Participant Assessment: Environment

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ICTICT418 Contribute to copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT


Participant Assessment

All work contained in the assessment must be your own work, and not copied from other sources
or been previously submitted for assessment

Where any significant portion of submitted work has been copied without proper
acknowledgement from other sources, including published works, the internet, existing programs,
the work of other students, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments
penalties may be imposed.

You must upload your document(s) in the required format, and as individual files. Do not
compress (zip) the documents when uploading it for assessment, or include within folders.

Equipment Requirements
Word processor application Internet Broadband
Webcam / Microphone Speakers and/or headset

Need Help with your Assessment?

Post your query to your fellow participants in the Discussion Forum. Use this forum to post any
question about any part of the assessment.

Perhaps, you need help answering a question, or sourcing the information.

Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it.

You can upload your assessment and ask your instructor for a constructive and supportive review.

Upload the assessment, but do not submit it. Then send an email to your trainer asking them to
review your draft document.

Sharing information is the key to success. Remember the only silly question is the one that remains

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Head ICT Faculty
Date prepared:10th Nov 2017 Version number: 1.02
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Assignment Activities
This assessment will look at how you, when working within an information, communications
technology (ICT) environment, maintain professional and ethical conduct, and ensure that personal
information is handled in a confidential and professional manner. You will review existing policies
and procedures and develop or create these to the required standards, as well as examining
organisational systems to ensure they meet legislative and organisational requirements.

There are four parts to this assignment.

Part A is a scenario relating to intellectual property and copyright, and involves

researching on the internet and writing a report addressing specified requirements.

Part B is a is a scenario relating to privacy, and involves researching on the internet and
writing a report addressing specified requirements.

Part C is a scenario that relates to ethics, and involves researching on the internet and
writing a report addressing specified requirements.

Part D requires you to hold a meeting with another person, where you will record a
conversation. You will need a webcam, microphone, phone, or similar, to record the

Use the appropriate software program to develop your documents or files. You must upload your
document in the required format. Do not compress the document(s) when uploading it/them for
assessment. They must be uploaded as individual files.

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Head ICT Faculty
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Part A – Intellectual property and copyright
1. Access and become familiar with the current Australian Copyright Act and any Amendments
such as the Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000. For example - Copyright Act
1968 Part III, Part IV and Part V.
2. Using a search engine, find and navigate to the ‘Copyright Australia’ website and make notes
about the purpose of copyright and the processes involved. Ensure that you review
Information Sheet G010v19 ‘An Introduction to Copyright in Australia’ produced January
2017. You will need this in instruction dot point 4 below.
3. Locate the current organisational copyright policy and procedures, within your organisation,
and familiarise yourself with these. If you are not currently working, locate and use a
copyright policy for an Australian organisation from the internet, or contact your trainer for
4. Prepare a report to management addressing the following areas:
a. The report is to be 12pt font, with single line spacing.
b. Identify the current Australian legislation (including Amendments) that relates to
intellectual property and copyright, briefly explaining what the legislation and
amendments cover.
c. Provide one to two paragraphs explaining how the ‘An Introduction to Copyright in
Australia’ may apply to the organisation you work in.
d. Identify at least three areas covered by copyright legislation that relate to the
organisation you work in, and provide an explanation for each about:
i. the organisational policy that applies to each, and
ii. how you apply the policy in day to day work.
e. Review the existing copyright policy from your organisation and recommend changes
to align the policy with legislation and industry standards.
f. Create a procedure document that outlines one area of copyright and how this is
managed – for example, a process to ensure that images used in the organisation’s
website meet copyright laws.
g. Outline how you will distribute the new or revised policy, and procedures, (from
steps 4e and 4f) to:
i. Existing staff
ii. New staff
iii. Management
iv. External stakeholders.

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Head ICT Faculty
Date prepared:10th Nov 2017 Version number: 1.02
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Part B – Privacy
Privacy requirements in Australia:
The near mandatory need to be “online” in the increasingly global economy has driven business
forward in leaps and bounds within Information and Communication Technology. This technological
growth has been an enabling tool for business. Increases in the speed of response of systems and
the internet have provided flexibility and accessibility bringing great benefits to business and clients.
Client information and requirements are now accessible from all corners of the globe.

