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BOOK Unit 11.



Cliff-hanging – one of the adventure sports 

walkway - a passage or path for walking along, especially a raised passageway connecting
different sections of a building or a wide path in a park or garden
to raise – lift; promote; collect, levy; bring up; breed or grow.
show off - make a deliberate or pretentious display of one's abilities or accomplishments;
(boastfully display one's abilities or accomplishments)

innovation - the action or process of innovating; a new method, idea, product, etc
prototype - a first or preliminary version of a device or vehicle; the first, original, or
typical form of something; an archetype
ventilation - the provision of fresh air to a room, building, etc
fragile ['fradʒʌɪl] - მსხვრევადი, მტვრევადი მყიფე (of an object) easily broken or damaged
cast - ტვიფარი (თაბაშირის); ჩამოსხმა shape (metal or other material) by pouring it into a
mould while molten ■ make (a moulded object) by casting metal a bell was cast for the
compressed - შეკუმშვა; გაჭყლეტა; დაპრესვა
Open up - If something opens up opportunities or possibilities, or if they open up, they
are created. E.g. It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new
do/make a drawing – e.g. Sammy was doing a drawing of his sister.
Fund-raising - is the activity of collecting money to support a charity or political campaign
or organization. E.g. Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.
sponsor - a person or organization that pays for or contributes to the costs involved; a
person who pledges to donate a certain amount of money to another person
be over the moon – to be very pleased about something. To be extremely happy.
Clay - თიხა
stand - withstand (an experience or test) without being damaged small, stable boats that
could stand the punishment of heavy seas | will your cooker stand the strain of the festive
season? ■ can’t stand - be able to endure or tolerate
mud-brick - is an air-dried brick, made of a mixture of loam, mud, sand and water which is
burnt in a kiln. (=kiln is an oven that is used to bake pottery and bricks in order to make
them hard.)
Beat - დარტყმა, ბიძგი,
Polisher - გასაპრიალებელი ფრეზა; მწმენდავი. საპრიალო
compressed clay - დაპრესილი ქვიშა
steel bars - ფოლადის ღერძი
Concrete - ბეტონის
Extension - მიშენება; An extension is a new room or building which is added to an existing
building or group of buildings. (or a new project to continue)
Here the school extension - means continuing building activity around school; a part that is
added to something to enlarge or prolong it. მიშენება
Vault - თაღი , კამარა
Mortars - კირხსნარი, კირდუღაბი a cup-shaped receptacle in which ingredients are crushed or
ground, used in cooking or pharmacy
mortar board - worn on formal occasions by university students and teachers. თავსაბური
confound - ერთმანეთში არევა;
Confound /kənˈfaʊnd/ cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according
with their expectations. "the inflation figure confounded economic analysts"
Syn: amaze, astonish, dumbfound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, stupefy, daze, nonplus; მეტი
mix up (something) with something else. "he was forever confounding managerialism with
Christo Vladimirov Javacheff and Jeanne-Claude were a married couple who created
environmental works of art. Christo and Jeanne-Claude were born on the same day, June
13, 1935; Christo in Gabrovo, Bulgaria, and Jeanne-Claude in Morocco. They first met in
Paris in October 1958 when Christo painted a portrait of Jeanne-Claude's mother. They
then fell in love through creating art work together.

Their works include the wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin and the Pont-Neuf bridge in
Paris, the 24-mile (39 km)-long artwork called Running Fence in Sonoma and Marin
counties in California, and The Gates in New York City's Central Park.
compound ['kɒmpaʊnd] - a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a
Geotourism - is defined as tourism that sustains or enhances the distinctive geographical
character of a place—its environment, heritage, aesthetics, culture, and the well-being of
its residents.
Ecotourism - is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively
undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to
standard commercial mass to
Cultural heritage tourism (or just heritage tourism or diaspora tourism) is a branch of
tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the location where tourism is occurring.
Indigenous or aboriginal tourism: visiting native lands, often to buy arts and crafts. All
tourism businesses majority owned, operated, and/ or controlled by First Nations, who can
demonstrate a connection and responsibility to the local Aboriginal community and
traditional territory where the operation resides.
food tourism – sampling local dishes and going to food festivals. Food tourism is about
cultural anthropology. Food tourism management is the management of food cultural
agritourism – going to vineyards, farms and ranches
sightseeing - the activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location
apparent - clearly visible or understood; obvious
Contradiction - წინააღმდეგობა, შეუსაბამობა,
Enhance - გადიდება; გაუმჯობესება; გაძლიერება;
Mainstream - მთავარი, ძირითადი
nonetheless - (also none the less) in spite of that; nevertheless e.g. The rally, which the
government had declared illegal, was nonetheless attended by some 6,000
given – prep. რაიმეს გათვალისწინებით, რაიმეს ჩათვლით, რაიმეს არსებობის პირობებში
knowing about or considering a particular thing: Given his age, he's a remarkably fast
runner. Given (the fact) that he's had six months to do this, he hasn't made much
In View Of - გათვალისწინებით
jet-age - რეაქტიული ტრანსპორტის საუკუნე; მაღალი სიჩქარეების ეპოქა  The age or era of
travel by jet aircraft. (1940s; earliest use found in The Times.) history of aviation;
development of continental travel.
Pastime - საქმიანობა, ჰობი, დროის სასიამოვნოდ გატარება
p. 123

