts towards severe
• RRT or presentations of AKI. In another study that used a
• In patients aged <18 years, a decrease similar approach, the additional costs associated with
in eGFR to <35 ml/min/1.73 m2 AKI were US$7,100 per admission24. In an economic
eGFR , estimated glomerular filtration rate; RRT, renal replacement therapy. aIn the Kidney analysis of health-​care costs attributable to AKI in
Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) classification, diagnosis of acute kidney injury England, the incidence of AKI was extrapolated from
(AKI) requires either an increase in serum creatinine level or an episode of oliguria; AKI
severity is staged by the worst of either serum creatinine changes or oliguria. a single centre to derive national rates and combined
with national reimbursement tariffs and estimated
CKD. Indeed, in one study, CKD occurred in 24.6% of a increases in length of stay54. All costs associated with
general hospitalized population after 3 years of follow-​ AKI (including those from critical care) were combined
up41,42. In 9–23% of hospitalized patients AKI progresses, to generate an estimated annual inpatient expenditure
and this group has an increased chance of adverse out- of £1.02 billion, most of which (an estimated £750 mil-
comes43,44. Despite the high mortality observed in hos- lion) was attributed to an increased duration of stay in
pitalized patients with AKI, reported causes of death non-critical care. An additional estimated £179 million
reflect coexisting conditions rather than kidney injury45. was related to long-​term costs of AKI after discharge54. A
This finding suggests that further descriptions of the epi- different approach was adopted in another study, which
demiology of AKI in discrete clinical cohorts would be isolated the treatment costs attributed to the portion of
valuable and would build on current data showing that a patient’s stay in which an episode of AKI occurred55.
mortality from AKI differs in different settings: exacerba- Attributed costs ranged from £3,205 to £4,287 depend-
tions of bronchiectasis owing to infection (33%)46, heart ing on AKI stage, with the highest costs associated with
failure (11–13%)47, urological conditions (7.8%)48, liver AKI stage 3 (ref.55).
disease (36%)49 and pneumonia (36.2%)50,51. In summary, AKI in hospitalized patients involves
In some populations of hospitalized patients, the a spectrum of differing aetiologies, severity of kidney
association between AKI stage and mortality is attenu­ injury and clinical scenarios, but its presence almost
ated. Patients with very low baseline serum creatinine universally increases resource utilization and the risk
values can show percentage changes in creatinine levels of adverse outcomes. Along with the large number of
that meet AKI criteria and might represent either a true patients affected, these circumstances make a strong case
change in excretory function or biological or laboratory for improved prevention, recognition and treatment of
variation. In one study, 80% of patients with a baseline AKI in the general hospital population.
creatinine level <0.6 mg/dl (53 µmol/l) who met the
KDIGO criteria for AKI had a percentage increase in Critically ill patients
serum creatinine level that was less than the 0.3 mg/dl Epidemiology and risk factors. In the majority of criti-
(26.5 µmol/l) absolute increase24. Moreover, in this cally ill patients, AKI is a complication of severe illness.
study, mortality in patients with a baseline creatinine In only a small minority of patients is AKI caused by
level <0.4 mg/dl (35.4 µmol/l) was the same regardless a specific kidney disease such as vasculitis, glomerulo­
of whether or not they had AKI24.Treatment is another nephritis or interstitial nephritis (Box 1). AKI as defined
confounding variable. Serum creatinine levels might fall by the sensitive RIFLE, AKIN or KDIGO criteria9–11
soon after admission owing to fluid resuscitation only to occurs in one-​third to two-​thirds of patients in the
increase back to baseline later on. Such an increase that ICU56–58. These variations in the incidence of AKI in crit-
crosses the threshold of 0.3 mg/dl (26.5 µmol/l) within ically ill patients can (as for their counterparts in general
48 h technically meets the KDIGO criteria. Pre-​existing wards) be explained by differences in baseline charac-
CKD also affects the performance of AKI criteria. The teristics of the cohort studied, the length of the observa-
combination of AKI and CKD increases the absolute risk tion period and in the way that definitions of AKI (such
of adverse outcomes, but the effect of AKI on in-​hospital as use of serum creatinine criteria only) were applied57,59
mortality is strongest in patients with a baseline estimated (Table 2). RRT was used in approximately 10–15% of
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) >60 ml/min/1.73 m2. critically ill patients with AKI in the large multicentre
In other words, differences in mortality between FINNAKI and AKI-EPI studies56,58. Both the incidence
lower and higher AKI stages are attenuated in patients of AKI and the use of RRT in ICU patients are increas-
with CKD52. ing over time. Analyses of administrative databases
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Table 2 | epidemiology and outcomes of AKI across cohorts

population Age Incidence (range) rrT requirement (%) Mortality (%)
Non-​ICU hospitalized patients Adult <1 in 5 patients <10 10–20
Critically ill patients Adult 1 in 3 to 2 in 3 patients 5–11 NR
Paediatric 1 in 4 patients (10–82%) 1–2 11
Patients undergoing cardiac Adult 1 in 5 patients (2–50%) <5 10
Paediatric 1 in 3 to 1 in 2 patients NR 6
Patients with sepsis Adult 1 in 20 to 1 in 2 patients 15 30–60
ICU, intensive care unit; NR , not reported; RRT, renal replacement therapy.

