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Never turn down a breath mint.

Don't deny an “opportunity" just because we still have. "Never do", many people tend to throw away opportunities that come their way.
Just because you think you can't do it...what do you think you're judging that you can't? Because you don't like it, because you're scared, you're not
brave, or you're hesitant, you're not ready to face new things, and beyond that, "you haven't even done it yet", you think you can't do it. why do you
judge yourself so quickly? I want everyone to try to look around. There are still many people who look for opportunities so that they could open up
new horizon faced with something new, bigger, more responsible. Because they wants to improve themselves and prove to himself that he can do
it. Many people don't have the opportunity to do it as much as you. You already have more chances than anyone else. You haven't thought of
getting it. Maybe you forgot to think Opportunities don't come often for you to make choices. "Don't give up on opportunities" just because you
think it's too hard , you must try it first
There are many opportunities in life. Sometimes it doesn't affect our lives. But some occasions have such a huge impact that we don't
even expect it. Every opportunity we face We can choose to grab it. or let it pass by no matter which way we choose We must accept its
consequences. We have the opportunity to deliver love to those around us. or deliver hate, we have the opportunity to take care of the people we
love. or ignore his feelings, we have the opportunity to choose to do what we love. or doing things that don't mean anything to us, we have the
opportunity to help people achieve their goals in any situation. or let him face the events alone, we have the opportunity to do our best. or just
doing enough, we have the opportunity to get to know the right person. or let him pass, we have the opportunity to learn and develop ourselves
better. Or are we as we used to be? and always be like that
Everything in the world has nothing to last forever. There must always be an extinction with time. When the day will have to lose the
good, no matter what That day will be the day that the value and importance of that thing come up in a compelling way. and inexplicable regret is
an inevitable symptom. Along with images of memories, good stories that pop up in your mind until you can't erase these images from your brain.
and the guilt you've made or inattention Will come back to hurt you more painfully than taking a dark slit on your wrist Some people may feel that
it is not that much. But those who have encountered it in person know how much these things can make you change yourself. Instead of
recognizing and correcting what went wrong in time but he corrected himself when everything was too late and there's no turning back. So, if
anyone is living at this risk now, think again and look at the things around you to see what's worth paying attention to. So that one day without
these things, you won't regret it.

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