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Dolomite Stabilitv Zone 2: Area characterised as reflecting a medium Inherent

Risk of sinkhole formation with respect to water ingress. Inherent Risk Class 4.

This zone is characterised by the following sub-surface conditions:

Gravity gradient area.

In the east-central site area this zone is delineated utilising the results of
the apparent conductivity and magnetic survey. This survey indicated
an absence of intrusive in this location.

Boreholes typically intercept colluvium e.g. 1m in Boreholes 3925 and

3423 and 2m in Borehole G.

Typically the colluvium overlies alluvium e.g. 9m in Borehole 3423 and

11m in Borehole 3925 (Appendix 1). Borehole G intercepts colluvium to
2m and chert residuum below. Ravelling of chert result in the
termination of the borehole.

Dolomite bedrock is located at depths of 10m to 12m in the boreholes

drilled in this zone (Boreholes 3925 and 3423, Table 1 and Drawing
IR565/1 ).

The boreholes did not intercept groundwater.

The alluvial soil material is anticipated to assist in reducing the

likelihood of subsurface erosion with respect to water ingress. The chert
residuum is anticipated to a have good internal drainage characteristics.
These materials are anticipated to reflect a medium mobilisation
potential as the horizon may be variable in thickness. The alluvium may
act as a partial aquitard. The PDS is taken at medium to large based on
a bedrock depth of 12m-20m based on surrounding boreholes.

Dolomite Stabilitv Zone 3: Area characterised as reflecting a high Inherent Risk

of small and medium size sinkhole and doline formation with respect to water
ingress. Inherent Risk Class 6.

Typical subsurface conditions:

Gravity high areas.

Dolomite bedrock is intercepted at very shallow and intermediate

depths e.g. at ground surface in Borehole 53.04/4.5, 1m in Borehole
5825 and 6m in Borehole 3122.

A thin colluvial horizon covers the dolomite in Borehole 5825 and chert
residuum blankets the bedrock in Borehole 3122.

No aquitards such as intrusive material is present in the subsurface


As the blanketing layer is generally anticipated to be thin and the

potential receptacles are located at shallow depth the mobilisation
potential of the blanketing layer is anticipated to be high. The chert
residuum and colluvium are anticipated to be characterised by good
internal drainage characteristics. The PDS ranges from small where the
rock is located at 1m to medium at 6m and deeper.

Do/amite Stabilitv Zone 4: Area characterised as reflecting a high Inherent Risk

of large size sinkhole and doline formation with respect to water ingress.
Inherent Risk Class 7.

Typical subsurface conditions:

Gravity low and gradient areas.

Dolomite bedrock is intercepted at depths ranging from 8m in Borehole

35.0/3.0 to 28m in Borehole 42.0/5.0 (Tables 1 to 3).

A thin colluvial horizon, typically 1m covers residual profile e.g. 35.0/3.0,

42.0/3.0, 50.5/1.0, Appendix 1.

Typically the colluvium is underlain by chert and dolomite residuum.

The horizons intercept range in thickness from 7m in Borehole 35.0/3.0
to 28m in Borehole 42.0/3.0 (Drawing IR565/1). Problematic conditions
with sample and air loss characterise the deeper horizons in this zone
e.g. No sample return from 18m to 23.5m in Borehole 50.5/1.0.

Borehole C is located near the river on the flood plain and intercepted
40m of alluvium.

No aquitards such as intrusive material is present in the subsurface


As the blanketing layer is generally anticipated to be thin and the

potential receptacles are located at shallow depth the mobilisation
potential of the blanketing layer is anticipated to be high. The chert
residuum and colluvium are anticipated to be characterised by good
internal drainage characteristics. The PDS is assessed as large with
potential receptacles located at depths of 28m.


