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Andrew and Kevin are studying for their upcoming speech final.

They have to define inductive and

deductive reasoning and provide examples of each. Kevin says he has a great example for
deductive reasoning: 'Every time it hails, I get a dent in my car. Every time it hails, my dad gets a
dent in his car. Every time it hails, my brother gets a dent in his car. Every time it hails, everyone will
get a dent in their cars.'
Andrew says that Kevin does not have an example of deductive reasoning, but it is better as an
example for inductive reasoning. Who is right?
In this lesson, you will learn about the concept of reasoning and how it is used in conjunction with
logic for inductive and deductive arguments.

Reasoning and Logic

First, let's discuss the concept of reasoning. Reasoning is the action of constructing thoughts into a
valid argument. This is something you probably do every day. When you make a decision, you are
using reasoning, taking different thoughts and making those thoughts into reasons why you should
go with one option over the other options available. When you construct an argument, that argument
will be either valid or invalid. A valid argument is reasoning that is comprehensive on the foundation
of logic or fact.
Now let's discuss propositional logic. Inductive and deductive reasoning are both forms of
propositional logic. Propositional logic is the branch of logic that studies ways of joining and/or
modifying entire propositions, statements or sentences to form more complicated propositions,
statements or sentences. For our purposes, this means that propositional logic uses a series of facts
and reasoning to develop a conclusion. Inductive and deductive reasoning use propositional logic to
develop valid arguments based on fact and reasoning. Both types of reasoning have a premise and
a conclusion. How each type of reasoning gets to the conclusion is different.
Let's discuss inductive reasoning first.

Inductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning is reasoning where the premises support the conclusion. The conclusion is the
hypothesis, or probable. This means that the conclusion is the part of reasoning that inductive
reasoning is trying to prove. Inductive reasoning is also referred to as 'cause and effect reasoning' or
'bottom-up reasoning' because it seeks to prove a conclusion first. This is usually derived from
specific instances to develop a general conclusion.
Kevin and Andrew are now arguing about math. Kevin says that all big brothers are good at math.
Andrew is an only child, but he's pretty sure that this argument cannot be valid.
Kevin makes a conclusion based on the following premises: 'My older brother is good at math. My
friend's older brother is good at math. My neighbor's big brother is a math tutor. Therefore, all older
brothers are good at math.'
You've probably heard people use this type of reasoning in life. We know this can't be true. You
probably know that being an older brother doesn't inherently make you good at math. What Kevin
has done is made a generalized conclusion: all older brothers are good at math based on three
premises of specific instances: Mine, my friend's and my neighbor's older brother are all good at
math. These specific instances are not representative of the entire population of older brothers.
Because inductive reasoning is based on specific instances, it can often produce weak and invalid
You can remember inductive reasoning like this: inductive reasoning is bottom-up reasoning; it starts
with a probable conclusion and induces premises.
Now let's talk about deductive reasoning.

Inductive reasoning: looking for a trend and generalizing

Deductive reasoning: taking some set of data or some set of facts and using these facts to deduce other
facts that you know are true.

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