visionary - შორსმჭვრეტი, მისანი; one having unusual foresight and imagination; thinking
about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom a visionary leader
pilgrim - A person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.


oversee - ზედამხედველობის გაწევა, მეთვალყურეობა.supervise (a person or their work),

especially in an official capacity e.g. the Home Secretary oversees the police service
see eye to eye - სავსებით დათანხმება, აზრის გაზიარება. be in full agreement the boss
and I do not always see eye to eye see eye to eye I have similar views or attitudes to
as far as I can see - რამდენადაც ვიცი,; განცდა, გამოვლა.To the best of my
understanding or belief.
wait and see - wait to find out what will happen before doing or deciding something
‘look-‘see inf. - მზერა, რაიმესთვის შეხედვა, თვალის შევლება, დათვალიერება a quick look:
e.g. "Have they arrived yet?" "I'll take/have a look-see." (ბინოკლი, პერისკოპი)
look sb in the eye/face - ვინმესთვის თვალის გასწორება, თამამად სახეში/თვალებში
შეხედვა.to talk to someone in a direct and confident way that shows you are honest or not
ashamed: I wanted to look people in the eye and tell them I made a mistake.
be on the lookout for sth/sb - ფხიზლად ყოფნა, თვალყურის დევნება, დაკვირვება, რისამე
ძებნაში მყოფი. to search for something or someone: to try to notice someone or something; to
be watching carefully in order to find, obtain, or avoid someone or something; to pay attention
to what is happening around you, so that you will notice a particular person or thing if you see
e.g. I'm always on the lookout for interesting new recipes.
look into - შესწავლა;გამოკვლევა. find out and examine the facts. E.g. It should also look into
the possibilities of wind-generated electricity. Syn: investigate
look up to - მოწიწებით შეჰყურებს, პატივს სცემს have a great deal of respect for
make news - To garner attention and be the topic of conversation. E.g. Sam's sudden
resignation really made news today—everyone in the office is talking about it!
Garner - საცავი; დამარაგება;
Garner attention - ყურადღების მიქცევა; მოპოვება to get; acquire; earn:
He gradually garnered a national reputation as a financial expert.
under-resourced - provided with insufficient resources e.g. under-resourced schools
care for someone - to protect someone or something and provide the things they need,
especially someone who is young, old, or ill; feel a lot of affection for them.
"only to find out..." or, "Only to find" - means "to discover" or "to learn" something I
was not expecting.
only to do sth - used to show that something is surprising or unexpected e.g. He spent
months negotiating for a pay increase, only to resign from his job soon after he'd received
intense (intenser, intensest) – extreme
Intensely – extremely; strongly
massage ['masɑːʒ, mə'sɑːʒ, -dʒ] the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the
body with the hands, especially to relieve tension or pain
Texture - სტრუქტურა ( ქსოვილის)
waste-picker - ragpicker, or chiffonnier, is a term for someone who makes a living by
rummaging (ქექვა) through refuse in the streets to collect material for salvage.
give a voice – opportunity to say or express, especially an opinion or feeling.
money is no object - financial resources are unlimited, so one can spend without limitation.
it does not need to be considered as a problem, because you have a lot of it: For a
millionaire like him, money is no object.


proactive [ˌprəu'æktɪv] - აქტიური, პრევენციული, პროაქტიული Action and result

oriented behavior; (of a person or action) creating or controlling a situation rather than
just responding to it e.g. after it has happened employers must take a proactive approach
to equal pay

