Kathmandu University School of Management: Balkumari, Lalitpur

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Kathmandu University School of Management

Balkumari, Lalitpur



IB and Trade

Submitted By:

Khusbu Agrawal

Roll Number: 18706

Section: C


Submitted To:

Mr. Sunanda Regmi

Faculty of IB and Trade


Date: January 20, 2021

Background of NTIS

The countries that are open to trade are more prosperous than the countries that restrict activities
of trade. Trade has been an integral part of economies across the globe. The government of
Nepal have also engaged in formulation of trade policies in order to enhance country’s trade
performance, promote exports to achieve sustainable economic growth, poverty reduction and
inclusive economic growth. The Nepal Trade Integration Strategy (NTIS) 2010 is one of such
policies developed by Nepal government to stress on the need of development of Nepal’s trade
competitiveness and trade diversification as an updated version of Nepal Trade and
Competitiveness Study (NTCS) 2004. The NTIS was prepared with the support of UNDP, the
Government of Finland, the Department for International Development (DFID), the International
Finance Corporation (IFC), and the International Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva. Private sector
organizations and academia were also involved in its preparation.

However, due to the poor implementation of policy, unsatisfactory results of NTIS 2010, mainly
because of partial execution of recommended Actions, especially in the area of product
development, Nepal Trade Integration Strategy (NTIS) 2016 was formulated as third generation
trade integration strategy. The updated strategy is in line with GoN’s Trade Policy 2015 that sets
concrete goals to promote economic growth including improving business and investment
climate, enhancing competitiveness of Nepali products and reducing trade deficit. The strategy
aims to enhance the export competitiveness, resolve supply capacity constraints, promote trade
facilitation and address protracted constraints in cross- cutting areas such as trade and
transportation facilities, intellectual property rights, issues related to trade in services and so

Moreover, various challenges and constraints are faced by Nepal’s trade sector such as delays in
revising or adopting necessary Acts and rules, the absence of an integrated multi-modal transport
plan, lacks comprehensive architecture for mobilizing resources, lacks sufficient investment in
modern technologies for processing of priority export potentials and so on. In order to address
these challenges and constraints NTIS 2016 identifies Actions organized under 19 strategic
Outcomes. The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for monitoring the implementation of NTIS
2016 and share the findings. In order to ensure strong national ownership for effective
implementation, the Government of Nepal is committed to building on the mechanisms in place
to implement NTIS 2010 and those set up to assist with the formulation of NTIS 2016.

Objectives of NTIS

The NTIS 2016 aims at achieving the following objectives:

• To reinforce trade and exchange empowering environment

• To focus on product production and improvement of the supply capability of priority


• To fortify operational capacity, trade negotiation and collaboration between agencies.

• To build and emphasize on trade- related infrastructures.

Elaborate on the list of products and services identified in NTIS for special treatment

The NTIS 2016 is imbedded with actions and measures in nineteen strategic areas, covering
seven cross- cutting and twelve product- specific sub- sectors. The list of product and services is
given below along with the SWOT analysis of each products and services.

1. Large cardamom
Strengths Weaknesses
Cardamom being one of the largest produced However, weak linkages and inadequate
and high valued agro product has high specialized manpower along with inadequate
potential of export. The suitable geographical supply of improved seeds are some of the
and climatic conditions in Nepal is one of the shortcomings for export. The inefficient
benefits for exporters. facilities for internal quarantine is one of the
greatest weakness.

Opportunities Threats
There is a possibility of productivity It is however a challenge to manage the
enhancement through expansion of pricing mechanisms, deal with climate change
production area and development of disease- and diseases.
free seedlings. Likewise, there is higher
demand for the product in the third countries.

2. Ginger
Strengths Weaknesses

Nepal is the 4th largest producer of high- Some of the weaknesses are inadequate
quality ginger in the world. The favorable quality seeds, limited storage, shortage of
geo- climatic condition has made ginger a skilled human resources, laboratories, high
source of income and employment for small diseases and so forth.
Opportunities Threats

Due to the increase in global demand for However, high price fluctuations,
ginger in Ayurvedic medicines, richness in oil competition, loss of market share and lack of
and other sectors, Ginger export has great pest control can be considered as threats to
prospect. this product.