that used International Statistical Classification of severity of the underlying diseases and comorbid-
Diseases and Related Health Problems coding showed ities over time. Although patients with severe AKI
a marked increase in the incidence of AKI60–62. In the and anuria will inevitably die without RRT, the exact
United Kingdom, the use of RRT in patients with AKI effects of several aspects of RRT — specifically, the
increased from 15.9 per million patients in 1998–1999 to choice of modality and timing of treatment — on
208.7 per million patients in 2012–2013 (ref.63). Simi­ outcomes remain unclear72. RRT modalities used in
larly, RRT use increased fourfold between 1996 and patients with AKI in the ICU setting might be simi­lar
2010 in Canada64. These increases in the incidence of to those used in patients with CKD (namely, short-
AKI and in the use of RRT can be explained by changes duration RRT, lasting <4 h), but continuous RRT or
in the spectrum of patients treated in ICUs. Today’s intermediate-​duration RRT (lasting 6–12 h daily;
ICU patients are older and have more comorbidities termed hybrid therapy) are also used. Randomized
(such as diabetes, hypertension and CKD) than ICU studies could not demonstrate a benefit on relevant
patients in the past65. Changes in attitudes towards ini- outcomes of one modality over the other11,73. However,
tiation of RRT and improved medical record-keeping intermittent therapies can be haemodynamically more
in administrative databases have also contributed to challenging for the patient, especially when large vol-
this observation. umes of fluid need to be removed within a short time
frame. On the other hand, continuous RRT can inter-
Outcomes. AKI in critically ill patients is, in the major- fere with mobilization of the patient and with diag-
ity of individuals, a complication of severe illness, nostic or therapeutic procedures (such as CT scans or
trauma or major surgery. The condition leading to AKI surgery) that need to be performed outside the ICU.
is, therefore, an important determinant of the patient’s All RRT modalities present a challenge for the correct
outcome, although whether AKI itself also contributes dosing of antibiotic therapy. Several large studies sug-
to outcome is difficult to evaluate. Multiple large studies gest that continuous RRT is associated with improved
that used multivariate analysis to evaluate the contri- renal recovery; however, these findings are based on
bution of AKI to patient outcomes in different settings observational data and might be subject to bias74. Other
found that after correction for potential confounders, studies suggest that early initiation of RRT is associ-
AKI was independently associated with increasing ated with improved outcomes 75–77. The small pilot
morbidity and mortality. Specifically, in the AKI-​EPI STARRT-​AKI study75 (in 101 patients) and the larger
study, moderate and severe (stages 2 and 3) AKI were AKIKI study76 (in 620 patients) could not show a bene­
associated with increased in-​hospital mortality (AKI fit for initiation of RRT soon after onset of AKI stage 3
stage 2 adjusted OR 2.9 and AKI stage 3 adjusted OR compared with a ‘wait and see’ approach in a general
6.9)58. AKI has the least adverse effect on outcomes in population of patients in the ICU. Importantly, these
the most severely ill patients66. Advanced age not only two studies excluded patients with urgent indications
incurs an increased risk of developing AKI but also for RRT, such as uraemia, acidosis or fluid overload. By
strongly and adversely influences outcomes, by increas- contrast, the ELAIN study77 of 231 patients admitted
ing both mortality and the incidence of ESRD67–69. The to a single ICU after surgery showed a reduction in
exact mechanisms underpinning how AKI leads to mortality when RRT was initiated at AKI stage 2 rather
worse outcomes in critically ill patients are less well than waiting until onset of AKI stage 3. However, the
established. Apart from the direct consequences of limited number of patients included in these three
decreased kidney function, such as volume overload studies and the hetero­geneity in their design, the defi-
and electrolyte and acid–base abnormalities, AKI nition of early initiation used and patient populations
could also lead to functional impairment of virtually included preclude firm conclusions from being drawn
all other organ systems by inducing an inflammatory on the optimal timing of initiation of RRT in patients
response70. with AKI.
Patients with AKI who receive RRT are among At least two additional multicentre studies are ongo-
the most severely ill individuals in the ICU. Despite ing and are expected to contribute to this topic. The
advances in treatment, mortality for this group has IDEAL-​ICU study78 in 500 patients with septic shock
remained more or less constant over time at ~50%71. has finished recruiting, and results are expected shortly.
This observation can be explained by the increasing The definitive STARRT-​AKI study79 in 2,866 general

Nature Reviews | Nephrology

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Box 1 | epidemiological variability in AKI Epidemiology and risk factors. In epidemiological stud-
ies, sepsis is consistently identified as the most common
Several variables explain the disparate findings of epidemiological studies of acute contributor to AKI in critically ill patients; ~50% of
kidney injury (AKI). all patients with AKI in ICU settings have sepsis58,88,89.
patient-​related factors Patients with sepsis are also exposed to numerous addi-
• Baseline characteristics: age, sex and ethnicity tional potential renal insults, including hypotension,
• Comorbid conditions: diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and chronic use of contrast media, major surgery and nephrotox-
kidney disease ins, which can confound their prognosis as well as our
• Chronic exposure to medication: nonsteroidal anti-​inflammatory drugs, understanding of the aetiology of their AKI.
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and diuretics The risk of AKI rises incrementally with worsening
sepsis severity90–92. In a single-​centre cohort of 315 crit-
Factors associated with acute disease
ically ill patients, the incidence of AKI increased from
• Type and severity of underlying conditions leading to AKI: septic shock and
4.2% in patients with sepsis to 22.7% in patients with
cardiogenic shock
severe sepsis and 52.8% in patients with septic shock92.
• Exposure to nephrotoxic drugs and substances: aminoglycosides, diuretics and
Both patients with septic shock and those with AKI
parenterally administered iodinated radiocontrast media
were likely to experience delays before receiving effec-
• Associated organ dysfunction
tive antimicrobial therapy, and each successive 1 h delay
Factors associated with diagnostic criteria usage was associated with a 14% increase in the likelihood of
• Use of variants of the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) developing AKI93.
consensus definition of AKI (namely, Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-​Stage Kidney Risk factors for AKI in patients with sepsis include
Disease (RIFLE) or Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN)) advanced age, increased acuity of illness and a high bur-
• Use of serum creatinine criteria only den of comorbidities, specifically CKD, diabetes melli-
• Use of variant urine output criteria tus, heart failure, cancer and liver disease90,93–96. Specific
• Baseline serum creatinine absent and/or incorrectly used sources of sepsis — particularly bloodstream infection,
infective endocarditis and abdominal or genitouri-
ICU patients is currently recruiting and is expected to nary sources — are also associated with increased risk
be completed in 2019. of AKI90,93,95,96.

Sepsis Outcomes. Patients with septic AKI generally have a

Sepsis was redefined in 2016 as “a life-​threatening organ higher disease acuity and burden of organ dysfunction
dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to than patients who have non-​septic AKI95. Septic AKI is
infection”80. Although sepsis is a major public health issue also associated with increased aberrations in inflam-
and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality world- matory markers and biochemical profiles, and these
wide, few studies to date have utilized this new definition. patients are more likely to receive mechanical venti-
Sepsis and AKI both remain hampered by imperfect con- lation, haemodynamic support with vasoactive ther-
sensus definitions11,80. The concurrent manifestation of apy and large fluid volumes for resuscitation58,93–95,97.
sepsis and AKI is termed septic AKI11,80,81. Notably, two randomized trials failed to show any
As in other situations, the diagnosis of AKI in patients reduction in the incidence of AKI associated with
with sepsis relies predominantly on relative changes in vasopressin98 or any improvement in kidney function
serum creatinine level and urine output. Conventional with levosimendan99, which suggests that these treat-
diagnostic tests of urine biochemistry and microscopy ments are of no benefit for preventing AKI in patients
have shown questionable value for discriminating septic with sepsis. In a prospective pilot study, a conserva-
from non-​septic AKI82,83. Selected novel biomarkers of tive fluid management strategy was associated with
kidney damage, such as plasma or urine levels of NGAL a reduction in the proportion of patients who expe-
and a biomarker panel including urine levels of TIMP2 and rienced worsening of AKI compared with standard
IGFBP7, have shown promise for the prediction of AKI resuscitation (37% versus 54%; P = 0.03) in patients
in at-​risk patients with sepsis84,85. Studies in a pig model of with septic shock100. Similarly, protocol-​based resus-
sepsis have shown that different kidney gene expression citation (which delivered more fluid than standard
profiles are associated with septic AKI and with sepsis resuscitation) was not associated with either a reduc-
that is not complicated by AKI86. The septic AKI gene tion in the incidence of AKI or an improvement in
expression profile showed increased upregulation of recovery in patients with septic shock101. These find-
several genes related to inflammation, metabolism and ings suggest that fluid overload, which can be caused
apoptosis, including TLR4 (encoding Toll-​like receptor 4), by current standard resuscitation strategies, plays an
PTGS2 (encoding prostaglandin G/H synthase 2, also important part in the pathogenesis of AKI102. These
known as cyclooxygenase 2), AGTR2 (encoding type 2 preliminary findings from underpowered and retro­
angiotensin II receptor), CASP3 (encoding caspase 3) s­pective studies need to be explored further in large
and PPARG (encoding peroxisome proliferator-​activated prospective studies.
receptor-​γ), compared with the profile associated with AKI also increases the short-​term and long-​term
AKI without sepsis86. These observations could lead to risk of incident sepsis103,104. In a secondary analysis
further insights into disease susceptibility patterns and of data from 618 critically ill patients with AKI, 40% of
protective biologi­cal mechanisms and the identification patients developed sepsis, which occurred a median of
of potential intervention targets87. 5 days after AKI onset104. Moreover, mortality and rates
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

