Biomolecules Exercise 4

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Name: Bibek biswakarma Date: 21th march 2021

Student id: 19-2-02464 Course: BS BIO3-1

Practice Exercise 4th

 Amino Acids and Proteins

Answer on a separate sheet.

1.  Match the following key terms with the correct statement below:

a. amino acid    b. peptide bond  c. denaturation  d. primary structure  e. zwitterions

1.primary structure The order of amino acids in a protein

2.zwitterions The ionized structure of an amino acids has a net charge of zero
3.peptide bond The bond that connects amino acids in peptide and proteins
   4. DenaturationThe loss of secondary and tertiary protein structure caused by agents such as
heat and acid
 5.Amino acid The building block of proteins

2. Match the following key terms with the correct statement below.

a. lock-and-key-theory    b. vitamin   c. inhibitor d. enzyme  e. active site 

1. Activesite The portion of an enzyme structure where a substrate undergoes reaction

2. Enzyme A process that catalyzes a biological reaction in the cells
3.  Lock-and-key-theory A model of enzyme action in which the substrate exactly fits the shape
of  an enzyme like a key fits into a lock.
4. Inhibitor A substance that makes an enzyme inactive by interfering with its ability to react with
a substance
 5. Vitamins An organic compound essential for health and growth that must be obtained from the
3. Match the following classification of amino acids with given three-letter name. Recall their side
a. polar neutral     b. non-polar neutral         c. polar acidic        d. polar basic   
1)  Non polar : Ala
2) Polar basic : Arg
3) Polar basic : Lys
4) Non polar neutral : trp
5) Polar neural : thr
6) Non polar : Gly
7) Polar acid : Glu
8) Polar basic : Hist
9) Non polar : Tyr
10) Non polar : Met
11)Non polar : Phen
12) Polar neutral : Asn
13) Polar neutral : Gln
14)Polar neutral : Ser
15)Non polar : Val

4. Identify the following descriptions of protein structure as primary or secondary structure.

   1. Secondary structures Hydrogen bondings forms an alpha helix

   2. Secondary structures Hydrogen bondings occurs between C=O and N-H within a peptide 
   3. Primary structure The order of amino acids, which are linked by peptide bonds
   4. Secondary structures Hydrogen bonds between protein chains form a pleated-sheet
5. Identify the following descriptions of protein structure as tertiary or quaternary

   1.Tertiary and Quartenry A disulfide bond joining distant parts of a peptide

   2. Quaternary structure The combination of four protein subunits
   3. Tertiary Structure Hydrophilic side groups seeking contact with water
   4. Tertiary Structure A salt bridge forms between two oppositely charged side chains
   5. Tertiary Structure Hydrophobic side groups forming a non-polar center

6 Indicate the denaturing agent in the following examples.

a. heat/uv light                  b. pH change                    c. organic solvent
d. heavy metal ions                   e. agitation
1. Heat/UV light Placing surgical instruments in a 120oC autoclave                               
   2. Agitation Whipping cream to make a desert topping
   3. PH change Applying tannic acid to a burn
   4. Heavy metal ions Placing AgNO3 drops in the eyes of newborns 
   5. Organic solvent Using alcohol to disinfect a wound
6. PH change Using lactobacillus bacteria culture to produce acid that converts milk to yogurt

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