This presents a dilemma; that of how we secure information that we, as business IT professionals,
are charged with caring for. Australia has a Privacy Act that governs what we must do to ensure
protection of personal, sensitive data. The act is constantly being updated to cater for new
technological advances. Keeping up to date with these changes is paramount in being successful in
securing private data.

You will need access to the internet, and will need to go to and and
and examine the content in each area.

Ensure that you understand the Australian Privacy Principles.

Now read the article ‘Privacy Impact Assessment Guide’. You can search the internet for this, or
retrieve it from the government’s privacy website. Pay particular attention to the section named
‘What is personal information?’ to explore what may be deemed as personal, private information.
The article also has some very relevant information on how we can address and plan for change
whilst protecting personal information. Note when it was written and decide if it is up to date. Is it
still useful?

Now go to the Australian Computer Society (ACS) website and gain an
understanding of what ACS does.

After gaining an understanding of the role of ACS, head to the ‘Governance’ ‘Rules and Regulations’
section of the site and review the ‘Code of Professional Conduct’ and ‘Code of Ethics’.

We, as IT professionals, have a responsibility to maintain a high standard of Professional Conduct or

ethical behaviour in the workplace. We are entrusted with a large amount of control over and
access to information and data of our clients. Often, we are communicating with clients who know
little of our industry and we have a responsibility not to take advantage of this situation.

This part of the assignment will require you to review an Australian organisation’s privacy policy and
compare this to the Privacy Act of Australia and Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) (hint:- most
websites have one). We do not recommend examining anything with international owners, as
legislation then crosses internal borders.

If you cannot locate a suitable Australian policy, your trainer will be able to provide one.

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Head ICT Faculty
Date prepared:10th Nov 2017 Version number: 1.02
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Internet research is the main vehicle to gather required content for your assignment. Ensure you
have researched sufficiently to provide a detailed, relevant report. Ensure correct referencing is
used: Harvard type.

With particular focus on the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), you must prepare a report that
includes and addresses:
a) A business style report to be presented in 12pt font, with single line spacing.
b) One paragraph providing an overview of the organisation whose privacy policy you have
examined. Ensure you reference information sources – Harvard style.
c) One paragraph summarising who the privacy policy is aimed at, the broad scope of the
policy, and where it is located within the organisation (eg website, Human Resources, etc.).
d) How information that relates to privacy legislation is stored, maintained, and managed
within the organisation, and how the integrity of information is ensured. This could include
system security, whether data is stored off site, use of international data storage, who has
access to information etc.
e) Specific procedures relating to access of information, requests to change information, etc. If
these do not exist, this must be noted.
f) A table that identifies:
a. the APPs that apply to the organisation,
b. short falls between the organisational policy and the APPs,
c. areas within the policy that exceed the requirements of the APPs.
g) Provide a list of recommendations detailing changes that are required to the privacy policy,
procedures, systems, etc. to ensure that the APPs and privacy legislation are being met. At
least one recommendation must relate to how you will determine that the integrity,
confidentiality, security and availability of information meets legislative requirements.
h) Provide one to two paragraphs detailing how you will:
a. distribute the new policy to stakeholders, and seek feedback
b. review and monitor work practices to ensure that recommendations become part of
normal business practice
c. review work practices, including scheduling review meetings, to ensure that system
security meets the policy requirements.

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Head ICT Faculty
Date prepared:10th Nov 2017 Version number: 1.02
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Part C – Ethics
The ACS (Australian Computer Society) is the Professional Association and peak body representing
Australia’s ICT sector. In the previous part of the assessment, you examined the content of the ACS
‘Code of Professional Conduct’ and ‘Code of Ethics’. You may wish to refresh your understanding of

There are four sections to this part of the assessment. Each require a business style report in 12pt
font, with single line spacing.

Investigation, review and comparison of another organisation’s code of ethics with the ACS code
of ethics
1. Select an organisation’s code of ethics and review it. – If you cannot locate a suitable
Australian policy, your trainer will be able to provide one.
2. Provide a one to two paragraph summary about the organisation, and the code of ethics and
what it covers
3. Compare the code with the ACS code of ethics.
a. What are the main differences between the two codes of ethics?
b. What parts of each code do you prefer, and why?
c. As an IT professional could you work with the code of ethics that you have
reviewed? Provide reasons and suggestions about changes you would like to see.