3. Tea
Strengths Weaknesses

Nepal has climate and unique geography Since we have ineffective marketing policies,
suitable for tea cultivation along with lack of brand identity. Inadequate transparent
supportive policy of government and mechanisms, limited technical schools and
functional farmer cooperatives. The strong tea training, the process of export can face
associations and related organizations with several issues.
capacity of lobby are the factors that
strengthen tea export.

Opportunities Threats

The tea export has high possibility of Additionally, competition with neighboring
employment creation, production area nations, price volatility, problems due to
expansion, development of brand value and labour unions, dependency on a single
product diversification. Increasing global market, etc. are some of the risk factors.
demand for Nepalese tea has scope for
4. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs)
Strengths Weaknesses

The exports of MAPs can be a great source of The lack of policies, storage, processing
employment and income as there is a huge facilities, incomplete legal frameworks,
variety of MAPs found in Himalayan region inadequate pest risk analysis and so on are
of Nepal. Likewise, large number of studies some of the shortcomings of this sector. Very
are done on potential as well as benefits in all few products currently under cultivation, also
stages. the absence of facilities for storage and
distribution are some other weaknesses.

Opportunities Threats

The export of MAPs has high potential for Some of the challenges faced are lack of
expansion and expansion of world market for knowledge, unsustainable harvesting, weak
organic herbs. There is an opportunity to Intellectual Property protection. Moreover,
capture great share of value and improve lack of awareness of the methods of
collection and storage facilities. sustainable selection is also a risk factor.

5. All fabrics, textile, yam and rope

Strengths Weaknesses

We have good relationships with importing Not to mention, insufficient storage, irregular
countries along with good quality equipment supply of electricity, lack of market
and machinery, making it beneficial to export. diversification, lengthy customs procedures
Likewise, high quality products and are some of the issues that can hinder the
competitive labour available here are trade of these products.
Opportunities Threats

There is a huge scope for fabric and textile One of the major challenges is lack of jute
industry as international markets are growing products in Indian market and falling jute
and new markets with low tariffs are production in the country.
emerging for Nepal.

6. Leather
Strengths Weaknesses
Leather being accepted in the world due to its Due to the weak management of raw material
unique features and the growing market for collection, poor supply chain, weak
leather articles is a positive sign for traders. institutional capacity the trade of leather can
Likewise, there is capability of producing be difficult. The industry lacks poor technical
high quality exportable leather in Nepal. know-how to produce quality finished leather
along with customs duty on the import of raw
hides and skins for processing in Nepal are
some of the challenging issues.

Opportunities Threats

There are opportunities for substantial job Some of the risk factor involve competition
growth. Potential for growth in the leather from other countries with better quality
tanning industry's capacity utilization. products and shortage of policies to mitigate
Likewise, growing demand in the environmental impact.
international market and high demand for wet
blue leather in market has raised the potential
of leather trade higher.
7. Footwear
Strengths Weaknesses

The low cost of labor, good quality of The lack of investment in machinery and
product, high employment opportunity, labor equipment, shortage of facility center for
intensive nature, etc. are some of the factors machines are the obstacles faced un the trade.
that strengthen the trade of footwear. Furthermore, higher import tariffs on raw
Likewise, Skill development opportunities for materials are the weaknesses for footwear
the youth in short period of time and female industry.
worker-friendly nature of the job are other
beneficial aspects.

Opportunities Threats

The growing global and domestic market The threats are strong reliance on imported
along with expanding market utilization are raw materials, shortage of skilled labor,
the prospects for further growth. Similarly, insufficient control over imported pirated
there is growing awareness of inexpensive, brands and competition with neighboring
durable and good quality Nepalese footwear countries due to price, quality, and volume
among domestic consumers and simple access
to raw materials.

8. Chyangra Pashmina
Strengths Weaknesses

The low cost of labor, elevated prospects for However, shortage of silk production in
jobs, unique selling features due to traditional Nepal, bad foreign business networking,
production methods, ability to produce small shortage of yarn processing facilities in the
wool-producing regions are some of the major
orders for high value are some of the problems. Likewise, lack of modern plants
strengths of pashmina trade. and equipment for yarn dyeing hampers
product diversification, difficulties due to the
use of conventional technologies are the
weaknesses of the industry.