Apprenticeship - [ə'prentɪsʃɪp] სწავლა, სწავლება ხელობისა

Carpenter - დურგალი, ხურო
Carpentry - ხუროს სამუშაო
Ouagadougou – [kuaga’dugou] also Vagaga, is the capital of Burkina Faso.
Marketable - გასავლიანი (გასაყიდი საქონელი); სწრაფად გაყიდვის უნარის მქონე,
სწრაფად რეალიზებადი;
marketable skills - refer to skills that can easily sold in the market for some hard cash.
For e.g. You know how to bake cake and that can be seen as one of your skills (specifically
culinary arts). You could now use these skills to create a product and sell the product in
the market. That way you've marketed your skill.
DAM Architects are a private architectural practice striving to produce high quality
design solutions based in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
DAM - Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt
MoMA - The Museum of Modern Art, designed by Yoshio Taniguchi. Manhattan.
sustainable – მდგრადი, მედგარი, სიცოცხლის უნარიანი.
Collaborative -[kə'læb(ə)rətɪv]გაერთიანებული, ერთობლივი
Neglect - დაუდევრობა; შეუსრულებლობა; უგულისყურობა; უგულვებელყოფა;
Injustice - უსამართლობა

Abandon - უარის თქმა, მიტოვება,

makeshift - შეცვლა, დროებითი ქმედება, ღონისძიება; დროებითი შეცვლა, დროებითი
ჩანაცვლება; სახელდახელო, ნაუცბადევი
Techno-geek - (slang) someone who is obsessed with technology, especially electronics and
Ingenious - გამომგონებელი; საზრიანი; დახელოვნებული, გაწაფული; გონებამახვილი,
Posh - შესანიშნავი, ჩინებული, მდიდრული
Dwelling - საცხოვრებელი ადგილი
cookie cutter - ცომის საჭრელი დანა a device with sharp edges for cutting biscuit dough
into a particular shape
Whereas - რამდენადაც, მაშინ როდესაც.
Consent - თანხმობა, თანხმობის მიცემა
Seed capital - is the initial funding used to begin creating a business or a new product.
ripe - მწიფე

fluffy – ['flʌfɪ] ბუსუსიანი, ღინღლიანი, ბუმბულის
loaf tin - საცხობი ფორმა a long, deep dish for baking bread, cake, etc.
Leftovers - დარჩენილები, შენახულები,(დარჩენილი საჭმელი)
calling card - Business card, a small card with business information that is given for
convenience and as a memory aid; A small printed card which identifies the bearer,
traditionally presented for introduction when making a social visit to a home or when
attending a formal social event or business meeting.
feature article - a newspaper or magazine article that deals in depth with a particular
topic. e.g. "today's issue has a feature article on childhood obesity"
editorial - მოწინავე, გაზეთის მოწინავე სტატია; სარედაქციო წერილი;a newspaper article
expressing the editor's opinion on a topical issue; the parts of a newspaper or magazine
which are not advertising
advertorial [ˌadvəː'tɔːrɪəl] a newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information
about a product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article Origin: 1960s
(originally US): blend of advertisement and editorial; ”ედვერტორიალი” (გადაკეთებული
"editorial"; სარეკლამო განცხადება, რომელსაც აქვს სარედაქციო მასალის სახე (მაგ.
ჩვეულებრივი სტატიის); გამოიყენება ინფორმაციის პუბლიკაციისათვის, რომელიც
წარადგენს საზოგადოებრივ ინტერესს,( პირადი აზრების, აზრების ეკონომიკურ და
პოლიტიკურ ჭრილში)
Shortcut - შემცირებული. მოკლე. Shortcuts - იარლიყები.
stretch out - გაწელვა extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length
Aubergine - ['əubəʤiːn] ბადრიჯანი
parmigiana /ˌpɑːmɪˈdʒɑːnə,Italian ˌparmiˈdʒana/ - პარიგურია cooked or served with
Parmesan cheese eggplant and veal parmigiana e.g. "veal Parmigiana"
roadshow - საგასტროლო წარმოდგენა; რეპორტაჟი შემთხვევის ადგილიდან a touring show
of performers, especially pop musicians ■ a touring political or promotional campaign
Reflect - გამოხატვა

