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Name: Bibek Biswakarma Date: 30 th April 2021

Student id: 19-2-02464 Course: BS Bio 3-1

Answer the following questions.

1. Where are the enzymes of the citric acid cycle located?

 on the Matrix 

2. Where are the enzymes of the oxidative phosphorylation located?

 on the Cristae

3. Give the similarities and differences of AMP, ADP, and ATP in terms of

4.  Which yields more energy, hydrolysis of: a) ATP to ADP

                                                                  b) ADP to AMP
 The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP yields more energy  because when one
phosphate group is hydrolyzed from each the following energy yields are
obtained: AMP= 3.4 kcal/mol; ADP= 7.3 kcal/mol; ATP= kcal/mol.

5. How many high-energy phosphate bonds are in the ATP molecule. Identify
each and the energy value each contain.
 2 phosphate anhydride bonds,

6. How much ATP (on the average) is needed for the normal daily activity
in humans. 
 ~ 40kg (about 88lb)
7.    In the common catabolic pathway, a number of important molecules act as
carriers (transfer agents).

a)   Which is the carrier of phosphate groups?

b)   Which are the coenzymes transferring hydrogen ions and electrons. Write
their oxidized and reduced form?
c) What kind of groups does coenzyme A carry?
 a) ATP
b) NAD+ and FAD
c) Acetyl groups

8.    The first step in the citric acid cycle (TCA) is abbreviated as C   +  C   = C
2 4 6

a)    What do these symbol stand for?

 The letter C refers to the Carbon atom. The numbers refer to a number of
carbon atoms. A compounds with two carbons reacts with a compound
with four carbons to yield a product containing 6 carbons

b)    What are the common names of the compounds involved in the
 Acetyl CoA + oxaloacetate= c TMitric acid
9. What is the only C compound in the citric acid cycle?

 Alpha-ketoglutarate (2-oxoglutarate)

10. Which substrate is oxidized by FAD? What is the oxidation product?

 Succinate is oxidized by FAD and the oxidation product is Fumarate.

11. In step 3 and 4 of the TCA, the compounds are shortened by one
carbon each time. What is the form of this one-carbon compound? What
happens to it in the body?

12. To what class of enzymes does fumarase belong? see step 7.

 Lyases, adds water across a double bond.

13. Is ATP directly produced during any step of TCA? Explain.

 No, but GTP is produced in step 5.

14. There are four dicarboxylic acid compounds in the TCA. Which is the
least oxidized? The most oxidized?
 Succinate, Fumerate, Malate, Oxaloacetate. they all end in -ate.
a) Succinate, as the two Center carbons are saturated with hydrogen
atoms is the least oxidized
b) Oxaloacetate, as one carbon is a carbonyl (keto) group is the most

15. Did the two CO molecules given off in one turn of the TCA originate

from the entering acetyl group?

 No, the two carbons from acetyl after one turn ends up as the top two
carbons in citrate, which then become the top two carbons in Alpha
ketoglutarate. The two carbon dioxide come from the middle carboxyl of
isocitrate and the bottom carboxyl of alpha ketoglutarate both carbon
leaving as carbon dioxide come from Oxaloacetate.

16. Which intermediate of the TCA contain C=C double bonds?

 Cis-aconitate and Fumerate

17. What is the enzyme involved in the oxidation of isocitrate to

 The oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate is catalyzed
by isocitrate dehydrogenase. The intermediate in this reaction
is oxalosuccinate, an unstable β-ketoacid. While bound to the enzyme, it
loses CO2 to form α-ketoglutarate.
18.  What is the enzyme involved in the oxidation of succinate to fumarate?
 Succinate is oxidized to fumarate by succinate dehydrogenase.

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