The procedures utilised in this report for the geotechnical zonation of the site are
derived from the modification and integration of various classification systems and
follows the SAIEG's "Guidelines for Urban Engineering Geologicallnvestigations" with
appropriate adaptations. Based on the geological, geohydrological, hydrological,
geomorphological and soils information gathered during geotechnical investigations,
sites may be divided into three primary Geotechnical Sub-Areas. These Sub-Areas
reflect the development potential of sites and delineate Sub-Areas of similar
geotechnical characteristics e.g. dolomitic and soil conditions.
The primary Geotechnical Sub-Areas are defined below:

not that
soil for
place office
are conditions
SUB AREAS Geotechnical
The conditions
geotechnical are such
conditions arethatsuch
the area
/remedial take
may bepark
context but
theand appropriate
as park
measures aare
required and/or
constraints. in can
r prefix "2")

The broad geotechnical characteristics of these Primary Geotechnical Sub-Areas are

further described in terms of several 'geotechnical category designations' defined

borrowof areas,
dump total AND
CATEGORY Abandoned
at Wet
movement- 15
outcrop Areas
area, outcrop
rangeof of
drainage total
line, movement
total at
seepage zone
sible E(heave/shrink)
soils T
Soils pits or adits. d1
surface:areas w
ressible soils
These designations are added to the selected primary Geotechnical Zones in order
to describe the generalised geotechnical conditions that lead to that particular
characterisation. For example, Sub-Area 2P(H2/C/S) describes Sub-Areas of the
site suitable for development '2' where dolomite 'P' precautions must be taken, and
where the occurrence of active 'H2' soils should be anticipated.

The 'H'. 'C' and'S' designations imply that a quantitative approach is required when
analysing each open trial hole profile and before allocating it to a selected soil Sub-
Area. A broad overview of the assumptions made and the analytical processes
adopted regarding potential in-service soil behaviour beneath shallow foundations is
presented below. Most importantly, potential soil behaviour in the Trial Holes has
been evaluated and characterised when abstractly subjected to loading and moisture
conditions beneath a structure where bearing pressures do not exceed 50 kPa and
rest on 0.5m wide strip footings. In practical terms and for stress related behaviour
(the 'C' and'S' Flags) only the top 1 metre of profiled materials has been considered,
while for the moisture-related behaviour (the 'H' Flag) only the top 3 metres.

(i) Soils uncovered that can change in volume with changes in moisture
conditions - potentially active soils (Le., NHBRC Site Class H/H1/H2/H3).

Seasonal variations in the moisture condition of fine and very fine soils can
induce volume changes which would translate into vertical 'movement' under
the foundations of houses placed on these particular soil profiles. In an
attempt to quantify these movements for this report, Weston's per cent swell
equation has been adapted to provide an indication of the swell difference
between the projected 'driest' and 'wettest' moisture conditions anticipated in
the field, see Footnote 1.

The laboratory testing of soil samples taken across the site provides average
liquid limit (whole) values for the colluvium, chert residuum, residual dolomite
and syenitic soil types. These values, together with the potential volume
changes (swell difference between the presumed 'driest' and 'wettest' field
moisture conditions) are tabulated below :-

0.6 30.0
27.2 34.0 %

Footnote 1: Weston's swell per cent = 0,000411 L+4,17 x p-O,386 x WI-2,33

where L Liquid Limit (whole) (ie. Liquid Limit x % passing 425 microns)
P overburden pressure (10kPa adopted for this report)
WI initial moisture content

From CSIR research experience (for 'red' soils), the 'driest' field moisture condition has been taken as 0,4 L, and the 'wettest' field moisture
condition as 0,8 L: For the 'dark grey' and 'black' soils 'driest' and 'wettest' conditions have been taken at O,2L and O,7L respectively.

(ii) Soils uncovered that could rapidly reduce in volume when loaded and wetted -
potential 'collapsible' soils (i.e. NHBRC Site Classes C/C1/C2).

'Very loose' hillwash materials have been uncovered in trial hole profiles
uncovered across this site. Collapse potential (CP200)tests carried out on
samples of these materials indicate 'trouble' for these materials in profile.

For the purposes of this report, a 2 per cent collapse/reduction has been
applied for the assessment of these materials.

(iii) Very moist and fine grained soils uncovered that could (slowly) reduce in
volume when loaded - potentially 'compressible' soils (i.e. NHBRC Site
Classes S/S1/S2).

