Mathematics: Quarter 1, Wk. 3 - Module 2

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Quarter 1, Wk. 3 – Module 2:
Operations of Whole Numbers
Applying PMDAS or GMDAS
(Lessons 1-2)
Mathematics- Grade 5 Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 2: Operations of Whole Numbers Applying PMDAS or
GMDAS (Lesson 1-2)
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro Schools

Division Superintendent: Jean G. Veloso, CESO VI
Development Team of the Module
Reviewers: Eulalio S. Rupinta, EPS
Ian Francis Veloso, PSDS
Ramil Cabural, ESP 1
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Ronald Akiatan Catedral
Management Team
Chairperson: Jean G. Veloso, CESO VI Schools
Division Superintendent

Co-Chairpersons: Audie S. Borres, CESE

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Members Anacleta A. Gacasan, CID Chief

May P. Edullantes, EPS-LRMS
Eulalio S. Rupinta, EPS
Ian Francis Veloso, PSDS
Elsa B. Buenavidez, PSDS
Desi G. Aninao, PDO II
Mary Ann Grace J. Manili, Librarian II
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Quarter 1, Wk. 3 - Module 2
Operations of Whole Numbers Applying
(Lessons 1-2)
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed
by Teachers, School Heads, public school district supervisors and education
program supervisors of the Department of Education – Ozamiz City Division.

We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

What This Module is About .......................................................................................................... i

What I Need to Know ...................................................................................................................... ii
How to Learn from this Module ................................................................................................. ii
Icons of this Module ....................................................................................................................... iii

What I Know ......................................................................................................................................iii

Lesson 1: Stating, Explaining and Interpreting, Multiplication, Division, Addition

Subtraction (PMDAS) or grouping, Multiplication, Division, Addition,
Subtraction (GMDAS) rule.
What’s In ......................................................................................................................

What I Need to Know .................................................................................................

What Is New ...................................................................................................................
What Is It .........................................................................................................................
What Is More ................................................................................................................
What I Have Learned ................................................................................................. What
I Can Do ...............................................................................................................

Lesson 2: Simplifying a Series of Operations on Whole Numbers Involving More than

Two Operations Using the PMDAS and GMDAS rule.
What’s In ..........................................................................................................................
What’s I need to Know ..............................................................................................
What’s New ..................................................................................................................
What Is It ......................................................................................................................
What’s More ................................................................................................................
What I Have Learned ………………………………………………………….
What I Can Do ..........................................................................................................
Summary Assessment: (Post-Test)
Key to Answers ...........................................................................................................................

What This Module is About

This module is intended for the Grade 5 learners. This is written to respond the needs
of the time. The learners are expected to completely study this module on the second week
after the opening of the School Year. The activities of this module will help you discover the
rules and concepts of the PMDS and GMDAS.

Your parents or elder brothers and sisters play a very important role in learning the
activities. If there are instructions or activities which are not very clear for you, please ask
them to help you.

This module comprises of two lessons that cover the following areas namely;
• lesson 1 will help you state, explain, and interpret Parenthesis, Multiplication,
Division, Addition, Subtraction (PMDAS) or Grouping, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (GMDAS) rule.
• lesson 2 shall sharpen your ability to simplify a series of operations on whole
numbers involving more than two operations using the PMDAS or GMDAS rule.

What I Need to Know

After seriously but with enjoyment doing the activities of this module, you are
expected to state, explain, and interpret PMDAS or GMDAS rule.

The goals in Mathematics education is to help you become a critical thinker and
a problem solver individual. The activities of this module are written to further
improve your critical thinking and problem solving skills. These acquired skills
would soon be applied in your everyday lives.

So, find time to study this module because learning amidst COVID 19 pandemic
depends on you.

Good luck, stay safe and God bless.


