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Tips for Engineering Students

1. Learning the principles is a much better way to study engineering than memorizing the
2. Rest if you must, but do not quit. Engr Gerardo Gepulango,

Tips for Engineers

1. Your first job as an engineer will not always be the best, but it will be a good place for you to
think about what you really want to do with your degree.
2. Let’s face it: engineers in the Philippines do not make a lot of money especially if you are an
employee, so it pays to have an entrepreneurial mindset.
3. Even while employed as an engineer, always strive to keep learning and updating your skills.
4. More work given to you as an engineer does not always mean more money, but it could mean
more learning.
5. Do your job according to your job title and description. If there is extra work given to you, ask
for your role’s progression as you might be being groomed for a promotion. But for most, that
is not the case.
6. If you are looking for signs to resign, this is probably it: if you are not being paid enough, not
appreciated enough, not challenged enough, and not driven enough, it’s best that you leave.
7. It can be true that the school where you graduated from is a factor in being hired, but that is
only secondary to your skills and capability as an engineer.
8. Once an engineer, always an engineer. Making a career shift should not make you feel any less
of a person.
9. When choosing a job, consider these three: nature of work, compensation and benefits, and
work environment.
10. Expanding your network could open to plenty of opportunities. Sometimes, connections are
more important than competency.
11. If you think something isn’t right, say it. Safety is always an engineer’s top priority.
12. Always surround yourself with people who can make you better professionally.
13. You do not always get what you want, so there will be proposals, designs, and projects that
will get rejected.
14. Working overtime is usually a result of bad time management. Always strive to work
15. Being overwhelmed at work is normal especially if you are just starting out in a new job or
position. You will survive the transition!
16. Work as an engineer is already so stressful, which is why you should always take the time off
and do something that you love to keep you sane.
17. Making friends at work is nice, but most of the time your colleagues are not your friends.
18. Technical skills are important for any engineering work, but soft skills are just as valuable.
19. Engineering has always been a team-based effort, and you can’t do it alone. Learn how to
work with others even those that you do not agree with.
20. Your position as engineer is only as good as how you treat your co-workers, particularly your
21. There will always be people in your workplace who will challenge you or try to bring you down.
It is up to you how to manage office or site politics.
22. Getting a post-graduate degree – a masters or an MBA – is more than just a step to get a
promotion. Engineers should do it to expand knowledge and improve the industry.
23. Financial literacy isn’t always an engineer’s priority. But it isn’t too late yet to manage your
24. Your position as engineer is only as good as how you treat your co-workers, particularly your
25. Engineering has always been a team-based effort, and you can’t do it alone. Learn how to work
with others even those that you do not agree with.
26. Making friends at work is nice, but most of the time your colleagues are not your friends.
27. Focus on learning at every step and not on climbing the ladder as quickly as possible.

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