Sections of the site are occupied by varying thicknesses of very moist, very fine
grained soils with a low coefficient of permeability. Laboratory consolidometer
tests on undisturbed samples taken from these materials provide characteristic
values for analysing their potential compressibility for imposed loadings up to
50kPa. Using these assumptions and processes outlined in Footnote 2 below,
these analyses are summarised as follows :-

bulk 0.96
Cr. 180
eomaterial, mm
kg/m3 of
ess kN/m2 S

Once analysed according to the assumptions and data provided, the individual
trial hole designations have been transferred onto the site plan and reviewed in
conjunction with other available geotechnical information including geology and
field scouting.

Subsequently, a Soils Map (Drawing IR482/3) has been compiled reflecting this
total conceptual Site Class Sub-Area characterisation.

Footnote 2: The consolidation seulernent. dc. can be expressed as

dc = 9: x H log,. Po' + Ap'

(1 + eo) Po'

For the purposes of these analyses:

Cr & eo estimated from lab. test results.
Zone of influence taken to Im below surface.
Initial effective pressure. po', at middle of this layer (i.e. bulk density x 9.81 x 10" x 0.5).
Additional effective pressure, Ap: owing to applied loading taken as 50kPa (NHBRC max. permiued).
'H', thickness of soil in profile, provided by substituting dc = IOmm & 2Omm).

The following broad conditions characterise the designated Sub-Areas:

• 2/3PW
3PW (H1/C1-C2/S)
A active
Sub-Area ofpotentially
of potentially backfill
below and (large)
(1: 100) areas
year of
le in
ed •
and (occasional)
(H thicknesses
1-H2/C2/S this soils
1) Sub-Area. not
of in
the dealt
soils site soils.
(loose) at
is the
hillwash/colluviul being design
layersthis stage
report for
overlying and this sector
potentially have of


9.1 Risk Characterisation and Appropriate Development (Drawings IR565/2 and

Tables 1 to 3).

Based on the criteria discussed in Section 7 the stability of the site has been
characterised in four broad 'Dolomite Stability Zones'. The broad
characterisation of the stability of site provides pertinent information for
township and service design and maintenance. Urban development normally
results in a disturbance of the metastable conditions in the dolomite
environment. Consequently, factors such as the basic design of services, the
final township layout, construction and service installation procedures, and
ongoing infrastructure maintenance programmes are key elements in the
overall strategy to reduce the probability of generating ground movement
events. Recommendations are made below in an effort to reduce the
probability of ground movement events occurring and to ensure the long term
safety of the development in the context of the environmental conditions. These
zones and appropriate recommended development in each are defined as

Dolomite Stability Zone 1: Area characterised as reflecting a

low Inherent Risk of sinkhole and
doline formation with respect to
water ingress. Inherent Risk
Class 1.

Dolomite Stability Zone 2: Area characterised as reflecting a

medium Inherent Risk of sinkhole
formation with respect to water
ingress. Inherent Risk Class 4.

Dolomite Stability Zone 3: Area characterised as reflecting a

high Inherent Risk of small and
medium size sinkhole and doline
formation with respect to water
ingress. Inherent Risk Class 6.

Dolomite Stability Zone 4: Area characterised as reflecting a

high Inherent Risk of large size
sinkhole and doline formation with
respect to water ingress. Inherent
Risk Class 7.

As in all developments located on dolomite, groundwater management must

form an integral part of the Dolomite Risk Management Strategy. Any local or
regional artificial lowering of the groundwater may impact negatively on the
stability of portions of the site and the surrounding densely developed
Centurion area.

9.2 Groundwater level monitoring

Groundwater management must form an integral part of the Dolomite Risk

Management Strategy. Any local or regional artificial lowering of the
groundwater level may impact negatively on the stability of portions of the site
and the surrounding densely developed Centurion area.

9.3 Based on the stability zonation, the site may be developed as a residential,
commercial and office park as proposed, provided the various zones are
planned as outlined below and the water precautionary measures listed in this
report and in Section 2.8.3, Part 1, NHBRC Homebuilding Manual, Revision 1,
February 1999 are followed.