of RRT utilization were significantly increased in the recovery from AKI, particularly additional kidney
patients who developed sepsis after onset of AKI. In a insults (hypotension, fluid overload and nephrotox-
population-​based cohort study, the risk of severe sepsis ins) and/or care-​related issues (diuretic use, timing of
following hospitalization for severe AKI treated with RRT initiation, RRT modality and treatment-​related
RRT was examined in patients who survived for 90 days complications)72,76,81,108–110.
after hospital discharge compared with control patients
without AKI who were matched for age, sex and concur- Cardiac surgery
rent diabetes103. The adjusted relative risk of developing Epidemiology and risk factors. Approximately 2 million
severe sepsis requiring re­admission to the hospital was cardiac surgical procedures are performed around the
approximately twofold higher in patients who had severe world each year111. AKI is a common complication of
AKI than in those without AKI103. cardiac surgery and has been identified as one of the
The prognostic implications of septic AKI might strongest risk factors for death in patients undergoing
differ from those of other AKI aetiologies. In a secon­ such procedures112. In two meta-​analyses published in
dary analysis of data from the BEST Kidney Study95, 2016, the pooled incidence of AKI in patients undergo-
in-​hospital mortality was significantly higher for sep- ing cardiac surgery was 22.3% (95% CI 19.8–25.1)113,114.
tic AKI than for non-​septic AKI (70.2% versus 51.8%). However, reported rates of cardiac-​surgery-associated
After adjustment for potential confounders, septic AKI AKI vary widely114, mainly owing to differences in
remained associated with a significantly increased the application of diagnostic criteria. Although most
risk of death (OR 1.48, 95% CI 1.17–1.89; P = 0.001)95. studies have used standard definitions for AKI based
Similar increments in the risk of death for septic as com- on RIFLE, AKIN and KDIGO criteria, modified defi-
pared with non-​septic AKI have been found in other nitions without the use of urine output criteria are
studies89,94,96. Mortality is also increased in patients with frequently employed113–117. These studies all show that
septic AKI compared with patients with sepsis who do increases in morbidity and mortality are associated
not have AKI105. Moreover, 20% of patients with septic with increasing stages of AKI severity113–117. However,
AKI have at least two further episodes of recurrent AKI the incidence of AKI differs when serum creatinine
following their initial recovery while still in the ICU106. criteria rather than urine output criteria are used. In
Recurrence of AKI in these patients was associated one study, the incidence of AKI was 9.7% when serum
with increases in the adjusted risk of death at all time creatinine criteria were applied and 40.2% when urine
points. Septic AKI was also associa­ted with prolonged output criteria were applied118, illustrating the low sen-
durations of ICU and hospital stay compared with sitivity of serum-​creatinine-based criteria and the low
non-​septic AKI94,95. specificity of urine-​output-based criteria. In addition,
Kidney recovery following AKI, particularly severe serum-​creatinine-defined AKI is associated with higher
AKI treated with RRT, is an important patient-​centred mortality at 1 year than is oliguria-​defined AKI118.
outcome, given that AKI is a recognized risk fac- In addition, AKI prevalence and the influence of
tor for incident CKD and/or accelerated progression AKI on patient outcomes vary across studies because
to ESRD. Among patients with AKI who survived to different exclusion and inclusion criteria are used
hospital discharge, septic AKI was associated with and different surgical procedures are included119. In a
trends towards improved recovery of kidney function retrospective analysis of data on 2,804 adult patients
and reduced rates of RRT dependence compared with after cardiac surgery, 42% of these patients met the
non-​septic AKI (9% versus 14%; P = 0.052)95. The like- KDIGO diagnostic criteria for AKI115. In this study,
lihood of kidney recovery is probably influenced by AKI stage 1 was an independent predictor of 30-day
a fine balance between baseline susceptibilities, such postoperative mortality (HR 3.25, 95% CI 2.19–5.12),
as older age, diabetes and CKD, and modifiable risk verifying that small increases in serum creatinine lev-
factors, such as a positive fluid balance and the tim- els in patients after cardiac surgery are an independent
ing and modality of RRT. Furthermore, survivors predictor of death115.
of septic shock who had recovered from AKI before In contrast to many other situations that result in
hospital discharge had 1-year survival comparable to AKI, cardiac surgery is a predictable insult, and most
that of patients without AKI, whereas non-​recovery patients at risk of postoperative AKI can be identified
from AKI at discharge was associated with a three- by the presence of comorbidities, such as advanced
fold increase in the risk of death at 1 year101. Patients age, diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, CKD
with septic shock, regardless of their diabetes mellitus and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, before
status, had similar rates of AKI and RRT utilization surgery120,121. In a meta-​analysis published in 2016,
while in the ICU; however, survivors with diabetes which included 51,934 patients from 14 case–control
were more likely than those without diabetes to be studies, preoperative risk factors associated with
RRT-​dependent at hospital discharge (10% versus 5%; RIFLE-​defined AKI included age, preoperative serum
P = 0.02). At discharge, survivors with diabetes also had creatinine level, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, res-
higher serum creatinine values than survivors with- piratory system disease, peripheral vascular disease,
out diabetes (1.5 mg/dl (134 µmol/l) versus 1.7 mg/dl cerebral vascular disease, cardiopulmonary bypass
(103 µmol/l); P < 0.001), implying that the survi- time, aortic clamping time, use of an intra-​aortic bal-
vors with diabetes were highly likely to develop loon pump, type of surgery, infection, need for a repeat
incident or worsening CKD 107. Additional factors operation, need for emergency surgery and low cardiac
are also likely to modify a patient’s probability of output122. A reliable way of assessing preoperative risk

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Fig. 2 | Comparison of different risk scores for AKI following cardiac surgery. Important differences between these
scores include their prediction of either severe acute kidney injury (AKI) or the requirement for renal replacement
therapy. The Thakar and Mehta scores use non-​consensus definitions of AKI, whereas the Ng and Birnie scores use
current criteria for AKI and can predict all stages of AKI. In general, discrimination of all four scores is reasonably good
(area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) values 0.75–0.80), although discrimination differs between
discovery and validation cohorts and when scores are applied in distinct geographic regions223–227. Shading highlights the
close similarities between some of the parameters used in different risk scores. BMI, body mass index; CABG, coronary
artery bypass graft surgery ; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GFR , glomerular filtration rate; IABP,
intra-aortic balloon pump; NYHA , New York Heart Association; RBC, red blood cell.