Stating, Explaining and
Interpreting Parentheses,
Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction
(PMDAS), or Grouping,
Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction
(GMDAS) Rules
What’s In

Teachers in elementary arithmetic or mathematics tell

us that we should not multiply, divide, add or subtract
numbers within expressions loosely. We remember that
multiplication or division is done first before addition or
subtraction. Take for instance the simple expression 2 +
3 × 4 = 14. It is interpreted that 3 is multiplied by 4 first
before 2 is added to the product 12 to arrive at the sum
of 14. If we mistakenly add 2 and 3 before multiplying
their sum by 4, we will get a wrong answer of 20.

As mentioned above, numbers can be grouped by

parentheses. They are called grouping symbols which
denote that operations contained within them should be
computed separately from other operations in the whole
expression. It is emphasized that these grouping
symbols are not operations themselves but are mere
“containers” of operations.

The group of numbers inside parentheses are worded

as “quantity of …” The sample equation (2 + 3) x (4 ÷
2) = 10 is therefore verbalized as the quantity of 2 plus
3 multiplied by the quantity of 4 divided by 2 equals 10.
Additionally, brackets and braces can be used in what
is called “nested parentheses” (or parentheses within
parentheses) to avoid confusion.

The absence of any operation signs directly before or

after parentheses or any similar grouping symbols is
implied that it involves multiplying the numbers or
group of numbers adjacent to them. For example, the
expression 3 x (8 - 2) = 18 can also be stated as 3 (8 - 2)
= 18.

What I need to know

For this lesson, try to recall your knowledge on

four basic operations of arithmetic, namely,
multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.
They are called binary operators (meaning relating
to, composed of or involving two numbers or groups
of numbers) because they take two numbers or
groups of numbers to produce a third number.

In numerical expressions, numbers are grouped to

define their relationships needed in determining
their final values. On that note, you have to
understand the mechanics of PMDAS, an acronym
for Parentheses, Multiplication, Division, Addition,
Subtraction. It is more appropriately referred to as
GMDAS (Grouping, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction) because aside from
parentheses ( ), other grouping symbols such as
brackets [ ] and braces { } are also used especially
on more complex expressions.

It is hoped that at the end of this lesson, you will

know how to state, explain and interpret the
operations of whole numbers and/or groups of
whole numbers in numerical expressions under the
rules of PMDAS/GMDAS.

What’s New

Pupils have been taught that multiplication and

division take precedence over addition and
subtraction. Furthermore, they were taught that
multiplication takes precedence over division as
addition precedes over subtraction, notwithstanding
their order of occurrence in a numerical expression.
Old mnemonics like My Dear Aunt Sally were
coined in the past to help us recall the order of
precedence. However, this was confusing
especially in dealing with complex operations and
is not consistent with the Order of Operations as
discussed in this lesson.

Mathematicians in the 16th century started

developing an Order of Operations to analyze
numerical expressions properly. This conceptual
process on PMDAS/GMDAS has since evolved in
solving mathematical equations with multiple
operators. In this regard, the following order of
operations is observed, as may be applicable:



RULE 1 = First, perform the operations within

each pair of grouping symbols. In expressions with
nested parentheses, begin with the innermost pair,
moving outward.

RULE 2 = Perform multiplication and division as

they occur from left to right.

RULE 3 = Perform addition and subtraction as

they appear from left to right.

*Important Note: For more advance lessons,

another RULE is added whenever exponents (or
powers) or roots are included.

PMDAS does not mean multiplication before

division, and addition before subtraction even
though it may appear that way. These two sets of
operations have equal priority. With RULES 2 and
3 above, this has been clarified that the order should
be based on whichever symbol appears first from
left to right. In other words, PMDAS should really
be presented as P- MD - AS.