May be utilised
Residential asDEVELOPMENT
office isfor
park development. CONCEPTS
permitted The2 footprint
without development,
further areas of such
2 ZONE units/hectare
as of(4)
are is
1 planned, of
buildings not
ifare exceeded
is toerected
density and
required geotechnical
on If
the Council
The for
planned, Geoscience
or office
the and
a2 density
are maystructures
exceeded. toproceed
are Ifof the
on 25 or

Consequently, the Area A on Drawing IR565/2 i.e. the commercial and office park
area, straddles Zone 1, 2, 3 and 4 areas, and may be utilised for the proposed land
use. Detailed geotechnical investigations are required on the footprint of each
proposed structure.

The Area B on Drawing IR565/2 i.e. Residential 2 and apartments area, straddles
Zones 1 and 2 and may be planned for proposed land use. As indicated above, if
designed for 25 units/hectare or less, planning can proceed on the current basis of the
available geotechnical data. The assigned 0 designation is provided below. If
multistoried apartments are to be erected in the future then detailed footprint
investigations are required. In addition, if office complexs are proposed, detailed
geotechnical investigations will be required on the footprint area.

9.4 NHBRC Do/amite Area Designations for single storey residential units


03 due STOREY
density. MASONRY

9.5 The following recommendations are made with respect to Dolomite Stability
Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4:

Once the planning of the commercial and office park is completed, and
the positions of structures are known, individual investigations for
design purposes will be required on the proposed footprint areas of
buildings and immediate environs.

All stands should be sold with an escape clause. The current

requirements of trench inspection and ongoing risk management is a
thorough and intensive process which may result in the identification of
sub surface conditions not previously identified in the investigation
process e.g. a stand classification of D3 to D4. The imposition of more
stringent precautionary measures on a commercial or residential site
may be required. These changes may not be acceptable to Centurus
and/or the purchaser.

Also, Centurus should ensure that if it is to sell a Residential 2 site to

other developers, that an 'escape or substantive clause' is inserted into
the agreement of sale. It is essential that the perspective purchaser
clearly understands that a detailed monitoring programme is followed
during design and construction.

All service trenches in the development must be inspected during

construction to permit further detailed verification of soil and stability
conditions e.g. attention must be paid to the presence of potential
paleosinkhole conditions in trenches and open works.

Due to variable stability conditions and dependent on the proposed

design of structures to be erected the use of rationally designed raft
foundations are recommended. In Dolomite Stability Zones 2, 3 and 4
in particular the use of rationally designed raft foundations should be
considered. In Zone 3 problematic soils overlying the shallow bedrock
should be removed and replaced with rationally designed earth
mattresses (usually placed on the dolomite bedrock) and raft
foundations. The purpose of the mattress is to enhance the quality of
material overlying the shallow bedrock, reducing the likelihood of
ingress of water occurring. Alternative, appropriate rational foundation
designs are to be determined during the detailed footprint geotechnical
investigations for structures. The foundation should perform as
anticipated in the Code of Practice of the Joint Structural Division of
SAlCE and IStructE (June 2000). In short, the structures shall be so
designed that there is sufficient time for occupants to escape from the

Recommendations are made below in an effort to reduce the probability of

ground movement events occurring and to promote the long term safety of the
development in the context of the environmental conditions.

9.6 Water precautionary measures

Appropriate design and water precautionary measures are given with respect
to the various zones below:

The general precautionary measures given below apply to the Dolomite

Stability Zones identified and delineated on Drawing IR565/2.

a. The site and surrounding area shall be shaped to permit the ready
drainage of surface water and to prevent ponding.

Drainage ports should be incorporated in boundary walls particularly at

the lowest point of the site, to permit the passage of surface runoff.

b. Natural ponds and water courses shall be rendered impervious.

c. Sanitation systems shall not incorporate soak aways.

The dolomitic stability over the route of any bulk water bearing service
should be evaluated.

d. Underground services shall be designed and constructed so as to

minimise maintenance requirements and any potential leakage points in
wet services and shall, as far as possible, be designed to avoid possible
disturbance of the underground environment.

e. All connections to manholes shall be flexible.

f. The relevant provision of SABS 1200 DB, L, LB, LC, LD and LE shall be
observed in the installation of all underground services. No rocks in top

g. The backfilling to service trenches and other excavations shall, except

in rock, not be more permeable than the surrounding material.

h. Provisions shall be made in tender documentation for the supply of

pumping equipment to keep excavations dry.

i. The stormwater drainage and sewerage system shall incorporate

measures to ensure watertightness of conduits and other
compartments. Whenever possible. storm water should be channelled
in lined. watertiQht surface canals.

