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Dear Ntombizodwa 

Kindly find the answer to your question aiming to get information from us in order for you to present the
best option and or a proposal for our institution (Dream Tree Co. Ltd) to become an agent in Tanzania and
be able to sale Turnitin, a leading anti-plagiarism solution in to the Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions
(Universities and Colleges) and empowers Tanzania educators to create more learning opportunities,
ensure academic integrity and help higher learning institutions build original thinking skills. Please find the
answers bellow:
Answer to Question: No. 1
Tanzania current student population is ranging between 250,000 up to 270,000) every given year
with an average growth trend of 10%. (find annexed enrolment trend analysis)

TCU, VitalStats, 2019

Figure 1: Students’ admission into university institutions in Tanzania, 2012/13 - 2019/20

Source: TCU, VitalStats, 2019

Figure 2: Students’ admission into university institutions in Tanzania by gender, 2012/13 -2019/20
Figure 3: Male/Female ratio of admission into university institutions in Tanzania 2012/13 -2019/20
Source: TCU, VitalStats, 2019

Answer to Question: No.2

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through Higher Learning Education Loan Board do
allocate TZS 155.06 Billion Tanzania Shillings equivalent to 67 Million US$ every year for enrolling and
continuing student from various Universities and colleges countrywide of which 10% of this budget goes to
the books and all other learning material. Taking in to consideration that, there have been several evidence-
based research reports which reveals the importance and role of quality, credible education and
skills capacities to the country’s economic growth (beyond private returns, including productivity, for
individual and social development. The Universities and Colleges in Tanzania are willing and ready to
integrate this opportunity by introducing and applying Turnitin, a leading anti-plagiarism solution to
ensure academic integrity and help these higher learning institutions in Tanzania build original
thinking skills.
Answer to Question No. 3
We would like to implement Turnitin as soon as you are ready to work with us as local Tanzania sale agent
and representative. We have already signed MoU to work with top ten Universities and Colleges in Tanzania
through my-book our locally developed Learning Management System (LMS)
Answer to Question No. 4
Yes, we have a company website: -
Answer to Question No. 5
My role in acquiring the solution is: As a Business Development Director at Dream Tree Co. Ltd, I am
responsible for R&D, product development, marketing, customers relationship and stakeholder’s
Answer to Question No. 6
Yes, we have, as our own created and developed Learning
Management System (LMS)

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