Opportunities Threats

There is a potential of expansion The major hurdles and challenges to

opportunities in current and new markets. The overcome are price competition with India
demand is growing and the capacity to and China. Likewise, shortage of skilled
produce and export to new regions is also labour due to very large outmigration is
increasing. another issue.

9. Knotted Carpets
Strengths Weaknesses

The major strengths are strong brand image The low labor productivity, insufficient
and socio- economic impact along with market diversification, lack of systems for
worldwide appreciation. Furthermore, quality testing and price fluctuation of inputs
customized production and no restriction on imported are some of the weak points for the
minimum order quantity along with carpet industry.
availability of carpet design software in the
country itself are the strong points.

Opportunities Threats

There is an emerging market in the Middle- Some of the challenges and threats are
East and Asia with the establishment of a declining global demand, labour shortage,
collective trademark and significant room for misuse of Nepalese brand name by other
improvement in productivity of workers. countries.
There is also scope for niche market and
preferential market.

10. Skilled and Semi-skilled Professionals at Various Categories (Remittance-

generating Services)
Strengths Weaknesses

The low cost for the movement of remittances Some of the shortcomings are high cost of
and returnees bringing skills back to Nepal migration, high social cost for families with
have potential of entrepreneurship. Cost limited or no skills and poor support system
competitive nature of Nepalese human and incentive for migrant workers.
resource in the global market and high supply
of Nepalese human resources along with
poverty reduction through income generation
are some of the strengths.

Opportunities Threats

Training future migrant workers can improve The shortage of workforce in the domestic
their skills, income potential and identify sector due to out- migration, low level of
employment opportunities are some of the investment, fall in oil prices and economic
potentials. The current reputation of Nepalese slowdown might reduce demand and wages in
professionals is of a hard-working and the Middle East.
disciplined nature is also a benefit.
11. IT and BPO and IT Engineering
Strengths Weaknesses

Improved connectivity, English language Shortage of sources of electricity, insufficient

proficiency, demographic and significant cost skill growth plan and lack of a cohesive plan
advantage of human resources are some of the for the sector in terms of target clientele and
beneficial factors. segment of the industry are some of the
obstacle points for the industry.

Opportunities Threats

The Increasing global demand for services in The challenges that are existing are unstable
IT and BPO along with Conducive regime for labor relations and protests restrict the
foreign trade, including WTO waiver of capacity of the industry to scale up, limited
facilities for LDCs are the opportunities. domestic opportunities for skilled workforce
Furthermore, growing focus on trade by GoN and disruptive technological changes,
in service with rapidly evolving especially automation.
telecommunications market, including the
competitive growth of broadband has
increased the prospects of service.

12. Tourism
Strengths Weaknesses

The abundance of natural and cultural The poor surface transport infrastructure and
attractions, religious sites, World Heritage limited road networks, limitation of supply of
sites, established image of cultural interest in utilities, lower quality of tourism services in
emerging markets, hospitable nature of hotels, restaurants and others are the weak
Nepalese are some of the strengths. Likewise, points. The lack of capacity of the local travel
government Priority for the development of industry to penetrate directly into the
sustainable tourism. Investment in tourism international market and absence of health
services and facilities is fairly mobilized by security codes for hygiene are some other
the private sector. issues.

Opportunities Threats

Emergence of the new segments such as The threats to the tourism industry comprises
Meeting Incentive Convention Event (MICE), issues such as competition from emerging
education, health wellness, meditation, regional destinations and unplanned
booming outbound market of neighboring development emerging regional destinations.
countries, establishment of airport, stability in
the country with enhanced safety and
strengthening inter-sectoral linkages proves to
be opportunity factors.

Thus, these are the 12 sectors that are selected as priority export potential sectors. Though each
of these products and services has high potential of growth and expansion in the market, there
are several threats and short comings that need to be taken care of. For such, proper
implementation of strategies and policies should be done. Moreover, I believe, necessary actions
such as legal and regulatory reforms along with quality recognitions should be taken to improve
the trade sector of Nepal.

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