Concrete non-pressure pipes should be of the spigot and socket type

with rubber ring seals. Joints in box culverts, channels, etc. should be

j. Storm water drainage conduits shall be constructed at gradients, which

will not permit the deposition of silt, or sand, of the type present in the
catchment area.

k. Water mains shall be laid in road reserves where possible.

I. All stormwater sewerage and water pipes and channels must be

watertight. All laid drainage and sanitary sewer pipes should be
tested for leakage using the air test (see NBRI Info. Sheet X/BOU 2-
34) on installation. The responsible local authority should have a
system whereby follow up tests for leakage are carried out and the
results monitored.

m. Water, sewer and storm water piping should wherever possible not be
placed parallel to buildings unless it is at least 5 meters away. Single
direct connections to buildings are preferred. This precaution also
applies to electricity and communication cables.

n. The NHBRC recommends that water piping materials should be one

or more of the following:

pipes of 75mm and larger diameter:

high impact PVC pipes with vitaulic joints
steel pipes with internal and external corrosion protection
or other flexible (as defined in SABS 0102 Part 1) water
pipes with flexible, self anchoring connections.

pipes having a diameter of less than 75mm:

HOPE type I\IV piping
Polypropylene piping

The piping used in mains and communication pipes should be flexible,

joints should be minimal in number and, be of the flexible, self
anchoring type, i.e. not reliant on thrust blocks or friction for their

o. Where feasible provision for future connections shall be made in order

to minimise cutting into pipes to provide such connections.

p. Provision shall be made in all water bearing pipelines to accommodate

any potential differential movements without causing the pipeline or
joints to leak. Also use flexible coupling on either side of manholes.

q. Road surfaces shall be located sufficiently low so as to permit the

drainage of erven onto them.

r. Roadways, which have a gradient of less than 1:80, shall be


s. Where un-surfaced roads are the sole storm water system in a

township, the roadways, which act as major storm water collectors,
shall be surfaced.

t. The velocity of the 1 in 20 year storm water, flowing along un-surfaced

roadways shall not exceed 1,S m/s.

u. Ensure that roadways are in fact placed below site level so as to

facilitate drainage.

v. During construction excavations should be opened and closed as

rapidly as possible. Avoid leaving trenches open over weekends or

w. Berms should be constructed on either side of the trenches to prevent

the inflow of water during storms.

x. Shut-off valve (RSV) and water meter (as per local authority regulation)
shall be supplied at main supply with permanently fixed pressure gauge
on the building side of the main shut-off valve (for regular systems

y. Water pipe entries into the buildings shall be in accordance with Figure

Z. All sewer and water pipes and fittings shall be provided with flexible,
watertight joints.

aa. No plumbing and drainage pipes shall be placed under floor slabs, as
far as is practicable. If unavoidable provide above or below floor slab
level service ducts which are watertight and can be inspected.

bb. The fall of the trenches shall be away from the buildings.

cc. Pipes through walls shall be sleeved to permit relative movement.

dd. we pans shall be provided with a flexible connection at the junction with
the outlet pipe.

ee. The selection of piping material shall take cognisance of corrosion (both
external and internal).

ff. Water pipes shall have a minimum cover of SOOmm.

gg. Wherever practical, the fall of trenches shall be away from buildings and
shall not be excavated along the length of structures within the first
3,Om beyond the perimeter of such units.

hh. Down pipes, if provided, shall discharge into concrete line drainage
channels, which discharge the water at least 1,Sm away from buildings.

ii. Where guttering is not provided, a 1,Sm wide impervious apron slab
shall be provided.

n. In order to deal with rain water run off from the roofs of structures the
following is recommended: If guttering is required by the local authority,
then the down pipes should discharge into a lined or precast furrow.
This furrow should discharge the water in the township stormwater

If no guttering is to be utilised then it is recommended that an

4m sealed surface be cast along walls of the structure. Water
will cascade off the sloping roof onto the slab and should drain
freely, without ponding, into concrete lined channels which in
turn discharge the water into the township stormwater system.