of AKI in this setting is desirable and could eventually of cardiac-surgery-associated AKI is another impor-
lead to the development of AKI prevention strategies. tant prognostic indicator. Persistent AKI is associated
A number of risk scores have been developed to pre- with increased in-hospital mortality (15.3% for AKI
dict an individ­ual’s risk of postoperative AKI (Fig. 2). lasting ≥7 days versus 4.1% for AKI lasting 1–2 days)
However, these scores have not been universally adopted and reduced 5-year survival (HR 3.40 for AKI lasting
into clinical practice, perhaps reflecting the current lack ≥7 days or longer versus 1.66 for AKI lasting 1–2 days)129.
of proven preventive strategies. Another appropriate use Conversely, early recovery from AKI is associated with
of such scores might be to enrich study populations at improved long-term survival130.
entry into clinical trials. Postoperative AKI is also associated with increased
morbidity. Patients with AKI had higher rates of post-
Outcomes. As in other settings, cardiac-surgery- operative complications, including cerebrovascular
associated AKI is associated with increased mortality and cardiovascular events and infections, and a longer
and morbidity (both short-​term and long-​term)123,124. duration of mechanical ventilation than did their AKI-​
In a study of patients who had elevated serum creat­inine free counterparts4,131–133. The 5-year risk of a composite
levels before undergoing coronary artery bypass graft cardiovascular end point (stroke, myocardial infarction
surgery, 76% of those who went on to develop stage 3 or heart failure) was 24.9% for patients with postopera-
AKI received RRT, of whom 66% died within 30 days125. tive AKI compared with 12.1% for patients without AKI
As mentioned above, however, even patients with ‘mild’ after cardiac surgery131. The risk of developing CKD is
AKI after cardiac surgery have higher in-​hospital mor- increased after episodes of postoperative AKI128,134,135.
tality and longer hospital stays than their counterparts
without AKI126. Long-​term mortality remains increased Economic impact. Postoperative AKI substantially
for patients with postoperative AKI, with survival dif- increases hospital stay, health-​care costs and resource
ferences of as much as 44% versus 63% for patients utilization. The results of a study published in 2005
with and without AKI at 10 years of follow-​up123,124,127. showed that an episode of hospital-​a cquired AKI
This survival differe­nce is evident even in patients with resulted in nearly US$7,500 of excess costs and that
postoperative AKI who completely recover from AKI hospital-​acquired AKI resulted in annual expenses
by the time of hospital discharge4,123,128. The duration exceeding US$10 billion40. A study published in 2008
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

showed similar results 126. Total postoperative costs the risk of contrast-​associated AKI include whether the
averaged US$18,463 in cardiac surgery patients with- contrast media is administered intravenously or intra-​
out AKI, whereas costs increased to $37,674 in patients arterially and whether repeated exposures occur over a
with cardiac surgery-​associated AKI. In addition to the short duration. In the lowest risk group (>60.0% of the
increased costs in patients with AKI, durations of ICU cohort), the risk of contrast-​associated AKI was 0.3%,
and total hospital stay increased, which all increased whereas in the highest risk group (0.5% of the cohort),
proportionally with worsening AKI stage126. the risk of contrast-​associated AKI was 35.0%138. A sep-
arate study of 8,357 patients undergoing PCI identified
Contrast administration similar AKI risk factors139. Contrast-​associated AKI
Epidemiology and risk factors. AKI is associated with developed in 13.3% of these patients, with rates increas-
the intravascular administration of iodinated contrast ing from <8.0% among patients in the lowest risk groups
media, either intravenously (as for contrast-​enhanced to >55.0% among patients in the highest risk groups139.
CT) or by intra-​arterial injection (as required for coro- The true risk of AKI in patients undergoing contrast-​
nary or non-​coronary angiography). The incidence of enhanced CT is unclear, as some evidence suggests that
contrast-​associated AKI in epidemiological studies and intravenous contrast administration is not causally
clinical trials is highly variable and depends on the specific related to the subsequent development of AKI140–143. For
diagnostic criteria used as well as the characteristics of the example, in a study that used 1:1 propensity matching
population studied. Most individuals have a low risk of of patients who underwent contrast-​enhanced versus
developing AKI after contrast exposure; however, patients non-​contrast-enhanced CT imaging, the overall inci-
with pre-​existing kidney disease (particularly diabetic dence of post-​CT AKI was ~5%, and the risk of AKI
nephropathy), heart failure, advanced liver disease, vol- did not differ between the two groups (OR 0.94, 95%
ume depletion or concomitant exposure to other nephro- CI 0.83–1.07)141. When the patients were stratified into
toxins (particularly NSAIDs) are at substantially increased subgroups on the basis of their baseline eGFR value, the
risk. The risk associated with contemporary low-​osmolal risk of AKI increased with decreasing kidney function
and iso-​osmolal contrast agents is substantially lower than but remained independent of contrast exposure143. In
that associated with high-​osmolal agents. contradistinction, another study using 1:1 propensity
The criteria used to define contrast-​associated AKI matching reported a trend towards an increased risk of
have varied and often deviate from the standard KDIGO AKI with contrast exposure among patients with eGFR
AKI definition11. For example, the European Society of 30–44 ml/min/1.73 m2 (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.00–1.94)
Urogenital Radiology defines contrast-​associated AKI and an increased risk of AKI among patients with eGFR
as either a relative increase (that is, from baseline) <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 (OR 2.96, 95% CI 1.22–7.17)142.
of ≥25% in plasma creatinine level or an absolute In an analysis of administrative data, similar rates of
increase of ≥0.5 mg/dl (44.2 µmol/l) within 3 days after AKI were observed in hospitalized patients who were and
administration of iodinated contrast media136. Other were not exposed to radiocontrast media144. However,
definitions have used the same relative increase or abso- contrast exposure was associated with a reduced risk of
lute increase values over time frames ranging from 48 h AKI (compared with non-​exposure) among patients with
to 5 days. In addition, attribution of an episode of AKI to a low burden of comorbidities, whereas patients with the
radiocontrast administration might be confounded by highest burden of comorbidities had a 17% increase
comorbidities such as infections, hypotension or thor­ in the risk of AKI (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.12–1.23)144.
acoabdominal pathology that precipitated the need for Although these data suggest that the risk of AKI follow-
contrast-​enhanced imaging, or by concurrent adminis- ing intravenous contrast administration is lower than
tration of other potentially nephrotoxic drugs. In patients previously estimated, their interpretation must be tem-
undergoing angiography, contrast-​associated AKI also pered by the possibility of selection bias related to the use
needs to be differentiated from atheroembolic disease of propensity matching and residual confounding in the
and other procedural complications. These caveats need statistical adjustments for provider assessment of AKI
to be acknowledged when assessing epidemiological risk associated with the choice of contrast-​enhanced or
studies of contrast-​associated AKI. non-​enhanced imaging.
In a retrospective study of 4,622 patients, the overall A variety of strategies have been evaluated to miti-
incidence of hospital-​acquired AKI was 7.2%; the third gate the risk of contrast-​associated AKI. Periprocedural
most common aetiology of AKI was contrast adminis- administration of intravenous isotonic crystalloid is the
tration, which accounted for 11.3% of AKI episodes137. main preventive strategy11,145–147, although its benefit has
AKI occurred after 2.8% of coronary catheterization been questioned148. Although some studies suggested
procedures and 1.7% of contrast-​enhanced CT scans137. a benefit of intravenous bicarbonate as compared with
In an observational analysis of 20,479 patients under- saline11,149–151, no benefit was observed in the nearly 5,000
going percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the high-​risk patients included in the PRESERVE trial152 (the
overall incidence of contrast-​associated AKI was 2.0%138. largest study to compare these interventions) with regard
Major risk factors for contrast-​associated AKI included to either contrast-associated AKI or a composite of death,
decreased kidney function, diabetes mellitus, congestive need for dialysis or a persistent decline in kidney function
heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, assessed at 90 days after angiography. Similarly, various
use of an intra-​aortic balloon pump, the need for an pharmacologic agents have been investigated to assess
urgent or emergency procedure and use of large con- their capacity to reduce the risk of contrast-​associated
trast volumes. Other factors that might contribute to AKI. Furosemide153,154, mannitol153,154, dopamine11 and