In instances wherein it is desired to override the

foregoing order in line with RULE 1, or even
simply to emphasize them, symbols of groupings
can either indicate an alternative order or reinforce
the default order to avoid confusion. Take for
instance in this example: (2 + 3) × 4 = 20. The
parentheses force the addition of the numbers 2 and
3 first before multiplying them by 4 for a product of
20. If we make the mistake of multiplying 3 by 4
first before adding 2, the erroneous answer will be
14. Numerically, the operations are expressed this

(2 + 3) × 4
= (5) x 4
= 20
In the similar case of the expression: (8 - 2)
÷ 2 = 3, the parentheses force the subtraction of 8
by 2 to precede over dividing the sum by 2 to get
the correct quotient of 3. If we divide 2 by 2 before
subtracting it from 8, we will end up with the
wrong answer of 7. This is numerically laid down

(8 - 2) ÷ 2
= (6) ÷ 2
What Is It

The PMDAS/GMDAS Rules on Order of

Operations have to be learned by heart to avoid
errors in solving numerical expressions especially
as they get more complex. A single misstep in
applying the said rules in interpreting the
expressions will result to wrong values.

Practice is essential. Below are sample guided


1) 25 ÷ 5 x 3 + 6 - 2 = 19

Solution Guide
Only Rules 2 and 3 apply in
25 ÷ 5 x 3 + 6 – 2 this case.
Apply Rule 2 first by dividing
= 5 x 3 + 6 – 2 25 by 5 to get the quotient of
Then, multiply 5 by 3 for a
= 15 + 6 – 2 product of 15.
Applying Rule 3, add 15 and 6
= 21 – 2 for a sum of 21.
Finally, subtract 2 from 21 to
= 19 get a difference of 19.
2) 12 ÷ (4 x 3) + 7 - 5 = 3

Solution Guide

Applying Rule 1, solve the

12 ÷ (4 x 3) + 7 – equation inside
5 parentheses first which is
to multiply 4 by 3 to
produce 12.
Applying Rule 2, divide
= 12 ÷ 12 + 7 – 5 12 by 12 to get 1.

Applying Rule 3, add 1

=1+7–5 and 7 to get 8.
Lastly, subtract 5 from 8.
The difference is 3.

REMINDER: Work from left to right when there are only

multiplications and divisions. If a division comes
before multiplication in an expression, do that first.
Similarly, if a multiplication comes first, do it first.
The same is true for the final two operations, addition
and subtraction. Perform subtractions before
additions if the former come first in the expression
and vice versa.
What’s More

To apply the rules in life situations, below is a

problem-solving exercise.

1)My brother bought 4 large cavendish bananas for

10 pesos each and 1 green mango for 5 pesos.
Write a numerical expression to represent this
situation and then find the total cost in pesos.
Solution: 4 × 10 + (1 x 5) - parentheses

= 4 x 10 + 5 - multiply

= 40 + 5 - add

= 45 pesos

Therefore, the total cost is 45 pesos

2)Our family is engaged in repacking business.
Mother bought 18 full baskets of garlic from a
wholesaler. Each basket contains 100 pieces of
raw garlic bulbs. If we are to place them inside
small plastic bags containing 5 bulbs each, how
many bags are we going to produce (the resulting
value being

Solution: We need to know the total number of

garlic bulbs in all the
baskets. Since there are 18 baskets containing 100 bulbs,
multiply 18
by 100. After that, divide the lot by 5.

(18 x 100) ÷ 5 = n 1,800 ÷ 5 = 360

Therefore, we are able to repack garlic in a total of 360

smaller plastic bags.

What I Have Learned

So far, we are informed that there is a certain

discipline in solving numerical expressions.
However, we have to be cautious in applying the
rules because far
too many pupils misunderstand the order of
operations. A single mistake in
prioritizing the operations will
affect the resulting values.

What I Can Do

We need to continue analyzing similar expressions

even at home especially during these times when
alternative learning experiences and home-based
assignments are essential. If we have access to the
internet, spend time reading and acquiring new
knowledge on solving mathematical problems. The
more complex they are, the better to sharpen our
skills. We can even apply our learning as we do
chores like helping our parents manage household
finances. With continued practice we gain mastery
and we may even draw faster ways of analyzing
numerical expressions without going through those
usual detailed steps.
Simplifying Series of
Operations on Whole Numbers
Involving More than Two
Operations using PMDAS or
What’s In

In this lesson, we will learn to simplify

expressions with multiple operators and solve their
final values. There will be more exercises on nested
parentheses in varying degrees of complexity to
challenge our comprehension on the rules of

What I Need to Know

Banking on the knowledge gained under

Lesson 1, we will simplify a series of operations on
whole numbers with more than two operations. We
will still pay attention to the order of operations
according to the PMDAS/GMDAS rules as laid
down in Lesson 1.