The ground immediately around buildings shall be shaped to

fall in excess of 75mm over the first 1,5m beyond the perimeter
of the building. Apron slabs, where provided shall have the
same fall.

kk. Brick and precast concrete walls must be so designed as to provide

drainage ports at ground level to permit the passage of water.

II. Drainage canals traversing walkways shall not be piped under


mm. Placement of wet services below the footprint of structures must be


nn. Encasement of pipes in concrete or soilcrete should preferably by

avoided. Place pipes in sleeves or lined channels.

00. As many services as possible should be placed within a single trench.

pp. The installation of swimming pools may only be considered with the
permission of the Town Council.

qq. Experience on dolomite indicates that blasting may lead to severe

disturbance of the metastable dolomite environment giving rise to
sinkhole formation. Consequently, if blasting is necessary it is essential
that appropriately experienced blasters are approached to determine
the particular method specification for blasting, regarded as appropriate
in the context of the geological conditions.

rr. The sleeve and drawbox systems for electrical communication cables
shall also be water tight and constructed to avoid water entering the

ss. Trenching, backfilling and compaction of trenches for electrical and

communication systems to be similar as for wet services. The use of
non-cohesive single size graded sand or crusher sand for bedding and
fill blankets shall not be allowed.

tt. Permission of the local authority should be sought prior to sinking

boreholes for groundwater abstraction. (Careful consideration of
permission to sink boreholes as a control on dewatering. If the
watertable is above bedrock, a blanket ban on exploitation of the
groundwater should be imposed. Approval should be subject to an
evaluation of the implications by an engineering geologist).

uu. Termite poisoning to be introduced around all structures.

Water is a triggering mechanism, in the majority of cases, of distress in

dolomitic/limestone areas. It is therefore imperative that the
concentrated ingress of water into the ground be avoided at all times,
including the construction period.

Other Measures

9.7 This development must be included in the Dolomite Risk Management Strategy
of the Centurion/Tshwane Council.

9.8 The Land Owners Association should be provided with an internal Dolomite
Risk Management Strategy as outlined in this report.

9.9 Ongoing monitoring of groundwater levels on and in the immediate vicinity of

the site.

The local authority in whose jurisdiction this development falls should ensure
the present programme of monitoring groundwater levels in selected boreholes
on and in the immediate vicinity of the site is continued. The local authority
should be responsible for gathering of data. This monitoring process should be
regional in nature and form part of the Local Authorities Dolomite Risk
Management Strategy. This information should be submitted to the Council for
Geoscience and the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry on an annual

9. 10 Pro-active maintenance of waterbearing services and other infrastructure.

The generally variable subsurface conditions noted during these investigations,

necessitates the introduction of a pro-active maintenance strategy for water
bearing infrastructure. This maintenance strategy and precautionary measures
provided above in this report should be adhered to in order to reduce the
probability of the occurrence of ground movement events. It should be
emphasised that the formation of sinkholes and dolines can only be prevented
in this area, particularly the Zone 2 and 3 areas, by the implementation of a
strict maintenance system.

The water bearing infrastructure, Le. the water reticulation, sewers and
stormwater systems should be superimposed on the stability risk
characterisation map of the township area. Priority in terms of vigilance,
general maintenance, repair of leaks and expenditure of funds on upgrading or
service replacement should be as follows:

Priority 1 Areas: Zone 4

Priority 2 Areas: Zone 3
Priority 3 Areas: Zone 2
Priority 4 Areas: Zone 1

In this manner a prioritised, co-ordinated and proactive strategy for the

maintenance and review of water infrastructure can be developed for the site
area. Although the primary objective of such a maintenance strategy is to
reduce the probability of ground movement there are other important benefits,
inter alia:

a reduction in bulk water wastage by timeous maintenance,

avoiding crises expenditure,
reducing pollution of the aquifer,
involving the community in order to enhance the exchange of
developing and evaluating performance criteria in conjunction with the
potential stability characterisation, permitting the identification of sub
areas in the township which should be prioritised for service
maintenance or replacement.