Nature Reviews | Nephrology

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fenoldopam11,155 are not of benefit. Studies evaluating AKI, some centres routinely place a peritoneal dialysis
N-​acetylcysteine have yielded conflicting results11,156–158, catheter at the time of cardiac surgery169–171. Young ages
although this agent was not effective at preventing contrast-​ (<90 days) and long bypass times (usually >120 min)
associated AKI in the two largest trials conducted to date, are independently associated with the development
which included a total of >7,300 patients152,159. Similarly, of AKI in this setting172–174. In a large single-​centre study of
N-​acetylcysteine was not effective for preventing the com- 430 infants aged <90 days undergoing cardiac surgery,
posite of death, need for dialysis or persistent decline in AKIN-​defined AKI developed in 52% of the patients,
kidney function assessed 90 days following angiography and 21% of the patients developed AKIN stage 2 or stage
in the PRESERVE trial152,159. The role of statins in preventing 3 AKI175. In-​ICU mortality was 7% and was higher in
contrast-​associated AKI remains uncertain151,160–162. patients with AKI (11.6%) than in those without AKI
(2.9%). AKIN stage 2 (OR 5.1) and stage 3 (OR 9.5)
Outcomes. Contrast-​associated AKI is associated with AKI were associated with increased mortality after con-
both renal and non-​renal adverse outcomes, including trolling for single ventricle status and use of circulatory
the development and progression of CKD, the develop- support175. Similarly, AKIN stage 2 and stage 3 AKI
ment of dialysis-​dependent ESRD, cardiovascular com- were associated with increased durations of mechanical
plications and death138,158,163–165. Patients who develop ventilation and increased inotrope use175.
contrast-​associated AKI after PCI have an increased risk
of stent re-​occlusion, myocardial infarction and hospi- Epidemiology and risk factors. The newly developed
talization for heart failure138,164. However, the extent to paediatric AKI definitions were initially used in small,
which these risks are attributable to the development of single-​centre prospective studies including a few hun-
AKI per se, versus being associated with the same risk dred children176 or larger retrospective studies including
factors that predispose to the development of AKI164, ≤8,000 children177–180. These studies reported a widely
remains unknown. ranging prevalence of AKI (10–82%) in paediatric
patients in the ICU, but all revealed that creatinine-​based
Economic impact. A decade ago, the average in-​hospital KDIGO stage 2 or stage 3 AKI (or its equivalent in studies
cost for an episode of contrast-​associated AKI in the using pRIFLE or AKIN definitions) was independently
United States was estimated to be US$10,345, with an associated with mortality177–180. Three well-​designed epi-
overall 1-year cost of $11,812 per episode166. These costs demiological studies involving very large sample sizes
were largely driven by the prolonged hospital and ICU and/or use of clinical records instead of administrative
stays associated with contrast-​associated AKI. In 2016, data to diagnose and stage AKI have been published since
an economic analysis of a French hospital discharge 2015 (refs181–183). Review of a large national administrative
database estimated that >32,000 hospitalizations per year database comprising over 2.6 million paediatric hospital-
are complicated by contrast-​associated AKI and that the izations revealed 3.9 patients with AKI per 1,000 admis-
incremental cost associated with an episode of contrast-​ sions181. Among children admitted to intensive care,
associated AKI was €12,413 (ref.167). The overall annual in-hospital mortality was higher in those with AKI than in
estimated cost of contrast-​associated AKI in France those without (32.9% versus 9.4%)181. Another retro-
was >€200 million167. spective study used the serum-​creatinine-based compo-
nents of three different AKI criteria, pRIFLE, AKIN and
Critically ill paediatric patients KDIGO, to assess the incidence of AKI in a single-​centre
Importantly, this section discusses children who develop cohort of 1,759 children admitted to the ICU182. For all
AKI in the paediatric or cardiac ICU and will not include three AKI definitions, in-​ICU mortality was higher in
a discussion of the neonatal ICU population. patients with AKI (range 13.4–16.0%) than in those with-
out AKI (range 1.8–2.3%). In addition, increasing stages
Children in the paediatric intensive care unit. AKI in pae- of AKI severity were associated with progressively higher
diatric ICU patients has been studied extensively over the mortality. Stage 3 AKI was associated with the highest
past decade. In some ways, the data from this population mortality (range 30.4–35.9%) and longest duration of
mirror and in other ways contrast with that from adult ICU stay (median 28–35 days)182.
patients. Standardization of AKI diagnosis and severity The largest prospective study of AKI epidemiology
staging using the paediatric modified RIFLE (pRIFLE)168, and outcomes to date was published in 2017. The AWARE
AKIN10 and KDIGO11 criteria (which harmonized pRI- study183 is a prospective observational study of 4,683 pae-
FLE and AKIN) has led to improved understanding of diatric patients admitted to the ICU from 32 centres in
the risk factors and outcomes of paediatric AKI. 9 countries. Both serum-​creatinine-based and urine-​
output-based KDIGO criteria were used to diagnose AKI.
Children in the cardiac intensive care unit. Epidemio­ AKI developed in 26.9% of the overall cohort, whereas
logical studies of AKI in children admitted to the cardiac severe (that is, stage 2 or stage 3) AKI occurred in 11.6%
ICU generally focus on patients who have undergone of patients. Children with severe AKI had increased
cardiac surgery. This group is an important cohort 28-day mortality compared with the rest of the cohort
because the timing of the insult leading to AKI (namely, (11.0% versus 2.5%). Children with severe AKI also had
cardio­pulmonary bypass) is known, and these patients increased 28-day mortality compared with children
gene­rally lack other comorbidities. A multitude of without AKI after controlling for 16 covariates in a mul-
studies reveal that AKI occurs in 30–50% of children tivariable model (OR 1.77) or one of three locally used
after cardiac surgery. Given this very high incidence of illness-severity scoring systems (OR 2.41–5.12 across all
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

