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Identify Intrinsic Value, Time Value of American Call and Lower Bound of European Call:

The stock is priced at 165.13. The expirations are July 17, August 21, and October 16. The risk-
free rates are 0.0516, 0.0550, and 0.0588, respectively.
Exercise Market Intrinsic Time value
price value of value Ca (S0, T,X) ≥Max(S0-X,0) Lower
share (S0) Max(S0-X,0) bounds

Oct July Aug Max(S0-

14.00 6.00 3.20 X(1+r)-T)
October 155 165.13 10.13 3.87 11.17

July 160 165.13 5.13 0.87 5.371

Aug 170 165.13 0.00 3.20 0

Identify Intrinsic Value, Time Value of American Call and Lower Bound of European Call:

The stock is priced at 165.13. The expirations are July 17, August 21, and October 16. The risk-
free rates are 0.0516, 0.0550, and 0.0588, respectively.

Exercise Market Intrinsic Time value

price value of value Ca (S0, T,X) ≥Max(S0-X,0) Lower
share (S0) Max(S0-X,0) bounds

July 165 165.13 0.00 2.375 0

Aug 160 165.13 0.00 2.750 0

Oct 170 165.13 0.00 4.125 2.184

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