Be at a crossroads - to be at a stage in your life when you have to make a very important
straw -კოქტეილის ჩხირი; (ჩალა;) a thin hollow tube of paper or plastic for sucking drink
from a glass or bottle
The associate director -.plans, organizes and directs the day-to-day operations of a
department. The associate director implements strategic plans and applied research to
complete daily operations. may be responsible for supervising and training some staff
within the department. He maintains and operates software databases; issues technical
advice for compliance with program goals and policies; evaluates design, development and
coordination of projects. He may lead committees and task forces to improve service and
Shortlist - ['ʃɔːtlɪst] საბოლოო სია
Draw Up A List - სიის შედგენა
a real blow - an event that causes you to feel very sad, disappointed, or shocked e.g. Her
mother’s death was a real blow to her. come as a blow: It came as a bit of a blow when he
found out she was married.
(at an) all time high - უჩვეულოდ მაღალი წერტილი, უჩვეულოდ მაღალი დონე; 2.
მუდმივად მაღალი (ფასებზე და ა.შ.)
behind the times - ჩამორჩენილი, not aware of or using the latest ideas or techniques; out
of date. E.g. "the children considered dad to be behind the times" Syn old-fashioned,
outmoded, out of fashion, out of date,
be pushed for time/money - ცოტა ფული/დრო აქვს. To have a small or limited amount of
time available; to be in a hurry. E.g. I'm sorry, I can't chat for long. I need to go pick up
the kids, and I'm a bit pushed for time. Don't plan an elaborate meal if you're pushed for
time. We can just order a pizza instead.
make time - დროის გამონახვა; დაკარგული დროის ანაზღაურება find an occasion when
time is available to do something
kill time - დროის მოკვლა, დროის გაყვანა
move/go with the times - დროის ფეხდაფეხ აყოლა. keep abreast of current thinking or
Hard times - მძიმე დროება
dead on time - exactly on time
give someone a hard time - deliberately make a situation difficult for someone.

Biggish - დიდი, უზარმაზარი; fairly big

p. 111

fancy (fancies, fancying, fancied) - feel a desire or liking for do you fancy a drink?
გატაცება , მიდრეკილება ( რამის მიმართ ); კაპრიზი , ახირება ,
Consistent - თანმიმდევრული; მდგრადი;
consistently - something that's done the same way for a long time.
Consistency - 1) თანმიმდევრობა; ლოგიკურობა; 2) მუდმივობა; 3) შეთანხმებულობა

Seamless - smooth and without seams or obvious joins ნაკერის გარეშე; უნაკერო. something
that has no breaks or gaps in it or which continues without stopping.
seamlessly - უწყვეტად, შეფერხების/გაუგებრობის გარეშე;
integrate (a team) seamlessly - შეკრა გუნდი;


augment - [ɔːgme̱nt] to make it larger, stronger, or more effective by adding something to

it. E.g. While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls.
Syn: supplement
augmented reality - "გაფართოებული რეალობა" a technology that superimposes a
computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite
view. გაზრდილი რეალობა
რორი სელან ჯონსმა გამოსცადა "გაფართოებული რეალობის" (augmented reality)
კომპიუტერული პროგრამა, რომელიც მობილურზე აჩვენებს რეალური, ცოცხალი
გამოსახულებების ამსახველ ვიდეოფილმს.

Cutting-Edge - თანამედროვე, მოწინავე

p. 129
recognition - 1) შეცნობა, ამოცნობა; 2) ცნობიერება, გაცნობიერება; identification of a thing or
person from previous encounters or knowledge
trigger - გამოწვევა (ზრდის, აფეთქების.
Augmented Reality (AR) may not be as exciting as a virtual reality roller coaster ride, but
the technology is proving itself as a very useful tool in our everyday lives.
When compared to other reality technologies, augmented reality lies in the middle of the
mixed reality spectrum; between the real world and the virtual world.
overlay - დაფარვა, ის რაც რაიმეს ზემოდან დევს; cover the surface of (something) with a
coating; lie on top of
tag up – mark or label sth; მონიშვნა, იარლიყის მიმაგრება. (დათაგვა)
Aurasma - is HP Autonomy's augmented reality platform. It is available as a software
development kit or as a free app for iOS- and Android-based mobile devices. Aurasma's
image recognition technology uses a smartphone's or tablet's camera to recognize real
world images and then overlay media on top of them in the form of animations, videos, 3D
models and web pages.
chunk – რაიმეს ნაწილი, დიდი ნაჭერი (divide smth into chunks) group of words