Create your own code of ethics

1. Based on what you have identified from the previous section you will now create your own
code of ethics that reflects, as an IT Professional working within an organisation, your
personal values and principles, ensuring that they relate to legislation and industry
2. Within your code of ethics:
a. There should be at least five main headings, with a brief outline of what each means
below the heading.
b. Ensure that the work produced is your own, and reflects your own values and
3. Explain how will you distribute the new code of ethics to stakeholders and collect feedback.

Implementing your new code of ethics

1. Provide at least two specific examples of new work practices that need to be introduced
because of the new code that you have developed
2. How will you implement these new work practices, and collect feedback?
3. How will you review, monitor, or schedule reviews, to ensure these new work practices are
being used, and there is compliance with the new code?

Review and Grievance process

1. Create a process document that addresses the following:
a. How a grievance relating to the code of ethics can be made.
b. How to provide for confidential reporting of any breaches of the code of ethics.
c. A procedure to handle grievances – explaining the steps, resources, outcomes, etc.
d. How to ensure stakeholders understand and continue to apply the new code of

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Head ICT Faculty
Date prepared:10th Nov 2017 Version number: 1.02
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e. How you will review, monitor, or schedule reviews, to ensure consistent and
appropriate information is provided to stakeholders, in dealing with the code of

Part D – Conversation
For this part of the assessment you will hold a meeting with another person. The meeting will be
between five and seven minutes in length.

You will record the conversation that is held (voice only) using a microphone, computer, webcam,
phone or other device. Before the meeting is held you should test that the recording works.

Following your research into Intellectual Property, Privacy, Ethics, and Copyright you will prepare a
summary of the research and your understanding addressing the following areas:
• Copyright
o What you have found and how you can contribute to the creation or updating of the
organisation’s copyright policy and procedures to align with legislation and industry
o How you will distribute the new or revised policy and procedures to stakeholders.
• Privacy
o What you have found and how you can contribute to the creation or updating of the
organisational privacy policy and procedures to align with privacy legislation
o How you will distribute the new or revised policy and procedures to stakeholders.
o How you will implement new work procedures and collect feedback from
• Ethics
o What you have found and how you can assist in developing or updating a code of
ethics to align with legislation and standards for the organisation
o How you will distribute the new ethics code to stakeholders and collect feedback
o How you will implement new ethical work procedures and collect feedback
o How you will perform regular checks to ensure stakeholders understand and are
continuing to apply the code of ethics in the workplace
o How you will interview and regularly follow up with stakeholders to ensure they are
receiving consistent and appropriate service in dealing with the code of ethics.

At the meeting, you will participate in a verbal exchange of ideas, seeking the views and thoughts of
the other person to what you say. You are looking for feedback and improvements to suggestions
you make.

You will record this conversation, and upload this to the MyUpskilled site.

What your trainer is looking for:

Your trainer/assessor will be identifying whether you:
• Articulate ideas and requirements clearly, based on techniques appropriate to audience and
• Participate in a verbal exchange of ideas and elicits the view and opinions of others by
listening and questioning.
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Head ICT Faculty
Date prepared:10th Nov 2017 Version number: 1.02
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 Actively identifies the requirements of important communication exchanges, selecting
appropriate channels, format, tone and content to suit purpose and audience.

1. Plan and organise a meeting area, or similar, to hold the meeting.
2. Invite another person to the meeting, explaining that they need to listen to you, and be
involved in presenting their own thoughts and ideas to what you say. They must not be
informed of the content of the topic you are discussing, but be familiar with Privacy, Ethics
and Copyright within the organisation.
3. Prepare for the discussion.
4. Record the meeting and discussion.
5. Use appropriate language, communication styles, tone and content to explain your chosen
topic, and seek views, thoughts, feedback and improvements to suggestions you make.
6. Save the recording in an appropriate format.

You are to upload your submission through MyUpskilled.

Submission Checklist
1. Check that you have addressed all parts of the assessment instructions and assessment
2. Proofread documents for content, grammar, spelling, etc.
3. Check voice file can be replayed.
4. Upload all files and documents to MyUpskilled. Do not compress the files. Upload them as
individual file.

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Head ICT Faculty
Date prepared:10th Nov 2017 Version number: 1.02
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