9. 11 Data base of ground movement events and structural damage

In view of ground movement events (sinkholes/dolines) reported in the areas

surrounding the site, it is strongly recommended that a data base of these
events and any structural damage that may occur in future, should be
established. Detailed historical records of this nature are most useful in
developing a clearer perspective on the stability situation in the town and the
installation and management of a pro-active maintenance strategy.

9.12 Blasting during construction and service installation.

Experience elsewhere on dolomite indicates that blasting may lead to severe

disturbance of the metastable dolomite environment giving rise to sinkhole
formation. Consequently, if blasting proves essential the following
recommendation is made: Emphasis should be placed on minimal disturbance
of the environment in order to reduce the likelihood of triggering events. It is
essential that appropriately experienced blasters are approached to determine
the particular method specification for blasting, regarded as appropriate in the
context of the geological conditions. As a guide it is recommended that the
maximum permissible wave velocity is not to exceed 2mm/s, as measured on a
Nitro Nobel Combigraf Vibration Meter or some similar standard, at a distance
of 5m from the 'blast point'.

9. 13 Potential Wetlands Area

A wet lands may be considered within the floodplain 'embayment' centred on

Borehole FP1 on Drawing IR565/1. This borehole intercepted alluvium
overlying intrusive to a depth of 30m. Once a concept is in draft form, further
exploratory work should be undertaken around the periphery of the
embayment. Of importance is the subsurface conditions on the rim of the
floodplain, along the small escarpment, particularly on its western edge where
Borehole 5825 intercepts dolomite bedrock at very shallow depth. The edge of
the wet lands must be kept away from geologically sensitive contact zones and
well on the alluvium and intrusive. Engineering and reshaping will most likely be

9.14 Founding of Structures and Installation of SeNices

• Building Foundations

The provisional Site Class Sub-Area characterisation of the Highveld Ext.

49 site given in this report are based on assumed foundation sizes and
bearing pressures. Although larger structures are likely to require
variations in these assumptions, the basic soil test date (and analyses) may
be used as a guide for the formulation of appropriate foundation solutions.
Site specific investigations are recommended for all the significant
structures to be placed on this site (and see Section 9.3 above).

• Road Construction

Laboratory test results from a bulk sample of the surficial colluvium and
(reworked) residual syenite collected on site indicate potential TRH 4 "89"
natural gravel for preliminary insitu sub-grade pavement design on this site.
However, it is recommended that a detailed centre-line profiling and
sampling investigation is completed once access road layouts have been

• Services Installation

Refusal depths of the 75 kW backhoe machine are annotated against each

Test Hole position on Drawing IR482/3. Particular attention is drawn to the
ridge-like feature running N/S across the site and including the (higher
ground) spur feature (i.e. TPS 6,7,14,20,21,19 and 22) where hard
excavation conditions should be anticipated. The pH values taken from
interparticulate moisture in the soils indicates slightly acidic conditions.


It is recommended that the layout plans for the development of this site are reviewed
on an ongoing basis and finally certified by INTRACONSUL T as being in accordance
with the findings detailed in this report.

Development on dolomite currently takes place in the context of a vigorous verification

process. Sites on dolomite are subjected to investigation, reporting, provisional
planning, and scrutiny by both the Council for Geoscience. Geotechnical monitoring
and reporting is required during the construction and installation of services.
Excavations for structures, foundations, swimming pools etc must be inspected by a
Competent Person. Although unlikelv, it is possible that, during this lengthy verification
process, a change in the Inherent Risk Class may be required on individual stands or
parts thereof, with a resultant impact on development.

The findings in this report are based upon our interpretation of the data recovered
during these investigations. While every effort has been made to determine overall
ground conditions on this site, poorer sub areas may have been missed. For this
reason, it is recommended that a competent specialist is always invited to inspect
excavation works for services, etc. during the development of this site in order to
confirm the findings described in this report.

P.O. BOX 604

TEL: (011) 465-8706

FAX: (011) 465-0772

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