Moving forward, we will analyze more complex

expressions particularly with nested parentheses,
meaning those expressions with operators inside
parentheses within other parentheses or grouping
symbols and so on. This is a good staging ground
for future learning on far more advanced branches
of mathematics, applied sciences, technology and
many computer programming languages.

What’s New

As mentioned in Lesson 1, brackets and braces are

used alternatively with parentheses to avoid
confusion in numerical expressions with multiple
operators. Typically, parentheses enclose the
innermost grouping of numbers first, then brackets,
followed by braces like in this example:
2 x {1 + [4 x (2 + 1) + 3]} = 32.

The same equation can also be written as 2{1 + [4(2

+ 1) + 3]} and should derive the same product of 32.
The absence of any sign before or after the grouping
symbols denotes multiplication.

In applying RULE 1 in the case of multiple groups

of numbers inside nested parentheses like the
previously given expression 2 {1 + [4 (2 + 1) + 3]}
= 32, the innermost grouping, which in this case is
the quantity of 2 + 1, is done first. This is followed
by multiplying the sum by 4, then adding 3 before
adding 1 and ultimately multiplying by 2. The
interpretation is illustrated below:
Expression Guide

Apply Rule 1 by
2 {1 + [4 (2 + 1) + 3]} getting the sum of
quantity 2 plus 1
inside the innermost
Then, apply Rule 2 by
= 2 {1 + [4 x 3 + 3]} multiplying 4 by 3.

Apply Rule 1 by
= 2 {1 + [12 + 3]} getting the sum of the
quantity of 12
(product of previous
step) plus 3 which are
left inside the
Then, apply Rule 1
= 2 {1 + 15} again by getting the
sum of the quantity of
1 plus 15 left inside
the braces.
Lastly, multiply 2 by
= 2 x 16 16.
The product derived
= 32 is 32.

Note that after completing the operations of

numbers inside the parentheses, brackets or braces,
the grouping symbols may be removed to simplify
the remaining elements of the expression.

What Is It

Let us take a couple of examples on multiple

operations with nested parentheses to work on.

1) 4 [6 - 1 x (12 - 7) + 12 ÷ 6 x 2] = 20

Expression Guide

Operate the
4 [6 - 1 x (12 - 7) + 12 ÷ 6 x 2] inside the
first – that is,
subtract 7
12 to get the
difference of
Of those
= 4 [6 - 1 x 5 + 12 ÷ 6 x 2] inside the
apply Rule 2
multiplying 1
by 5 to
produce 5.

Divide 12 by
= 4 [6 - 5 + 12 ÷ 6 x 2] 6 to derive a
quotient of 2.

Multiply 2 by
= 4 [6 - 5 + 2 x 2] 2 to produce
= 4 [6 - 5 + 4] Rule 3,
subtract 5
from 6 to get
Then add the
= 4 x [1 + 4] quantity of 1
and 4 inside
the bracket
for the sum of
=4x5 multiply 4 by
The resulting
= 20 product is 20.
2) 1{2 (9-1+9) + [(81÷ 9) – 6]} ÷ (5 – 2 x 2) = n


= 1{2 (9-1+9) + [9 – 6]} ÷ (5 – 4)

= 1{2 (8+9) + 3} ÷ (1)

= 1{2 x 17 + 3} ÷ 1

= 1{34 + 3} ÷ 1

= 1 x 37 ÷ 1

= 37

What’s More

To test our retention of the knowledge on PMDAS

or GMDAS rules, we apply them in stating and
analyzing the sample case described below:

Situation: The school principal asked a group of

pupils to join the welcoming team for 5
officials from a regional government office
who are visiting the school. The team was
tasked to buy 5 boxes of dried candied squid
which will be apportioned as tokens.