scores)183. AWARE was the first paediatric study to use systems and barriers to the publication of LMIC data
both serum-​creatinine-based and urine-​output-based in well-​regarded scientific journals. Nonetheless, two
AKI criteria. The results revealed that children with successive meta-​analyses of the global epidemiology of
KDIGO oliguria-​based stage 3 AKI had the highest mor- AKI have shown improvements in AKI ascertainment
tality — significantly higher than that of patients with and the utilization of KDIGO criteria in LMICs3,20.
KDIGO creatinine-​based stage 3 AKI (32% versus 18%). However, data from high-​income countries remain dis-
Furthermore, two-​thirds of the children who had severe proportionately represented. In the 2013 meta-​analysis20
AKI according to oliguria-​based criteria did not have (which included 49,147,878 patients with AKI), nearly
severe AKI according to serum-​creatinine-based criteria. half of the included studies were from North America,
Additionally, the duration of ICU stay demonstrated a which is home to only 5% of the world population; only
stepwise increase with increasing AKI severity183. Taken two studies were from Africa, which is home to 15% of
together, the findings of these three large studies of AKI in
the world population. Most studies (84%) originated
critically ill children confirm that AKI is associated withfrom high-​income countries, and 94% of the included
increased morbidity and mortality and suggest that urine countries spent >5% of their gross domestic product
output as well as serum creatinine levels should be meas- (GDP) in total health expenditure. The remainder of the
ured to avoid missing patients who develop AKI owing included studies were from LMICs, but the proportion
to oliguria. They also validate the KDIGO criteria as an of GDP spent by these countries on total health expend-
epidemiological outcome measure. iture was not reported. The 2015 meta-​analysis3 (which
included 77,393,454 patients with AKI) showed increas-
Long-​term outcomes. Long-​term outcomes in survivors ing use of KDIGO or KDIGO-​equivalent definitions of
of paediatric AKI have received increased attention in AKI in LMICs, making their data comparable to those
the past 5 years. High rates of CKD stage 1–2 (38.1%) from other regions of the world. Additionally, the pooled
and microalbuminuria (9.5%) were reported in 126 incidence of AKI in LMICs is increasingly approaching
children assessed 1–3 years after an episode of AKIN-​ that in high-​income countries, in contrast to findings
defined AKI184. In data from a Canadian provincial in previous reports. For example, in the 266 studies that
database, 2-year mortality was increased among children used the KDIGO definition of AKI (which included a
who developed AKIN stage 3 AKI after cardiac surgery total of 4,502,158 patients), AKI affected 21% of hos-
compared with their counterparts who did not develop pital admissions in LMICs, a figure that is broadly in
post-​surgical AKI (21.4% versus 4.3%)172. Another study agreement with the worldwide incidence of AKI (Fig. 3).
of children 5–7 years after cardiac surgery found no dif- The overall proportion of patients with AKI requiring
ferences in eGFR, hypertension or microalbuminuria RRT in LMICs was lower than in high-​income countries
but did find persistently elevated biomarkers of kid- (2% of patients admitted to the hospital and 11% of all
ney damage in children with AKI versus those without patients with AKI). Overall, 12% of patients admitted
AKI185. Finally, in a Danish National Health Service to the hospital in LMICs (80% of all patients with AKI)
Registry study, which included clinical laboratory data, had KDIGO stage 1 AKI. This figure is difficult to
children who had KDIGO-​defined AKI had an increased compare meaningfully with data from high-​income
risk of developing stage 2–5 CKD ≥1 year after the AKI countries owing to considerable inter-​study variation.
episode (adjusted HR 6.5)186. Importantly, whereas in the 2013 meta-​analysis none
Stage 2 and stage 3 AKI in critically ill children are of the included studies obtained data from Africa or
therefore unquestionably associated with increased southeast Asia, the 2015 analysis included multiple
in-​hospital morbidity and mortality, as well as an reports from each of these regions, in which AKI had
increased risk of CKD. As these children do not have been defined by KDIGO criteria.
the comorbidities that are common in adults (cirrhosis,
heart failure, diabetes mellitus and underlying CKD), Mortality
the paediatric AKI literature supports the concept Initial efforts to characterize AKI around the world
that AKI itself might be integral in mediating these were based on an exhaustive review of the published
adverse short-​term and long-​term outcomes. This literature between 2004 and 2012, which suggested that
concept is of particular interest given that children mortality from AKI was lower in LMICs than in high-​
will have a longer lifespan in which they could develop income countries189. The factors underpinning this
these long-​term issues. Therefore, interventional tri- finding included the young age of the AKI population
als should be designed to prevent AKI in children and in LMICs and the cause of AKI being more frequently
to assess the long-​term development of CKD in AKI a single disease. By contrast, multiple organ failure
survivors187,188. causes a high proportion of AKI episodes in (mostly
aged) individuals from high-​income countries. The low
AKI in low-​to-middle-​income settings overall pooled mortality of 21% in LMICs was attrib-
Epidemiology uted to the predominance of patients with KDIGO
The epidemiology of AKI in LMICs has been reviewed stage 1 AKI3. However, patients with KDIGO stage 3
in depth elsewhere3,20,189–191. Despite the high burden AKI or patients requiring RRT had much higher over-
of AKI in LMICs2,3,20,191,192, reliable information on the all pooled mortality (42% and 46%, respectively, and
incidence of AKI in LMICs has been slow to accrue owing unadjusted ORs for death of 12.5 and 19.7, respec-
to limitations in the quantity and availability of local tively)3, in agreement with values reported in other
and regional data, the use of outdated AKI classification studies. Further efforts to ascertain the consequences

Nature Reviews | Nephrology

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Fig. 3 | global variation in the incidence of AKI. Published estimates of the incidence of acute kidney
injury (AKI) as defined using Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria vary widely across
countries and regions. The percentages shown represent the proportion of the hospitalized population with
AKI. Data from refS3,20.

of AKI in LMICs have consistently shown that mor- establish longitudinal data on the contribution of AKI
tality from AKI in LMICs is equal to or higher than to morbidity and mortality for 188 countries around
in high-​i ncome countries 20,191. Specifically, AKI-​ the world. This process, which is ongoing, will require the
associated mortality declined significantly (P = 0.02) relationship between disorders that cause AKI and their
over the 8-year study period20 and was inversely related resultant effects on health outcomes to be established.
to the percentage of country GDP spent on total health Once completed, this initiative is expected to establish
expenditure (P < 0.001) and country gross national the leading causes of AKI and the most susceptible pop-
per-​capita income (P < 0.001). ulations across the world, which would greatly facili-
Data from the International Society of Nephrology 0 tate the design of interventions and measurement of
by 25 Global Snapshot, a multinational cross-​sectional outcomes.
study191, show that mortality at 7 days was higher in
LMICs than in the high-​income and upper-​middle- Aetiology and risk factors
income countries combined 191. These preliminary The aetiology of AKI in LMICs is often different from
findings also highlight particularly large disparities in that in high-​income countries and also differs between
children with AKI in LMICs, among whom adjusted urban and rural environments. Thus, in LMICs, rural
mortality seems to be several orders of magnitude community-​acquired AKI is associated with severe
higher than that of children with AKI in high-​income gastroenteritis, acute glomerulonephritis, envenoma-
countries. Such high estimates are consistent with the tion, intoxication from traditional remedies and com-
findings of a 2017 systematic review193. Our current plications of endemic infections (including malaria,
interpretation of the AKI mortality data from LMICs HIV/AIDS, leptospirosis and dengue). Conversely,
highlights severe barriers to care (discussed below). aetiologies of AKI in large urban centres resemble
Conversely, kidney recovery after AKI might be bet- those in high-​income countries3,20,189–191,195,196 (Table 3).
ter in LMICs than in other regions191. We provision- The two most common causes of AKI in the 0 by 25
ally interpret the latter finding as associated with the Global Snapshot191 were hypotension, occurring in
young age and lack of comorbidities in patients with 1,615 (40%) of patients, and dehydration, occurring
AKI in LMICs, as well as the reduced prevalence of in 1,536 (38%) of patients. In this study, several risk
CKD in this population. These data require confir- factors such as infection, sepsis and use of nephrotoxic
mation in further studies. The International Society of drugs were common to all countries, which suggests
Nephrology is currently working towards incorporating that a standardized approach to the early recognition
AKI into the Global Burden of Disease project, a sys- and treatment of AKI is possible. However, generaliza-
tematic effort to quantify leading global causes of poor bility of the results of this study remains limited owing
health and disability194. The 0 by 25 initiative aims to to under-​representation of LMICs.
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

