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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _______________________

Teacher: Ms. Vanessa Lou E. Torejas Score: ______________________


The story of Mang Eugenio Ventura, an extra ordinary cab driver, went viral in the social media when a
passenger spread the good word about him not rejecting passengers (despite heavy traffic in Metro Manila) and
declining tips. Apart of being honest, he is the jolly type—he just laughs off the congestion on the main roads of the
city. He got featured in an episode of the TV program “impossible”

1. What do you think has molded the honest and cheerful behavior of Mang Eugenio Ventura?

2. What lesson can you learn from the good example of Mang Eugenio?

3. What can be done in our school in order to teach and train students in honest and ethical behaviour?



Socrates was an Athenian philosopher whose question and opinions clashed with the current course of
Athenian politics and society. Socrates worked to critically examine the foundational beliefs that were common in
Greece during his time, and encourage other citizens to do so as well. Because of this, he was not well liked by
many politicians. He was put to death after a trial found him guilty of corrupting the youth: this is based on works on
Socrates written by Plato and Xenophon.

Based on the account, Socrates’s life was ended as the result of capital punishment. He was accusing of
corrupting the young and disbelieving in the gods of the city. At the trial he was found guilty, and then the jail he
accept the execution even though he had a chance to escape. This is how his life ended. Furthermore, at the trial,
Socrates’s did not behave like an ordinary defendant who is supposed to be eager to be acquitted and to proclaim
his innocence as possible. Indeed, Socrates’ conduct made the trial extremely confusing and puzzling; he fail to
prove his innocence, and moreover, by presenting himself provocatively he even seemed to have been found guilty
intentionally. The case of Socrates is then not simply an incident in which he was convicted by his fellow citizens,
but also a stage on which intentionally offered a public demonstration of him in a strange manner.

1.How is it possible that a basically good person who preached a set of values and beliefs about truth, wisdom and
good governance was accused and put to death?
2.Is it possible that politics plays a role in how the good and the truth ate ultimately defined the lived?
3.Define the notion of “virtue” What are the important virtues?
4.Describe “Moral Relativism”.
5.Formulate resolution regarding knowing the truth, doing what is good, and avoiding evil.
(Use the back page for your answers…)

Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _______________________
Teacher: Ms. Vanessa Lou E. Torejas Score: ______________________


Direction: Read carefully then answer the questions correctly.

I. Write TRUE if the statement is true. Write FALSE if the statement is false.

______________1. Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong
relationships to capture value from customers in return.

______________2. Sales and Marketing Service is a division responsible for producing the product or rendering services
according to the requirements of the customers.

______________3. The success of establishing profitable relationships is not solely dependent on company’s efforts but
also on how other variables in the systems answer the needs of the consumers.

______________4. The company creates and develops a product based on the customer’s needs, wants and

______________5. Marketing is an integral part of the business process.

______________6. want is not important in the marketing of products.

______________7. One of the goals of marketing is achieving the organization’s long-term goals by satisfying customer
wants and needs.

______________8. The company and its market are not equally important.

______________9. Production Concept is a Philosophy which states that organization must try hard to find out and satisfy
the needs and wants of consumers while at the same time accomplishing the organizational goals.

_____________10. Marketing Concept focuses on the internal potentials of the company and not based on the desires
and needs of the market.

II. Multiple choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. A total system interacting business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying
goods or services to present and potential customers. 
A. consumerism        B. market        C. marketing            D. promotion
_____2. In the organizational structure, it is responsible for managing of income and expenses of a company.
A. finance and accounting                C. production
B. human resource and training            D. Sale
_____3. The qualifying determinants of consumers in purchasing a product.
A. expectations        B. market        C. needs            D. wants
_____4. The deciding factors amid various options.
A. expectations        B. market        C. needs            D. wants
_____5. The beliefs of the consumers on the benefits and advantages they will get from a product.
A. expectations        B. market        C. needs            D. wants
_____6. Elements of 3 C’s in marketing.
A. customer, company, commitment           C. costumer, consulate, commitment
B. customer, consulate, competition            D. customer, company, competition
_____7. The process of continuously and profitably satisfying the target customer’s needs wants and expectations
superior to the competition.
A. consumerism        B. marketing            C. production            D. promotion
_____8. It teaches companies and the customers to build trust by having interactions, which will result in lasting
A. marketing process                       C. social marketing
B. marketing strategies                    D. relationship marketing
_____9. Type of customers that purchase goods (raw materials and industrial products) or render service (manpower and
transportation) for the production of their products or services.
A. business markets                        C. government markets
B. consumer markets                        D. international markets
_____10. Types of customers that purchases products or services that they resell and gain profit from it.
A. business markets                        C. government markets
B. consumer markets                        D. resellers markets


People’s recovery, Employment, and development Assistant ( PREDA ) fair trade was not a profit
organization working at the national and international levels for the protection of human rights,
especially womens and children’s rights. It was founded in 1974 and a year later it started to ingage in
fair trade. “fair trade” in general, refers to objectives such as: creating opportunities for economically dis
advantaged producers;increasing farming market access, both domestic and export, for these business;
and ensuring transparency and accountability, among others. Organization in the Philippine started
engage heavily in fair trade in
1980’s, especially due to the sugar and coffe criseswhen prices fell sharply, causing unemployment
among thousand of Filipinos, In response to the situation, organization started to implement structures
the alleviated poverty and lessened dependency on sugar and coffee exports. PREDA works hand in
hand with the Philippine chapter of the world fair trade organization( WFTO )which works for the
development of progressive and responsible fair trade stakeholders in the country, s well as ensures that
all fair trade . such as: providing income and food security to disadvantage communities; empowering
community-based producers; and promoting a quality and market-driven imageof fair trade products.


What is meant by Fairness?

How can trade and commerce be fair?

To what extent is the lesson about fairness related to PREDA’s work of promoting fair trade?

In what ways is PREDA promoting fairness?


Socrates was an anthenian philosopher whose question and opinions clashed with the current course of
Athenian politics and society. Socraes worked to critically examine the foudational beliefs that were
common in Greece during his time, and encourage other citizens to do so as well.Because of this, he was
not well liked by many politicians. He was put to death after a trial found him guilty of corrupting the youth:
this is based on works on Socrates written by Plato and Xenophon.

Based on the account, Socrate’s life was ended as the result of capital punishment. He was accuse of
corrupting the young and disbelieving in the gods of the city. At the trial he was found guilty, and then
the jail he accept the execution eventhough he had a
chance to escape. This is how his life ended. Furthermore, at the trial, Socrate’s did not behave like an
ordinary defendant who is supposed to be eager to be acquitted and to proclaim his innocence as
possible. Indeed, Socrates’ conduct made the trial extremely confusing and puzzling; he fail to prove his
innocence, and moreover, by presenting himself provocatively he even seemed to have been found guilty
intentionally. The case of Socrates is then not simply an incedent in which he was convicted by his fellow
citizens, but also a stage on which intentionally offered a public demonstration of himself in a strage


6. How is it possible that a basically good person who preached a set of values and beliefs about
truth, wisdom and good governance was accused and put to death?
7. Is it possible that politics plays a role in how the good and the truth ate ultimately defined the
8. Define the notion of “ virtue” Which are important virtues?
9. Describe” moral Relativism”.
10. Formulate resolution regarding knowing the truth, doing what is good, and avoiding

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