Each box contains 20 small individual packs with

each pack weighing 10 grams. The principal
donated 2 additional boxes of dried candied
squid that contain the same number of packs
with each pack also weighing 10 grams.
However, at the last minute, the pupils are
told to set 1 box aside for other persons who
might be joining the visitors.

If the pupils divide the remaining lot equally to the

5 visitors, how much dried candied squid
expressed in grams will each person
receive? State the equivalent numerical

Solution: First, the pupils need to know the total

weight of all the boxes. Initially, there are a
total of 7 boxes, 5 of which I bought plus 2
donated boxes. But they have to set aside 1
box as instructed so only 6 are made

Since there are 20 10-gram packs of dried candied

squid inside each box, they have to multiply
20 by 10 to derive the total weight per box.
Then, they multiply that by 6 to get the total
weight of all boxes. Lastly, they have to
divide the total weight by 5.
The given situation as presented can be numerically
expressed this way:

[(5 + 2 - 1) x (20 x 10)] ÷ 5

= [(7 – 1) x 200] ÷ 5

= [6 x 200] ÷ 5

= 1,200 ÷ 5

= 240

Therefore, each visitor will receive 240 grams of dried

candied squid.

What I Have Learned

You have learned that the PMDAS/GMDAS rules

are even more useful in simplifying complex

This entails knowing that there is a predetermined

order in doing operations on sets of numbers. This
also comes in handy whenever we do tasks that
require worksheet preparations like calculating
expenses for marketing or even doing simple
What I Can Do

Mathematical processes require getting used to.

The only way to be proficient in simplifying
expressions under PMDAS/GMDAS is to practice
the application of the rules regularly. With the help
of teachers and parents, we need to ask questions
whenever we doubt our understanding on the
subject as well as immerse ourselves with
interesting practical activities. The series of
assessment tools later in this module are good
starting points.


Lessons 1 and 2 teach us to write word problems

into numerical expressions, interpret them and learn
how to solve them using the Order of Operations
prescribed under PMDAS/GMDAS rules. In
summary, the basic rules to follow are:

1. Parentheses: Anything in parentheses must be

simplified first. In the case of nested parentheses,
perform the innermost ones first then proceed

2. Multiplication and Division: Once parentheses

have been dealt with, solve any multiplication
and division in order from left to right.
3. Addition and Subtraction: Once parentheses,
multiplication, and division have been dealt with,
solve any addition and subtraction from left to

If any of these elements are missing (for example,

we have a math problem without parentheses),
simply skip that step and move on to the next one.
We should always review our work afterwards.

Assessment: (Post-Test)

I. Let us perform the given operations and find

their final values.

a. 4 + 2 – 3 + 5 = __________

b. 15 ÷ 3 – 2 x 2 = __________

c. 84 – 3 x 5 x 2 = __________

d. 69 + 4 - 11 x 6 ÷ 3 = __________

e. 40 x 6 ÷ (9 + 21) = __________

f. 15 – 3 x 12 ÷ (3 + 1) = __________

g. (17 – 6 ÷ 2) x (12 + 11) = __________

h. [(18 + 15) - 3] – 2 x 5 = __________

i. 3 [(19 – 15 ÷ 3) + (4 – 2)] = __________

j. 2 + 7{31 - [4 (2 ÷ 1 + 3)]} = __________

II. Solve each problem and express them


a. Gina pays 20 pesos for materials to make ice

candy. She makes 10 ice candies and sells 7
for 5 pesos and 3 for 2 pesos. Write a
numerical expression to represent this
problem and then find out how much is
Gina’s total profits.

b. John’s father buys him a shirt. The price is

100 pesos but the store gives a discount of 50
pesos. John’s uncle buys 4 shirts and then
share the cost equally with his brother. Write
a numerical expression to represent this
situation and then find the price paid by each

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