Matt Mills and Tamara Roukaerts
Information Pull (or pull in information = collect)– a consumer or user takes (or is given)
the initiative to get it;
Information Push - a supplier takes (or is given) the initiative to deliver it.
simmer - ადუღება, ბუყბუყი; თავის შეკავება სიცილისგან, გაბრაზებისგან
Blink - ციმციმი,
Simmer blinks - კაშკაშა ციმციმი
Overlay the content – კონტენტს ახლავს/ადევს
seam - ნაწიბური, ნაკერი
Seamlessly – უნაწიბუროდ, უნაკლოდ, smoothly, harmoniously
router ['ruːtə] a device which forwards data packets to the appropriate parts of a
computer network
take - 1. დუბლი 2. ჯერი a scene or sequence of sound or vision photographed or recorded
continuously at one time e.g. he completed a particularly difficult scene in two takes
jump in - act quickly, join in
digital badge – (Digital Technology) a title or icon associated with a user profile or account

Mexican wave or stadium wave is an example of metachronal rhythm achieved in a packed

stadium when successive groups of spectators briefly stand, yell, and raise their arms.
Immediately upon stretching to full height, the spectator returns to the usual seated
metachronal wave - refers to wavy movements produced by the sequential action

p. 130
badge –  ნიშანი, ემბლემა; კოკარდა; 

p. 131
trickery - ყალთაბანდობა; the practice of deception
Paradigm ['parədʌɪm]- მაგალითი, ნიმუში; სახესხვაობა, ტიპი; ცნებების და
შეხედულებების სისტემა (მეცნიერების რომელიმე დარგში); წესი, კანონი a typical example
or pattern of something; a pattern or model society's paradigm of the ‘ideal woman’
paradigm shift - მიდგომის ან ძირითადი შეხედულებების ფუნდამენტური ცვლილება a
fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. (= ძირითადი
e.g. "geophysical evidence supporting Wegener's theory led to a rapid paradigm shift in
the earth sciences"
Underlying assumptions - a set of rules one holds about oneself, others, and the world.
These rules are regarded by the individual as unquestionably true.
Compel – force; იძულება; დაძალება; ძალის დატანება.
edit out - remove, e.g. His voice will be edited out of the final film... [V ] She edited that
line out again. Syn: cut
Filler - ['fɪlə] შემავსებელი (ფრაზა)
Overly - მეტად, მეტისმეტად, გადაჭარბებულად

Invariably - [ɪn'vɛərɪəblɪ] უცვლელად

Unlikely - ნაკლებ სავარაუდო, უჩვეულო, მოულოდნელი, საეჭვო, ნაკლებ სარწმუნო
Bound to - უეჭველად ; აუცილებლად
be about - be involved or to do with; have the intention of it's all about having fun
about to do something - intending to do something or close to doing something very soon
the ceremony was about to begin
come true - actually happen or become the case dreams can come true
Pedestrians - ფეხით მოსიარულეები
assert - მტკიცება; განცხადება, დაცვა, დამტკიცება (უფლების) ;state a fact or belief
confidently and forcefully: e.g. the company asserts that the cuts will not affect
development; cause others to recognize (one's authority or a right) by confident and
forceful behavior
freeplay radio - It's a modern, high-tech radio that doesn't need batteries. Generally
powered by hand cranked generators that charge rechargeable batteries.
Commonplace - ბანალური
be to do something – formal a) used to talk about arrangements for the future
e.g. Audrey and Jimmy are to be married in June; Two men are to appear in court on
charges of armed robbery.
Snooker - სნუკერი - ბილიარდის სახეობა, რომელსაც ექვსჯიბიან მაგიდაზე თამაშობენ 22
ბურთით (15 წითელი, 6 ფერადი და ერთი თეთრი)
bring sb down - to depress someone. The news really brought me down.ჩაჩუმება, ხმის
ჩაწყვეტინება; თავისი ადგილის მიჩენა; დამცირება; გუნების გაფუჭება. to cause someone in
a position of power to lose their job: This scandal could bring down the country's
government. 2. to cause someone to fall down by pushing or kicking the person when they
are moving: Suarez was awarded a penalty when Olsson brought him down.