Table 3 | The contrasting characteristics of AKI around the world

Characteristic high-​income countriesa low-​to-middle income countriesb
Pattern of Occurs predominantly in ICUs Occurs in rural health centres and hospitals as well as in large
occurrence urban hospitals
Disease patterns Associated with multiple organ Often caused by a single disease; multiple organ failure is
failure uncommon
Mortality High mortality Mortality similar to or even higher than in high-​income
Demographics A disease of elderly populations A disease of otherwise healthy children and young persons
Incidence Increasing Increasingly recognized as high
Reporting Adequately reported Severely under-​reported
Prevention Difficult to prevent Preventable, generally with public health initiatives
Cost Very expensive to treat Very inexpensive to treat at early stages; unaffordable at
severe stages
Main exposures • Sepsis and septic shock • Diarrhoea and endemic infections: malaria, leptospirosis,
• Trauma dengue fever, cholera, yellow fever, tetanus, hantavirus and
• Complex surgery (cardiac HIV/AIDS
surgery or major non-​cardiac • Obstetric complications (including septic abortion)
surgery) • Animal venoms (snakes, bees and wasps, Loxosceles spp.
• Nephrotoxic drugs and agents spiders and Lonomia spp. caterpillars)
• Burns • Natural and traditional remedies and natural dyes
• Prolonged physically demanding work in an unhealthy
ICU, intensive care unit. aIncludes World Bank upper-​middle income (US$3,956–12,235) and high-​income (>US$12,236) categories.
Includes World Bank low-​income (<US$1,005) and lower-​middle income (US$1,006–3,955) categories7.

Some important AKI risk factors present in LMICs often spend days with worsening and untreated AKI197.
are modifiable, including those induced by acute By the time they reach the hospital, these patients are
events such as nephrotoxin exposure, whereas others severely sick and at high risk of death. Further delays
are non-​modifiable, such as comorbidities and demo- usually occur in the hospital, where the erratic availa­
graphic factors (Box 2). Some important environmental bility of dialysis and lack of funds impair timely care
and infrastructural risk factors for AKI in LMICs are and initiation of RRT, again causing high mortality and
also potentially modifiable, but the substantial invest- impairing recovery197. Diagnostic and treatment delays
ment required (for example, to improve sanitation and are especially severe in children with AKI193. In sub-​
the availability of clean water) is often not afforda- Saharan Africa, delays of up to 3 weeks between onset
ble. Nonetheless, the high incidence of community-​ of symptoms and presentation to the hospital were
acquired AKI caused by modifiable factors creates described in adults with AKI197, wher­eas delays in pres-
an opportunity to effectively combat the problem at an entation to the hospital (mean 6 days) and treatment ini-
early stage and thereby avoid disease progression190,197. tiation were present in 50–80% of children with AKI197.
Several current public health programmes (such as the The problem of AKI under-​ascertainment (Fig. 3) has
President’s Malaria Initiative) are not only reducing also been investigated in the 0 by 25 Global Snapshot191.
the incidence of severe diseases but also influencing In LMICs, patients are rarely or never seen by a
their complications and consequences, including AKI. nephrologist and are rarely seen by a physician; rather,
Given the limited investment in health care of LMICs, their first contact with the health-​care system occurs
which severely hampers the availability of RRT and in the community dispensary, where nurses (or other,
intensive care, and given the severity of disease that less-​well-educated health-​care providers) are the only
dialysis-​requiring AKI entails, the main focus in LMICs available resources191. Given those constraints, efforts
is the reduction of AKI incidence and morbidity by to educate individuals about AKI in LMICs must be
targeting modifiable exposures and promoting mater- focused on the most basic levels of the health-care
nal health, which are both of enormous importance system200. In LMICs, diagnosis of AKI is influenced
in reducing AKI incidence, severity and costs. by the patient’s clinical presentation and by the con-
text of their initial encounter with the health-​c are
Diagnosis system196,201. Improved awareness that the presenting
AKI is potentially treatable and reversible, and treatment symptoms and signs might correspond to AKI is the
is often specific to the underlying condition. However, first step towards timely recognition, but missed diag-
failure to recognize early AKI is associated with disease nosis of AKI remains common197. Practical and easily
progression requiring unaffordable thera­pies, delayed or accessible educational strategies focused on primary
impaired recovery and high mor­tality195,198,199. Limited providers are indispensable to achieve early recog-
education about renal disease and inadequate access to nition of AKI and should highlight the importance
basic health care in LMICs hamper the early recognition of clinical contexts such as seasonal variations in the
of AKI and delay intervention2,196. As a result, patients incidence of endemic diseases, including malaria and

Nature Reviews | Nephrology

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Box 2 | risk factors for AKI in lMICsa production and distribution volume. These factors have
largely been ignored in studies from LMICs, even though
Modifiable they might impair the accuracy of current estimates of
• Dehydration AKI incidence originating in the developed world202.
• Intravascular volume depletion The current KDIGO definition of AKI (an abrupt
• Hypotension decrease in kidney function occurring during a period
• Anaemia of ≤7 days) was derived predominantly from ICU
• Hypoxia patients in high-​income countries, in whom the princi-
pal causes of AKI are ischaemia, toxins and severe sepsis.
• Use of nephrotoxic drugs and agents
In LMICs, by contrast, the most common causes of AKI
Non-​modifiable are severe glomerulonephritis, thrombotic microangi-
• Comorbid medical disorders opathy, haemolytic uraemic syndrome and interstitial
-- Chronic kidney disease nephritis. Therefore, additional testing is recommended
-- Diabetes for hospitalized patients with AKI in LMIC settings,
-- Cancer including renal imaging and (when indicated) kidney
-- Chronic heart disease biopsies. Currently, kidney biopsies are more commonly
-- Chronic lung disease
performed in patients with AKI (and hence their value
-- Chronic gastrointestinal disease
is more highly appreciated) in LMICs than in high-​
• Demographic factors: sex and older age
income countries. Although results from biopsy series
• Environmental and infrastructural factors are subject to confounding by indication bias, as biop-
-- Inadequate sanitation
sies are more likely to be performed in patients with rare
-- Insufficient clean water
-- Inadequate control of parasites
causes of AKI such as systemic diseases, the available
-- Inadequate control of infection-​carrying vectors studies (reviewed elsewhere195) suggest that renal biopsy
-- Poor transportation should be considered, when appropriate and feasible, in
-- Inadequate health budget the diagnosis and management of patients with AKI of
-- Insufficient health-​care human resources unclear aetiology to both identify the underlying patho­
-- Insufficient health services and hospitals logy and direct the management of these individuals.
Low to middle income countries, as defined by the World Such an approach is supported by emerging evidence of
Bank classification (low and lower-​middle income groups a lack of correlation between AKI as defined by KDIGO
combined). AKI, acute kidney injury. criteria11 or AKD as defined by ADQI criteria6 and histo-
pathological findings203. These observations suggest that
gastroenteritis. AKI as a maternal or neonatal complication histopathology studies should be performed in LMIC
of childbirth deserves special consideration in the settings to understand the AKI process in these patients.
LMIC environment. Basic training of local patholo­gists in recognition of
Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) XVIII potential pathologies underpinning AKI could provide
recommendations for diagnosis and staging of com- valuable information for guiding the management of
munity-​acquired AKI in LMICs195 include estimation these patients. Conversely, given their high cost and as
of urine output (a valid diagnostic trigger in the com- yet unproved efficacy, the use of biomarkers of structural
munity), measurement of serum creatinine levels by injury (such as NGAL, TIMP2 and IGFBP7) cannot yet
point of care tests and thorough urinalysis. Given the be recommended in LMIC settings195.
invaluable information that can be obtained by basic
urine microscopy, training in this procedure should be Treatment
promoted as a key, low-​resource test for AKI detection Wide variations are present in the use of RRT for AKI
in LMICs. The value of the application of such diag- around the world (reviewed elsewhere3), and striking
nostic measures has been convincingly demonstrated191. differences in RRT access, availability and procedures
However, detection of an elevated serum creatinine level are evident when comparing high-​income countries,
at the patient’s initial presentation might indicate CKD middle-​income countries and LMICs. Access to RRT
rather than AKI, and misdiagnosis could unnecessar- is strongly dependent on socio-​e conomic develop-
ily delay the initiation of urgent therapeutic measures. ment and health-​system organization. Availability of
Therefore, another ADQI XVIII recommendation is RRT can also vary widely within a country’s urban and
that patients with apparently acute, severe kidney dys- rural regions. Such differences greatly impede compar-
function should receive emergency treatment as though isons within and between countries. In general, RRT is
they had AKI until proved otherwise195. This course of un­available to patients in LMICs except for a select elite
action is necessary because in LMICs information on of the population, which is a source of severe inequality.
changes in serum creatinine levels over time is generally When RRT is available, peritoneal dialysis is used more
not available by the time that patients reach the regional commonly than intermittent haemodialysis, and these
dispensary, and its absence should not interfere with the two techniques demonstrate equivalent outcomes204–206.
delivery of timely care. The Saving Young Lives initiative207–209 has shown that
Although increases in serum creatinine level remain providing assistance with and promoting the devel-
central to the diagnosis of AKI in LMICs, differences in opment of local resources can help to generate local
individual body composition and dietary composition RRT programmes in LMICs. However, given the lack
across populations can result in differences in creatinine of investment and resource constraints of LMICs, the
© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

