Creative Writing Exemplar

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It's a hot, sunny day. Rafael was running down to the beach from the lodge.

He hadn't been to a beach since the

school year started. He never had the chance to go to a beach until the end of the school year. Rafael had been busy
with school work. It was a long year, but he survived nonetheless. Now, with no more stress and pressure,
relaxation's at its best. But, then he realized that today is the day.

When he arrived at the shore, he was standing there. The beach is crystal blue. Long golden sands with the waves
lapping on the shore. The sky is a gorgeous light blue with a fierce, hot yellow sun. A warm breeze swirls around him
sending his hair in all different directions. Standing there, eyes closed, breathing in and out, he started hearing quick,
heavy footsteps at his back. He turned around, and he saw his friend, James. “I saw you running down here, figured
I’d go too,” James said, while gasping for air. “It has been a long time since I’ve been to a beach, I just got really
excited,” Rafael said. James immediately said,” So, are you now ready to talk to her later about your feelings?”
Rafael was silent for a moment. Then, he said, “I guess so.” James said, “Breakfast’s ready in 10 minutes, you going?”
“Sure,” Rafael said as he was looking to the huge ocean.

As they arrived at the lodge, the rich and smoky smell greeted them. “Food’s ready, they are probably waiting for us
now,” James said. “I’ll just take a shower, I’ll catch up to you guys,” Rafael told James, as they were taking their
separate ways. While Rafael was walking towards his room, he saw his friends preparing the plates for breakfast. He
started running to his room. He took new clothes and ran to the bathroom. The shower turned on at the press of a
button, the perfect pressure and temperature. The water poured down on him. The sensation of the steamy water
calmed him, it took his mind of things. He turned off the shower, left the shower and wore his clothes. He looked at
himself in the mirror, he fixed his hair and brushed his teeth. Now, that he looks pleasant, he left the bathroom for

Walking down the hallway to greet his friends, Rafael stopped. He saw her, standing at the balcony. She was not
doing a thing, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. He walked down,
trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking. He stopped.
He turned around with no hesitation.

She had a shapely figure. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. A set of dazzling angel-
white teeth gleamed as she blew gently on her fingernails. She had midnight-black hair. She had a bouncy
personality and a sugary voice. Her enticing blue eyes gazed at Rafael over her puffy, heart shaped lips. He went at
the balcony with her. He forgot everything in his mind as he stared into her dazzling eyes.

She said, “Good morning, Rafael!” Rafael did not reply, still looking at her eyes. His mind is swirled around by his
beauty. She asked, “Are you okay?”, as she held Rafael’s hand. Rafael startled, “I’m sorry Lyra, I ju–“. He was
interrupted by Lyra, “Still suffering from jet lag after the trip?” Rafael nodded. Lyra grabbed his hand, “Let’s go,” she
said, smiling, “eat, you’ll feel better after it.” Rafael can’t help but smile at her.

As they were walking out the lodge to their small bungalow, Rafael and Lyra saw their friends already eating. “Hey
guys, sit down now and eat,” said by James. It was a long table, with the tantalizing smell of the food. They sat
together. Lyra took the plate of ambrosial pasta and she put some on Rafael’s plate. “You should eat well so you
won’t feel bad,” Lyra said to Rafael. “Thank you, Lyra,” Rafael replied. They were all eating, chatting and laughing.
Rafael felt so good, especially when Lyra and him were chatting.

After their breakfast, they cleaned up. They were preparing their stuff. They were about to go to another part of the
island. While Rafael is putting stuff in his backpack, he saw James going towards him. James asked, “Did you guys
talk?” Rafael can’t stop his smile, he replied, “Yes, we did, and it went well.” “So, have you told her?”, James asked.
“Not, yet,” Rafael replied, “but I will after we arrive there.” “Well, let’s go now,” James said.

They both walked out. All of their friends were outside of the bus. Rafael noticed that Lyra was not there. Rafael
asked James, but James did not know where she is. They looked for her. Rafael looked in the bungalow, in the lodge.
They asked the staff of the lodge. Nothing, they can’t find her. Rafael thought she can’t be missing. All of them were
in the lodge. A loud noise was heard. They all knew it was a gunshot. They went out of the lodge and there is
nothing. Rafael, with his heart beating fast, his mind was revolving. Everything around him became a foggy illusion.
He felt his back hit the ground, he can’t move. He felt helpless. He passed out.

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