make somebody/yourself sick - British English - if you make yourself sick, you do
something to bring food up from your stomach through your mouth

make yourself ill – it may mean: get depressed

be better off - be in a better position, esp. in financial terms e.g. the promotion would
make her about $750 a year

look out for - თვალთვალი, თვალყურის დევნება; რისამე ძებნა; pay attention to things so
that you notice it if or when it occurs. E. g. Look out for special deals.. Syn: watch for
disposition -მიდრეკილება; გუნება განწყობა; ზნე, ხასიათი. tend - მიდრეკილების ქონა;
Self-Help - თვითდახმარება, საკუთარი თავისა და შესაძლებლობების იმედად ყოფნა
Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement—economically, intellectually,
or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis. Many different self-help
group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents
(ადვოკატი, დამცველი) and in some cases, leaders. Concepts and terms originating in self-
help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and
codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.
At the start of the 21st century, "the self-improvement industry, inclusive of books,
seminars, audio and video products, and personal coaching, [was] .
pure - სუფთა, წმინდა
mindset -  აზროვნება the established set of attitudes held by someone e.g. the region
seems stuck in a medieval mindset; 1. a person's way of thinking and their opinions: 2. a
person's way of thinking and their opinions: .

functional - რაც დამოკიდებულია რისამე მოქმედებაზე და არა სტრუქტურაზე. of or having

a special activity, purpose, or task a functional role ■ relating to the way in which
something works or operates e.g. there are important functional differences between left
and right brain |
Business Venture - საქმიანი რისკი; რისკიანი საქმე
Doomed - {საერთ.} [duːmd] სასიკვდილოდ გაწირული
Enhance - გაზრდა; გაუმჯობესება; გაძლიერება;
every cloud has its silver lining - ზოგი ჭირი მარგებელია
Anxiety - მღელვარება; შეშფოთება
keep expectations low – not to be carried away by a high and often excessive degree of
emotion or enthusiasm.

to keep expectations low to avoid disappointment. Someone who hates getting excited
about seeing someone, dating someone, spending forever alongside someone — and then
having his heart broken.

e.g. to walk into any situation with the worst case scenario in mind so one is prepared for
whatever goes wrong. If the day ends up going better than expected, he is pleasantly
surprised. It’s a win-win situation.

Outlook - მომავლის ხედვა; პერსპექტივა;



wow - განსაცვიფრებელი რაღაც. განცვიფრება, შთაბეჭდილების მოხდენა. impress and

excite (someone) greatly e.g. they wowed audiences on their recent British tour
founding [fa͟ʊndɪŋ] დამაარსებელი ADJ means relating to the starting of a particular
institution or organization. E.g. He is founding director of The Conservation Foundation
Showcase - ['ʃəukeɪs] ვიტრინა, წარმოდგენა, საზოგადოებას წარუდგინა,

Hands-On - პრაქტიკული; სიცოცხლესთან დაკავშირებული, practical, interactive,
participatory and not by reading about it or by watching it done
Futuristic - [ˌfjuːʧə'rɪstɪk] having or involving very modern technology or design; very
modern and unusual მომავლის; მითიური, ზღაპრული, ფანტასტიური;
hunch over - მოკუზვა. მოხრა. გადახრა. (სხეულის)round one's back by bending forward and
drawing the shoulders forward
head on - face-to-face; პირდაპირ, taking a particular course of action.
Headsets - a set of headphones; ყურსასმენები; ყურსასმენები ინტეგრირებული
Guinea Pig - ზღვის გოჭი; სახლისა და ლაბორატორიულ ცხოველებად ჰყავთ a person or
thing used as a subject for experiment
credibility -სინამდვილე, საიმედოობა; ეფექტურობის თვალსაზრისით აქვს უფრო მეტი
მნიშვნელობა, ვიდრე სინამდვილეს

Self-Sufficient - 1) დამოუკიდებელი, 2) ეკონომიკურად დამოუკიდებელი
Squeeze in - to be able to do something, even though you do not have much time e.g.I can
squeeze a meeting in early tomorrow morning.