prospects for enabling the delivery of affordable RRT to (stage 0C); partial recovery of kidney function with
all patients with AKI in LMICs remain limited208,210. other evidence of ongoing injury such as proteinuria or
loss of renal functional reserve (stage 0B); or full recov-
Barriers to care ery (stage 0A)6. Permanent non-​recovery requiring
In addition to delayed diagnosis and a lack of access to RRT and full recovery of renal function are both equally
appropriately trained health-​care professionals, indi- uncommon; consequently, many patients are at risk of
viduals with AKI in LMICs also experience barriers in AKI sequelae (which are broadly classified into renal,
access to appropriate care owing to pervasive economic cardiovascular and other effects). The well-​documented
and sex inequalities, which especially limit the treat- long-​term kidney-​specific sequelae are increased risk
ment of AKI in women and girls and can even result in of ESRD and advanced CKD (reviewed elsewhere215).
denial of care (including denial of RRT). Such discrim- The risk of progressive renal deterioration persists for up
ination, together with an unacceptably high incidence to 10 years after an episode of AKI, even after apparent
of pregnancy-​related AKI191, causes a disproportionate full renal recovery, so these patients should be monitored
burden of disease in women and babies. As described in carefully and durably216. In addition, new findings sug-
the United Nation’s Millennium Goals and Sustainable gest that how and over what time span a patient with AKI
Growth Initiatives, actions to address such problems and recovers their renal function is also important. Patients
sources of inequality should be a key priority211–214. with AKI who show rapid recovery, stuttering recov-
Focusing on preventive public health measures will ery or prolonged recovery show progressively worsen-
help to limit the incidence and decrease the severity of ing outcomes compared with patients without AKI5.
AKI. The empirical observation that AKI-​associated Thus, interventions that shorten or modify the recovery
mortality is inversely associated with both national period might offer important therapeutic benefits.
health expenditure and per-​c apita gross national The increased cardiovascular risk observed in
income20,191 needs to be investigated further to develop patients after AKI relates to major adverse cardiovascu-
specific suggestions for improving health investment lar events, including stroke163,217,218. Not surprisingly, the
in the areas most likely to deliver the greatest benefit in most common major adverse cardiovascular event seen
each specific region. Efforts to work with local, regional after an episode of AKI is congestive heart failure, but an
and national governments, driven by a detailed under- increased risk of myocardial infarction has also been reli-
standing of the epidemiology and magnitude of the bur- ably shown in multiple cohorts163,217,218. The mechanism
den of AKI, will be essential to improve the recognition underlying the increased risk of myocardial infarction
and care of AKI in LMICs around the world. Improved is not well understood but might be linked to the pres-
education at all levels of the health-​care system, from ence of subclinical CKD and increased levels of protein-​
physicians and nurses to other health-​care workers with bound uraemic toxins coupled with loss of Klotho219,220.
limited training, will make these providers more likely Increased risks of an assortment of other diseases have
to think of AKI and to implement early diagnostic meas- been linked to AKI, including gastrointestinal bleed-
ures, such as point of care measurements of creatinine ing, organ fibrosis and liver injury221,222. In summary,
levels and diuresis196. the development of AKI heralds a strong likelihood of
Coordinated initiatives involving governments, non-​ increased morbidity, and these adverse outcomes are
governmental organizations and international grassroots not limited to kidney-​centric effects. Given the cur-
movements (such as UN-​Water, UNAIDS and anti-​ rent absence of therapeutics for AKI, efforts to prevent
malaria campaigners Nothing But Nets) will reduce the and rapidly diagnose AKI, and thereby to attenuate its
exposure of individuals to the factors that cause many severity and duration, are key clinical priorities.
cases of AKI in LMICs and will most likely have the larg-
est sustainable effect on reducing the incidence of AKI Conclusions
in these countries. AKI is a frequently occurring syndrome of heteroge-
neous aetiology that often occurs as a complication
Long-​term outcomes of other conditions. AKI is associated with increased
The notion that AKI survivors have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality and adverse long-​term patient
developing CKD or ESRD is now widely accepted but and kidney outcomes related to the retention of waste
not well appreciated outside the nephrology specialty215. products, a generalized inflammatory response and
Given the adverse prognosis of many patients after an incomplete recovery of kidney function. The incidence
episode of AKI and the public health ramifications of of AKI is similar across countries regardless of resource
progression to late-​stage CKD, efforts to identify clinical levels, although RRT is less widely used in LMICs than
risk factors for progression in patients with and without in high-​income countries. Specific considerations in
pre-​existing CKD who have survived an episode of AKI LMICs are that AKI is often the consequence of mod-
are urgently needed. ifiable risk factors and that diagnosis is often delayed.
A consensus guideline published by ADQI catego- However, the recognition and management of AKI
rizes patients who have experienced an episode of AKI also require improvement in high-​income countries,
or AKD into five groups: non-​recovery of kidney func- in which unmet needs include modalities for improv-
tion with ongoing need for RRT; incomplete recovery ing diagnosis of AKI and strategies to improve the care
of kidney function resulting in CKD stages 1–3; par- of affected patients.
tial recovery of kidney function with serum creatinine
concentration between baseline and 1.5 times baseline Published online xx xx xxxx

Nature Reviews | Nephrology

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