(I can squeeze you in after my one o'clock appointment. The teacher tried to squeeze in a few
more lessons before school vacation)
hand over - pass responsibility to someone else e.g.he will soon hand over to a new director

Demographic - [ˌdeməu'græfɪk] დემოგრაფიული
Demographic Item - დემოგრაფიული საკითხი, პუნქტი, რომელიც ეხება ადამიანის ისეთ
მახასიათებლებს , როგორიცაა სქესი , ასაკი , განათლება , საქმიანობის სფერო და მისთ.
Generation X - the generation born after that of the baby boomers (roughly from the
early 1960s to mid 1970s), typically perceived to be disaffected and directionless
Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y,- are the demographic cohort
following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media
typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as
ending birth years. Millennials are sometimes referred to as "echo boomers" due to a
major surge in birth rates in the 1980s and 1990s, and because millennials are often the
children of the baby boomers.
Generation Z,the generation after Millennials, people born from the mid-1990s to the
early 2000s, made up 25% of the U.S. population, making them a larger cohort than the
Baby Boomers or Millennials.
Latchkey - [noun] 1) ამერიკული საკეტის გასაღები; 2) გამღები; 3) გასაღები, რომელიც კარს
მხოლოდ გარედან აღებს
Latchkey Child - ბავშვი, რომელიც სახლში ზედამხედველების გარეშე დიდ დროს ატარებს,
მაშინ როდესაც მშობლები მუშაობენ
quantum leap - კვანტური ნახტომი a sudden large increase or advance. E.g. "there has
been a quantum leap in the quality of wines marketed in the UK"
self-service checkout (semi-attended customer-activated terminal, SACAT) machines
provide a mechanism for customers to process their own purchases from a retailer. They
are an alternative to the traditional cashier-staffed checkout. The customer performs the
job of the cashier themselves, by scanning and applying payment for the items.

Checkout - სალარო (თვითმომსახურების მაღაზიაში), საკონტროლო-საკასო აპარატი;

შენაძენების ღირებულების დათვლა.
consumerism [kən'so͞oməˌrizəm] the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers
2) often derogatory the preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods
•კონსუმერიზმი, მომხმარებელთა ინტერესების (უფლებების) დაცვა, მოძრაობა
მომხმარებელთა უფლებების დასაცავად (60-იანი წლების დასაწყისში კანონი
"მომხმარებელთა უფლებებზე". გაზრდილი მომხმარებლურობა
speak up -right to speak გამოთქმის უფლება
Subset - ['sʌbset] დიდი ჯგუფის, უმრავლესობის ნაწილი.
Yuppi - (ამერ.) იაპი (შეძლებული ახალგაზრდა, რომელიც პროფესიით მუშაობს და ელიტურ
ცხოვრებას ეწევა)
Yuppie - იაპი (მაღალანაზღაურებადი სპეციალისტების ჯგუფი 30-40 წლის ცხოვრების
მზარდი დონით; შეადგენს მიზნობრივ ბაზარს რამდენიმე რეკლამის დამკვეთებისთვის;
კონკრეტული პირისადმი მიმართვისას ტერმინი ითვლება შეურაცხმყოფელად)
Mainstream - გავრცელებული, გაბატონებული, ძირითადი;

Sparsely - ['spɑːslɪ] იშვიათად, მეჩხერად
Partitive - გამყოფი სიტყვა; 2) [adj.] (გრამ.) გამყოფი, პარტიციული;
glimmer - ციმციმი, ციალი, სუსტი, მკრთალი სინათლე; ბჟუტვა (ბჟუტავს),

a glimmer of hope/light/interest - a slight sign of something good or positive; a glimmer t

Bundle - პარკი, დასტა, შეკვრა, კონა
a bundle of fun (or laughs) - INFORMAL•IRONIC extremely amusing or
entertaining person or thing."you're a bundle of laughs this evening"
Stroke - დარტყმა, ბიძგი; უეცარი შეტევა
stroke of luck - something good that happens to you by chance e.g.He had exactly the part
that I needed so that was a stroke of luck.
a drop of rain - figurative (small amount)
a mine of information - someone who has a lot of knowledge
a flash of inspiration - someone or something that gives you ideas for doing
something:The golden autumn light provided the inspiration for the painting.

flash of inspiration/brilliance/insight/anger etc e.g. if someone has a flash of brilliance,

anger etc, they suddenly have a clever idea or a particular feeling


Vintage - ხარისხიანი; სამარკო ღვინო; vintage wine; რისამე წარმოების ან გამოშვების

თარიღი, განსაკ. შორეული; (ეკ.) ტექნიკის თაობა; სამარკო; დავარგებული; ძველებური;
კლასიკური; denoting something from the past of high quality, especially something
representing the best of its kind
a bull-riding machine - A mechanical bull, also known as a rodeo bull is a machine that
replicates the sensation of riding a bucking animal, such as a rodeo bull or horse

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